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What's the Global Ten Top Virtual Currency Rank?



Bitcoin is not physical, it exists in a computer in the form of data, and is essentially a computer software system. Bitcoin is not dependent on the issuance of specific monetary institutions, but is generated only through specific algorithms, based on mathematical challenges.


In form, the Bitcoin system is a decentralised distributional structure that is not controlled by any official agency, and its distribution network consists of all voluntarily involved computer nodes, which are referred to as “absorption” and the process of their calculation is known as “mining”.


The total amount of bitcoins issued is permanently limited to 21 million, guaranteed jointly by the entire distributed network locks, so that no institution can increase. The amount of bitcoins that can be dug in the block will be halved every four years, and the current mining rate is six blocks per hour, so that by 21 million bitcoins will be fully in circulation in 2140.


以太坊(Ethereum)是2013年底由一个叫作 Vitalik Buterin 的90后小伙子提出来的技术。以太坊和比特币相似,是一个开源的,基于区块链技术的分布式计算平台,它强调自己是一个智能合约系统 。

Etheeum is a technology introduced by a post-90 young man called Vitalik Buterin at the end of 2013. It is similar to Bitcoin and is an open source, a distributed platform based on block chain technology that emphasizes itself as a smart contract system.

通常只要有一套密钥系统,也就是加密系统,让交易可跟踪,这种结构就可以称为“智能合约”。基本上所有的虚拟货币都是这样的结构。所以智能合约也就是一套生成虚拟货币的系统, 它的本质和比特币是一样的,只不过,你可以在这个平台里自己生成任意多个不同的比特币系统而已 。

Usually, as long as there is a key system, i. e. an encryption system, that allows transactions to be tracked, this structure can be called "intelligent contracts." Basically, all virtual currencies are. So a smart contract is a system that generates virtual currencies, and its essence is the same as that of bitcoins, except that you can generate any number of different bitcoins on this platform.


In support of the system, Vitalik and his team sold their own currency on the ETH system to the public between July and August 2014 (Ether, ETH).


They went ahead with the so-called “mining” and, after digging up a lot of it, made public sales at the time of fund-raising, selling a total of 11.9 million pieces of it (about 13% of the total). Users could have bought it in bitcoin, so you had to have bitcoin before you could buy it.


泰达币(USDT)是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(下称USDT),1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。Tether 公司严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。用户可以在 Tether 平台进行资金查询,以保障透明度

The Tether company strictly adheres to the 1:1 reserve guarantee that its bank account will have a $1 guarantee for each dollar issued. Users can access funds on the Tether platform to ensure transparency.


Tedar is a virtual currency that pegs an encrypted currency to a statutory dollar. Every tadar is symbolically linked to a government-backed legal currency.



Ripple was developed by an American company called Opencoin, which received investments from Google and IDG in April 2013. As a result, they received attention.


Ripple, a platform developed by this company. In general, the platform is: you can all register a wallet account, you can store all kinds of money around the world in a wallet account, like an account that may hold $100 and 50 yuan, and you can transfer it between accounts (almost free of charge, because the fees are 0.00001 XRPs), similar to a payment treasure, which is understood.


XRP, we made it clear that OpenCoin and their platform, Ripple, are now looking at XRP. In many cases, international remittances are difficult, for example, if you want to send $100 to an American friend, but you only have the renminbi, and it's trouble to exchange the renminbi for the dollar, and XRP exists to solve the problem:


The XRP is a virtual currency on the Ripple platform, similar to the Q-dollar on the tether platform.


The total number of XRPs is 100 billion, and it's not like Q$ to be issued indefinitely.


Bit cash was made on 1 August 2017 for hard fork, with a total of 21 million items distributed according to the Bitcoin holdings of 1:1.


Both bitcoin and bitcoin cash transfer electronic cash via the Internet. After the fork, bitcoin cash starts using a new code to form a new chain.


Bitcoin has a block capacity of 1MB, but with the growing number of Bitcoin users, 1MB limits = network congestion = long transaction confirmation time = high transaction cost = lower user experience. Bitcoin cash can support 8MB blocks. Bitcoin cash has greater stability and security. More transactions can be supported in a given time.


Bit cash better achieves the goal of an “encrypted electronic cash system with a point-to-point” as described in the Chinese White Paper.


Bitcoin cash brings a sound currency to the world, fulfilling its original purpose as a “point-to-point electronic cash”. It brings a low-cost and reliable way of making payments to businesses and users. Its limitless growth potential, global applications, non-licensed innovative payments, and decentralized development are all bound to its future.


All of the Bitcoin holders up to block 478558 are also the holders of the Bitcoin cash.

在说波卡之前,我们先不得不提一下他的创始人,Gavin Wood。Gavin Wood是谁呢?他是以太坊的联合创始人,他在以太坊的早期阶段完成以太坊中最核心部分。

Before talking about Poca, we have to mention his founder, Gavin Wood. Who is Gavin Wood? He is the co-founder of the Etherwood, and he completed the core of the Ether House in its early stages.

如果说 V 神是以太坊之父的话,他则可以称为以太坊之“母”。2016年,Gavin认识到了以太坊的局限,所以自己出来创立了波卡。“以太坊对我来说是一个实验,以太坊也是我的学校,我从这个学校毕业了。”波卡项目一经提出,就引起了区块链世界的疯狂追捧。

In 2016, Gavin realized the limitations of Etheria and created Poca. “Etheria is an experiment for me and Etheria is my school, and I graduated from this school.” The Poca project, once it was proposed, gave rise to the frenzy of the chain world.

2017年,波卡的第一次进行私募,私募价格35美元。仅用了7天时间就获得485,331 ETH的资金,当时价值约为1.44亿美元。而当时波卡的状态,还只是一个白皮书。两年后,波卡又进行过一次募资,发行价格90美元,波卡的估值翻了3倍。

In 2017, Poca's first private collection took place at a price of $35. In only seven days, 485,331 ETH funds, valued at about $144 million, were received. At that time, Poca's state was a white paper. Two years later, Poca had another collection, issued a price of $90, and its valuation had tripled.


For two short years, the currency has been changed from a “shelter currency” exchange to an industry leader, and the BNB has gone from US$ 0.1 at the time of issue to US$ 29 today. There is no doubt that the BNB has grown from 357.98 per cent in the last six months, exceeding the increase in all platform currencies and even the mainstream, and has remained at the top of the “platform currency” even as investors argue that it was the BTC, ETH, and the BNB that were preferred to the BTC, ETH, and BNB. It can be said that BNB has been part of the currency security strategy since its inception, and that the movement of currency security since this year has directly triggered BNB price growth.


In June 2019, Google and Oracle announced collaboration with Chainlink, and Link prices rose rapidly, rising from 3 to 30 in two months, a tenfold increase.

莱特币(Litecoin)简称LTC,诞生于2011年11月9日,开发者是李启威(Charlie Lee)。

LTC, Litecoin, born on 9 November 2011, was developed by Charlie Lee.


But, unlike Bitcoin, which was created on the basis of the Bitcoin agreement, there are many similarities with Bitcoin, and therefore “bitkin, Leite Silver” in the industry. But even at this stage, even consumer-grade hardware can be “mining” efficiently. Latcoin and Bitcoin are consensus mechanisms based on the Workload Certification Mechanism (PoW), but they can provide faster confirmation of transactions (an average of 2.5 minutes to pack a block).

2017年的8月1号,由于人们很难对比特币的协议层面作出变化,所以经过社区内的讨论,包括比特币OG RogerVer在内的一群人做出了硬分叉的决定,至此,比特币现金(Bitcoin Cash,也就是BCH)诞生了。

On August 1, 2017, after discussions within the community, including the decision of a group of people, including the Bitcoin OG RogerVer, to make hard splits, the Bitcoin Cash, or BCH, was born, as it was difficult for people to make changes at the level of the agreement in the currency.

BCH分叉出来还不到一年,社区中就分裂出来两个不同的派系,一派由Roger Ver和吴忌寒主导,另一派由Craig Wright(下文简称澳本聪)和亿万富翁Calvin Ayre领导。

Less than a year after the BCH split out, the community divided into two different factions, one led by Roger Ver and Wu Xiaoqing, and the other led by Craig Wright (hereinafter referred to as Aomoto), and the billionaire Calvin Ayre.

澳本聪和Arye想要把区块大小升级到128MB,而吴忌寒他们的那一派却希望能够保持32MB的大小限制。于是,澳本聪和Ayre从BCH网络里面硬分叉出来一个新的币种:BSV(Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision,意思是“中本聪愿景”),区块大小升级为128MB,简单来说,Bch想要创新,bsv想要维护比特币白皮书的愿景。

ABC and Arye want to raise the size of the blocks to 128 MB, while Wu Xinxuan wants to maintain the 32 MB size limit. So, ABC and Ayre come out of the BCH network with a new currency: BSV (Bitcoin Satoshi #39; sVision, meaning “Middle-Hear Vision”), upgrading the size of the blocks to 128 MB, and, in short, Bch wants to innovate, and bsv wants to maintain the vision of the Bitcoin White Paper.




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