
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:56 评论:0
香港要闻:Hong Kong highlights: 14只香港虚拟资产现货ETF今日成交额约3683.12万港元成交额 14 Hong Kong virtual assets act...



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Hong Kong highlights:


14 Hong Kong virtual assets active ETFs are paid today in the amount of approximately HK$36,831,200


According to the Flying Bull data, as of today (24 June), 14 of Hong Kong's first release of virtual assets, on-the-shelf ETF transactions, totalled HK$ 36.83.12 million.


Of which:


The Hong Kong dollar counters are the same.


(a) ETF (3042.HK) in Washington, D.C., with an amount of HK$ 1,549.47 million;


(a) ETF (3046.HK) with a sum of HK$ 5.0441 million in Huaxia;


The cash ETF (3439.HK) in Katsumibitco was awarded HK$ 37.47.7 million;


(a) Katsuya paid HK$20.4 million in cash ETF (3179.HK);


(a) HashKey bitcoin ETF (3008.HK) at Bohing with a value of HK$1,103.2 million;


HashKey paid HK$1,859,400 in TNT (3009.HK) at Bohing;


The total is approximately HK$ 2,92.24 million.

美元柜台及人民币柜台,以截至发稿7.80759 美元/港元(USDHKD)、0.93010 港元/人民币(HKDCNY)汇率分别计为,

The US dollar counter and the renminbi counter are calculated at the exchange rates of US$ 7.80759, US$ DHKD and HK$ 0.93010, respectively.


(a) Warchabitcoin-U (09042.HK) amounted to US$ 80.088 million, or approximately HK$ 6.3148 million;


(a) The sum of TT-U (09046.HK) is US$0.000, or approximately HK$0.000;


(a) Huashabitcoin-R (83042.HK) with a value of RMB 0.00, or approximately HK$0.000;


(a) The amount of Ether-R (83046.HK) was paid in the amount of RMB 497,000, or approximately HK$ 462,000;


(a) Katsumibitco-U (09439.HK) with a volume of US$0.000, or approximately HK$0.000;


The sum of TT-U (09179.HK) is US$0.000, or approximately HK$0.000;


(a) HashKeybitcoin-U (09008.HK) at Bohr with a volume of $7.22 million, or approximately HK$56.37 million;


(a) HashKey at Bohq was paid US$ 8.25 million in taeco-U (09009.HK), or approximately HK$ 644.1 million;


The total is approximately HK$ 7,568,000.


A total of HK$36.832 million has been transferred to the 14 Hong Kong virtual assets active ETFs today.



United States publishes draft targeted rules that seek to limit investment in technology areas such as China AI

美国财政部发布一系列具有针对性的规则草案,旨在禁止或要求通报美国个人和企业在中国的AI和其他技术领域的某些可能威胁美国国家安全的投资。美副财长Paul Rosen称,“拟议中的规则有助于促进我们的国家安全,这将防止某些美国投资带来的诸多好处(不仅仅是资本)被用于支持那些可能会利用它们来威胁我们国家安全的国家开发敏感技术。”

The U.S. Treasury Department has issued a series of targeted draft rules designed to prohibit or require notification of US individuals and businesses for certain investments in China’s AI and other technical fields that could threaten US national security. According to U.S. Vice-Minister Paul Rosen, the proposed rules help to promote our national security by preventing the many benefits (not just capital) of some US investments from being used to support the development of sensitive technologies in countries that may use them to threaten our national security.


Initially, the rules were primarily addressed to mainland China, Macao and Hong Kong, but United States officials stated that the scope would be extended or extended later.

Meta意欲整合其人工智能模型至苹果Apple Intelligence

Meta wants to integrate its AI model to Apple Apple Intelligence

据华尔街日报周目报导,Facebook母公司Meta Platforms已讨论将其生成式人工智能模型整合到苹果最近宣布的人工智能系统Apple Intelligence中,该系统被应用于iPhone及其他设备。

According to the Wall Street Journal weekly, the Facebook parent company Meta Platforms has discussed the integration of its generation artificial intelligence model into Apple's recently announced artificial intelligence system, Apple Intelligence, which has been applied to iPhone and other devices.


At the same time, Anthropic and Perplexity are also negotiating with Apple to explore the introduction of their generation AI technology into Apple's smart systems.

苹果将暂停在欧洲推出“Apple Intelligence”计划及三项新Al功能

apples will be suspended in Europe & & ldquao; Apple Intelligence&rdquao; planned and three new Al functions

苹果表示,将暂停在欧洲推出“Apple Intelligence”计划,将推迟推出三项新的Al功能,包括即将推出的AI工具套件。因为标志性的欧盟技术规则要求苹果确保竟争对手的产品和服务能够在其设备上使用。

Apples say they will suspend the roll-out of &ldquao in Europe; Apple Intelligence&rdquao; and plans to delay the roll-out of three new Al features, including the forthcoming launch of the AI tool package. Because landmark EU technical rules require apples to ensure that competing products and services can be used on their equipment.

苹果表示,欧盟新的商业竞争规则导致其决定暂停AI升级以及iPhone的特定功能,包括iPhone Mirroring和SharePlay Screen Sharing。这一决定可能会影响数百万用户,以及即将推出的新硬件的销售。

Apple states that the EU’s new business competition rules led to its decision to suspend the AI upgrade and the specific functionality of iPhone, including iPhone Mirroring and SharePlay Screen Sharing. This decision could affect millions of users, as well as the forthcoming sale of new hardware.


The Digital Market Act (DMA), originally adopted in 2022, is an EU regulation designed to ensure fair competition in the digital market.


It addresses so-called & ldquo; gatekeeper & rdquo; defined by the Act as a large digital platform, such as search engines and application shops. The Act imposes specific obligations, prohibitions and fines on companies, aimed at resolving conflicts of interest and providing a level playing field for European companies. The Act may result in the imposition of fines of up to 10% of their global annual earnings, or 20% in the case of repeated violations.

马克?古尔曼:苹果“平价版”Vision Pro头显需配合iPhone/Mac才能使用

Mark? Gurman: Apple & ldquao; Price & rdquao; Vision Pro highlights the need for iPhone/Mac to use

据科技记者马克?古尔曼透露,苹果正在开发“平价版”Vision Pro,这款代号为N107的头显据称FOV视角将会更窄,需要连接Mac/iPhone才能使用,逻辑类似Apple Watch。苹果希望“最早在2025年底”推出更平价的Vision头显,尽管如此,苹果仍在“努力降低成本的同时保留关键功能”。

According to tech journalist Mark Gulman, Apple is developing & ldquo; & & rdquo; Vision Pro, the head of N107, which is said to be a narrower FOV view that needs to be linked to Mac/iPhone to be used along the same logic as Apple Watch. Apple Hope & & ldquao; as early as the end of 2025 & & rdquao; introducing a more affordable Vision head, although apples are still & & & & ldquao; trying to reduce costs while preserving critical functions & & rdquao;


Ants set up an antenna safety laboratory to focus on large model infrastructure and Web3 safety


The ants group announced the establishment of the Sky Safety Laboratory and organized the first expert seminar. The laboratory will focus on the security of the digital infrastructure behind new technologies and scenes, such as the Big Model, Web3, and focus on the integration of talent building, landscape empowerment, eco-opening, and production and research technologies.


Industry finance:


Security Startup PQShield completes 37 million US$ B round finance, with Addtion leading

总部位于牛津的后量子密码学初创公司PQShield完成3700万美元B轮融资,Addition领投,Braavos Capital、Legal&General和Chevron Technology Ventures等参投。所筹资金将用于雇佣更多员工,促进与合作伙伴和客户建立更紧密的合作关系。

The funding will be used to hire more staff and promote closer partnerships with partners and clients.

公司本轮融资与美国即将制定的标准及科技巨头宣布他们的移民计划不谋而合。美国国家标准技术研究所(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)发布的后量子加密学标准即将在当地获批,这意味着公司将必须遵守新的量子就绪准则。科技巨头如Apple、Meta、Zoom和Signal宣布已经准备好向后量子密码学迁移。

The company’s current round of financing coincides with the standards that the United States is about to establish and the technology giants have announced their immigration plans. The post-quantial encryption standards issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST, are about to be approved locally, which means that companies will have to comply with new quantum readiness guidelines.

“后量子密码学已开始被广泛采用”,公司CEO Ali El Kaafarani表示。“但随着未来几周官方标准的释出,它已不再关乎于风险分析,而事关合规性议题。”

& ldquo; Post-Quantum cryptography has begun to be widely used ” the company CEO Ali El Kaafarani states. & ldquao; but with the release of official standards in the coming weeks, it is no longer about risk analysis but about compliance issues. &rdquao;

PQShield已经准备好为诸如芯片制造商巨头AMD、Microchip Technologie及Lattice Semiconductor,航天航空、国防公司Collins Aerospace,提供软硬件结合的定制方案,并向商业及政府提供向量子安全过渡转型的意见。

PQShield is ready to provide customized programmes for software and hardware combinations for giants such as chip manufacturers AMD, Microchip Technologie and Latice Semiconductor, Aerospace and Defence Corporation Collins Aerospace, and to provide commercial and government advice on the transition to quantum security.


PQShield, founded in 2018, is a company that develops quantum hardware, software and communications technology. The company’s products are designed to protect traditional digital cryptography from the threats posed by quantum computers & mdash; it has installed numerous Internet browsers, business databases and networking devices, including cars and aircraft, all over the world.


DePIN developer Verida completes $5 million in seed rotation finance,

DePIN网络开发商Verida完成500万美元种子轮融资,投后估值达5000万美元。O-DE Capital Partners、ChaiTech Ventures、Simurg Labs、Gate Labs、HASH CIB、Bison Capital、Amesten Capital和Mysten Labs的Evan Cheng等参投。新资金将用于开发Verida的个人数据储存基础设施,为用户个人信息提供去中心化存储和加密服务。

The DePIN web developer, Verida, has completed $5 million in seed rotation financing, valued at $50 million. O-DE Capital Partners, ChaiTech Ventures, Simurg Labs, Gate Labs, HASH CIB, Bison Capital, Amesten Capital and Evan Cheng of Mysten Labs are participating. The new funds will be used to develop the personal data storage infrastructure in Verida to provide decentralised storage and encryption services for user personal information.


SoValue completes $4.15 million in seed rotation finance from Hongshan to drive AI-driven data service development

总部位于新加坡的加密金融研究新创公司SoSoValue完成415万美元种子轮融资,本轮融资的投资机构包括HongShan、GSR Markets 、Alumni Ventures、CoinSummer Labs以及OnePiece Labs等。同时包括Gitcoin联合创始人、以太坊早期投资者以及顶级Web3和AI科技公司的创始人也参与本轮融资。

SosoValue, a Singapore-based innovative firm for cryptographic financial research, has completed $4.15 million in seed rotation financing, with investment agencies such as Hongshan, GSR Markets, Alumni Ventures, CoinSummer Labs, and OnePiece Labs. These include the co-founders of Gitcoin, early investors in Ether, and the founders of the top technology companies Web3 and AI.


The co-founder of SosoValue, Jivvva, said, "This round of funding will be used to promote the development of SoSoValue's AI-driven data services and to expand the global research community."


SoSoValue has over 1.2 million natural registered users within five months of its launch. As an innovation platform, SoSValue aims to provide every investor with the resources needed to make informed investment decisions in a rapidly changing world of encrypted currencies, from beginners to experts.


Data phenomena:


Coinglass数据显示,过去24小时加密货币市场全网合约爆仓1.01亿美元,共有49,042人被爆仓,其中多单爆仓9240.30万美元,空单爆仓827.46万美元。BTC爆仓总金额约2316.27万美元,ETH爆仓总金额1809.97万美元。最大单笔爆仓单发生在OKX - ETH-USDT-SWAP价值$170.92万。

Coinglass data show that in the last 24 hours, a total of 49,042 people were hit by an explosion of $101 million on an Internet-wide contract for an encrypted currency market, of which 92,4.3 million were silos and $8,274.6 million were empty. The BTC explosion was worth approximately $23,167 million and the ETH explosion was valued at $18,097,000. The largest single explosion was in OKX-ETH-USDT-SWAP, valued at $1.709 million.

比特币现已跌至62800 USDT附近


Coinglass data show that Bitcoin has now fallen close to $62,800, with a 24-hour drop of almost 2.5 per cent.


Coinglass数据显示,全网BTC期货合约未平仓头寸为52.51万BTC,约合337.94亿美元,24H跌幅1.04%。其中CME BTC合约未平仓头寸为15.71万BTC(约合100.94亿美元),排名第一。

Coinglass data show that the unsettled position of the worldwide BTC futures contract is 52.51 million BTC, or approximately $33.794 billion, with 24H falling by 1.04%. Of these, CME BTC is ranked first in the 15.171 million BTC (approximately $10.94 billion).



Statistics from Santiago show that the total number of Bitcoin giant whales traded ($100,000 or more) has been 9923 in the last two days, a 42% decrease from the 17091 recorded in the previous two days. Changes in the behaviour of giant whales occurred when the price of Bitcoins fell from $64685 to $63422.


has sold more than 30,000 bitcoins since June


IntoTheBlock data show that since June, more than 30,000 BTCs (about $2 billion) have been sold by Bitcoin miners, the fastest in more than a year. The recent reduction in half has led to a decline in profits, triggering the sale.


The number of Bitcoins held by the Exchange has been declining since January, and 250,000 have been released


According to HODL15Capital data, since January of this year, the amount of bitcoins held by the exchange has continued to decline steadily, with about 250,000 bitcoins flowing out of the exchange. Previously, industry sources analysed that, in addition to some of the benefits, most of the outflows were either out of the exchange or went into Bitcoin spot ETF.

10x Research创始人:比特币近期的“双顶”形态可能预示着价格将进一步下跌至5万美元

10xResearch Founder: Bitcoin's recent &ldquao; Twin Tops & rdquao; shapes may portend prices to $50,000

加密研究公司10x Research创始人Markus Thielen指出,比特币(BTC)近期形成了“双顶”形态,这是一种典型的看跌趋势信号,可能预示着价格将进一步下跌至50,000美元。比特币在本月接近70,000美元的高点后,已经回落至63,000美元,受矿工加速抛售、投资者在高点获利了结以及美国上市现货交易所交易基金的资金流出影响。

According to Markus Thielen, founder of cryptography 10xResearch, Bitcoin (BTC) has recently formed “ double-top & rdquao; a typical sign of a downward trend that may portend prices to $50,000. Bitcoin has fallen back to $63,000 after approaching $70,000 this month, influenced by the acceleration of sales by miners, the profitability of investors at high points, and the outflow of funds from the United States marketed spot exchange funds.


Although the United States election and consumer price index (CPI) data are likely to yield benefits in the course of the year, bitcoin still faces a deeper risk of revision. Moreover, the Fed’s preferred inflation index & mdash; & mdash; and the personal consumption expenditure (PCE) price index, which is about to be released, is expected to show the lowest monthly growth in core data in more than three years, which could lead to interest cuts in September, thus supporting the Fed’s risky assets, including Bitcoin.

以太坊跌破3400 USDT

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The talisman has fallen by 3400 USDDT

据Bitget行情显示,以太坊跌破3400 USDT,日内跌幅为0.72%。

According to Bitget, it fell by 0.42 per cent in the day when it fell by 3400 USDT.


dropped to its lowest level since 2020 with


As a result of the low consumption rate, the average supply growth rate for seven days has been 0.56%/year, due to the low rate of consumption.


In addition, after the current round of Bitcoin block incentives to halve, Bitcoin miners’ income per terahertz/second (7-day MA) has been historically low in the last two months. In addition to halving, the miner’s income is likely to be reduced by a lower number of new wallets entering the Bitcoin ecology, currently at its lowest level since 2018 (7-day MA).


Global wind direction:


The Japanese listed company Metaplanet proposes to issue some $6.26 million in bonds to increase the amount of bitcoin


The Japanese listed company Metaplanet indicated that its board of directors had approved an increase of bitcoins in the use of approximately $6.26 million ($1 billion), which would come from the issuance of the company’s second-generation general bonds (with guarantees). The official announcement indicated that these bonds would be paid at an annual interest rate of 0.5 per cent, due on 26 June 2024 and due on 25 June 2025.


McKenzie Analyst: Assets monetized to 2030 or $2 trillion


The consulting firm McKinsey&Company analysts say that, after a round of “cold-starting” of currency-based financial assets, the market size will be about $2 trillion by 2030. “In view of this increase, the value may double to about $4 trillion.” In addition, it suggests that cash and deposits, bonds and exchange instruments (ETN), mutual funds and ETFs, loans and securitization will be the first to achieve “a meaningful adoption”.


The address of the United States Government currently holds some 217,000 bitcoins and 53,000 e-Payers


According to Arkham data, the address of the Government of the United States currently holds 217,486 bitcoins valued at approximately $13.9 billion, and 53,900 pieces valued at approximately $187 million. In addition, it holds 121 million USDTs, 750 WBTCs (approximately $47.35 million) and 40285 BNBs (approximately $23.37 million).


Belaid, Greyscale, MicroStrategy for the three leading companies in the world's Bitcoin warehouse


HODL15Capital Twitter lists the 10 largest companies holding bitcoin worldwide as of 22 June, among which:


Beled (IBIT): 305614 BTC;


Greyscale (GBTC): 277,067 BTCs;


MicroStrategy (MSTR): 226331 BTC;


FBTC: 167475 BTC;


Tether: 75354 BTCs;

ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF(ARKB):46335枚BTC。

ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF (ARKB): 46335 BTC.

Cathie Wood:基于美国经济发展考虑,将投票支持特朗普

Cathi Wood: In view of the economic development of the United States, a vote will be taken in favour of Trump

ARK Invest CEO兼首席投资官Cathie Wood近日表示,其计划在即将举行的总统大选中投票给美国前总统、共和党推定提名人特朗普。「正如我对我的孩子们说的,我会把票投给对我们的经济最有利的人。在经济问题上,我是一个选民。在这个基础上,特朗普。」

ARK Invest CEO and Chief Investment Officer Cattie Wood recently indicated that it plans to vote in the upcoming presidential elections for the former President of the United States, the Republican nominee, Trump. "As I said to my children, I will vote for the most beneficial to our economy. In economic matters, I am a voter. On this basis, Trump."


Bloomberg: The Trump campaign team initiated the return of the excess contribution limit to Gemini

据彭博社报道,唐纳德·特朗普的总统竞选团队向美国加密货币交易所Gemini联合创始人Cameron Winklevoss和Tyler Winklevoss兄弟返还了超过法定限额的捐款。

According to Bloomberg, Donald & Middot; Trump's presidential campaign team returned donations in excess of the statutory limit to Cameron Winklevos and the Tyler Winklevos brothers, co-founders of the United States crypto-currency exchange Gemini.

此前消息,Gemini联创Cameron Winklevoss、Tyler Winklevoss推特发文称,已分别向特朗普竞选团队捐赠了100万美元的比特币(15.47枚BTC),超过了特朗普委员会合法接受的每人844,600美元的最高限额。

Earlier, Gemini co-sponsored Cameron Winklevos and Tyler Winklevos tweets that $1 million (15.47 BTCs) had been donated to the Trump campaign team, exceeding the legally accepted ceiling of $844,600 per person.

小罗伯特·肯尼迪:若当选总统将赦免「丝绸之路」创建者Ross Ulbricht

Little Robert & Middot; Kennedy: President-elect will pardon Ross Ulbricht the founder of the Silk Road.

美国总统候选人小罗伯特·肯尼迪(Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.)近日表示,若当选总统将赦免「丝绸之路」创建者Ross Ulbricht。此外,其打算签署一份请愿书,要求释放Ross Ulbricht,并敦促其他人加入该倡议。

The United States presidential candidate, Robert & Middot Jr.; Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., recently indicated that if elected, the President would pardon Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road. Moreover, it intends to sign a petition for the release of Ross Ulbricht and urges others to join the initiative.

此前消息,特朗普曾于华盛顿特区举行的自由党全国代表大会上表示,若其再次当选总统,将减刑并释放「丝绸之路」创建者Ross Ulbricht。

Previously, Trump had stated at the Freedom Party National Congress in Washington, D.C. that if he was re-elected President, he would have his sentence commuted and his founder, Ross Ulbricht, released.

Andrew Kang:ETH ETF的影响不及BTC ETF明显,ETH上行空间有限

Andrew Kang: ETH ETF has less influence than BTC ETF and ETH has limited access to

Mechanism Capital联合创始人Andrew Kang在X发文对以太坊现货ETF对市场的影响进行了分析。Andrew Kang认为,BTC ETF为许多新买家打开了大门,让他们可以在投资组合中配置比特币。ETH ETF的影响则不那么明显,除非以太坊开发出一条令人信服的途径来改善其经济状况,否则ETH价格不会有太大的上行空间。

Andrew Kang, founder of the Mechanism Capital co-founder, wrote in X an analysis of the market impact of Ether's spot ETF. Andrew Kang argued that BTC ETF opened the door to many new buyers, allowing them to place bitcoins in their portfolios. The impact of ETH ETF was less obvious, and there would be little room for ETH prices to go up unless a convincing way was developed to improve their economic situation.


He expected that the current ETF flow in Taiwan would fall short of the general expectations in the market, as ETF approval was surprising and the issuer did not have much time to persuade large holders to convert it to ETF.

Andrew Kang预计ETH/BTC将继续呈下降趋势,未来一年的比率将在0.035至0.06之间。尽管样本量很小,但市场确实看到ETH/BTC在每个周期中都创下更低的高点,因此这应该不足为奇。

Andrew Kang expects ETH/BTC to continue its downward trend, with rates ranging from 0.035 to 0.06 per year over the next year. Despite the small sample volume, the market does see ETH/BTC at lower heights in each cycle, which should not be surprising.


Brazilian football star Ronald Dino: Encrypted money is about to become mainstream

巴西足球巨星罗纳尔迪尼奥于凌晨发推表示,「加密货币即将成为主流,谁和我一起?」(Time for crypto to go mainstream, who’s with me?)

The Brazilian football star Ronald Diño pushed in the morning saying, "Time for Crypto to go mainstream, who ’s with me?

说唱歌手50 Cent声称X账户遭黑客攻击,黑客推广加密货币骗取约3亿美元

rapper 50 Cent claims that X accounts were hacked, and hackers promote encrypted currency scams of about $300 million

著名说唱歌手Curtis James Jackson III(艺名“50 Cent”)声称他的X(以前的Twitter)账户和网站遭到黑客攻击,导致黑客推广一种加密货币哄抬和抛售代币,从受害者手中骗取了3亿美元。

The famous rapper Curtis James Jackson III (Art & ldquo; 50 Cent”) claimed that his X (former Twitter) account and website had been hacked, leading hackers to promote an encrypted currency to lift and sell their tokens and to steal $300 million from the victims.

黑客创建了一个新的加密代币“GUNIT”,利用50 Cent的大量追随者(约1290万粉丝)来吸引更多投资者并抬高价格,然后耗尽其价值,代币价格暴跌至0.00016美元。6月21日,50 Cent在Instagram上向他的3280万粉丝发帖声称他的X帐户和网站遭到黑客攻击,并承认受害者的大量资金已从项目中流失。“Twitter迅速锁定了我的账户。不管是谁干的,他在30分钟内就赚了3亿美元,”50 Cent宣称与这种加密货币没有任何关系”。

The hacker created a new encrypted token & ldquo; GUNIT” and used a large number of 50 Cent followers (approximately 12.9 million fans) to attract more investors and raise prices, then depleted their value, which fell sharply to US$ 0.00016. On 21 June, 50 Cent posted on Instagram his 32.8 million fans claiming that his X account and website had been hacked and admitted that the victims had lost a lot of money from the project. & ldquo; Twitter quickly locked my account. Whoever did it, he made $300 million in 30 minutes, ” 50 Cent declared that it had nothing to do with this encrypted currency & rdquo;



The financial firm Parfin, which focuses on encryption and block chains, created a new block chain system, Rayls, designed to enhance the privacy of the Brazilian Central Bank's digital currency (CBDC) Drex. The solution can operate in a licensed way, with each account interacting with the system having to pass a KYC program.

矿企Marathon Digital试点利用比特币算力为11,000名芬兰居民供暖

Mining Company Marathon Digital Pilot Using Bitcoin Calculus to Heat 11,000 Finnish Residents

比特币矿企Marathon Digital Holdings宣布了一项新的2兆瓦(MW)试点项目,旨在利用比特币挖矿操作产生的热量为芬兰一个拥有11,000名居民的社区供暖。

The Bitcoin company Marathon Digital Holdings announced a new 2 megawatt (MW) pilot project aimed at heating a community of 11,000 inhabitants of Finland using heat generated by bitcoin mining operations.


The plan is the first digital asset calculation exercise to be designed by Marathon for a regional heating solution, at the core of which is to heat water in a centralized location and distribute it to local areas through underground pipes. Marathon is exploring ways to monetize its numeracy by generating heat recovery rather than relying on fossil fuels.


Regulatory developments:


Bitwise, Van Eckk et al. spot ETF applicants submitted a revised document S-1


Seven ETA spot ETF applicants have submitted revised S-1 documents, including Bitwise, Fuda, Van Eck, Franklin, 21 Shares, Greyscale, and Belede. In addition, Franklin sets the cost at 0.19% and Van Eck sets the cost at 0.2%.


Korea Financial Research Institute: Encrypted spot ETFs do more harm to the local economy than good


In its latest report, the Korea Financial Research Institute has stated that the introduction of encrypted spot ETFs could cause more trouble for the Korean economy than “benefits.” Allowing such products to go online could have side effects, such as “inefficiency in resource allocation, increased exposure to risks associated with encrypted currency in financial markets, and reduced financial stability”, leading to encryption markets intercepting large amounts of cash flows for local financial markets, which “may mean” a reduction in investment in local industries.

a16z crypto就美国税局1099-DA表格草案提交反馈意见

a16z crypto to provide feedback on the draft USS 1099-DA form

a16z crypto近日对美国国税局(IRS)的1099-DA表格草案发表评论,其中包括:每笔数字资产交易都需要多个经纪人提交1099-DA表格,造成不必要的重复信息报告,给申报者带来不合理的负担;要求经纪人报告钱包地址是不必要的,并会将敏感的纳税人信息置于重大风险之中;提供1099-DA表格所要求的信息成本过高,在某些情况下甚至无法达成。

a16z Crypto recently commented on the draft 1099-DA form of the United States Revenue Service (IRS), which includes: each digital asset transaction requires multiple brokers to submit 1099-DA forms, creating unnecessary duplicate information reports and placing an unreasonable burden on filers; requiring brokers to report wallet addresses is unnecessary and places sensitive taxpayer information at significant risk; and providing the information required in the 1099-DA form is too costly or, in some cases, impossible to achieve.


In addition, final legislation should delay or " step-by-step " the entry into force of the requirements for digital asset information reporting; non-host wallets and digital asset payment processors should be removed from the category of " brokers " listed in the 1099-DA form; the United States IRS should not require the submission of 1099-DA forms for the disposal of stable currencies supported by French currency and most NFTs (non-assimilated tokens); and the requirement for the submission of 1099-DA forms should include a minimum threshold, allowing brokers to aggregate transactions for reporting purposes.


The Digital Chamber of Commerce of


The Digital Chamber of Commerce has provided feedback on the 1099-DA form proposed by the US IRS for reporting digital asset transactions. The detailed response of the Digital Chamber is intended to simplify the form, make it easier for brokers dealing with digital assets, such as encrypted currency, and address the privacy of taxpayers, including requiring taxpayers to report only the necessary information for digital asset transactions.


The Chamber is also concerned about the requirement in the forms for sensitive information such as transaction IDs and digital asset addresses. They believe that such information may violate taxpayers’ privacy and should be collected only if there is a suspicion of criminal activity. Feedback indicates that the draft forms imply the need for specific broker instructions, but they are not included. The Chamber recommends that the IRS publish these instructions for public review before finalizing the forms to ensure that brokers can accurately fill them out.


The Chamber of Commerce suggested that the form should allow brokers to indicate whether different tax rates apply to digital assets, such as NFTs, which may be considered collections and taxed at higher rates, which would help to prevent the IRS from addressing errors and ensuring accurate tax reporting.


United States Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board considers seized encrypted currency as &ldquao; non-monetary property as &rdquao;


The United States Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASB) states that seized encrypted assets should be considered as “ non-monetary property & & rdquao; and central bank digital currency (CBDC) as monetary instruments. According to FASB, encrypted currency & & ldquao; usually not having all currency characteristics & rdquao; emphasizing them & & ldquo; not being effective as unit of account, clearing medium or value storage & & rdquao;


The South African Revenue Authority is collecting information on encrypted trading platforms to assess compliance


The South African Revenue Authority is collecting information on encrypted trading platforms to assess compliance.


Nigerian regulators are revising the rules governing virtual asset service providers


The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (NSEC) is in the process of revising the rules governing virtual asset service providers (VASP) to " expand the scope of regulation in the light of current realities." As part of this effort, the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission introduced an accelerated regulatory incubation scheme (ARIP) for virtual asset service providers. In addition, the NSEC has instructed all active and potential VASPs to access its electronic portal and to complete the application process within 30 days.


Minister of Information and National Guidance of Nigeria: The Governor of the State has ready access to quality medical services

尼日利亚信息和国家指导部长Mohammed Idris针对近期币安高管Tigran Gambaryan身体状况低下发布回应称,目前Tigran Gambaryan被合法拘留,并可随时获得优质医疗服务。此外,他还可以享受尼日利亚政府提供的全面领事服务。「即使他是按照尼日利亚联邦共和国的法律接受审判,联邦政府也不会做任何危及他接受合法审判和获得包括医疗保健在内的优质护理的基本权利的事情。值得重申的是,他的拘留是法院命令的,只有法院才能改变条款或命令释放他。」

The Nigerian Minister of Information and National Guidance, Mohammed Idris, in response to the recent low state of health of the Governor Tigran Gambaryan, stated that Tigran Gambaryan was currently lawfully detained and had ready access to high-quality medical services. In addition, he could enjoy full consular services provided by the Nigerian Government. “Even if he were tried under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Federal Government would not do anything that would jeopardize his fundamental right to a lawful trial and access to quality care, including medical care. It is worth reiterating that his detention was ordered by a court, which alone could change the terms or order his release.”


Market news: trustee Mt.Gox claims that BTC and BTH will be activated to reimburse


According to market information, the trustee Mt. Gox indicated that it would initiate BTC and BTH repayments.


DeFi Ecology:

湖南汉寿县公安局:STFIL Protocol质押及借贷用户需及时反映情况并提交记录

Hunan County Public Security Bureau: STFIL Protocol pledge and loan users are required to reflect and submit records

湖南汉寿县公安局于Filecoin生态LSD协议STFIL Protocol官网发布公告称,「为查明犯罪事实,请STFIL质押用户和借贷用户来我局反映情况并提供相关证据材料,现将有关事项公告如下:请携带本人有效身份证件、在该网站质押或借贷的相关记录以及购买FIL虚拟币的相关材料;逾期未向我局反映情况的,依照相关法律法规对该虚拟币予以依法处置;公告期为2024年6月10日至2024年7月10日。」

In order to establish the facts of the crime, the Public Security Bureau of Hunan-Hushu County issued a communiqué on the Freecoin Eco-LSD agreement STFIL Protocol, stating that " STFIL pledge users and loan users were requested to come to the Bureau to provide information and relevant evidentiary material. The announcement is as follows: please bring their own valid identity papers, records relating to pledge or loan on the website and related materials for the purchase of FIL virtual currency; the virtual currency is disposed of in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations when it is not communicated to the Bureau. The announcement is dated from 10 June 2024 to 10 July 2024 ".

此前消息,STFIL Protocol于4月发推表示,「核心技术团队正在受到中国当地警方的调查,我们了解到他们已经聘请了律师了解当前情况,并为被拘留的个人提供法律援助」。此外上周在核心技术团队被拘留的情况下,STFIL平台上的FIL被转移到一个未知的外部地址。

In April, STFIL Protocol wrote that "the core technical team is being investigated by the local Chinese police, and we know that they have hired a lawyer to understand the current situation and to provide legal assistance to detained individuals." Moreover, last week, in the context of the detention of the core technical team, FIL on STFIL platform was transferred to an unknown external address.

Negentropy Capital合伙人:若Slerf Dev满足四项要求,将购买Slerf NFT以支持完成SOL退款

Negentropy Capital Partner: If Slerf Dev meets four requirements, Slerf NFT will be purchased to support the completion of SOL refunds

Negentropy Capital合伙人BillyWen发推称,其将组织包括他在内的Slerf巨鲸买家大批量购买NFT,计划是在90天内解决12000枚SOL的退款问题。「这样做并不是纯粹的利他主义或者慈善捐赠,而是让那些投资购买Slerf代币和NFT的投资者获得他们应该得到的回报。」

The Negentropy Capital partner, Billy Wen, argues that it will organize a large-scale purchase of NFTs by Slerf giant whale buyers, including him, with a plan to settle 12,000 SOL refunds within 90 days. “This is not a purely altruistic or charitable donation, but rather an offer to investors who invest in Slerf tokens and NFTs in return for what they deserve.”

同时BillyWen个人以及社区对Slerf提出4项要求:不再以Slerf或Dev的名义发行任何新代币;继续建设Slerf DAO治理的项目运营模式,重要的决定都由社区投票表决而非Dev一个人独裁;保持开放态度与社区积极沟通,开设官方支持的中文推特和TG频道;积极寻找正确的合作伙伴。「若Slerf的Dev做到以上要求,且3个月之内筹集不到12000枚SOL,我个人跟我的基金将兜底买下全部剩下的NFT来完成预售还款。」

At the same time, Billy Wen personally and the community made four demands on Slerf: to stop issuing any new tokens in the name of Slerf or Dev; to continue building a business model for Slerf DAO governance, with important decisions voted by the community instead of Dev's own dictatorship; to remain open to the community and to open officially supported channels of Chinese Twitter and TT; and to actively seek the right partners. “If Slerf Dev fulfils these requirements and raises less than 12,000 SOLs within three months, I will personally and my fund will buy all the remaining NFTs to complete the pre-sales.”

Scam Sniffer:某用户遭遇网络钓鱼攻击,损失约1100万美元资产

Scam Sniffer: A user was hit by a cyberfishing attack, resulting in the loss of approximately $11 million in assets

据Scam Sniffer监测,某用户遭遇网络钓鱼攻击,签署多个Permit网络钓鱼签名而损失约1100万美元资产。其中包括aEthMKR和Pendle USDe代币。

According to Scam Sniffer, a user was hit by a cyberfishing attack that resulted in the loss of some $11 million in assets by signing multiple Permit net fishing signatures, including aEthMKR and Pendle USDe tokens.

CoinStats CEO:所有钱包被盗的总金额约为200万美元

CoinStats CEO: The total amount of all wallets stolen is approximately US$ 2 million

加密投资组合管理平台CoinStats首席执行官Narek Gevorgyan发布安全事件更新,其中所有钱包被盗的总金额约为200万美元,包括2个钱包将其助记词导入CoinStats钱包,损失约80万美元。

The encrypted portfolio management platform CoinStats Chief Executive Officer Narek Gevorgyan issued a security incident update in which all wallets were stolen for a total value of approximately $2 million, including two wallets that imported their notes into CoinStats wallets, resulting in a loss of approximately $800,000.

Narek Gevorgyan就最近发生的安全事件发文表示,团队正在采取一切安全措施来恢复正常环境,以确保隔离攻击者,预计需要24小时。另一方面,团队正在推动CEX将已在Etherscan上被标记的攻击者地址列入黑名单。

Narek Gevorgyan wrote about the recent security incidents that the team was taking all security measures to restore normal conditions to ensure the isolation of the attackers, which was expected to take 24 hours. On the other hand, the team was pushing CEX to blacklist the names of the targeted attackers that had been marked on Ethancan.


In the early news, CoinStats wallets were suspended due to a security gap, affecting 1.3% of CoinStats wallets, totalling 1,590 wallets.


Binance is assisting Btctürk in the investigation and has frozen more than $5.3 million in stolen funds

币安CEO Richard Teng在X平台发文表示,Binance正在协助BtcTurk进行调查,迄今已冻结超过530万美元的被盗资金,并将提供进一步的相关信息。此前消息,土耳其交易所BtcTurk遭遇网络攻击,暂停加密货币存取款。

On platform X, the CEO Richard Teng wrote that Binance is assisting BtcTürk in its investigation and has so far frozen more than $5.3 million of stolen funds and will provide further relevant information. Earlier, the Turkish exchange, BtcTürk, was hit by a cyber attack that suspended encrypted currency access.


ZachXBT: Sportsbet was attacked after BtcTurk and lost over $3.5 million


According to the chain detective Zach XBT, last night's online platform Sportsbet was suspected to have also been attacked by BtcTürk hackers, at a cost of over $3.5 million. According to previous sources, the Turkish encryption exchange, BtcTurk, said that it had been hit by a cyber attack on 22 June. The attack affected part of the balance of the hot wallet of 10 encrypted currencies, but most of the assets were stored in a secure cold wallet.

DeFiance Capital推特疑似遭黑客攻击,切勿点击代币相关链接

DeFiance Capital Twitter is suspected to have been hacked and do not click on the currency-related link

加密投资公司DeFiance Capital推特疑似遭黑客攻击,置顶推文发布DEFIANCE代币上线和申领链接等信息,并关闭评论。

An encrypted investment company, Defiance Capital Twitter, suspected to have been hacked, posted top-posted information such as DEFIANCE's online and access links, and closed its comments.


link studio Farcana: A FAR wallet is hacked and all CEX deposits are frozen


In addition, all CEX deposits will be frozen until the problem is resolved. Before further notice, the user is requested to avoid any transaction involving FAR assets.

此前消息,Farcana曾于2023年12月完成1000万美元种子轮融资,Animoca Brands等参投。

Earlier, Farcana had completed $10 million in seed rotation financing in December 2023, with the participation of Animoca Brands and others.

BNB Chain高风险警报列表新增LasMeta Lottery等项目

BNB Chain High Risk Alert List Adds LasMeta Lotty et al.

BNB Chain于1日前更新其高风险DApp红色警报项目列表,新纳入列表的项目包括LasMeta Lottery、Kontos Protocol以及InvisibleEggs。

BNB Chain updated its list of high-risk Dapp red alert items by 1 year, with new listings including LasMeta Lotty, Kontos Protocol and InvisibleEggs.


The high-risk Dapp red alert is designed to provide a blacklist of high-risk projects or contracts, as well as a risk assessment tool that allows users to judge the level of project risk.


据Token Unlocks数据显示,本周ALT、SUI和OP等将迎来代币一次性大额解锁,总计释放价值超1亿美元,其中:

According to Token Unlocks data, this week the ALT, SUI and OPs will receive a one-time large release of more than $100 million worth of money, including:


AltLayer (ALT) will unlock 105 million tokens worth approximately US$ 1.88 million or 6.92 per cent of circulation on 25 June at 1800;


Sui (SUI) will unlock 64.19 million tokens valued at approximately $5.715 million or 2.65 per cent of circulation on 1 July at 0800;


On 30 June at 0800 hours, Optimism (OP) will unlock 31.34 million tokens worth approximately $56.1 million, or 2.88 per cent of the volume in circulation;

Yield Guild Games(YGG)将于6月27日22:00解锁1669万枚代币,价值约1065万美元,占流通量的4.48%。

Yield Gild Games (YGG) will unlock 16.669 million tokens valued at approximately $10.65 million or 4.48 per cent of circulation on 27 June at 2200 hours.


87.49 per cent of the total ZK air drops have been requested


According to Dune data, 3,215,086,063 ZKDs were currently claimed, representing 87.49 per cent of the total number of ZKs (3,675,000,000).

此前ZKsync创始人Alex G在X平台表示,ZkNation在建立一个有弹性的社区,通过使用基于外部信号的乘数,比如持续持有之前的空投。其预测持有STRK、ZK、ZRO将成为可预见未来中最可靠的空投资格信号。其在回复评论时表示,空投给那些在空投后仍然留在生态系统中的人是更聪明的设计。

Previously, the founder of ZKsync, Alex G, said on platform X that ZkNation was building a resilient community by using external signal-based multipliers, such as airdrops that continued to hold. Its predictions were that STRK, ZK, and ZRO would be the most reliable space-based investment signal for the foreseeable future. In their comments, they said that airdrops were smarter for those who remained in the ecosystem after the drop.


Meme plate prices fell by more than 7% in the last 24 hours .

据CMC行情数据,Meme板块价格普跌,多个币种过去24小时跌逾7%,其中FLOKI跌幅7.47%,现报价0.00015 USDT;PEPE跌幅6.64%,现报价0.000001097 USDT;BOME跌幅6.86%,现报价0.008 USDT;MEW跌幅9.98%,现报价0.0035 USDT。

According to CMC, the price of the Meme plate fell by more than 7 per cent over the past 24 hours, with FLOKI falling by 7.47 per cent, with current offers of 0.00015 USDDT; PEPE declining by 6.64 per cent, with current offers of 0.00001097 USDDT; BOME falling by 6.86 per cent, with current offers of 0.008 USDT; MEW falling by 9.98 per cent, with current offers of 0.00035 USDT.

GME日内最高触及0.0086 USDT,24小时涨幅为23.72%

Up to 0.0086 USDT in the day of

据Bitget行情显示,GME日内最高触及0.0086 USDT,现报价0.0082 USDT,24小时涨幅为23.72%。

According to Bitget, up to 0.0086 USDDT was reached during GME days, and the current offer is 0.0082 USDDT, with a 24-hour increase of 23.72 per cent.

RATS日内最高触及0.000138 USDT,24小时涨幅为73.42%

Up to 0.000138 USDDT in RATS, with a 24-hour increase of 73.42%

据Bitget行情显示,RATS日内最高触及0.000138 USDT,现报价0.000127 USDT,24小时涨幅为73.42%。

According to Bitget, up to 0.000138 USDDT was reached during RATS days, and the current offer is 0.000127 USDDT, with a 24-hour increase of 73.42 per cent.



South Korea’s encrypted trading platform, Bitsumb, will be on-line today for CORE won trading. The full value will start today at 14:00 Beijing time, and the deal will open today at 16:00.


About 55 per cent of Uniswap monthly active users at are from Base

据Token Terminal数据,截止2季度末,约55%的Uniswap月度活跃用户来自Base,而该数据在第2季度开始时仅为约20%。

According to Token Terminal, approximately 55 per cent of the monthly active users of Uniswap were from Base by the end of the second quarter, while the figure was only about 20 per cent at the beginning of the second quarter.


据官方数据,截至6月20日的7天内,Circle发行20亿USDC,赎回19亿USDC,流通量增加1亿枚。USDC总流通量为326亿美元,储备量约为327亿美元,其中现金37亿美元,Circle Reserve Fund持有291亿美元。

According to official data, in seven days on 20 June, Circle released $2 billion USDC, redeeming 1.9 billion USDC and increasing the flow by 100 million. The total circulation of USDC was $32.6 billion, with a reserve of approximately $32.7 billion, of which $3.7 billion was cash and $29.1 billion was held by Circle Reserve Fund.


The AO platform pre-bridge at Arweave reaches $260 million stETH, and TVL exceeds $200 million

基于Arweave的超并行计算平台AO在发布不到十天内,已通过预桥接方式吸引了2.6亿美元的stETH资金,使其在过去四天内成为第28大去中心化金融(DeFi)平台。Arweave和AO的创始人Sam Williams在6月22日的X(前身为Twitter)上表示,AO的总锁仓量(TVL)现已达到2.0943亿美元,与Cardano的TVL持平,并超越了zkSync、Fantom、Scroll、Algorand、Filecoin和ICP等知名区块链项目。

AO based on Arweave’s super-parallel computing platform attracted $260 million of stETH funds through pre-bridge connections within less than 10 days, making it the 28th largest decentralised financial platform in the last four days. Sam Williams, founder of Arweave and AO, stated on X (formerly Twitter) on 22 June that the total lock-up (TVL) of AO now amounted to $2094.3 million, equal to the TVL of Cardano, and went beyond well-known sector chains such as ZkSync, Fantom, Scroll, Algorand, Filecoin and ICP.


The total number of users of Farcaster exceeded 537,000, and agreement revenue exceeded $1.88 million


Dune data show that, as of yesterday, the decentralised social agreement with Farcaster had a gross income of over $1.88 million, currently $18,87175, with 537,376 users. Last week, Vitalik said that the spirit of encryption idealism, such as Farcaster, Lens and Zupass, still exists.


The total number of users on the Catizen chain passed 1.25 million

据官方数据显示,TON生态游戏项目Catizen链上用户总数突破125万,并连续3个赛季在TON Open League中排名第一。近日,Catizen开启「CatizenVibe-Heal the World」活动,现已有超7000个玩家分享其与流浪猫的故事。

According to official data, the total number of users of the Ton ecoplay project Catizen reached 1.25 million, and three consecutive seasons ranked first among the Ton Open Leegue. In recent days, Catizen launched the CatizenVibe-Heal the World, where more than 7,000 players now share their stories with stray cats.


Particle: A portion of PTC dropped has been assigned and users can choose to receive on the chain or bybit at TGE


Blast Eco-decentralized Trading Agreement Particle has announced that it has allocated a portion of PTC tokens to early users such as Partique Test Network users, Galxe, for the user to receive in TGE. Users who choose to take them on the chain now do not have to perform any operation, and users who choose to take them on Bybit need to register by 27 June.

此前消息,Particle表示原生PTC代币发行日期定于 7月初,具体时间将很快公布。

As previously reported, Particle indicated that the date of issuance of the original PTC tokens was scheduled for early July, at a time to be announced shortly.


Doubler publishes DBR monetic economics, where 10% of the money is dropped on the community


Doubler publishes the DBR proxy economics. The DBR has a total supply of 100 million, of which 40 per cent will be used for liquidity incentives, 15 per cent will be allocated to ecosystem funds, 15 per cent will be allocated to investors, 10 per cent will be aired to communities (to stimulate early participants and supporters in the testing phase of the ITO), 10 per cent will be allocated to core contributors, 5 per cent will be allocated to consultants, and 5 per cent will be allocated to marketing and liquidity.


TGE will then unlock 5 per cent of the community component from the total supply, 1.5 per cent of the investor component and 0.5 per cent of the marketing component.

此前消息,Doubler于今年1月完成种子轮融资,Youbi Capital领投。

Earlier information indicated that Doubler had completed seed rotation financing in January of this year, with Youbi Capital voting.

AI Arena空投代币NRN已开放申领

AI Arena drops NRN is open for application

AI游戏AI Arena宣布代币NRN已开放申领。

AI Arena announces that the token NRN is open.

此前,官方表示Season 1中8000万枚代币将通过空投(占10亿枚总供应的8%)分发给AI Arena社区。其中,4000万枚代币用于即将到来的P2A比赛,4000万枚代币用于NRN奖励盒。

Previously, it was officially indicated that 80 million of Season 1 would be distributed to the communities of AI Arena by air drop (8% of the total supply of 1 billion). Of this, 40 million were for the upcoming P2A competition and 40 million were for the NRN reward box.

Aave社区已投票通过「在ZKSync部署Aave V3」ARFC提案

The community of Aave has voted for the "Aave V3 deployment in ZKSync" ARFC proposal

Aave社区已投票通过「在ZKSync部署Aave V3」ARFC提案。该提案称通过与ZKsync Era集成,Aave可以为用户提供更快、更便宜的交易,同时保持以太坊主网的安全性和去中心化。Aave DAO承诺通过流动性挖矿、GHO二级流动性激励、安全模块部署或绩效计划将ZKsync生态系统提供的空投重新分配给Aave用户。

The Aave community has voted for the "Aave V3 in ZKSync" ARFC proposal, which states that through integration with ZKsync Era, Aave can provide faster and cheaper transactions to users, while maintaining the safety and decentralisation of the Ether Home Network. Aave DAO is committed to reallocating airdrops from the ZKsync ecosystem to Aave users through mobile mining, GHO Level II mobility incentives, security module deployment or performance plans.

Compound投票通过「调整Optimism上cUSDC v3风险参数」提案

Comboud voted to adopt the proposal to adjust the risk parameters on Optimism cUSDC v3

Compound治理治理页面显示,提案260已获社区投票通过,预计将在3天内执行。提案包括Gauntlet提议对Optimism v3 USDC comet进行以下风险参数更新:将WBTC清算惩罚从5%增加至10%;将WBTC供应上限从60增加至120;将OP供应上限从70万增加至140万。

The Compound governance page shows that proposal 260 has been adopted by community vote and is expected to be implemented within three days. The proposal includes the following risk parameters update proposed by Gauntlet for Optimism v3 USDC comet: an increase in the WBTC liquidation penalty from 5 to 10 per cent; an increase in the WBTC supply ceiling from 60 to 120; and an increase in the OP supply ceiling from 700,000 to 1.4 million.


Holograph has completed the third HLG destruction and destroyed approximately 51.53 million tokens


The chain-wide NFT agreement Holograpph deduced that it had completed the third destruction of HLG, resulting in the destruction of 51,530,079 tokens and that the remaining 738,419,187 HLG remained to be destroyed.


Camelot: 1.545 million ARB grants have been received and will be distributed on a weekly basis over the next three months

Arbitrum生态DEX Camelot发推称,其将于6月25日至7月7日开启新一轮ARB流动性活动EPOCH 1,目前Camelot已获得154.5万枚ARB代币赠款,并将在未来3个月内按周进行分发。官方表示,合作伙伴池仍然是其ARB奖励的重点,奖励将通过Merkl分配给V3池和金库。

Arbitrum Eco-DEX Camelot suppositioned that it would open a new round of ARB mobile activities, EPOCH 1, from 25 June to 7 July, and that Cameron had now received 1,545 million ARB indents and would be distributed on a weekly basis within the next three months. Officially, it was indicated that the partnership pool would remain the focus of its ARB awards, which would be allocated to the V3 pool and vault through Merkl.

NAVI Protocol启动“NAVIgator Expedition”活动,将向用户分发1.5万枚NAVX代币

NAVI Protocol Start & & ldquo; NAVIgator Expedition & rdquo; event, 15,000 NVX tokens will be distributed to users

据NAVI Protocol在X平台的公告,Sui生态一站式流动性协议NAVI Protocol启动了“NAVIgator Expedition”活动,以庆祝Taskon平台集成Sui Network。活动从即日起开始,至2024年7月12日结束。总共15,000个NAVX代币将通过幸运抽奖的方式分发给10位合格的参与者,每位获奖者将获得1,500个NAVX代币。

According to NAVI Protocol's announcement on platform X, the Sui Eco-One-Stop Mobility Agreement NAVI Protocol launched & & ldquo; NAVIgator Expedition” an event to celebrate the integration of the Taston platform Sui Network. The event began immediately and ended on 12 July 2024. A total of 15,000 NAVX in all will be distributed to 10 eligible participants through the Lucky Lottery, with 1,500 NAVX in each winner.

此外,NAVI Protocol近期还宣布已成功集成Getstashed Sui官方支持的社交媒体账户整合工具Stashed,通过与Mysten Labs和Stashed的合作,NAVI将借贷服务带给更广泛的主流用户。

In addition, NAVI Protocol recently announced that it had successfully integrated Stashed, an officially supported social media account integration tool in Getstashed Sui, which, in collaboration with Mysten Labs and Stashed, brought lending services to a wider range of mainstream users.


Technological frontier:

Light Protocol与Helius Labs推出ZK Compression,以扩展Solana网络上应用

Light Protocol and Helius Labs launch ZK Compression to expand the Solana web application

Solana生态隐私项目Light Protocol与Solana基础设施提供商Helius Labs推出ZK Compression,以扩展Solana网络上应用。ZK Compression通过一种被称为状态压缩的过程工作,允许开发者使用Solana更便宜的ledger空间而不是更昂贵的账户空间来存储某些类型的数据。链外数据的「哈希」或「指纹」存储在链上,以便使用「sparse state trees」进行验证。

The Solara Ecological Privacy Project Light Protocol and Solana infrastructure provider, Helius Labs, launched ZK Compression to expand the use of Solana’s network. ZK Compression allows developers to store certain types of data through a process known as state compression, allowing developers to use Solana’s cheaper ledger space instead of more expensive account space. The “Hashi” or “print” of extra-chain data is stored on the chain for validation using the “sparse state tracks”.


This would be done directly on L1. This would greatly enhance the expansion of Solana’s network, allowing developers to build and expand directly on the chain without leaving it.

Base Sepolia测试网拟于7月中旬上线故障证明系统

The Base Sepolia test network is scheduled to go online in mid-July

Base Sepolia测试网拟于7月中旬上线故障证明(Fault Proofs)系统。官方表示,故障证明是L2实现去中心化过程中的一个关键实施环节,其能以更去中心化的方式验证L2状态,并为更多的社区参与建立基础。上线后测试网提款变化将包括:提款将根据故障证明系统进行证明和最终确定;提款将至少需要7天才能最终完成,或可能需要更长时间;DisputeGameFactory将取代L2O outputOracle,成为output root claims的新合约。

The Base Sepolia test network is scheduled to go to the Fault Proofs system in mid-July. Officially, it is indicated that the failure certificate is a key implementation element in the process of decentralizing L2 by enabling it to validate the L2 state in a more central way and to create a basis for greater community participation. The changes in the net withdrawals after the go-live test will include: withdrawals will be certified and finalized on the basis of the failure certificate system; withdrawals will take at least seven days to be finalized or may take longer; DisputeGameFactory will replace L2O outputOracle as a new contract for output root projects.

Pudgy Penguins与OverpassIP成立母公司Igloo

Pudgy Penguins and OverpassIP set up parent company Igloo

NFT系列Pudgy Penguins与其NFT许可平台OverpassIP共同成立母公司Igloo。Igloo位于Pudgy Penguins、Overpass和另一个未披露实体之上。Igloo官方Medium页面显示,Igloo正在构建Web3主流IP生态系统和基础设施,以支持链上品牌建设和消费者参与。

The NFT series, Pudgy Penguins, together with its NFT licensing platform, OverpassIP, set up the parent company Igloo. Igloo is located on top of Pudgy Penguins, Overpass and another undisclosed entity. The Igloo official Medium page shows that Igloo is building the Web3 mainstream IP ecosystem and infrastructure to support branding and consumer participation in the chain.


EigenDA: Unlicensed payment system for blob throughput to be released later this year

EigenLayer数据可用性解决方案EigenDA发推称,其正致力于开发EigenDA上的blob吞吐量的无许可支付系统,并计划于今年晚些时候发布。当该系统推出时,EigenDA仍以固定速率为高吞吐量用例提供预留带宽。EigenDA目前持续生成0.6 MB/s的合成负载,团队已在主网上以高达10 MB/s的峰值吞吐量运行负载测试。相比之下,以太坊的4844 blob吞吐量为0.032 MB/s,Celestia主网为0.16 MB/s。

EigenLayer data availability solution EigenDA deduces that it is working on the development of an unlicensed payment system for blob through EigenDA, which is scheduled to be released later this year. When the system was launched, EigenDA continued to provide reserved bandwidth at a fixed rate of high throughput. EigenDA continues to produce 0.6 MB/s synthetic loads, with teams operating load tests on the main web at peaks of up to 10 MB/s. In contrast, 4844 MB/s in Taipan, with 0.032 MB/s, and the Celestia main network, with 0.16 MB/s.

DeWi项目Roam上线Solana Mobile,以拓展全球去中心化WiFi漫游网络

DeWi Project Roll Up Solana Mobile to expand the global decentralised WiFi roaming network

DeWi项目Roam已将其服务集成至Solana Mobile的Saga手机上,双方合作将进一步提升WiFi的可访问性和安全性,Roam将通过更快的网络加载时间和WiFi连接服务,进一步优化用户体验。官方表示,Roam和Solana在数据安全、产品易用性以及无缝集成Web3功能方面有着相同的愿景。

The DeWi project Roam has integrated its services into Saga's mobile phone in Solana Mobile, where cooperation will further improve WiFi's accessibility and security, and Roam will further optimize user experience through faster network loading time and WiFi connection services. Officially, Roam and Solana share the same vision in terms of data security, product accessibility, and seamless integration of Web3 functions.

Roam利用去中心化标识符(DID)和可验证凭证(VC)技术,消除了传统WiFi连接中的SSID、密码和登录凭证,为用户提供更为安全、便捷并且免费的WiFi服务。目前Roam在全球180多个国家拥有超过350万个可用WiFi热点,服务用户群体人数超过39万。Roam App于近日实现了单日10万次签到,并支持超过30万个WiFi网络自建节点。

Roam, using decentralised identifiers (DIDs) and authentication documents (VCs) techniques, eliminated SSIDs, passwords and logs from the traditional WiFi connection and provided more secure, accessible and free WiFi services to users. There are currently more than 3.5 million WiFi hotspots available globally in more than 180 countries, serving more than 390,000 user groups.


Solana原子化SVM Layer 2 Sonic发推称,由于对Sonic测试网Odyssey活动的高需求,团队正在升级网络以提升用户的链上体验。升级过程中部分任务和链上交互将被暂停。升级将于2024年6月24日13:00开始,持续约6个多小时。

Solana atomized SVM Layer 2 Sonic assumes that due to the high demand for Odyssey activities on the Sonic test network, the team is upgrading the network to upgrade the user's chain experience. Some tasks and chain interactions will be suspended during the upgrade process. The upgrade will start on 24 June 2024 at 1300 and last for over six hours.


Sonic had completed a $12 million A round of financing on 18 June, with Bitkraft taking the lead.

Ambient Finance:正与Scroll团队合作,以解决Marks indexer问题

Ambitt Finance: working with Scroll Team to resolve Marks indexer's problem

去中心化交易平台Ambient Finance发推称,其已收到有关Ambient LP的Scroll Marks为零或非常低的报告。团队确信这是Marks indexer的问题,并正与Scroll团队密切合作,以确定问题并公平地将Marks分配给在Ambient上进行LP的超100,000个钱包。

The team is convinced that this is Marks indexer’s problem and is working closely with Scroll’s team to identify the problem and equitably allocate Marks to more than 100,000 wallets to carry out the LP on Ambient.

L2区块链Layer N上线测试网V1.2版本

L2 block chain Layer N online testing network V1.2 version

面向金融应用的L2区块链Layer N发推称,其上线测试网V1.2版本。

Layer N, the L2 block chain for financial applications, is deduced by V1.2 version of its online testing network.

此前消息,Layer N上线公共测试网第一阶段,用户和开发人员现可使用NordVM的实时和完全部署实例。NordVM是Layer N上的首个XVM实例,具有低延迟、高吞吐量和低交易费用。

Earlier, in the first phase of Layer N’s online public testing network, users and developers now have real-time and full deployment examples of NordVM. NordVM is the first case of XVM on Layer N, with low delays, high throughput and low transaction costs.

Sanctum联创:Sanctum Profiles功能Beta版本将于今日发布

Sanctum: The Santa version of Sanctum Profiles will be released today


Co-founder J. of the Solara EcoLST agreement, Sanctum, said that a version of the personal Profiles functionality version of the Sanctum platform would be released today. According to the Sanctum official web interface, the function is a one-stop wallet management and personal social media account link interface.


Orderly intends to upgrade the system tomorrow, with short service interruptions during

全链衍生品流动性层Orderly Network计划在2024年6月25日14:00至16:30进行系统升级,包括EVM和NEAR,升级期间将会有短暂的服务中断。

The full-chain derivative liquidity layer Orderly Network planned a system upgrade from 14:00 to 16:30 on 25 June 2024, including EVM and NEAR, during which there would be short service interruptions.

综合消息来源:Foresight News、PANews、律动Blockbeats、Odaily、Techub News、吴说区块链、Penta Lab、金色财经、陀螺科技、华尔街见闻、巴比特、MarsBit、Dethings、每日币研、链新闻、blocktempo、桑币区识(zobit)、喵言AI等。(声明:请读者严格遵守所在地法律法规,本文不代表任何投资建议)

Combined sources: Foresight News, PANews, Blockbeats, Odaily, Techub News, Wu Man, Penta Lab, Gold Book, gyrotechnics, Wall Street News, Babbit, MarsBit, Dethings, Daily Currency Research, Chain News, Blocktempo, zobit, Myo-AI, etc. (Statements: request readers to strictly observe the laws and regulations of their location and this document does not represent any investment proposals).


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