
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:80 评论:0
如果遮住下图左上角的标识,你能识别出这是什么品种吗?If you cover the markings on the top left corner of the chart, ca...



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If you cover the markings on the top left corner of the chart, can you identify this species?


Speculators familiar with the variety of transactions look at the price of almost $20,000 on the right, and should be able to guess that this year's extremely insane , which has recently increased by $7,000 a month. The total market value of Bitcoins is now over $350 billion, which is near the highest level in history.



Bitcoin is, in the end, a string of numbers, and why is that code number being promoted? From the first few cents to almost $20,000 today, what is the rationale behind this?


The original concept of Bitcoin was put forward in 2009 by the “medium bellicose” and the name “medium bellicose” is merely a code name whose true identity is unknown. According to the concept of “medium bellicose,” Bitcoin is used like an e-mail, and you can send bitcoins to anyone in the world without the need for Swift to make a bank transfer.

矿工是指在比特币系统中挖掘比特币的人。比特币系统每十分钟会将需要处理的交易信息打包成一个区块( block ),相当于一道抢答题,矿工抢答到的几率与持有的算力成正比,完成抢答题的矿工即可获得一定数量的比特币作为区块奖励。因此由于矿工是直接介入比特币的挖掘,受利益驱动他们自发会维护整个比特币的系统。

The miners are those who dig bitcoin in bitcoin. The bitcoin system wraps the transaction information that they need to process into a block (block) every 10 minutes, amounting to a question-and-answer match, and the miners get a certain amount of bitcoin as a block incentive to do it. So, because the miners are directly involved in bitcoin excavations, they are motivated by the benefits of maintaining the entire bitcoin system.


In proposing the concept of a block chain, it may not be possible to imagine that the derivative bitcoin could rise to tens of thousands of dollars. The biggest credit for this is the Chinese speculator.


But since 2013, China has set up more than a dozen mining companies – small and powerful, kryptonite, western, and so on. The world of Bitcoin quickly understood what Chinese participation meant – and in two years, Bitcoin’s total net capacity increased 12,000 times.


Indeed, as early as December 12, 2009, “Middle East” stated that users did not want to use the higher computing power of the GPU to make mine machines and dig mines. It was hoped that every owner of the Bitcoin wallet would be able to participate in the system’s decision-making mechanisms.


In the early days of Bitcoin’s launch, individuals were able to access the Bitcoin world by opening computers, and in those years when any ad site could get 0.0001 bitcoins, it was easy to have a bit of its own bitcoins. The surge in network capacity made it meaningless for individuals to dig.


But there are two sides to everything, and the influx of initial capital and the emergence of a large number of mining machines have also allowed Bitcoin, a product that may simply be circulating among the extremes and liberals, to be ravaging and even going out into the lives of ordinary people.



The supply-demand relationship is fundamental to the value of a commodity. Even bitcoin, which is now seen as a bubble by ordinary people, is the most central factor in the growth of bitcoin.


As mentioned above, miners get a bitcoin every ten minutes after completing the bitcoin grid, but the system halves the reward for every 210,000 blocks. At this rate, the bitcoin block is halved every four years or so.


The last time to halve was on July 9, 2016, when the prize for a Bitcoin block fell from 25 to 12.5. Prices then opened up the cattle market, soaring to an all-time high of December 2017.


What about the demand side? Are we really as eager as real money? The demand level of Bitcoin is actually the expansion of the desire of speculators.


The price price was less than a cent when Bitcoin was introduced in the early days, when Bitcoin was still the new value-filled technology that had emerged in the Western world, which could be said to be a small range of guest products, and there was not much demand for such a virtual currency.

但是自由主义者及灰色领域的目光引发了比特币价格第一次的升值趋势。在比特币逐渐扩散影响力后,比特币开始逐步应用到黄赌毒市场。无论是成人网络还是著名暗网Silk Road ,都对比特币这样自由的不被任何个人和机构劫持的货币产生巨大的兴趣。

After Bitcoin spread its influence, bitcoin began to be applied to the yellow market. Whether adult networks or the famous dark net Silk Road, a free currency such as Bitcoin, which is not hijacked by any individual or institution, is of great interest.

到了2013年末,比特币第一次减半奖励效应开始升温,当时的比特币一度超过一盎司的黄金价格。由于其价值不断上涨,更多的资本开始涌入, 2013年之后, OkCoin和火币网两家国内交易所成立。到了2017年芝商所的比特币期货推出,再次提升了全球范围内对于比特币这样的虚拟货币的兴趣。甚至可以说,老牌交易所这样的行为加深了市场比特币未来前景乐观的预期。因为此前太多普通交易者依旧害怕担心比特币一夜成为一堆废弃的代码,毕竟其本身“毫无价值”。

By the end of 2013, Bitcoin’s first halved incentive effect began to warm up, when Bitcoin once exceeded the price of one ounce of gold. With its rising value, more capital began to flow. After 2013, OkCoin and the two domestic exchanges were established. By 2017, the company’s Bitcoin futures were launched, again raising global interest in virtual currencies like Bitcoin.

今年的减半年碰上了疫情,全球央行开始大放水来阻止经济下行,而美元疯狂贬值的趋势下,热钱需要流入一个市场来进行增值。新兴市场和比特币就开始受到市场的追捧。主流机构开始加码比特币,今年8月,富达发起比特币指数基金。10月底, Paypal宣布将允许用户交易和使用加密货币,成为首个接受比特币的主流支付平台。这些种种都让比特币开始一步步扩大影响力,扩大需求端。

By the end of October, Paypal announced that it would allow users to trade and use encrypted currency as the first mainstream payment platform to accept Bitcoin. All of this has allowed Bitcoin to expand its influence and demand.


A phrase in the Brief History of Mankind actually answers that subheading very well.


“Even if there are large numbers of people who don't know each other, if they believe in a story, they can work together. Whether they believe in religion, the subjects of the nation, or the stories of the law. These exist only in the stories that humans themselves have invented and told to each other.”


Bitcoin is no longer an early set of codes, and the world of bitcoin, built by the chain of blocks, is deeply connected to the real world. And the world of bitcoin has shaped our desire to convince a large number of people who do not know each other that bitcoin is an investment product, a trade product in which global speculators participate.



But then Bitcoin is not an ordinary code, but a traded product, and there is a financial risk behind it.


Because of the natural nature of Bitcoin, which leads to too much black money flowing into the market, bitcoin is often used for criminal activity. Unregulated encrypted assets are always a problem for countries, and it would be a question of whether Bitcoin’s storage value and demand for transactions would be compromised if it were to start wearing various kinds of shackles, allowing it to return again to smaller products or not to be the product of distributed block chain technology.

比特币的贬值及杠杆风险或许会引发大雪崩。2008年金融危机前, ABS次级房贷崩溃前,没有人相信它会引发如此大的危机。资产证券化这一金融衍生品让华尔街赚的盆满钵满,但是当还贷人还不起房贷,而当同一资产又不断地被抵押导致杠杆的上升,让整个产品崩溃的是如此吓人。

Prior to the 2008 financial crisis, no one believed that ABS subprime mortgages would trigger such a crisis. Securitization of assets, a financial derivative, had made Wall Street full of money, but when a lender could not afford a mortgage, and when the same asset was constantly mortgaged, it led to an increase in leverage, which was so scary that the entire product collapsed.


At that time, the liquidity of the United States dollar was strained globally to the extent that almost all of its assets were being sold in order to obtain cash in dollars. As can be seen from the dollar swap agreement with the Federal Reserve, the liquidity strain caused by the epidemic this year remains at the same level as at that time.


A similar risk exists on bitcoin. The halving of block incentives means that the profits of miners in bitcoin fall sharply. If Bitcoin’s unit price does not support the cost of miners, it will affect the enthusiasm for mining.


There are central banks in the real world that have some degree of intervention by the Monetary Authority in sovereign currencies, but not by Bitcoin. So bitcoin can fall, but it cannot remain below the cost of miners for a long time, otherwise it will create a chain reaction that triggers the sale of bitcoins.


分析了这么多基本面,其实能看出只要这个市场始终相信比特币未来的前景以及需求端不被破坏,那比特币这一金融产品将会持续坚挺在这个市场受机构和普通交易者追捧。从技术角度来看,目前比特币的多头毋庸置疑十分强劲,近期甚至触即了历史的高点价位。细分今年3月份以来的多头结构,暂时可以将其视为2018年年末涨势的延续,这个延续中期目标位置看向{A }浪的斐波那契扩展1.618位置。若21000美元这一带价格在稍微调整后继续突破上行,这意味着整个市场目前对于比特币的情绪十分疯狂,可以期待更高的价格。

From a technical point of view, the current multiplicity of bitcoins is unquestionable, and has even recently hit historical heights. A breakdown of the multiplicity of structures since March this year can be seen, for the time being, as a continuation of the year-end boom in 2018, a medium-term target position that looks to the wave of Fibonacci with an extension of 1.618. If the $21,000 price continues to break through after a slight adjustment, this means that the entire market is now crazy about Bitcoins and can expect higher prices.


In terms of short-term price trends, given that Bitcoin’s current prices are close to the overlap of two Fibonacci extensions divided internally, which is precisely at historical highs and at the entire point of US$ 20,000, there is a need to guard against short-term multiple sales and exit pressures, and it is not appropriate to follow them blindly at that price.



原创文章,作者:好汉科普网,如若转载,请联系我们:thinkou@126.com 并注明出处:https://www.108hei.com/archives/2202

Original article by Hankopnet, if reprinted, please contact us at thinkou@126.com and indicate source: https://www.108hei.com/archives/2202




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