比特币一季度价格腰斩 全球投机者中国人或超过一半

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In the ninth anniversary of Bitcoin's birth, the last three months may have been the worst quarter in history.


CoinMarketCap data show that the price of Bitcoin, the most significant virtual digital currency that has been pursued in the virtual currency market for the past few years, fell sharply from a high of $17,533 at the beginning of the year to around $6,000 on 8 April, a decline of more than 65 per cent, evaporating almost three times the market value of Tesla and about 5.5 times the market value of Twitter.


What is the situation, and what is the context, in which this technology based on block-chained technologies is subject to such volatility? And what is the context in which virtual digital money markets are swayed around the globe.


“Most than half of the world’s digital money speculators are Chinese, but China’s financial regulatory hierarchy is clearly not supportive of this; and the US has been the biggest emptying tool since the introduction of the Bitcoin futures this year. It can be said that the virtual digital money market was killed twice throughout the quarter.” A senior researcher in the virtual digital money market, Zhang Jie, told China’s wealth kings.



From 25 March to 30 March, there was a “six-colour” in Bitcoin, a decline of nearly 20 per cent if the value fell from a maximum of RMB 567,000 to around RMB 423 million, while throughout March there was a three-step fall in Bitcoin, from a peak of RMB 74.43 million to over 40 per cent.


If the historical high of $13.28 million on December 17, last year, Bitcoin fell by more than 75 per cent in three and a half months. There were more than seven declines in more than three consecutive days.


Zhang Jie pointed out that each fall appeared to be a flight of funds, particularly the wave of rebounds after 6 February this year, as well as serious signs of delivery. The current price of Bitcoin is only one step from the front, and a fall is likely to be a shock.

  与此同时,从2017年4月到2018年3月,比特币在谷歌(1007.04,-20.77, -2.02%)上的关键词搜索热度与其价格呈现相似的走势。当前比特币热度已较去年高峰时暴跌八成,相关指标已经跌至16%,与去年10月保持同等水平。

Meanwhile, between April 2017 and March 2018, Bitcoin's keyword search for heat on Google (1007.04, 20.77, -2.02%) showed a similar trend to its price. Bitcoin's heat has now dropped by 80% compared to last year's peak, and the relevant indicator has fallen to 16%, the same level as last October.


On the other hand, however, the negative news of the entire virtual digital money market in one quarter continues.

  在3月27日,由路透社报道称,Twitter将加入Facebook(157.2, -2.14,-1.34%)和Google的阵营,在其社交媒体平台上禁止ICO及加密货币的广告。此消息一出,比特币跌破8000美元整数位心理关口。除了比特币,数字货币集体下跌。以太币大跌7%,瑞波币大跌6.61%,比特币现金大跌7%。莱特币跌9.5%。

On March 27, Reuters reported that Twitter would join Facebook (157.2, - 2.14, -1.34 per cent) and Google to ban ICO and encrypted currency advertising on its social media platform. In the first instance, Bitcoin fell through the 8,000-dollar full-digit psychological threshold. With the exception of Bitcoin, digital money fell collectively. In Tai currency, it fell by 7 per cent, Riboco by 6.61 per cent and Bitcoin by 7 per cent.


On March 29, the Central Bank held a national telephonic conference on monetary and monetary work, and the Vice-President of the Central Bank, Fan Yi Fei, expressed the need to clean up the various virtual currencies, work closely and coordinate with the relevant ministries, and make a major effort to remedy the cash-flow situation. Despite the central bank’s previous regulatory measures on the virtual currency market, after two meetings this year, the new Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Fan Yi,’s statement has already heralded a stronger and stronger blow to the virtual currency market by China’s financial regulatory sector.


“In the news, the pressure on the virtual currency market during the last week of March has been extraordinary, and even negative news has continued throughout March. In the words of central bank officials on March 29, the impact on the global digital money market has been significant, meaning that many virtual currencies will be cleaned up.” A senior investor in Shanghai said.


April can't be expected


As the global virtual money market has come to this day, the “black March” has become apparent, and how the market goes next is not difficult for the industry. The direction of the spot market is not clear, and the Chicago Bitcoin futures market shows a positive correlation with the spot market.

  根据数据显示,3月29日,CME比特币期货BTC 5月合约收跌15美元或约0.19%,为连续第六个交易日收跌,报7900美元。CBOE比特币期货XBT 5月合约收平,此前连跌两天,报7890美元。CME比特币期货BTC 6月合约收跌约0.19%,报7900美元;CBOE比特币期货XBT 6月合约收涨约0.13%,报7905美元。

According to the data, on 29 March, the CMEbit currency futures BTC fell by $15 or about 0.19 per cent in May, reporting a fall of $7,900 for the sixth consecutive transaction day. The CBOEbit currencies futures XBTs were settled in May, before falling by two days and $7890. The CMEbit currency futures BTCs fell by approximately 0.19 per cent in June and $7,900 in June; and the CBOE currencies futures XBT contracts increased by about 0.13 per cent and $795 in June.

  3月30日,CME比特币期货BTC 5月合约收跌565美元,跌幅超过7.15%,为连续第七个交易日收跌,报7335美元,较2月28日收盘价跌超31.22%;CBOE比特币期货XBT 5月合约收跌650美元,跌约8.24%,报7240美元,3月份累跌约30.32%。

On 30 March, the CMEbit currency futures BTC contract fell by $565 in May, by more than 7.15 per cent, for the seventh consecutive day of trading, by $7335, or 31.22 per cent more than the 28 February collection; and the CBOEbits futures contract fell by $650, or 8.24 per cent, or $7240, or 30.32 per cent in March.


However, in some signs, the decline in bitcoin began with the official launch of bitcoin futures by the Chicago Futures Exchange on 28 December 2017.

  华夏财富君了解到,北京时间周一(2017年12月18日)清晨7点,美国芝加哥商业交易所集团 (CME,“芝商所”)旗下的比特币期货产品正式上市交易,主力近月合约(2018年1月到期)高开至20650美元,但是也就是那时候,比特币现货和期货市场同步下跌。

Fortune Huaxia learned that Monday, Beijing time (18 December 2017), at 7 a.m., Bitcoin futures were officially traded under the auspices of the United States Business Exchange Group in Chicago (CME, “Case House”), and that the main monthly contract (expiring in January 2018) was up to $20650, but that was when the Bitcoin spot and futures market fell in tandem.


In the eyes of the industry, America's introduction of bitcoin futures has become a truly empty tool!

  对于目前的市场情况,Coindesk的首席分析师Omkar Godbole表示,虽然比特币价格走势下行会证实“死亡交叉”形态出现,但近期的比特币超卖情况仍然暗示,不能排除比特币价格还有下行空间的可能性。

With respect to the current market situation, Coindisk's chief analyst, Omkar Godble, stated that while the downward trend in Bitcoin prices would confirm the emergence of a “death intersecting” pattern, the recent oversale of Bitcoin still implied that the possibility of a downswing in bitcoin prices could not be ruled out.

  “若比特币价格下跌至7240美元,就会证实出现了‘死亡交叉形态’,比特币价格有可能进一步下跌至6600美元,但届时技术分析指标RSI可能会显示比特币出现了超卖情况。不过,要注意的是,一旦比特币价格跌至6600美元下方,则不排除将进一步抛售至6000美元。” Omkar Godbole称。

“If the price of bitcoin falls to $7240, it will be confirmed that there is a ‘circumstance of death’, and bitcoin prices are likely to fall further to $6,600, but then the technical analysis indicator RSI may show that bitcoin is oversold. However, it is important to note that once the price of bitcoin falls below $6,600, it does not preclude further sale to $6,000.” Omkar Godbole claims.

  值得关注的是,在虚拟货币数字圈,尽管中国监管层已经将各大交易平台关闭,不过以火币网为代表的几家大型数字货币交易所都纷纷将服务器移至海外,并且一直“不死心”想取得海外政府的合法牌照。在3月24日,火币网通过官方微博(113.6, -2.53, -2.18%)正式宣布,火币美国(HBUS)已经在美国获得MSB牌照,这意味着HBUS可以在美国的大多数州开展币币交易,而另外一家名为币安的交易所想在日本获取交易牌照。

It is interesting to note that in the virtual currency digital circle, while China’s regulatory hierarchy has shut down major trading platforms, several large digital currency exchanges, represented by the Democratic People’s Republic of China’s Democratic Republic of Korea, have moved their servers overseas and have been “indifferent” to obtaining legal licences from overseas governments. On March 24, the Democratic Currency Network officially announced through official Wiebob (113.6, -2.53, -2.18%) that the United States of America (HBUS) has acquired MSB licences in the United States, which means that HBUS can conduct currency transactions in most states of the United States, while another exchange called Currency Ann wants to obtain trading licences in Japan.



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