
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:57 评论:0
TokenPocket是全球最大的数字货币钱包,支持包括BTC、ETH、BSC、HECO、TRON、OKExChain、Polkadot、Kusama、EOS等在内的所有主流公链及Layer 2,已为全球近千万用户提供可信赖的数...



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TokenPocket是全球最大的数字货币钱包,支持包括BTC、ETH、BSC、HECO、TRON、OKExChain、Polkadot、Kusama、EOS等在内的所有主流公链及Layer 2,已为全球近千万用户提供可信赖的数字货币资产管理服务,也是当前DeFi用户必备的工具钱包。

TokenPocket, the largest digital money wallet in the world, supports all mainstream public chains, including BTC, ETH, BSC, HECO, Tron, OKEx Chain, Polkadot, Kusama, EOS, etc., and Layer 2, providing trusted digital money asset management services to nearly 10 million users worldwide, and is a mandatory tool wallet for current DeFi users.


With more than 1 million active users per month, TokenPocket users are located in more than 200 countries and territories around the world, and overseas users account for more than 60 per cent of the total number of users.


TokenPocket, an encrypted currency wallet, issued today, states that, in order to actively embrace the relevant regulatory provisions, it will terminate some of the related functional services for inland users in China, as well as services for third parties such as DApp, which may be related to transactions and which do not comply with the normative documents or laws and regulations such as the Notice, and will retain the basic service function of the wallet, providing related services only to regional users who comply with the relevant regulatory rules, as detailed in the follow-up bulletin.


The virtual currency ranks 100 globally as follows:


1, Bitcoin, BTC, ranked first in the virtual currency list, with a total market value of some $163,703 million, accounting for 65.91 per cent, 67.28 per cent, 67.02 per cent, 65.62 per cent, 63.57 per cent and 64.17 per cent of the total global market value, respectively, of which digital currencies were used in the past six weeks.

2、以太币,以太币(ETH)的总市值约为 227.66 亿美元。以太币系统是目前应用最广泛的支持完整应用开发的公链系统。与比特币相比,以太坊的系统以太坊属于区块链2.0的范畴。它是为解决比特币网络的一些问题而重新设计的区块链系统。

The total market value of the ETH is approximately $22,766 billion. The ETH system is the most widely applied public-chain system that supports the development of complete applications. In comparison with Bitcoin, the ETEA system is in the category of block-chain 2.0. It is a sector-chain system that has been redesigned to address some of the problems of the Bitcoin network.

3、里波币,xrp(XRP)总市值约为88亿美元,Ribo币长期以来一直是一种虚拟货币 货币投资者关注的是,与没有实际用途的比特币相比,它在瑞波币系统中具有主要的桥梁货币和安全功能。

The total market value of Riboco, xrp (XRP) is about $8.8 billion, and Riboco has been a virtual currency for a long time. Monetary investors are concerned that it has the main bridging currency and security function in the Ripoco system compared to bitcoin, which has no real use.


4-Tedan, a proxy introduced by Tether based on a stable-value dollar. It pegs an encrypted currency to a legal-currency dollar. It is a virtual currency held in foreign-exchange reserve accounts, supported by French currency.


5. Bit cash, the total market value of which was approximately $4,216 million, was split into two separate block chains as a result of the version switch.

6、比特币SV,全球虚拟货币排名前 10 位的比特币 SV 由安提瓜的 coingeek 挖矿赞助。它是一种诞生于比特币现金硬分叉的加密货币。

6, BitcoinSV, the top 10-ranked global virtual currency bitcoinSV, sponsored by a coingeek of Antigua. It's an encrypted currency born in Bitcoin's cash hard fork.

7、莱特币,莱特币 (LTC) 是受比特币启发而改进的数字货币版本。它是由一位为谷歌工作的程序员设计和编程的。莱特币和比特币在技术上有着相同的实现原理,但莱特币的创造和转移是基于开源的加密协议,不受任何中央机构的管理。

7-Letcoin, LTC, is an improved version of digital currency inspired by bitcoin. It is designed and programmed by a programmer working for Google. Latcoin and Bitcoin have the same technical realizations, but the creation and transfer of Lightcoin is based on an open source encryption agreement that is not administered by any central authority.


8. Currency infusion, one of the encrypted currencies issued by the BNB on the “Three Global Market Exchanges” currency stock exchange, with a total market value of approximately $2,551 million, is a decentralized block chain digital asset based on the erc20 standard coin based on the Taiwan and the erc20 standard based on the Etheraya block chain.

9、柚子币,葡萄柚币 (EOS) 归一个名为 block.one 的组织所有。它的发行可能是历史上众筹金额最大的数字货币,总金额超过40亿美元。

It may be the largest digital currency in history, amounting to more than US$ 4 billion.

10、特所思, Tezos 是一个可升级的开源平台,可以从中创建智能合约和去中心化应用程序。

10, Tezos is an upgraded open-source platform from which smart contracts and decentralised applications can be created.





Four. Kuchi's wallet.








Outreach materials:



Ledger is a multifunctional wallet that is easy to use, is more secure, provides reliable hardware for consumers and businesses, is able to store private keys safely and needs to be used in conjunction with software wallets.



Trezor is a high-tech data encryption repository, easy to use, more secure, Czech, reliable brand, validated by several global digital currency players, and rich in software support.



It is a hardware wallet attached to Coinkite, which provides Bitcoin and Lightcoin wallets, and payment terminal services, which are easy to use, are more secure, support multilingualism and are extremely easy to use.


Four. Kuchi's wallet.


It is owned by the Beijing Kusang Information Technology Company Ltd., which focuses on secure storage solutions for encrypted assets, which are easy to use, moderate security, and keep private keys off the net, completely extinguishing the risk of private keys being hacked by Internet hackers.



It is a high-security multi-signature wallet, easy to use and medium-security, which protects Bitcoin from theft and loss, but the only alternative is that funds cannot be spent or frozen to provide high-level security features.



It is a hardware wallet that protects assets from hackers and thieves, is more user-friendly and safe, has unique recovery mechanisms, is used safer and does not require users to store private keys on equipment.



WOOKONG has more security than multi-signature wallets, cold wallets, more user-friendly and more secure, primarily for financial institutions, exchanges, teams, etc.



It is a tool for accessing encrypted currency, which is easy to use and of medium security, can be traded with any person without charge anywhere, and can be bought and sold through a popular decentralized exchange or agent.



It is a professional digital asset wallet whose founders are Ho Bin, easy to use, medium security, inviolability of privacy, free movement of values, and are now gradually moving to overseas markets to bring in more skilled people.



Atoken is a mobile end-to-end digital currency wallet that is easy to use and medium-security and is designed to provide a lighter, safer and more currency multi-dimensional service to a wide range of digital currency users and to evolve into a digital asset storage type APP runner.


1. BTC-bitcoin


Bitcoin has a market value of $4,416,85 million, or 71.12% of the global total, and bitcoin is almost a gateway for newcomers in the currency circle, which, with its huge market value advantage, is also well suited for investment by some institutional investors. The most recommended investment currency is also Bitcoin, after all, the whole currency floats look like bitcoin, is familiar with investment in bitcoin, and then is much better off.




With a market value of $69,657 million, or 11.22 per cent of the total global market value, it is now ranked second in the market value of Taipan, with its own value, which can be used to create decentralised programs, autonomous organizations and smart contracts, and the potential applications of smart contracts. Bloomberg's weekly business paper calls it “software shared by all but not subject to manipulation.” More advanced software may be used to create online shops.


3. USDT-Tedaco


The market value of the tidal currency is $20.11 billion, representing 3.24 per cent of the total global market value. The Thai currency has a pre-emptive advantage. At present, it is fifth in value, owing to the stability of the currency, with low volatility overall, which is not suitable for investors, plus the possibility of bankruptcy, of bank accounts with companies, of bankruptcy, of donor running risks, etc.


4. XRP-Riboco


The market value of Ribbon is $15.45 billion, or 2.18 per cent of the world's total market value. Rippoco is the world's first open decentralized payment network platform. It is now ranked fourth in the world. The market value has been fairly stable, there are many fans, the community is very active, there are 201 exchanges on board, the depth of the transactions is very wide, the stability of the currency means that there is a great deal of consensus among users, and it is likely that all virtual digital currencies will be supported in the future, and it is expected that the future will be better.


5. LTC-Letcoin


With a market value of $7,003 million, or 1.13 per cent of the total global market value, the creator of Leitco graduated from MIT, formerly a staff member of Google, and designed it in 2011. The above-mentioned total is 84 million, and 63.7 million have been excavated. The unit price is up to $2,000, and the current price is around $410.




1. BCH-bit cash


Bit cash had a market value of $5,483 million, or 0.88 per cent of the total global market value, and BCH was one of the bitcoin's forklifts, followed by a large block of eco-development routes that needed to be expanded, with the greatest characteristic being the low cost of transfer charges and, in the Pow currency, the safest numeracy at present, except for Bitcoin.


2. BNB-binance


Binance’s market value is $4.854 billion, or 0.88% of the world’s total market value, and its largest head platform, the platform’s BNB, is naturally of great interest. The platform currency model, although not initiated by binance, is indeed promoted by binance and builds its own pre-emptive advantage.



The market value of LINK is $4.694 billion, or 0.75 per cent of the total global market value, and LINK is based on the ERC20 standardized token of the Taiwan block chain, which is used to pay Chainlink node operators to retrieve data from the dechained data, format the data into a readable format of the block chain, de-chain calculations and guarantee normal running time. Chainlink node, as part of the running node, prevents undesirable participants.


4. DOT-Pocaco


Polkato has a market value of $4,493 million, or 0.78 per cent of the total global market value, and the Polkadot community voted for a 100-fold DOT split. This is a 100-fold split DOT. Polkadot will have a completely decentralized Internet with full control.


5. ADA-Adaco


The market value of Aida was $3.819 billion, or 101 per cent of the total global market value, and the market value, known as Europe's Etheria, was very much in line with Europe's status, currently ranked tenth in the overall market value.

数字货币交易所排名由低到高有Bithumb、OKXE、Binance binance、BitMEX、币赢国家站。

The digital currency exchange ranks from low to high Bitumb, OKXE, Binance binance, BitMEX, and the national currency win-win station.



Bithumb is the largest digital currency exchange in Korea and the top 10 trading places in the world, trading more than 13,000 bits per day, accounting for about 10% of global bitcoins. It is committed to providing the lowest global fees, 75.7% of the North Korean bitcoin market and 10% of the global bitcoin market, as well as 50% of the South Korean Ethren market.


OKEX是全球著名的数字资产交易平台之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的现货和衍生品交易服务,隶属于OKEX Technology Company Limited。

OKEX is one of the world's well-known digital asset trading platforms, providing spot and derivative trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Latcoin, and Temasco, for global users, under the OKEX Technology Company Limited.

3、Binance binance

binance交易平台是由前OKCoin联合创始人赵长鹏(CZ)领导的一群数字资产爱好者创建而成的一个专注区块链资产的交易平台。公司在日本,对中文支持。币种较多,交易量大,购买BNB可享受 50%交易手续费优惠。

The binance trading platform was created by a group of digital asset enthusiasts, led by the former co-founder of OkCoin, Zhao Chang Peng (CZ), to focus on block chain assets. In Japan, the company supports Chinese. The currency is larger, the volume of transactions is larger, and BNB can be bought at a 50% discount on transaction fees.



This is a platform from the Republic of Seychelles that supports leveraging transactions up to a maximum of 1-100 times leverage for encrypted money derivatives, while also providing high leverage for other digital money products. This platform is more suitable for experienced investors.


5. National Station for Winning Currency


This is a global digital asset trading platform run by China’s state enterprise in Hong Kong, using multi-intelligent and advanced technology to guarantee the stability of transactions. Trade services for digital assets such as Temas, HSR, etc. are provided to users around the world.


Extended information:




1. Asset security is critical and can be distributed to you in bitcoin or other currencies through exchanges, online wallets, hardware wallets and paper wallets, so that no assets are lost in case of hacking or loss. Key information must not be placed in mailboxes or other unsafe online software.


Whether it is EOS, ETC, BTC, LTC, etc., or any other platform currency, in addition to the bitcoin itself, which has been given the attributes of digital currency gold, the other currencies are more related to the application and landing of the block chain industry, with greater attention to and analysis of trends and ecological construction of the block chain industry in order to return to the original purpose of the block chain value investment and to be a way of avoiding risk.


The above-mentioned article is a detailed response by the editor-in-chief to the top 50 rankings of global digital money wallets and global digital currency rankings, and hopefully will help you; if you want to learn more about financial information, remember to keep an eye on us.


The station states that the content of the website is from the Internet and that if there is a violation, contact us and we will deal with it in a timely manner.




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