
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:40 评论:0
公鏈作為區塊鏈行業中重要的基礎設施,不僅僅是諸多生態得以發展繁榮的基礎,更是當下 Web3 時代不可忽視的流量入口。從比特幣到以太坊,再到後來的波卡、Cosmos、Dfinity,以及當下大熱的 Layer 2 ……公鍊及其擴展性領域的競爭...



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公鏈作為區塊鏈行業中重要的基礎設施,不僅僅是諸多生態得以發展繁榮的基礎,更是當下 Web3 時代不可忽視的流量入口。從比特幣到以太坊,再到後來的波卡、Cosmos、Dfinity,以及當下大熱的 Layer 2 ……公鍊及其擴展性領域的競爭從未止步。而競爭背後的邏輯在於,隨著區塊鏈行業和加密市場的快速發展,對公鏈的效率、費用、安全跨鏈以及易操作性等各方面都提出了更高的要求。那麼,在未來十年,區塊鏈生態系統中還需要有什麼樣的公鏈來滿足市場需求?或許我可以關注KAD Chain提出的解決方案。

The public chain, as an important building block in the chain industry, is not only the foundation on which many lifelines have flourished, but also the portal to flow that the current Web3 era cannot ignore. From Bitco to Ether, and then to Poca, Cosmos, Dfinity, and now the hot Layer 2 The competition for the public chain and its expanded domain has never stopped. The logic behind the competition is that the rapid development of the sector’s chain industry and the crypto market has placed higher demands on the efficiency, cost, security, and ease of operation of the public chain. So, in the next decade, what public chains are needed in the regional chain system to satisfy market demand?


comes out:

在2019年的時候,矽谷的一次小型計算機科學研討會上,計算機科學家Andrew ThompsonKad 提出將Kademlia網絡架構與Defi的結合。創建一個公平、開放且透明的金融生態。這個生態不僅要包含所有的傳統金融功能,如交易、投資等,還要整合最新的科技元素,如區塊鏈、智能合約等,以此滿足當今世界日益複雜的金融需求。這個想法與華爾街金融巨頭"Goldman Sachs"和創新研究機構"Kad協議實驗室"一拍即合,於是他們聯合創立了KAD Chain,將這個革新性的理念落地,從理論走向實踐。

In 2019, at a small computer science conference in Silicon Valley, the computer scientist Andrew Thompson Kad offered to combine Kademlia's network with Defi. Create a fair, open and transparent financial system that not only encompasses all traditional financial functions, such as transactions, investments, etc., but also integrates the latest technological elements, such as block chains, smart contracts, to satisfy the increasingly complex financial needs of the world today. This idea coincides with the Wall Street financial giant Goldman Sachs and the new research facility, Kad's protocol laboratory, and it is they who have joined forces to create KAD Chain and put the idea of innovation on the ground and move from theory to reality.


KAD protocol lab

KAD源於Kademlia,Kademlia協議(以下簡稱Kad)是美國紐約大學的PetarP. Maymounkov和David Mazieres聯合瑞波實驗室開發團隊(Ripple Labs)共同成立KAD協議實驗室。

KAD is based in Kademlia, where the Kademlia agreement (hereinafter referred to as Kad) is a partnership between PetarP. Maymounkov of the University of New York and David Mazieres 'Ripple Labs' Development Team (Ripple Labs) to set up the KAD protocol laboratory.

KAD協議實驗室是Kademlia一種基於點對點(peer to peer lending)理念的新型網絡拓撲結構技術,通稱為DHT(分佈式哈希表),結合Ripple瑞波網絡的基礎貨幣協議和拜占庭算法(BFT),奠定了KAD協議實驗室的領先優勢,打造KAD Chain平台的安全、高效的技術底層。

KAD is a new type of network-based control technology based on the ideas of Kademlia, known as the DHT (distributed Hashi table), which combines the Ripple Ripo network base currency agreement with Byzantium algorithms (BFT), setting the lead for the KAD protocol laboratory and creating a safe and efficient technical base for KAD Chain platform.

DHT是2004年2月27日發布上線。 DHT是區塊鏈的核心思想,是2008年BTC網絡橫空出世的重要技術和理論支撐,點對點是BTC網絡層運行目標,在BTC白皮書裡對其作用和解決現實中心化金融做了大篇幅的報告。

DHT was launched on February 27, 2004. The DHT is the core idea of the chain, and it is an important technical and theoretical support for the BTC network that emerged in 2008 with the goal of running the BTC network, with extensive reports in the BTC white paper on its role and its resolution of financial consolidation.

KAD協議實驗室憑藉一群專注技術科技力量,帶著極客精神信仰,為Kad Sea錢包平台用戶提供安全、高效、值得信任的鏈上交易服務保駕護航!

The KAD protocol, with its technical and technological expertise and with its spiritual faith, provides safe, efficient, trusted chain-based trade services to Kad Sea platform users!

Kad Sea錢包平台

Kad Sea Wallet Platform

Kad Sea是一個提供Web2.0到Web3.0的流動性聚合器,支持跨鏈、錢包金融、 資產管理、一站式解決數字交易需求。在滿足人們關於錢包的存儲、安全、跨鏈、DEX等各項功能外,還能更加方便快捷地與SocialFi、NFT進行無縫連接的交互。

Kad Sea is a fluid polymer that provides Web 2.0 to Web3.0 to support cross-links, wallet finance, asset management, and one-stop digital transactional needs. Besides satisfying people’s storage, security, cross-links, and DEX functions, it is easier to interact more quickly with SocialFi, NFT, and so on.

平台以Kad Sea Wallet為入口,結合拜占庭算力挖礦機制,聯動全球數字社區,共建平台粉絲生態。用戶可以盡情拓展各種Web3應用場景: 多鏈+跨鏈 DAPP/元宇宙Kad Sea Kad Wallet 、Kad Pay、NFT、Kad DEX SocialFi ......

The platform is led by Kad Sea Wallet, which brings together Byzantine's arithmetic mining schemes, connects global digital communities, and co-creates platform fans. Users can expand the web3 applications as much as possible: multi-chain + multi-chain + multi-cosm Kad Sea Kad Wallet, Kad Pay, NFT, Kad DEX SocialFi.

KAD SEA願景:“延續去中心化金融創新,賦能新技術革命進程!”

KAD SEA's vision: “Continuing the process of centralizing financial innovation and empowering new technological revolutions!”

KAD Chain 用4年時間搭建起打通公鏈、DEX、DeFi、NFT、P2P Marketplace 的全方位產品矩陣,並通過Multichain Bridge、Icecreamswap Bridge、Polynetwork Bridge 等橋接大多數底層公鏈,提高了區塊鏈世界的交互效率。此外,KAD的審計解決方案完全能夠確保智能合約的安全,為交易提供了安全可靠的環境。

KAD Chain has spent four years building a full-scale product matrix that connects the public chain, DEX, DeFi, NFT, P2P Marketplace, and connecting most bottom chains through bridges such as Multichain Bridge, Icecreamswap Bridge, Polynetwork Bridge, and so on, improving the interactivity of the chain world. Moreover, KAD’s audit solutions are well placed to ensure the security of smart contracts and provide a safe and secure environment for transactions.

KAD Chain 的創新展示了一個公鏈如何通過利用去中心化金融(DeFi)平台,為用戶提供更多的服務和機會,為全球的金融生態系統注入新的活力。 KAD Chain 的成功運行將成為區塊鏈行業的一個典範,提供一個可行的模式,為未來的公鏈項目提供啟示和靈感。

KAD Chain’s creation demonstrates how a public chain can provide users with more services and opportunities by using decentralizing the financial platform, and inject new energy into the global financial ecosystem. The successful running of KAD Chain will become a model for the sector’s chain industry, providing a viable model for the inspiration and inspiration of future public chain projects.




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