区块链起源于比特币,2008年11月1日,一位自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人发表了《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》一文,阐述了基于P2P网络技术、加密技术、时间戳技术、区块链技术等的电子现金系统的构架理念,这标志着比特币的诞生。
The block chain
Two months later, the theory was put into practice, and the first creation block, number 0, was born on 3 January 2009. A few days later, a block, number 1 appeared and was linked to the creation block, number 0, which marked the birth of the chain of blocks.
In recent years, the world’s Bitcoin attitude has risen and fallen, but the technology of block chains, one of the bottom technologies of Bitcoin, is increasingly valued. During the process of Bitcoin formation, blocks are a storage unit that records the full exchange of information between blocks and nodes over a period of time.
Links are made between blocks by random hash (also known as Hashi ), the latter contains , the result of which is called a chain of blocks as the exchange of information expands.
扩展资料:蚂御岩 区块链的特征: Features of the 1、去中心化。区块链技术不依赖额外的第三方管理机构或硬件设施,没有中心管制,除了自成一体的区块链本身,通过分布式核算和存储,各个节点实现了信息自我验证、传递和管理。去中心化是区块链最突出最本质的特征。 1, decentralisation. block chain technology is not dependent on additional third-party management or hardware facilities, has no central control, and apart from the self-contained block chain itself, self-validation, transmission and management of information is achieved at all nodes through distributed accounting and storage. Decentralization is the most prominent feature of the block chain. 2、开放性。区块链技术基础是开源的,除了交易各方的私有信息被加密外,区块链的数据对所有人开放,任何人都可以通过公开的接口查询区块链数据和开发相关应用,因此整个系统信息高度透明。 2, open. The technical base of the block chain is open-source, the data of the block chain are open to all except for private information of the parties to the transaction that is encrypted, and anyone can access the block chain data and develop relevant applications through open interfaces, thus providing a high degree of transparency of information throughout the system. 3、独立性。基于协商一致的规范和协议(类似比特币采用的哈希算法等各种数学算法),整个区块链系统不依赖其他第三方,所有节点能够在系统内自动安全地验证、交换数据,不需要任何人为的干预。 3, independence. is based on consensus norms and agreements (a variety of mathematical algorithms, such as the Hashi algorithm used in Bitcoin), the entire block chain system is not dependent on other third parties, and all nodes are capable of automatically and safely validating and exchanging data within the system without interference by anyone. 4、安全性。只要不能掌控全部数据节点的拆昌51%,就无法肆意操控修改网络数据,这使区块链本身变得相对安全,避免了主观人为的数据变更。 4, security. does not allow arbitrary manipulation of network data as long as it does not control 51% of all data nodes, making the block chain itself relatively secure and avoiding subjective data changes. 5、匿名性。除非有法律规范要求,单从技术上来讲,各区块闷御节点的身份信息不需要公开或验证,信息传递可以匿名进行。 5, anonymous. Except as required by law, technically speaking, the identity information of each block nodes is not required to be publicly available or authenticated, and the information may be transmitted anonymously. 参考资料来源:百度百科-区块链
The “OK Block Chain 60” is an animated video of the undefeated section of the block chain produced by the joint “OKEx & New Wave Technology” and is aimed at users of the block chain with zero-based inflammation, with graphic images from empty concepts, technologies, applications, etc. The course was directed by the founder of the Lebitt pit, Mr. Jiang Trell.
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