今日起滴滴下线顺风车业务;传腾讯音乐将于 9 月 7 日美股公开申报;B 站解封;SpaceX 展示宇航员进出臂 | 极客早知道

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:50 评论:0
关于乐清女孩乘滴滴遇害一事,8 月 26 日滴滴发布公告「关于乐清顺风车事件的自查进展」称,自 8 月 27 日零时起,在全国范围内下线顺风车业务,内部重新评估业务模式及产品逻辑,并免去黄洁莉的顺风车事业部总经理职务,免去黄金红的客服副总裁...



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关于乐清女孩乘滴滴遇害一事,8 月 26 日滴滴发布公告「关于乐清顺风车事件的自查进展」称,自 8 月 27 日零时起,在全国范围内下线顺风车业务,内部重新评估业务模式及产品逻辑,并免去黄洁莉的顺风车事业部总经理职务,免去黄金红的客服副总裁职务。同时。滴滴客服副总裁黄金红转发公告并表示,这次事件客服有不可推卸的责任,一切问题都是管理者的问题,对处理也完全认可。

With regard to the killing of girls by droplets, on August 26, a circular was issued, "A self-censorship on the incident of a smooth car", stating that since August 27, the down-and-down of the country's windmill business, the internal re-evaluation of the business model and product logic, and the removal of Huang Ji Li from the post of Chief Executive Officer of the Windmill Enterprise, as well as from the position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Golden Rouge. Meanwhile, a circular by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the drop-in service said that the incident was an inescapable responsibility, and that all issues were the issue of the manager and were fully accepted for dealing with it.

8 月 26 日下午,交通运输部联合公安部以及北京市、天津市交通运输、公安部门,对滴滴开展联合约谈,责令其立即对顺风车业务进行全面整改,保障乘客出行安全和合法权益,及时向社会公布有关整改情况。交通部要求:即日起,不得再新接入未经许可的车辆和人员,并加快清退已接入的不合规车辆和人员。会上滴滴承诺:自 8 月 27 日起,在全国内下线顺风车业务,重新评估业务模式;9 月 1 日前完成合规化运营工作方案,报送有关部门并接受社会监督;开拓平台用户紧急情况报警通道,完善配合公安机关证据调取机制。(来源:腾讯科技、交通运输部)

In the afternoon of August 26, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Security and the transport and public security departments of the cities of Beijing and Tianjin, conducted a joint interview with the Ministry of Transport and Transport and Public Security, and ordered them to carry out an immediate and comprehensive overhaul of the windmill operations, to guarantee the safety and legal rights of passengers to travel, and to make the relevant corrections known to society in a timely manner. The Ministry of Transport requested that, as of that date, no new access to unauthorized vehicles and personnel be allowed, and to expedite the removal of non-compliant vehicles and personnel.

8 月 27 日消息,腾讯音乐将于 9 月 7 日美股公开申报,10 月 18 日正式上市。此前,在 7 月初,腾讯音乐已经进行上市申请的秘交,并在过去一个半月中,进行了美国证监会问题的答疑。腾讯音乐上市估值区间为 290亿-310 亿美元,上市主承销商为高盛和摩根士丹利。目前,国际主流基金,包括富达、索罗斯基金、D.E. Shaw,均给出了 320 亿美元左右的估值。(来源:IPO 早知道)

August 27, news was that tweak music will be declared publicly by the United States of America in September 7 and officially on October 18. Prior to that, early in July, tweak music had been introduced to the list and, over the past month and a half, the US CVM question had been answered. The tweaking music was valued at $29 billion-$31 billion between the listed areas, and the listed owners were Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. At present, mainstream international funds, including Fuda, Soros Foundation, D.E. Shaw, had offered valuations of around $32 billion. (Source: IPO would have known)

8 月 25 日消息,特斯拉 CEO 埃隆·马斯克在特斯拉官网发布公开信称,特斯拉将放弃私有化。公开信解释了放弃私有化的原因,马斯克表示,特斯拉的多数现有股东认为特斯拉最好保持上市公司状态,以及很多机构投资者解释了机构内部规定会限制他们对私有公司的投资。此外,马斯克还称私有化方案比预期的要难,特斯拉应该集中精力增加 Model 3 的产量,尽快扭亏为盈。综合以上考虑,马斯克会见了特斯拉董事会,表示保持上市公司是对特斯拉最好的选择,并得到董事会的赞同。

On August 25, it was reported that Tesla CEO Elon Mask had issued an open letter on Tesla’s network stating that Tesla would abandon privatization. The open letter explained why Tesla had abandoned privatization, stating that most of his current shareholders believed that Tesla preferred to remain a listed company, and that many institutional investors had explained that the agency’s internal regulations would limit their investment in private companies. Moreover, Mask also argued that privatization programmes were more difficult than expected, and that Tesla should focus on increasing Model 3 production and losing it as quickly as possible.


Previously, Mask announced on the social networking site that he wished to privatize Tesla and that "money is in place" because it was investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States through social media to disclose the non-orthodox practices of corporate plans. (Source: New Wave Technology)

北京时间 8 月 27 日凌晨,据英国金融时报报道,Uber 首席执行官达拉·科斯罗萨西称,作为其长期战略的一部分,Uber 正在计划将短途客运的重点从汽车转向电动自行车和滑板车。尽管这可能从 Uber 的司机手中夺走了收入,但更多的个人交通工具更适合城市内部旅行。他承认,在短期内,这一举措将意味着去年亏损 45 亿美元的公司将受到进一步的金融打击。

In the early hours of August 27, Beijing time, according to the British Financial Times, Uber Chief Executive Officer Dara Kosrossi, as part of his long-term strategy, Uber is planning to shift the focus of short-distance passenger shipments from cars to electric bicycles and skateboards. While this may have cost Uber drivers, more personal means of transport are more suitable for intra-city travel. He acknowledges that in the short term, this initiative will mean a further financial blow to companies that lost $4.5 billion last year.

今年 2 月,Uber 首次在其应用中加入了电动自行车,并在今年 4 月收购了自行车共享公司 Jump。在美国的 8 个城市,包括纽约、华盛顿和丹佛都提供了 Jump 自行车,并很快就会在柏林推出。(来源:新浪财经)

In February of this year, Uber first added an electric bicycle to its application and acquired a bicycle-sharing company, Jump, in April of this year. Eight cities in the United States, including New York, Washington and Denver, have provided Jump bicycles, which will soon be launched in Berlin.

8 月 25 日,SpaceX 官方推特发布了 8 月 20 日在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心的 39A 发射台上安装的宇航员进出臂(Crew access arm)的照片,并称该宇航员进出臂是为 NASA 宇航员登上「龙飞船」而准备的。据悉,波音公司本月在卡纳维拉尔角空军基地 41 号航天发射复合体也安装了他们的宇航员走道。

On August 25, SpaceX official Twitter released a photograph of the astronaut's access arm (Crew access arm) installed on the 39A launch platform of the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on August 20, claiming that the astronaut's access arm was prepared for NASA cosmonauts to board the Dragonship. The Boeing company is also known to have installed its astronaut launch complex at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base 41 this month.

在本月初,NASA 公布了参与 SpaceX 龙飞船与波音公司 Starlinr 载人航天的宇航员阵容,SpaceX 预计在 2018 年 11 月进行无人测试,2019 年 4 月进行载人测试。马斯克也转发了该推特,并称赞道:「这确实是真的(This is actually real)」。(来源:腾讯科技、快科技)

At the beginning of the month, NASA announced that it was an astronaut who was involved in the SpaceX dragonship and the Boeing company Starlinr's manned space, and that SpaceX was expected to conduct an unmanned test in November 2018 and a manned test in April 2019. Mask also forwarded the tweet and praised it: "This is actually real."

近日工信部官网发布工业和信息化部关于电信服务质量的通告。该通告指出,二季度,12321 网络不良与垃圾信息举报受理中心共接到不良手机应用有效举报 128526 件次,同比下降 32.11%,环比下降 6.34%。通过行业自律,联合应用商店、安全检测厂商对其中存在问题的 593 款不良手机应用进行了下架处理。

The Ministry of Industry and Information Network recently issued a circular on the quality of telecommunications services from the Ministry of Industry and Informatization. The circular states that, in the second quarter, 12,3221 centres for receiving complaints of poor Internet and garbage information received 12,8526 effective reports of poor cellular applications, a decline of 32.11 per cent and a decrease of 6.34 per cent.

在 2018 年二季度,用户申诉主要涉及的增值电信企业、移动转售企业包含阿里巴巴、京东、小米等 10 家知名企业。其中,阿里巴巴、小米两家公司被用户申诉涉及的主要问题都是单方面停止通信服务,京东为用户投诉处理不及时。(来源:新京报)

In the second quarter of 2018, users complained mainly about value-added telecommunications enterprises, mobile resale companies, including 10 prominent businesses such as Ali Baba, Kyundong, Mi, etc. The main problem of the complaints filed by users was the unilateral suspension of communication services and the late processing of complaints by users in Kyoto. (Source: New Kyoto newspaper)

8 月 26 日,哔哩哔哩动画(B 站)在经历为期一个月(7 月 26 日至 8 月 25 日)的下架整改处罚后,目前已经「解禁」,重新在苹果、小米等各大应用商店上架。除 B 站外,恢复上架的短视频应用还包括沙发视频、洋葱视频等 6 款 app。但秒拍、波波视频、56 视频等 5 款暂停上架产品目前依旧没有恢复上架迹象。

On August 26, after one month (July 26 to August 25) of the next corrective punishment, the Belli Animation (B Station) has now been "deactivated" and has been repositioned in major applications such as apples and mills. In addition to Station B, short video applications to restore the upper shelf include six items, including sofa video, onion video, etc., an app. However, seconds, wave video, 56 videos, etc., have not yet shown any signs of a return to the upper shelf.

7 月 26 日,国家网信办会同工信部、公安部、文化和旅游部、广电总局、全国「扫黄打非」办公室等五部门,开展网络短视频行业集中整治,依法处置了 19 家网络短视频平台。其中,B 站、沙发视频、两三分钟、洋葱视频、百思不得姐、SEE U、爆米花七款短视频平台处罚措施为下架一个月进行内部整改,内涵福利社、发你视频、秒拍、波波视频、56 视频 5 款视频平台则是被暂停上架。(来源:财经网)

On July 26, the National Networking Office, together with the Ministry of Trade and Communications, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the General Directorate of Electricity and Telecommunications, and the National Office of Cleaning Up, organized a campaign to centralize the Internet short video industry and disposed of 19 short video platforms in accordance with the law. Of these, B Stations, Sofa Videos, two or three minutes, Onion Videos, Pepsi Sisters, SEE U, Popcorn Seven short video platforms are subject to an internal correction for the next month.

8 月 26 日高德方面表示,出于安全考虑,高德地图已暂时下线顺风车业务。据悉,高德地图目前已无「顺风车」入口,对于何时恢复,以及目前业务开展进度,高德官方暂无回应。

On August 26, the Goethe side stated that, for security reasons, Goethe maps had been temporarily cut off from windmill operations. According to the information received, Goethe maps now do not have a "windmill" entry, and there is no response from Goethe’s official authorities as to when they will resume and the current pace of operations.

3 月 27 日,高德曾发布顺风车业务,并强调该业务为公益项目,没有任何商业化目的,将坚持对用户不抽取佣金,不打补贴战,甚至此前补贴短信费用和保险等第三方服务费。此前,成都、武汉两地率先上线,同时开启北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州等城市的车主招募,之后将逐步扩展到全国更多城市。高德集团总裁刘振飞曾表示,乘客花多少钱,车主就能拿多少钱。(来源:新京报)

On March 27, Gold announced the windmill business and stressed that it was a public good project, with no commercial purpose, and would insist on no commissioning for users, no subsidized war, or even subsidized third-party services such as SMS and insurance. Before that, Chengdu and Wuhan had taken the lead, while recruiting owners in cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, and so on, and would gradually expand to more cities throughout the country.

8 月 26 日消息,继腾讯、阿里巴巴掐断数字货币的场外支付渠道后,百度也加入了对币圈的全面封锁,百度的币圈吧、数字货币吧、虚拟货币吧等贴吧被全部封禁。

On August 26, following the news that Ali Baba had suffocated the off-site payment channels for the digital currency, 100 degrees were added to the complete closure of the currency circle, and 100 degrees of currency bar, digital bar, virtual bar bar, etc. were all banned.

日前,腾讯发布「整治 ICO、虚拟货币乱象」声明。声明称腾讯已在支付渠道上采取三项整治措施:限制问题平台收款帐号的收款功能,禁止其使用微信支付进行虚拟货币交易收款;限制个人卖家帐号的收款额度,限制虚拟货币相关交易收款;对日常交易进行实时监控。同时,阿里巴巴旗下的蚂蚁金服也表示,支付宝对于个人账户涉嫌虚拟货币交易的,会根据情节采取限制账户收款功能甚至永久限制收款等处理措施。(来源:搜狐科技)

The announcement states that it has taken three corrective measures on payment channels: limiting the collection function of the collection account of the problem platform, prohibiting the use of micro-mails to cover the collection of virtual currency transactions; limiting the collection of individual sellers' accounts, limiting the collection of transactions related to virtual currency; and providing real-time monitoring of daily transactions. At the same time, Alibaba’s ants gold dress also states that payment treasures are subject to such measures as limiting the collection function of accounts or even permanently limiting the collection of funds, depending on the circumstances. (Source: Fox Search Technology)

YouTube 近日宣布,从本周开始已经在 Youtube 上获利的视频创建者可以在视频中设置不可跳过的广告,合格的创建者将在列表上得到通知,YouTube 将这些广告限制在 20 秒以内。创作者可以因此获得更多的收入,这也是 YouTubes 鼓励创作者在其平台上制作更多内容的一种方式。YouTube 还增加了一个工具,让创作者批量添加或删除不可跳过的广告,并跟踪包含这一类型广告视频的受众参与度。(来源:PingWest)

YouTube recently announced that video creators who have profited from YouTube since this week can place non-jumpable advertisements in the video, and that qualified creators will be notified on the list, and YouTube will limit these advertisements to 20 seconds. The creators can thus earn more, which is one way in which YouTubes encourages creators to produce more content on their platforms. YouTube has also added a tool that allows creators to mass add or delete non-jumpable advertisements and track the participation of audiences that contain this type of advertising video.

8 月 26 日,更多关于 Realme 2 的配置信息曝光,搭载骁龙 450,内存配置为 3GB RAM+32GB 或 4GB+64GB,尺寸 156.2x75.6x8.2mm,重量 168g,配置 4320mAh 电池。此外,Realme 2 会预装 Oppo 的 ColorOS 5.1 系统(基于 Android 8.1 打造),还支持面部解锁、SmartLock 等身份验证功能。据悉,这款手机将于 8 月 28 日在印度电子商务平台 Flipkart 上发布。(来源:cnBeta)

On August 26, more information on the configuration of Realme 2 was exposed, carrying 450 pylons, RAM+32GB or 4GB+64GB, size 156.2x75.6x82mm, weight 168g, configuration of 4320mAh batteries. In addition, Realme 2 preloads the Propo's COlorOS 5.1 system (based on Android 8.1) and also supports facial locking, Smartlock, etc. The mobile phone will be released on August 28 on the Indian e-commerce platform Flipkart (source: cnBeta).

据 CNBC 北京时间 8 月 25 日报道,Instagram 正在测试一个新的功能,将学生用户按大学社区分组,让这款照片共享应用与 Facebook 更相近。据悉,这项服务是针对目前在读大学生,不包括已经毕业的校友。用户被提示加入所在的大学社区,以班级为小组进行分类,加入小组需要填写入学年份和毕业年份。用户可以查看群组成员的公开更新,并可以直接从小组列表中发送消息。

According to a report by CNBC Beijing time on August 25, Instagram is testing a new feature to group student users into university communities, bringing this photo sharing application closer to Facebook. It is known that the service is intended for students currently studying, not graduates. Users are advised to join the university community where the class is classified as a group, which needs to fill in the school year and graduation year. Users can view the public updates of group members and can send messages directly from the group list.

账户核实并不依赖于注册使用的学校邮箱地址或校园地理位置,而是通过「公开分享关于大学的信息、关注的账号和其他连接的信息。」Instagram 称该功能正处于测试阶段,用户可以进行反馈。(来源:CNBC)

The account verification does not depend on the registered address of the school mailbox or the geographical location of the campus, but rather on the "public sharing of information about the university, accounts of concern and other connections." Instagram states that the function is being tested and users can provide feedback. (Source: CNBC)

当地时间 8 月 24 日,发表在美国《科学进展》杂志上的研究显示,科罗拉多大学波尔得分校的研究人员开发出一种新材料,新材料使用了液晶弹性体,可实现双向变形,且这种变形肉眼即可观察到。液晶弹性体是一种高分子材料,最常见的是应用于液晶电视显示器。研究人员在液晶弹性体中安装了光敏开关,接触某一特定波长的光后,分子会首先按某种特定方式排列,在接触热刺激后即变形。这种可控变形材料有望广泛应用于机器人、生物医学设备和人工肌肉等领域。(来源:新华社)

On August 24, local time, a study published in the United States journal Progress in Science showed that researchers at the University of Colorado-Porque School developed a new material that uses liquid crystals elasticity, which can be deformed in both directions, and which can be observed in the eye. LCD is a highly molecular material, most commonly used in LCD monitors. Researchers install light-sensitive switches in liquid crystals elastomers and contact light in a given wavelength, the molecules first become deformed in a particular way after exposure to heat stimulation. This controlled deformation material is expected to be widely applied in the fields of robots, biomedical equipment and artificial muscles (source: Xinhua).

子弹短信自 8 月 20 日推出之后迅速走红,短短几天时间冲到了苹果 App Store 下载量第一名。8 月 25 日晚,锤子科技 CEO 罗永浩发微博表示:子弹短信在苹果软件商店的下载量太大,被误会有刷榜行为,触发了苹果软件商店的自动验证机制,这导致安装和下载变得非常复杂,给用户造成了不必要的麻烦,急需与苹果中国建立沟通渠道。此外,在当天与网友的互动中罗永浩还表示,支付宝会很快进入子弹短信。(来源:微博)

The bullet message was rapidly reded since its launch on August 20, and in just a few days it hit Apple App Store first in downloads. On the evening of August 25, the hammer technology CEO Rowongho posted a microblog saying that the bullet text message was downloaded too much in the Apple Software Shop, that it had been misdirected, and that it triggered an automatic validation mechanism in the Apple Software Shop, which made installation and downloads very complicated, causing unnecessary trouble for users and that it was urgent to establish channels of communication with Apple China. In addition, during the interaction with the Internet that day, Yong Ho said that payment of the treasure would soon enter the bullet text message.


Headline source: Visual China




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    0.00003374比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00003374比特币等于2.2826 1222美元/16.5261124728人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.00003374克洛克-0/22216.5261124728比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489807.72 CNY(1比特币=489807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00003374USDT=0.0002442776 CNY)。汇率更新于2024...
  • 2018-5-31币圈简报

    一、要闻资讯类I. KEY INFORMATION CATEGORY1、央视:数字货币在京揭牌成立!中国或为此突变!1. View: Digital currency is established in Kyoto! China or mutated for it!中国数字货币来了˂a href="https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/69fxKCf8GKSCscS4lT8WCA" Target="_blank"rel="noformlow"" Chinese...