At this point, the latest price trends in Bitcoin are revealing a new market trend that has far-reaching implications for understanding and predicting the future of the industry. Together, let us focus on and analyze today’s bitcoin price developments.
比特币价格今日行情 比特币btc最新价格比特币的最新价格为23943.2美元一枚,这个价格数据是截于2023年2月20号的价格,用户们如果要想查看实时的比特币或者是其它虚拟货币的价格是可以使用欧易交易所(点击下载)来进行查看的,比特币的历史最高价格为6927.1美元,那么比特币价格今日行情如何呢?下面请看详细介绍!
The latest price of Bitcoin is $23,943.2. This price is the price cut off from February 20, 2023. If users want to see real-time bitcoin or other virtual currency prices that can be viewed using the ELEX exchange (click and download), the historical maximum price of Bitcoin is $6927.1. How is the bitcoin price today?
Bitcoinbtc's latest price:
Today's price: $23,943.2
24H最高: 25,192.8
High 24H: 25,192.8
24H最低: 24,243.0
Minimum 24H: 24,243.0
历史最高: 69,273.1
Highest recorded: 69,273.1
历史最低: 0.0495
History lowest: 0.0495
24H成交量: 72.35万
Distribution of 24H: 72.35 million
24H成交额: 178.5亿
24H: 178.5 billion
发行总量: 2100万
Total issued: 21 million
市值: 4667亿
Market value: $46.67 billion
24H换手率: 3.83%
Exchange rate of 24H: 3.83%
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