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In its response to proposal 02969 of the 14th meeting of the National Council of Political Ministers, the Ministry of Industry and Communications indicated that, as a next step, it will strengthen its interaction with the relevant sectors and promote technological innovation and high-quality industrial development in Web3.0. Improving top-level design. Strengthening Web3.0 research and developing a Web3.0 development strategy document tailored to the country's circumstances, clarifying the Web3.0 development path, technology priorities, application models, and dealing with inheritance and innovation, development and security, government and markets, supply and demand.

Web 3.0是什么?

What's Web 3.0?

Web 3.0是互联网技术的下一阶段,被认为是下一代去中心化、语义的Web,有望使互联网变得更加智能、开放和适应个人需求。在Web 3.0中,计算机和设备将从底层互动,并能够更好地理解数据的上下文和语义。这意味着搜索引擎、应用程序和服务能够根据用户的需求提供更精确和有针对性的结果。

Web 3.0 is the next phase of Internet technology and is considered the next generation of decentralised, semantic Web, which is expected to make the Internet more intelligent, open and responsive to individual needs. In Web 3.0, computers and devices interact from the bottom and can better understand the context and semantics of data. This means that search engines, applications and services can provide more accurate and targeted results based on user needs.


Web 3.0的核心技术包括:

The core technologies of Web 3.0 include:

1. 语义网(Semantic Web):通过给数据添加语义标签和元数据,帮助计算机更好地理解内容,从而提供更加准确和相关的搜索结果。

1. Semantic Web: to help computers better understand content by adding semantic labels and metadata to the data, thereby providing more accurate and relevant search results.

2. 链接数据(Linked Data):确保不同的数据源之间可以互相兼容和互通,这有助于实现数据的积累和共享。

Linked Data (Linked Data): Ensure compatibility and interoperability between different data sources, which contributes to data accumulation and sharing.

3. 去中心化(Decentralization):Web 3.0旨在减少对中心化平台的依赖,例如采用去中心化的技术,如区块链和分布式网络,以确保数据所有权和控制权归还给用户。

3. Decentralization: Web 3.0 aims to reduce reliance on centralized platforms, for example by adopting decentralised technologies, such as block chains and distributed networks, to ensure that ownership and control of data are returned to users.

4. 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence):通过使用机器学习和自然语言处理等先进技术,提高计算机对内容和用户需求的理解,从而实现更智能化的服务和功能。

4. Artificial Intelligence: To achieve more intelligent services and functions by improving computer understanding of content and user needs through the use of advanced technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing.

5. 互操作性(Interoperability):Web 3.0的目标是实现不同设备、技术和服务之间的无缝互操作,从而提高用户的体验。

Interoperability: The goal of Web 3.0 is to achieve seamless interoperability between different equipment, technologies and services, thereby enhancing user experience.

总之,Web 3.0的目标是让互联网变得更加智能、去中心化、可扩展和个性化,为用户提供更高效、便捷和安全的体验。

In summary, the goal of Web 3.0 is to make the Internet more intelligent, decentralised, scalable and personalized, providing users with a more efficient, accessible and secure experience.

2032年Web 3.0市场规模将突破800亿美元

Web 3.0 by 2032 will break the market size by $80 billion

近年来随着区块链、人工智能等新一代技术的加速发展,以多技术融合为核心的新一代互联网的形态,Web 3.0正逐步从理念走向落地,赋能数字经济的新发展。

In recent years, with the accelerated development of new-generation technologies, such as block chains and artificial intelligence, and the emergence of a new-generation Internet with multi-technology integration at its core, Web 3.0 has gradually moved from a conceptual perspective to a landing ground that will give new impetus to the digital economy.

根据市场调研咨询公司Acumen Research & Consulting发布的《2023-2032 Web3.0市场预测》报告显示,2032年Web 3.0市场规模将达到819亿美元,复合年增长率为44.5%,其中亚太地区复合年增长率预计为47%。

According to the Market Forecast 2023-2032 Web3.0 published by Acumen Research & Consulting, the market size of Web 3.0 will reach $81.9 billion in 2032, with a compound annual growth rate of 44.5 per cent, with a composite annual growth rate of 47 per cent projected for Asia and the Pacific.

中国信通院云计算与大数据研究所所长何宝宏指出,数字中国建设整体布局规划指出,要夯实数字中国的建设基础,Web 3.0作为数字世界的核心组成部分,既是打通数字基础设施大规模的重要一环,也是畅通数据、资源大循环的重要基础。

The Director-General of the ICAC Research Institute for cloud computing and big data, Ho Bao-Hung, pointed out that, in order to consolidate the construction base of digital China, Web 3.0 as the core component of the digital world is both an important link to the large-scale digital infrastructure and an important basis for a smooth data and resource cycle.

他指出,当前,全球主要国家和地区正加快基于区块链Web 3.0的战略布局,持续探索新场景、新业态带动产业发展迎来了新的机遇。

He noted that at present, major countries and regions around the globe are accelerating the strategic layout based on the block chain Web 3.0 and that new opportunities are opening up for continued exploration of new scenarios and new business-led industrial development.

在技术层面,公有链和联盟链面向高扩展、高性能和高安全持续演进,支持大规模节点和海量交易的开放联盟链,正在成为区块链技术融合创新的重要方向,有望成为Web 3.0技术体系的底层基石。

At the technical level, public and coalition chains, geared towards high-extenssion, high performance and high-security continuous evolution, and open alliance chains that support large-scale nodes and big trades, are becoming important directions for technological convergence in block chains and are expected to become the bottom building blocks of the Web 3.0 technology system.

在应用层面,区块链技术与实体经济,民生服务等领域深度融合。随着国家区块链创新应用试点行动进入验收阶段,区块链正持续向千行百业渗透。各类创新应用层出不穷,规模化效应正逐步显现。区块链Web 3.0数字资产、数字身份等创新应用加速涌现,创造数实融合的新模式,为构建下一代互联网应用生态提供了有力支撑。

At the application level, the block chain technology is deeply integrated with the real economy, human services, and so on. As the country’s block chain innovation pilot is entering the acceptance phase, the block chain is continuing to penetrate thousands of businesses.

在产业方面,我国区块链基础设施的建设进入了新的阶段。国家级、城市级、行业级的基础设施稳步推进,产业构建更加全面,协作更加紧密,标准秩序更加完善,为Web 3.0的发展筑牢了坚实的基础。

At the industrial level, the construction of the infrastructure of the country’s block chain has entered a new phase. The infrastructure at the national, municipal and industry levels has steadily advanced, with a more comprehensive, collaborative and standard-oriented industry that provides a solid foundation for the development of Web 3.0.



The key strategic importance of the development of Web3.0 in China


Web3.0 has broad and far-reaching industrial prospects for future development, which could become a key area of competition for large countries in the global digital economy. China should therefore not be absent, and should actively explore and pre-position it.

1) Web2.0面临诸多挑战。Web2.0的诞生,主要是为了克服Web1.0的限制,Web2.0的主要特点在于用户能够与网络进行互动,但问题也随之而来:第三方平台管理大量数据,且被赋予了巨大的权力和影响力,数据存在被滥用的现象,导致信息越来越不可靠,以及数据和隐私泄露现象多发。2019年,在全球造成的经济损失超过700亿美元。这些问题的出现,都对Web2.0提出了挑战和更高需求。

The birth of Web 2.0 was mainly to overcome the limitations of Web1.0, and the main feature of Web 2.0 was that users were able to interact with the network, but the problem followed: the third-party platform managed a large amount of data and was given great power and influence, the abuse of data led to increasingly unreliable information, and the high incidence of data and privacy leaks. In 2019, the global economic loss exceeded $70 billion. The emergence of these issues posed challenges and higher demand for Web 2.0.

2) Web3.0具有新一代信息革命的发展前景。基于Web2.0的问题,Web3.0尊重用户隐私和数字身份,而Zone区块链网络则为Web3.0提供了一个安全的执行层,得以打造全新的互联网模式,可以解决Web2.0上述安全、隐私和信任问题。目前,Web3.0已经应用于各个行业,例如房地产、教育、金融、游戏、医疗等,也为制造、能源、交通等以人为中心的领域赋能,有望塑造全新的互联网体系,使互联网发展模式和产业格局得到优化,并打造一个全新的互联网经济范式,因而具有良好的发展前景。

Web3.0 has a new generation of information revolutions. On the basis of Web 2.0, Web3.0 respects user privacy and digital identity, while the Zone 3.0 network provides a secure enforcement layer for Web3.0, enabling the creation of a new Internet model that addresses the above-mentioned security, privacy and trust issues of Web 2.0. Web3.0 has been applied to various industries, such as real estate, education, finance, games, medical care, etc., as well as to people-centred areas such as manufacturing, energy, transport, etc., and is expected to create a new Internet system that optimizes the development model and industrial landscape of the Internet and creates a new paradigm of the Internet economy that offers good prospects for development.

3) Web3.0的建设与发展备受国内外关注。国外的Web3.0发展有2种组织形式,第一是若干有意向的个人和团体通过网络社交的方式进行合作,第二则是目前的互联网巨头尝试向Web3.0进行业务扩展。国外围绕着元宇宙,大力发展了区块链、虚拟现实、去中心化金融(DeFi)、DAO等一系列的技术,从研发平台到浏览器,再到分布式应用,形成了一整套产业生态。国内企业对Web3.0也在进行数字收藏应用和关键的技术研发。据统计,2022年上半年,全国共发售约1536万份数字收藏,总发行额约6.53亿元人民币。

The construction and development of Web3.0 are of national and international concern. There are two forms of organization for Web3.0 development abroad, the first being the collaboration of a number of interested individuals and groups through networking, and the second being the attempt by the current Internet giants to expand their operations to Web3. Around the metaspace, a series of technologies have been developed, ranging from research and development platforms to browsers and distributional applications, to industrial ecology. Domestic enterprises are also carrying out digital collection applications and critical technology research and development. In the first half of 2022, around 1.536 million digital collections, with a total circulation of about $653 million yuan, were distributed nationwide.

4) 发展Web3.0对中国具有重要战略意义。Web3.0是新一代互联网技术,与传统的Web2.0相比,具有更加去中心化、开放、透明、安全等特点,将在未来对人类社会产生深远影响。发展Web3.0不仅是全球科技竞争的重要领域之一,也是中国具有重要战略意义的发展方向。Web3.0对中国的重要战略意义如下:

4. The development of Web3.0 is of strategic importance to China. Web3.0 is a new generation of Internet technology with a much more decentralised, open, transparent, and secure character than the traditional Web 2.0, which will have far-reaching implications for human society in the future. The development of Web3.0 is not only an important area of global science and technology competition, but also a strategic development orientation for China. Web3.0 is of strategic importance to China, as follows:


The technology at the heart of Web3.0 is the block chain, which enables decentralizing, non-frozen, automated intellectual contracts, etc., and can be applied in a number of areas, such as finance, physical networking, intellectual property rights, and traceability. The development of Web3.0 will drive China’s IT industry to move to high-end technological fields, foster new STI enterprises and industrial ecosystems, and enhance China’s position and influence in global technology competition.


The decentralized character of Web3.0 can break the monopoly of traditional Internet companies, promote market competition and innovation, and stimulate economic development potential. China is one of the largest Internet markets in the world, and the development of Web3.0 will help to foster new economic growth points, promote the digitization and upgrading of traditional industries, and enhance China’s competitiveness and influence in the global digital economy.


Web3.0 features of decentralisation and transparency can promote transparency and democratization in government governance. Block-chain technology can help the government fight corruption and improve the efficiency of public services by sharing and opening up public data.


The use of Web3.0 also promotes innovation in social governance, solves social contradictions and problems, and promotes harmonious social development. At the same time, the development of Web3.0 poses new social risks and challenges that require the joint efforts of the government and all sectors of society to regulate and manage them.


By building the Web 3.0 network, China can build its own standards and make the technology system self-controllable. Web3.0 development is a new opportunity for a new technological revolution and industrial transformation.



Multinational Concern, future layout


According to a report released by the third-party information analysis agency Gartner, the Web3.0 technology has gone through its first wave of innovation peaks, moving from the “innovation start-up phase” to the “innovation bubble phase”, the technology system is evolving, the market is more hot and entrepreneurial investment is active.


Currently, many Governments are highly concerned about and actively exploring Web3.0 development, ISO is conducting technical research and standard-setting around key directions such as distributional labelling, digital assets, the scale and volume of Web3.0 financing continues to grow, and Internet enterprises and businesses from other industries are looking for new industrial opportunities through Web3.0.

2022年7月,中国上海市政府发布《上海市数字经济发展“十四五”规划》,特别强调要超前布局新一代网络形态,探索 Web3.0 关键技术,加快突破分布式网络核心技术。同年8月,中国北京市政府在《北京市促进数字人产业创新发展行动计划(2022—2025 年)》中也明确提出要抓住“互联网 3.0”创新应用产业机遇。

In July 2022, the Shanghai Municipal Government of China launched the “14th Five-Year Plan for Digital Economic Development in Shanghai City,” with a special emphasis on a new generation of Web 3.0 critical technologies, and on accelerating the break-through of distributed network core technologies. In August of the same year, the Beijing Municipal Government of China made clear in its Beijing Action Plan for Innovative Development of Digital Industries (2022-2025) that it should seize the opportunities of the Internet for innovative applications.


The United States House of Representatives held a hearing on Web3.0, some of whom made clear that it was necessary to ensure that the Web3.0 revolution took place in the United States.


Japan has upgraded the development of Web3.0 to the level of a national strategy, created Minister Web3.0 and plans to implement a series of policies gradually starting in 2023 to improve the climate of innovation in Web3.0 in a comprehensive manner.


Singapore is known as the global node of Web3.0 entrepreneurship, which specifically provides a “sharebox” policy for financial STI start-ups with block chains, meta-cosm and Web3.0 technology at its core, allowing these enterprises and start-up projects to be tested in Singapore.


The European Union, the United Kingdom, France, and even Africa have all begun to shape themselves, and the concept of Web3.0 has gradually moved into national horizons, with a global Internet revolution of Web3.0 already taking place. Improving the infrastructure at the bottom of Web3.0, accelerating the construction of Web3.0 applications, and exploring the location of Web3.0 applications in more areas.


Web3.0 is not the future, it's always been there.

文章来源: 科技导报,证券时报,光明网,热爱分享的IT男

Source: Technology Monitor, Securities Times, Lightnet, sharing-loving IT man.




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