进入 Web 2.0 时代和进入Web 3.0 演变的十多年后,品牌在记录在案的社交媒体战略方面仍然落后。
More than a decade into the Web 2.0 era and into Web 3.0, brands are still lagging behind in documented social media strategies.
回过头来看,Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn、YouTube 和 iPhone 触及我们掌心的时间是 2000 年代中后期。
Looking back, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and iPhone touched us in the middle and late 2000s.
Towards today, we have entered the next generation of the Internet, called the meta-cosmos, and more digital ways to interact with the audience.
据报道,世界上近60% 的人口是活跃的社交媒体用户,但超过 50% 的 B2C 品牌承认没有记录内容或社交媒体策略。
Nearly 60 per cent of the world's population is reported to be active social media users, but over 50 per cent of B2C brands acknowledge that there is no recording of content or social media strategy.
In addition, most brands consider themselves amateur when evaluating their professional level, and more than half of the surveyed brands consider their social media marketing level immature.
Forward-looking, purposeful and strategic games often win social media games.
这是创建有效的社交媒体策略以升级您的 Web 2.0 并为 Web3 做准备的分步指南。
This is a step-by-step guide to create an effective social media strategy to upgrade your Web 2.0 and prepare for Web3.
Start with the executive summary.
This is supposed to be a page that simply defines your social media purpose and how it relates to your current business goals and objectives.
此外,记下相关测试或对 Web3 的预测。
In addition, related tests or projections for Web3 are recorded.
Determines the main goals and targets that you want to achieve.
例如,如果您是一家 B2B 公司,请考虑为 Linkedin 创建内容,然后将其重新用于其他二级渠道。
For example, if you are a B2B company, consider creating content for Linkedin and then re-apply it to other secondary channels.
Web3 提示:探索和研究其他品牌正在使用 Web3 做什么。什么在起作用?开始召开团队会议,在 Horizons Workrooms 环境中讨论您的社交媒体策略。
“Horizons Workrooms 可跨虚拟现实和网络工作,旨在通过 VR 的力量提高团队协作、交流和远程连接的能力——无论是聚在一起集思广益还是将想法写在白板上、处理文档、聆听来自您的团队的更新、闲逛和社交,或者只是进行更自然流畅的更好对话,”如Meta Newsroom中所述。
“Horizons Workrooms can work across virtual realities and networks to enhance team collaboration, communication and remote connectivity through the power of VR — whether to gather ideas, process documents, listen to updates from your team, wander around and socialize, or simply to engage in better dialogue that is more naturally fluid, as Meta Newsroom describes.
Benchmarks also include measurable results to ensure that all participants define success with the same expectations.
示例:到本季度末将您的 Instagram 受众增加 20%。
Example: Increase your Instagram audience by 20% by the end of the quarter.
Bringing your friends closer to your enemies is a wise way to stay in the lead in competition.
首先,与两三个竞争对手相比,对您品牌的社交渠道进行社交媒体审核。您甚至可以选择一个非竞争品牌来获得灵感和抱负。考虑选择一个已经参与 Web3 战略的品牌。
First, a social media audit of your brand's social channels is conducted compared to two or three competitors. You can even choose a non-competitive brand to gain inspiration and ambition. Consider choosing a brand that already participates in the Web3 strategy.
例如,Wendys、Airbnb、Netflix、Buffer、Hubspot 和 Cisco 以精通社交媒体而闻名。超越您所在行业的界限,看看什么在起作用,这很有帮助。
Wendys, Airbnb, Netflix, Buffer, Hubspot and Cisco, for example, are well known for their mastery of social media. It is helpful to look beyond the boundaries of your industry and see what works.
Compares content types, participation, frequency, audience size, visual effects, video use, tone and client service information.
Other factors requiring comparison and attention include:
- 直播。
- 课程和网络研讨会。
- 有影响力的营销。
- 用户生成内容。
- 卷轴、故事和频率等功能。
- 社区。
- 增强现实/虚拟现实。
- 3D。
- 虚拟世界。
- NFT。
- 创作者硬币、代币或加密货币。
- 元宇宙合作。
- 音频体验。
- 表情符号使用。
- Facebook Messenger,聊天机器人。
- 关键字和主题标签。
- 第三方内容。
- 在线品牌搜索结果。
- 评论。
Recent reports indicate that if you want to find potential clients from social media channels, and are the preferred channels.
焦点 Pocus。
Focus Pocus.
让我们快速回顾一下目标、战略、目标和任务之间的区别,即 GSOT。
Let us take a quick look at the distinction between goals, strategies, objectives and mandates, namely GSOT.
- 目标:这些是您广泛的社交媒体成果。
- 策略:您为实现目标将采取的方法。
- 目标:这些是您为实现该战略将采取的可衡量步骤。
- 策略:这些是用于实现与策略相关的目标的工具或任务。
- 目标:使我们的书成为 Metaverse 类别中**的畅销书。
- 策略:增加我们在社交渠道上发布的支持本书主题、想法和观点的内容量。
- 目标:将来自社交渠道的图书网站或登陆页面的**身份访问者增加 50%。
- 策略:使用 metaverse 和 Web3 影响者,利用品牌标签和使用 Instagram Stories、Facebook Live 和 Twitter 的幕后内容的曝光。
- 高级:使用 Twitter Spaces、Clubhouse、Discord 社区和虚拟世界(例如 Meta 的 Horizon Worlds、Decentraland、Roblox 或 Alt Space VR)在以 Web3 为中心的社区中参与和主持活动。
知道你的头像。与您的角色建立个人关系。如果 50% 的品牌缺乏记录在案的社交媒体策略,则定义了买家角色的品牌数量肯定要多得多。
Know your head. Establish a personal relationship with your role. If 50% of the brands lack a documented social media strategy, the number of brands defining the buyer's role must be much higher.
品牌需要角色。如果你想在 Web3 中生存和发展,这是必须的。
Brands need a role. If you want to survive and develop in Web3, it's necessary.
Marketing personnel promote the value of the role of a person, but what about when it comes to investing time and energy in the creation and use of the role of a person?
The result is an increase in the number of victories:
- 转换。
- 相关分数。
- 订婚。
- 效率全面提升。
It's necessary to start your role!
Start with these buyers' role skills and get to know your buyers.
- Xtensio 角色制造商。
- Hubspot 的 Make My Persona。
- 对于 Web3 初创企业,这是**角色模板。
#SocialPRSecret:数字分析师布赖恩·索利斯 (Brian Solis) 在他的著作《X:商业遇见设计时的体验》中这样说:
#SocialPRSecret: Digital Analyst Brian Solis, in his book X: Experiences in commercial encounters with design, says:
"You want to create a role for those who buy from you today and those who don't buy you, what's your goal? Studies that accurately describe current and potential clients and their behaviour should combine demographics, psychology and ethnology."
When creating your buyer's role, do not forget to include your media, stakeholders, community administrators and distributors, podcasts, bloggers and influential people in your role.
媒体(记者、播客主持人、Twitter Spaces 主持人、俱乐部房间主持人)也是您的目标受众!让他们成为真正的人,拥有真正的兴趣和真正的生活。你可能会更多地与他们联系。
The media (journalists, podcast hosts, hosts of Twitter Spaches, club room hosts) are also your target audience. Make them real people, real interests and real lives.
Every brand needs voice, personality and character.
Think of adjectives to describe your brand.
You're positive, funny, naughty, or pompous?
Maybe your brand is serious, straightforward, without emoticons.
你敢在 Wendy’s 和 Taco Bell 这样的比赛中烤肉或开玩笑吗?
Don't you dare roast or joke in games like Wendy #8217; s and Taco Bell?
List how you want to be felt when you interact with your brand. Are you in favor of encouragement or sedition?
2009 年,当社交媒体大行其道时,畅销书作家兼公关偶像 Aliza Licht 扮演了著名(现已不复存在)@DKNYPRGirl 背后的角色。
In 2009, when social media became popular, the best-selling writer and PR idol Aliza Licht played the role behind the famous (now non-existent) @DKNYPRGirl.
对于这次经历,Licht 说:
For this experience, Licht said:
“在任何其他时尚品牌涉足社交游戏之前,我创建了一个名为 DKNY PR GIRL 的匿名 Twitter 人物。DKNY PR GIRL 率先在社交媒体上发出真实的声音,并最终吸引了全球 150 万人跨平台的关注。2011 年,我公开了自己是手柄背后的人,这在全球产生了超过 2.3 亿的印象,包括《纽约时报》的整版专题报道。”
"I created an anonymous Twitter figure called DKNY PPR GIRL before any other fashion brand became involved in social games. DKNY PPR GIRL took the lead in making a real voice on social media and eventually attracted 1.5 million people across platforms across the globe. In 2011, I made it public that I was behind the handle, which created more than 230 million impressions around the globe, including the full edition of The New York Times."
Licht 在 DKNY PR GIRL 背后的角色为她的个人品牌赢得了一些不错的收益。
Licht's role behind DKNY PR GIRL earned some good money for her personal brand.
“六年来,我的 DKNY PR GIRL 角色获得了许多奖项、一次 TED 演讲和一笔图书交易。《留下你的印记》于 2015 年出版,已成功指导了全球数千名专业人士。”
"For six years, my DKNY PR GIRL role has won many awards, a TED lecture and a book deal. Leave Your Marks, published in 2015, has successfully directed thousands of professionals around the world."
Here you can see how the categories of fees, earnings and possessions are divided.
Payment for socialization is necessary — and there is no need to waste money.
Maybe the combination looks like this:
增加您的结果,并每周提升一次特色 Facebook 帖子。
Increase your results and raise the special Facebook post once a week.
根据 Joe Youngblood 的说法,等几天再速推 Facebook 帖子,让它自然发布,然后再速推。
According to Joe Youngblood, wait a few days to push the Facebook post and let it go naturally and then push.
Remember, anything you construct on social media is basically a “rent space”.
您不拥有您的社交媒体社区、追随者或内容。它明天可能会关闭,正如我们在 Vine、Blab 和其他现已关闭的社交媒体渠道上看到的那样。
You do not have your social media community, followers, or content. It may close tomorrow, as we see on Vine, Blab and other social media channels that are now closed.
You can convert your social media community into an email list (this is what you own).
Consider creating free downloads, memos, guides or courses to reach out directly to your audience.
Introduces brand labels and starts using them on social platforms.
People with influence are encouraged to use theme labels.
The brand and goal keywords that monitor social media are tweaked on Twitter with journalists, bloggers, and real-time influencers. Find dialogue and engage in it.
warns that is well known and that this event will generate positive media coverage, sharing and participation.
#SocialPRSecret: You cannot buy good public relations and social identity or escape negative public relations.
First, there is a positive assessment to have more and positive search and social outcomes.
我喜欢画布。她喜欢斯帕克。他们喜欢 Hootsuite。我们喜欢 Buffer。CEO 的儿子想知道为什么您没有 Snapchat 地理过滤器。
I like canvass. She likes Spock. They like Hootsuite. We like Buffer. CEO's son wants to know why you don't have the Snapchat Geographic Filter.
将 5000 万个工具分散在您的社交媒体团队中既没有乐趣也没有效率。这有点夸张;关键是要有一份经过批准的工具和平台清单。
Dispersing 50 million tools in your social media team is neither fun nor efficient. This is an exaggeration; the key is to have a list of approved tools and platforms.
Everyone needs to use the same social media management tools and platforms.
Web3 提示:探索以 Web3 为中心的工具和平台,例如 spacial.io、Discord 和 Threedium,以增强您的品牌体验。
Time is everything! A day late is a dollar loss.
You have to be at a party early on in social media, never late. That means a business date for research meetings and events. Search for matches with seasons, dates or official months.
Ensure that your report is efficient and accurate so that it can be properly analysed.
CEO 拿到一页纸,CMO 拿到两页纸,销售人员拿到销售连接报告,而分析师拿到完整的 10 页纸。
The CEO gets one page of paper, the CMO gets two pages of paper, the salesman gets the sales connection report, and the analyst gets the full 10 pages of paper.
Match the report with the right actors and with what is of greatest interest to them.
Identify internal, external and reporting dates.
- 内部:查看您所在行业的会议、研讨会、团队会议和营销报告。不要忘记主题标签!
- 外部:查看季节、主题、事件和趋势新闻以与您的社交媒体内容相关联。
#SocialPRSecret:从菠萝日到世界生产力日,不要错过任何一天!查看一年中的日子,让你的编辑日历充满最有趣的事件、节日和奇怪的假期。并将这篇 SEJ 文章加入书签以进一步帮助您的编辑日历:您需要这个营销日历和免费模板!
#SocialPRSecret: From Pineapple Day to World Productivity Day, don't miss any day! Look at the day of the year and fill your editing calendar with the most interesting events, holidays and strange holidays. Add this SEJ article to bookmarks to further help you edit your calendar: You need this marketing calendar and free templates!
Web 3 提示:报名参加 Crypto、Web3 和 NFT 相关的活动。留意虚拟和面对面的活动和会议来教育您的团队,并可能与 Web3 合作伙伴联系以提升您的品牌。
Measuring important factors is key to the strategic wisdom and success of social media.
Each network has its analytical version. It is easy to run a report over an unlimited period of time. Make sure you are spinning back to measurable targets.
View the quantitative and emotional and intended characterization of hard data.
- 定量示例包括网站会话、电子邮件注册数量、印象和社交网络数据。
- 定性示例包括情绪,例如对社交消息的好评或评论。例如,您是否提高了菜单价格并在您的 Facebook 页面上提出了投诉?
定量说明发生了什么,定性通常可以说明“为什么”。例如,您在 Business Insider 中有一篇正面的专题报道,其中包含指向您公司网站的链接,这导致网站访问量激增。
For example, you have a positive feature in Business Institute, which contains links to your company’s website, which has led to a surge in visits.
当有影响力的人开始使用Daily Harvest时,这是一家出售碗、汤和冰沙的素食送餐服务,在生病后出现负面评论——这可能是定量和定性的一个例子——销售额下降、负面媒体宣传和负面社会影响媒体情绪。
When influential people begin to use Daily Harvest, it is a vegetable delivery service that sells bowls, soups and iced sands, with negative comments after illness - this may be a quantitative and qualitative example of falling sales, negative media publicity and negative social impact on media sentiment.
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