
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:64 评论:0
区块链技术范文第1篇 区块链的计算能力Computability of block chains 无发钞机构、去中心化、去信任化的电子现金系统的实现,依赖于每一个参与者自...



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Computability of block chains


Each person has a master account, which records the transactions of all people, including himself, and can be reconciled with any other person by pointing to a single record, ensuring that the books are consistent, that people, things, goods, and time are fully consistent and objective, that is, that the books are shared. The Bitcoin network of blocks provides incentives for hard-working book keepers, and that only his books are disseminated and validated in the course of each round. Once the hard work and the results of the accounts are consistently acknowledged, the new accounts are added to the shared books. The person who gets the rights to account is rewarded with some bitcoins, so that the entire accounting validation mechanism is referred to as proof of workload.


As each node needs to be constantly calculated to decipher a breakdown based on the information of the previous block, and the process of calculation needs to be continuously packaged to verify transaction data generated by other nodes in the network, the whole process is like a validation exercise to obtain a bitcoin reward. The process is visualized as mining. The workload proof mechanism means that the safety of the block chain is derived from labour inputs shared by people in the real world. Since each node contains information on the previous block, the creation of a special node and its successful validation by the network means the formation of a new block, each of which is stacked over the previous block. So, the blocks that have been formed are as deep as the rock formation below the surface, and are less likely to be touched or tampered with.


The Drifting of Block Chains


By the end of 2011, however, by the end of 2011, the mining of bitcoin was becoming more widespread through arithmetic accounting. People began to discover a professional chip, the FPGA, for export purposes, with only one quarter of the GPU digging, and Bitcoin becoming increasingly connected to real resources. From 2012 to 2013, people began to realize that using the ASIC silicon chip for power output would significantly increase the speed at which the bitcoins were extracted, and could be more efficient than the FPGA.


By the end of 2013, the price of Bitcoin exceeded US$ 1,000 and reached its highest price of US$ 1242 on the afternoon of 29 November, exceeding the offer of US$ 1241.98 per ounce of gold. At this point, Bitcoin became, in a sense, real digital gold.


China’s OKCoin, and the US’s Coinbase, are the most influential ones. More trading entry points also attract more speculators.


Since 2013, the number of bitcoins traded through an exchange has remained more than 10 times the number of times since 2013, i.e., at least 10 out of every 11 transactions originated in bitcoin, rather than for services or goods. According to Coinmap, only 7709 real-estate shops can be paid off by bitcoins worldwide, with only about 10 stores supporting bitcoins in China’s northward depths, Hong Kong, and Xiaan.


The Industrial Chain of Block Chains


The emergence of the arithmetic mining industry has not only opened the way between the block chain and the real resources, but has helped the block chain area to form the first relatively complete system of industrial chains (figure 1), which has evolved from simply extracting and trading wealth in bitcoin to creating wealth from the ecosystem of the block chain. As the ecological improvement and evolution of the chain has accelerated, the capacity of the industry to generate wealth has grown.


A chip development and block-chain computer production. Arithmetic chips based on the security base of the bitcoin block chain are the source of the entire industrial chain. The internal chip structure is designed by a professional team of algorithms, while the actual production of silicone chip is outsourced to specialized chip-for-work plants such as tiles, three stars, high access, and Intel. This process is called a drifting chip.

在经历了比特币币价的大起大落之后,当前市场上仍具竞争力的主要超算芯片团队有中国的嘉楠耘智、比特大陆、海外的Bitfury(中国信贷 投资)和21 Inc.(高通投资)。技术与资本是决定区块链计算机行业优胜劣汰的核心因素。运作良好的区块链计算机研发与生产企业一般拥有良好的现金流,但每个行业都有寒冬期。矿企竞争目前已经逐渐进入寡头阶段,之后的竞争不仅考验团队的技术研发能力,同样也考验团队的资本运作能力。

After a sharp rise in bitcoin prices, the main super-arimental chip teams that are still competitive in the current market are Kanan Ji, Bit continent, Bitfury (China credit investment) and 21 Inc. (High-Town investment). Technology and capital are central to the success and weakness of the sector’s chain computer industry. Well-functioning block-chain computer research and development and production firms generally have good cash flows, but each industry has a winter period. Mining competition is now gradually entering the oligarchy phase, and then competition is testing not only the team’s technical R&D capabilities, but also the team’s capital performance.


2. To reduce energy consumption, the microchip company, which used to use only the energy of the computing chip, has also started to design energy-efficient expansive elements, such as evaporation, electrical power transmission, and placement of the mining unit. Thus, on these three links at the front end of the industrial chain, it is still dominated by the original chip research and development team, each of which has its own skills in this area. In order to reduce energy consumption, a low-cost, high-energy environment adaptable solution has been developed by the Carnadine intelligence team, which has developed a heat-dissipation control system in the operation of the system, as well as smart adjustments to the stability of electrical pressure in the transmission of the power grid, enabling the ASC silicon chip to achieve the maximum energy consumption at the end of the complex environment of the cluster mine, while maintaining a low overall cost.


3. A pond. The pond is a pool of local arithmetic, thereby increasing the probability of new blocks being counted. Bitcoin's algorithms provide for the higher the number of nodes of the total network, the greater the chance of new blocks being counted. Thus, a power exporter chooses to pool, share a main node channel, and ultimately distributes the co-benefits in a certain distribution in advance to the accounts of the sub-node of output.


Data source: Public Data on Block Chains


Unlike other manufacturers, which have focused on chip design, Bitcoins have developed a comprehensive layout from an early stage in the entire industry chain of Bitcoin. From the Bitcoin browser project, to large-scale self-assessing deployments, to cloud computing services, which cover most of the components of the arithmetic industry, the ponds are the end of this layout. One fourth of the ark ponds under the Bitcoat flag account for the share of the ponds, meaning that each block is counted by an ant pond at a rate of one quarter. Thus, the bitcoins generated by each block are rewarded by an an an ant pond at a rate of one quarter.


Thus, the pre-existing advantages of Bitfury, Bitcontinent and Kananji in the Bitcoin computing industry are also reflected in the mineral pool data.


4. Cloud computing. In this context, small and medium-sized miners have become less profitable and even less profitable. They face not only the disproportionate supply of single-block chain computers, but also the whole complex process from delivery to installation and debugging to maintenance.


The cloud computing platform provides access for artisanal miners to a network of bitcoin blocks more easily. Not only has access to miners been reduced, but users of cloud computing have been able to control the flow of arithmetic independently, which is a strategy to solve the problem of concentration of arithmetic caused by the convergence of large-scale integrated mines and ponds.


In fact, the simplified logic of the whole industry seems to be to invest in the purchase of equipment, to obtain bitcoins through the operation of the equipment, and to expect a premium on bitcoin to make profits across the entire industry chain; to reinvest in better equipment once bitcoin has been converted into French coins. Such a model does not actually escape the circle of an arms race in the sector’s chain computer industry during the period of the huge rise in bitcoins in 2013-2014, from 110 nanometres to 55 nanometres, from 28 nanometres to 16 nanometers.


The future of arithmetic and block chains


From 2013-2016, block-chain computers evolved from the CPU era to the GPU era, from the FPGA era to the ASIC era, to the current ASIC era, with the ASIC chip itself becoming smaller and smaller. In this process, mine-specific chip providers from fewer to more, and now oligopolistic, each chip evolves into an industry-updating era.


As a balance, cloud-based solutions have been proposed, adding a discrete force to the evolution of the network of blocks. It is committed to enabling more people to experience mining, enabling more people to gain easy access to the first digital asset by becoming a real distributed miner, understanding the Bitcoin and block chain, and thus forming an ecosystem attached to the outward-to-inward. The more people who hold the digital assets of the block chain, the more dispersed they are, the greater the likelihood that the entire industry will break.


1. Accelerating the development of the big data industry. Because of the essence of block chain computing, which automatically allows the chip to operate through a particular algorithm, a large number of calculations to guarantee the security and stability of the open account chain, big data analysis is a combination of multiple algorithms excavating the metadata for input, filtering, reconstructing, sorting, linking, and ultimately exporting knowledge. Thus, by re-engineering and customizing the algorithms, it is possible to achieve efficient and rapid large data mining and analysis functions.

2.未来区块链计算机――从致富工具到智能机器。区块链算力的军备竞赛,在刺激了芯片技术繁荣的同时也造成了挖矿难度的指数级增加,而期望通过简单粗暴的挖币卖币来致富的投机者们,也在比特币泡沫破裂后的冷静中被逐步淘汰。因为币价保值升值所真正需要的并非是短期的利益绑架,而是区块链的真正安全,以及区块链上进一步可被开发的应用价值,于是真正的区块链研究者与创业者们开始将区块链计算机推向了智能硬件的新生态。其中一种新的应用价值开发,就来自于高通所投资的21 Inc.。这家海外的创业公司将自己所研发的芯片及设备命名为“比特币电脑”,而非“比特币区块链计算机”,因为他们更看重比特币的“工业用途”。

Future block-chain computers - from enrichment tools to smart machines. An arms race in block-chain computing, while stimulating the boom of chip technology, has led to an exponential increase in the difficulty of mining, while speculators who expect to be rich through simple, aggressive currency-digging, have been phased out in calm after the bursting of the Bitcoin bubble. Because what is really needed is not short-term profit kidnapping, but real security of block-chains and the value of applications that can be further developed on the block chain, so that real sector-chain researchers and entrepreneurs begin to push a block-chain computer to a new ecology of smart hardware.

21 Inc.联合创始人兼CEO Balaji Srinivasan认为,机器网络是继万维网和社交网络之后的第三个网络,在该网络中,所有的连接实际上都是机器间直接的支付行为。21 Inc.以嵌入式挖矿为理念,着眼于未来物联网的潜力,希望通过嵌入主流的消费电子设备在后台挖矿,通过无限的数字货币流来从事微交易。21 Inc.计划向市场推出嵌入式芯片,允许用户使用智能手机和其他互联网设备进行比特币挖矿。

According to CEO Balaji Srinivasan, co-founder and co-founder of the machine network is the third after the World Wide Web and social network, in which all connections are in fact direct inter-machine payments.21 Inc., based on the concept of embedded mining, looking at the potential of future-matter networking, hopes to engage in micro-trading through embedded consumer electronic devices in the backstage, and through unlimited digital currency flows.21 Inc. plans to introduce embedded chips to the market, allowing users to use smart phones and other Internet devices to mine bitcoins.


In the next 10 years, the number of devices will increase significantly, and it will not be feasible to centralize so many of them. IBM believes that block-chain technology is the solution. The network of decentralized cloud networks through block-link technology is a “social rule” of artificial intelligence. Similarly, all smart electronic devices in the future are connected to each other, and there is a possibility that China’s chip-design and development firm will have a chip in the network that supports the neural network algorithms of artificial intelligence. Once this network is established, it is actually an automated structure based on algorithms, so that similar algorithmic logic will be applied to the “social rule” of artificial intelligence, achieved on the interactive interface of artificial intelligence.


3. Block-chain network ecology. Arithmetic is the bottom structure of the block-chain network, maintaining the safety and proper functioning of the block-chain network. The current block-chain product structure is built around a bottom-up structure that is applied from the computing infrastructure to the digital monetary network to the block-chain (figure 3).


The block chain’s consensus mechanism, based on the guarantee of arithmetic infrastructure, addresses the issue of trust among entities, and the block chain will thus be likely to reshape business models in a wide range of areas, including finance, law, auditing, other than monetary and physical networking. The current application of the bitcoin block chain is still limited to low frequency and small capacity, owing to constraints on the current block capacity of 1MB in the bitcoin block chain and the average of 10 minutes to calculate the transaction confirmation time for a block. However, with a replacement of the Bitcoin core agreement, the latest version of the 0.12.1 agreement has achieved a flash payment interface for high-frequency transactions, as well as the lateral compatibility of the chain capable of resolving the block capacity problem, and has further enhanced the programmable-smart contractual attributes of the bitcoin block chain.


Regardless of the core advantages of the block chain, it is ultimately located and executed in the atom world, with physical cut-off, where real contacts between people and the state’s power enforcement agencies do not disappear. Instead, in a transparent system, they are more efficient, democratic, and clean.


A growing number of technical teams and financial companies are beginning to try to construct a new block chain structure independent of the Bitcoin block chain. The Bitcoin block chain, because of its full distribution and openness, is the most typical public chain today. The public chain means that anyone can read data on the public block chain, that anyone can send a transaction on the public block chain, that anyone can participate in the consensus process - which determines which blocks are added to the chain and what the current situation is. The other is the coalition chain, which is controlled by a pre-selected number of nodes. It allows everyone to read the data on the block chain, and it allows selected participants to read the data on the block chain, which can be seen as “semi-centralized.” The most conservative or closer structure to centralization is the private chain.


The alliance chain has a greater advantage than the public-owned chain in Bitcoin: (1) a private chain run by a union or company can easily change the rules of the block chain, roll back transactions, revise balances, etc. (2) The identity of the identified person in the block chain is known, so there is no 51% attack problem due to the concentration of arithmetic. (3) The transaction costs are lower because the transaction needs only to be confirmed by several credible professional nodes with very strong processing capacity, and not necessarily by tens of thousands of points with limited processing capacity and occasional instability. This advantage is now very effective, because the advantage of these semi-centralized union chains with a centralized private chain is, of course, based on the security of the public chain at the expense of which the failure can be repaired more quickly. (5) If there is a limitation on the ability to read the sector data, it means that the private chain can provide better privacy.

但对于许多注重灵活性和保密性的私有机构来说,私有链似乎是权衡之后更好的选择。创业机构R3 CEV就是联盟链应用的典型,它聚集了全世界各大跨国银行机构,从高盛、巴克莱、汇丰、花旗到东京日联、瑞穗,总计42家银行加入了R3主导的联盟链计划,通过共同开发银行间区块链金融应用,使银行间的交易更高效、更安全。同时,四大会计事务所之一的德勤旗下全资子公司Rubix也致力于为企业提供专业化的私有链定制解决方案。然而,所有类型区块链的底层基础设施都是由专业芯片公司所提供的算力。因此,区块链的创新意味着基础设施的创新。随着联盟链和私有链的普及,芯片研发企业就获得了在区块链领域新的市场发展机遇,通过为企业联盟或企业内部定制专用区块链底层设施,区块链算力行业将演变为支撑起新互联网发展的IDC。使用特定的算法开发分布式账本的专用芯片,以这种专用芯片作为硬件支撑的分布式账本系统,可以摆脱会计依赖和内部IT管理的依赖,可以快速地建立公司代币系统、建立私有的数字资本账户体系,这将进一步提升企业资源调度的效率。

However, for many private institutions that focus on flexibility and confidentiality, private chains seem to be a better option after trade-offs. The business start-up agency R3 CEV is a typical example of a union chain application that brings together major multinational banking institutions around the world, ranging from Goldman Sachs, Barclay, HSBC, Citigroup to Tokyo Japan, Sio, with a total of 42 banks participating in R3-led alliance-chain schemes, making bank-to-bank transactions more efficient and safer through the financial application of block chains between co-development banks. At the same time, Rubix, a fully funded subsidiary of one of the four General Conference houses, is also committed to providing specialized private chain custom solutions for businesses.



In essence, the block chain is a decentralised database, a series of data blocks linked by cryptography, each containing information on all Bitcoin network transactions over the past 10 minutes to verify the validity of its information (security) and to generate the next block. Simplely understood, the block chain technology is an electronic currency accounting system by point-to-point, which can record every bitcoin transaction over the network and decentralize, and no one can change it. The block chain of 1.0 is a currency, the block chain of 2.0 is a “smart contract” and the block chain of 3.0 is a reconfigured society.


In the case of Factom, it will provide commercial and technical support for the use of block chain technology to further expand corporate business strategies as part of a soft-powered smart city solution. In the case of Rootstock, for example, they have reached the point of bitcoin based on block chain technology, and started to create smart contracts based on bitcoin. By creating smart contracts, they have overcome the issue of Bitcoin’s lack of memory and slowness in terms of preserving its absolute security.


With the rapid pace of our times, our demand for information has moved beyond being “fast” to “safe.” The greatest advantage of the block chain is that it is highly secure, that no one can change it without permission, and that it is very secure for its holders. In addition, the block chain has the advantages of decentralizing, conveniently fast, and less costly.


In an environment of unprecedented development of Bitcoin computing power, the trend is gradually moving from “big data” to a “big computing” era. With robust computing, greater security in block chains can be expected, and there are many attempts to develop applications based on block chain technology, starting with new models based on strong security and arithmetic.


Moreover, from the initial stage of disorderly data to the new stage of today, some of the data will be made available through a globally agreed block chain mechanism that will provide credible quality based on the Internet as a whole and can be said to be the most robust credit base available to humans, with unprecedented improvements in their accuracy and quality. The block chain is like a “trust-creating machine” and the block chain technology affects a growing number of industries.


In the case of Rootstock, for example, they aim to change the world by adding applications to the Bitcoin base, by creating “smart contracts”, by adding applications to the ecological chain, by using bitcoin for more people, and by using smart contracts on Rootstock for companies to do liquidations at once, with cost savings. Miners in Bitcoin can dig not only bitcoins, but also Rootstock coins for more revenue. Moreover, the Rootstock network guarantees high security, by using virtual mining machines to turn them into smart contracts, and by using bitcoins for security purposes, it also increases the security of smart contracts.


【关键字】 Block Chain BitCoin Distributed Ledger POW

Block Chain BitCoin Distribed Ledger Pow


With the rapid development of the Internet industry, Internet accessibility has been recognized, but trusting transactions still require the assistance of third-party intermediaries. While third parties have played a positive role most of the time, they have also brought costs and losses.




The block chain is, accurately speaking, a central accounting system. It assures mutual trust between the parties to the transaction through decentralisation, decentralized data storage, and mature encryption and signature techniques.


It guarantees, through asymmetric encryption, signature technology, that the originator of the transaction is a proven legal dealer and that the system will not be invaded and destroyed by outsiders.

它通过POW(Proof of work)技术保证了发起交易者本身不可能进行欺骗,保证了系统不会被从内部攻破。

It guarantees, through Proof of work, that the originator of the transaction will not be able to defraud itself and that the system will not be broken from within.


II. Technical elements of the block chain


Each transaction in the system is sent to each participant, and the participant decides whether to accept or reject the transaction on the basis of the data he or she maintains.


2. The role of signature technology. The originator of each transaction will use its own key to create the signature of the current transaction, which has been in use for many years and is a proven technique for identifying the signatory.

3、POW (Proof of Work)。在签名技术保证了发起交易者身份的基础上,还有一个问题需要解决。那就是怎么保证发起者自身的可信度,怎么保证发起者不会把一笔钱同时用来和两个不同的参与者交易?区块链利用POW技术保证了在这种情况下,只有一笔交易会被确认。任何想篡改或者操纵结果的企图都是几乎不可能实现的。

Three, Pow (Proof of Work). On the basis of the signature technology that assures the identity of the originator, there is a question that needs to be resolved. That is, how to guarantee the credibility of the originator and how to ensure that the initiator does not use a sum of money to deal with two different players at the same time.


III. Example of the application of block chains


Let's see a concrete example. How much does it cost to transfer $100,000 from New York to London? The answer is $4,000. How long does it take, the answer is three days. Why is it so expensive?


The answer is trust. Since there is no relationship of trust between the two parties to a remittance, the transaction must be conducted with the participation of an intermediary or even a large number of intermediaries.


Our trust in banks is based on the fact that we believe that he has the entire bank account. So the sender’s bank can prove that the money remitter has the money he wants to remit, while the third-party bank confirms that the sender’s bank has the money he wants to remit.


Now that we have a block chain in which both parties to the transaction have full confidence in the support provided by the block chain, the transaction becomes a direct link between the parties to the transaction. As a result, the various intermediaries mentioned earlier (in this case, banks) become unnecessary.


Outlook for the future of the block chain


Block chains can be used much more than that. In theory, any valuable transferable asset or information can be done with block chains.


In finance, there are P2Ps, mobile banks; in the media, there are Facebook, twitter, Weibo, Weibo; in the shared economy, there are droplets, eugenic steps; and in energy, there are home solar power. These decentralized deals urgently need a matching support platform, a mutual trust agreement that guarantees the safety of the transaction, and the chain of blocks is born to take on this historic responsibility.

区块链技术的研究及应用发展得风生水起。越来越多的中国企业开始进入区块链行业,而且大家不仅仅希望参与技术的开发,更希望参与技术标准的制定。无论是美国的R3 CEV还是中国的ChinaLedger,这样的区块链技术联盟开始成为国内各行业巨头关注的重点。而这些中国巨头的表现,最终决定着未来中国在区块链行业中扮演怎样的角色,获得多大的话语权。很多的中国企业已经在实践中积累了大量应用区块链的经验,比如阳光保险、赣州银行。

Whether the US R3 CEV or China’s ChinaLedger, such a block chain technology alliance is starting to become the focus of attention among the country’s major players. The performance of these Chinese giants will ultimately determine China’s future role in the block chain industry and the extent to which it is entitled to speak.


Block chain technology provides a mechanism to address the issue of Internet inter-trust, which greatly enhances the security, accessibility, and efficiency of future transactions and contributes significantly to the overall socio-economic performance, organization and management. Participants in any market activity have to be sufficiently aware of the use of this technology.




区块链,这个听起来有点艰涩的名词,简单地说是一种通过去中心化的方式集体维护一个持续生长的数据库。从本质上来说,是一个用于维持信息共享来源的分布式计算机网络(distributed network of computers),是支持比特币流通、交易的基础技术。网络中的每个节点(node)便是一个用户,通过保存一个完整的交易历史数据库的副本,参与并维护信息的安全性和准确性。通过加密(encryptlon)确保安全――所有交易会以加密形式登陆,包括时间、日期、参与者等。交易一旦入账,不可被删除、撤销或修改。

Block chains, a term that sounds a bit difficult, simply as a collective maintenance of a continuously growing database through decentralisation. In essence, a distributed computer network that maintains information-sharing sources is a basic technology to support Bitcoin circulation and transactions. Each node in the network is a user that participates in and maintains the security and accuracy of information by keeping a copy of a complete transaction history database. Secured by encryption (encryptlon) - all transactions land in encrypted form, including time, date, participant, etc.


“The subversive technology of block chains, as a confluence of current popular concepts, will have a profound impact on many industries, including the financial sector, in the foreseeable future.” The Deloitte and Touche China East District Chiefs said, “A positive or passive response to block chains will also lead to reshuffling within industries.”


Today, this Bitcoin-based technology is demonstrating its own applications in such landscape areas as finance, medical care, vehicle information, and food supply chains.




What a block chain means for the financial sector is that it will look to the infrastructure of the financial industry to bring about a change in application. The confidence ecosystem it builds can survive in an environment of information asymmetry, uncertainty, and in such a network everyone can accurately transfer the value and credit of monetary assets (entity or virtual).


Previously, 42 top global banks, such as Barclay Bank, the Swiss Credit Group, and Morgan Chase, had joined an organization led by the financial technology firm R3 to set industry standards and protocols for the use of block chains in banking; on 30 December 2015, NASDAQ completed its first portfolio transaction based on a block chain platform, which was also a milestone in the decentralization of global financial markets. In 2009, the online of the Bitcoin block chain was seen as the official birth year of the value Internet.


The Internetization of financial institutions and the financialization of Internet companies has been the subject of a convergence in recent years. But whether or not a financial company Internetizes is not determined by whether or not to be a power provider or by using social media.


From this perspective, the block chain is the best instrument for transforming traditional financial firms into Internet companies. Using the block chain to transform the production system at the core of traditional financial institutions, while placing the entire financial enterprise architecture on the Internet, this is the direction in which the financial sector is developing.

比特币上线以来已经运行了7年,这个试验系统在传统金融行业之外运行,没有出现宕机,而且运行在这个网络上的所有比特币账户也没有被黑客破解过。这使得欧美主流金融机构都在建立自己的区块链实验室,也设立风投基金投资区块链的创业公司。这意味着区块链这项技术,具有用来改变传统金融机构基础架构的巨大潜力。据Magister Advisor分析,2017年,银行在区块链开发的经费将超过10亿美元――是所有企业软件板块发展速度最快的。

Seven years have passed since Bitcoin came online, and the pilot system operates outside the traditional financial sector, with no triggers, and no bitcoin accounts operating on the network have been hacked. This has led mainstream European and American financial institutions to set up their own block chain laboratories, as well as start-up companies with wind-spill investment blocks.


Shaw Fung felt that “the end of Internet finance is the financial services of point-to-point, end-to-end, P2P.” However, he also pointed out that “the technology is so far experimental and mature as it was between 1995 and 1998. We did not think that the Internet could change our world as it is now.”


Down on the ground.


“China's developers are more interested in the application scene than the United States and Ireland's hacker Marathon, which suggests that China's developers' innovation is more `geographical'.” So Qin, the leadership partner of the Deloitte Asia Pacific Investment Management Industry, sums up China's block chain of hacker Marathon.

基于区块链的“货物链”(CargoChain)在比赛拔得头筹,它能够让国际贸易更为环保和省时;二等奖的项目“智慧财产”(Smart Property);三等奖的项目BitMEDI,基于区块链保存医疗记录以及食物链、随机数生成器、信用记录分享系统等,都体现了区块链在各个行业的应用。

The cluster-based “goods chain” (Cargo Chain) was raised to make international trade more environmentally friendly and time-efficient; the second-class project “smart property” (Smart Property); and the third-level project BitMEDI, which is based on the block chain for the preservation of medical records and food chains, random number generators, credit record-sharing systems etc., all reflect the application of the block chain in various industries.

不过,黑客马拉松仅是一个开始,一项技术从演示到真正的商业化、产品化仍需很长的过程。作为主办方之一的德勤也保持着对这项新兴技术的高度关注,其全球加密电子货币从属于德勤全球数字化团队(Deloltte Digital),团队人数超过100人,研究如何运用技术提高现有服务以及探索建立在区块链上的解决方案,并与多家全球顶级工程技术类高校和全球区块链不同类型的开发供应商建立战略合作伙伴关系。

However, hacker marathons are only the beginning, and a technology from demonstration to real commercialization and productization is still a long process. Deloitte, one of the hosts, also maintains a high level of interest in this emerging technology, with global encryption e-money subordinated to Delolte Digital, a team of more than 100 people, exploring the use of technology to upgrade existing services and explore solutions based on block chains, as well as strategic partnerships with multiple top engineering high schools worldwide and with different types of development providers in the global block chain.


In addition to the financial sector, the Rubix team also owns and helps businesses to plan nearly 30 application models, some at the business validation stage, and some at the operational modelling stage.


【关键词】 区块链 加密货币 供应链 供应链金融 物流

(keywords) Block chain, encrypted currency, supply chain, supply chain finance, logistics.




In the Gartner Emerging Technological Maturity Curve for 2016, published by Gartner, the “block chain” was for the first time a stand-alone new technology panel, located near the top of the curve, a promising emerging technology. It was said that 16 years was the year of the block chain and 17 years was the year of its landing. There was no uniform definition of the block chain, which could be understood in the light of the process of development of the block chain. The block chain could be developed in three phases: block chain 1.0 could be understood as a block chain theory for encrypted digital currency and published transaction books, which considered that the block chain could be “booked” for all nodes, selected the fastest time of the “book” and then sent to the nodes to be decentralized technology; block chain 2.0 was a digitalized asset plus smart contract, the biggest difference from 1.0 was that the real business landscape and logic could be realized on the block chain through advanced programming language; block chain 3.0 referred to the integration of the Internet, network of goods, cognitive calculation and the application of the block chain in all areas, not only in the financial sector.


2. The advantages and disadvantages of the block chain

2.1 区块链的优势

2.1 Strengths of the block chain

2.11 去中心化,不可篡改

2.11 Decentralization. Irreversible.


In previous information systems, multiple layers of security were used to control access in order to prevent data from being tampered with. If you want to access a database, the process of identification, identification rights, etc. must be performed, and the process will leave traces. This traditional approach to ensuring data security is similar to that of banks burying the vault underground. But the entire business network under traditional information systems depends on one or more central systems, and if problems arise, including fraud, cyberattacks or errors, the entire business network becomes problematic and vulnerable.


The protection of data from block chains is another idea: the data are shared for each node and there is no so-called centre. The principle of block chains is based on consensus algorithms and cryptography, and all nodes can be “booked”, selecting the fastest-ever “books” and sending the page to the nodes of decentralised technology. Using password algorithms to ensure that participants on the network can see only the contents of their related books, the transactions are seatbelts, authorized and validated. If you want to tamper with the data, it is not enough to attack the central database, but it is almost impossible to “collaborate” most of the nodes.

2.12 提高效率,节约成本

2.12 Efficiency gains and cost savings


In the traditional business model, each participant had its own account book and changed it at the time of the transaction, so each party had created additional work to coordinate the various participants. Moreover, in order to address the issue of trust between the parties, there was often a need for an intermediary to coordinate and manage, while each party had to pay the broker for a certain amount of services at a higher cost.


The block chain structure allows each participant in the business network to have a shared account book, and when a transaction takes place, changes all accounts through a point-to-point reproduction. Without trusting, business processes, efficiency gains, and cost savings need not be optimized through intermediaries or duplication of business “contracts.”

2.13 高可用性

2.13 High availability


Block chain systems are active systems in which each node maintains an entire copy of the entity's operations and controls, and where data are aligned on the basis of consensus algorithms. In such a system, individual nodes are not affected by hacking, hardware failure, software error or network problems, nor by the entire system. To be re-engaged, it is sufficient to remove malfunctions and synchronize data. In addition, as problems in individual nodes do not affect the stable functioning of the system, some nodes can perform routine maintenance of the system offline. These are examples of the high availability of the block chain.

2.14 自动化

2.14 Automation


Automation of block chains refers to the automatic completion of business processes through smart contracts, along with the advantages of high credibility, transparency, real-time, and enforcement. Smart contracts are the most different from block chains, 1.0, which is the realization of realistic business logic on block chains through advanced programming language. Smart contracts could not be automatically executed in the absence of a suitable operating environment, i.e. supporting the operation of credible codes, but the emergence of sector K chains makes smart contracts no longer a concept.

2.2 区块链的劣势

2.2 Disadvantages in the block chain

2.21 隐私保护不强

2.21 Inadequacy of privacy protection


The privacy protection of data in traditional information systems is usually done at the centre, but in block chains all data are shared and transparent for all nodes. The solution for privacy protection now is anonymous, i.e. only information can be seen about the transaction, but it does not see who is actually doing the transaction. The programme can address privacy issues in some areas, such as Bitcoin, but the chain is bound to apply to a wider area, and such solutions may no longer be applicable in some areas that require a real name. New cryptography, such as homogenous encryption, may solve privacy protection problems in block chains.

2.22 耗费大量资源

2.22 High cost of resources


The block chain consumes a lot of resources, mainly in terms of full network computing and network broadband. Since block chains are nodes to be accounted for, and then the fastest and best accounts to be recorded, the full network is not a sort of coordinated collaboration similar to cloud computing. Each time a single node is selected, the other nodes are lost and wasted.

2.23 升级机制不完善

2.23 Inadequacy of the upgrading mechanism


Traditional information system upgrades require only a suspension of centralized upgrades, unlike traditional information systems, where the chain of blocks cannot be shut down for central upgrades. The main solution now is soft, hard-fork upgrades, but they are still in the tweaking phase and need to be refined. Perhaps a slight weakening of the “go centre” or multicentres can help solve this problem.

2.24 技术难操作

2.24 Technically difficult to operate


As a whole new concept and technology, block chains are not easy for many businesses to understand, to accept, and then to actually apply, block chain technologies. Moreover, the Internet is the foundation of block chains, and there are many issues to be resolved. So, even if encryption algorithms, consensus algorithms are part of a black box, outsourcing can be difficult for users who are not familiar with network security.


3. Trends in the application of block chains in the supply chain area

3.1 业务流程的跟踪查询

3.1 Business process tracking queries


For example, in the case of multimodal transport, the operation has to pass through multiple transits, so that information is easily missing. The application of block chain technology ensures that participants share complete information and can be easily traced and accountable.

3.2 产品的防伪追溯

3.2 Counterfeiting retroactivity of products


Block chains can record complete information on the entire life cycle of the product, including procurement, transportation, production, processing, distribution, sales, and after-sales. When they apply block chain technology, they can trace the origin of the raw material of the product, by whom it is transported, by where it is produced and processed, by what company, where it is distributed, and by whom it is sold and who is responsible.

3.3 实现智能化运输

3.3 Intelligent transport


In Europe, there is already local use of block chains and container attempts for intelligent transport, i.e. storage of container information in databases, storage solutions for block chains automatically determine the route and schedule of containers, and analysis of past transport experiences, and continuous updating of route and schedule design skills to make them more efficient. For consignees, logistics information is readily available from the point of departure to the destination, and the schedule for cargo transport can be modified at any time.

3.4 替代港航EDI的应用

3.4 Application of alternative port EDI


In import-export trade, there are a dozen types of business documents, which are extremely cumbersome and complex. All countries are now dedicated to data integration and exchange by EDI service providers, and since there is only one centre for EDI service providers, there are problems of information disclosure and data security. Moreover, data standards and formats are mixed with those of various participants because of different standards and formats. A block chain characterized by “decentralization” and “detrusting” can replace EDI service provider applications and make them no longer central.

3.5 完善供应链金融的管理

3.5 Improving supply chain finance management


Supply chain finance provides financial services to small and medium-sized enterprises up and down, mainly through core firms in the chain of letters. But supply chain finance in our country faces bottlenecks in the transparency of trading processes, with core firms having limited capacity to rate and identify upstream and downstream firms, and the application of block chains can address these problems.


First, block chains allow for the accurate recording of all transactional processes and data, and cannot be tampered with, sharing and synchronizing the data of the various participants in the supply chain. Block chains ease bank doubts about the credibility of SME transaction data by making all data transparent and open, thus reducing the difficulty of lending to MSMEs.


With regard to the limited ability of core enterprises to rate and identify upstream and downstream enterprises, banks can use block chains for all enterprises in the supply chain to smarten corporate credit ratings and information recognition, thereby reducing the difficulty of credit rating and information verification.


In addition, our banks are now more difficult to manage in custody “advance financing” and “deposit financing” in supply chain finance, and even the placement of “supervisors” does not guarantee that the detainees are actually in custody. Banks can use the block chain for the intelligent management of assets, thereby providing a clear and accurate picture of the real-time status of the detainees and reducing risks and costs.




As an emerging technology and concept, block chains have the advantage of decentralizing, collective maintenance, detrust, reliable databases, anonymity, and scalable features that could destabilize all our existing systems. Compared to traditional information systems, block chain technologies have the advantage of decentralizing, non-alterable, efficient, cost-saving, high-availability, automation, and intelligentness. But, as an undeveloped technology, block chains also have the disadvantage of less privacy protection, costly resources, imperfect upgrading mechanisms, and technical difficulties.



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[keywords] block chain; financial sector; digital currency; digital finance; financial technology


On 24 October 2019, the Secretary-General stated in an important speech that “we shall make the block chain an important entry point for core technological autonomy, define the direction to be taken, increase our investment in a number of key core technologies and accelerate the development of technological and industrial innovation in the block chain.” The Secretary-General's speech was the first time that the block chain technology had received high priority and high-level positioning at the national level, marking the rise of the block chain technology to national strategic heights, representing the direction of the country's future development. During the period of constantization of the pneumonia epidemic, the block chain is integrating with new technologies such as 5G communications, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and promoting the digital economy and the development of intelligent cities, which will inevitably have a profound impact on the economic model, financial organization and social environment, and even reshaping the socio-economic ecology of the economy.


Content of block chain technology


Initially, the block chain technology was known through Bitcoin. Although Bitcoin is currently subject to considerable controversy, the bitcoin technology core chain can continue to be dug deep, leading to a new round of technological innovations, and Bitcoin is the first and most representative application of block chain technology [1]. The block chain technology consists mainly of three main technologies: consensus mechanisms, cryptography, and distributional storage.


Paths to the application of block-chain technologies in the financial sector


With the advent of the digital age, the key to the application of block-chain technology is the industrialization of block-chains by integrating with industries, and the financial sector, with its pregenital advantages, has a very high degree of convergence with block-chain technology. Both the day-to-day management of an individual’s finances, the financing activities of an enterprise or financial institution, or the central bank’s regulation of capital, require credible data to support their decision-making.


2.1 Supply chain finance


On the basis of existing credit models, the block-chain platform covers upstream and downstream enterprises throughout the supply chain, including core enterprises, suppliers, distributors, logistics companies, etc. The problem of financing small-scale enterprises, which are called the economy, has plagued small-scale enterprises, hindering their innovative development. The problem of financing is, however, that small-scale micro-enterprises, whose entire trade information has been captured and stored, have been hampered by the problem of small-scale micro-enterprises, preventing their innovative development. A large number of small-scale micro-enterprises have suffered severe damage during the epidemic, requiring urgent financial transfers. Supply chain finance is one of the most effective means of financing small-scale enterprises, which, on the basis of information in the chain, can reduce the costs and improve the efficiency of their lending operations.


2.2 Digital assets


In an era of digital economy, data will become a new asset and production factor, giving new impetus to the country’s economic development and affecting future distribution of wealth. 2.2.1 Digital instruments, as a traditional business in the financial sector, are difficult to develop. On the one hand, most electronic instruments still need to be matched to paper documents, and the certification and trading processes are cumbersome; on the other hand, there are frequent cases of paper frauds that, because of information asymmetry, have a significant impact on the healthy development of the paper market. By virtue of their immutable and anti-smuggling characteristics, they can effectively address the difficulties facing the paper market.


2.3 Digital currency


While bitcoin is currently subject to much controversy, most of the situation is known as an investment product, but the chain of blocks created by bitcoin can become the core technology of a new digital currency. The digital renminbi (DCEP) is the legal currency issued by the Chinese People’s Bank in the form of money, coins, coins with a national credit endorsement, and one of the core technologies of the new digital currency is the grid of the country. First, the digital renminbi, which can be freely converted into a currency of the world’s exports and imports, does not have a disproportionate impact on the existing stable international monetary system. Second, the digital currency’s segment, which is controlled by the Chinese People’s Bank and the commercial banks, facilitates financial regulation, maximizes the technical and security balance. Moreover, the artificiality of the regional chains, with traceable and private-key encryption, is effective in preventing currency counterfeiting, counterfeiting, and other diversions of foreign currency.


2.4 Digital letters


Since 2013, when the Department of State promulgated the Regulations on the Regulation of the Reckoning Industry and the Measures for the Administration of the Reckoning Industry, great importance has been attached to the development of the credit collection industry. The spread of individual and enterprise credit operations can maintain social order and financial and economic stability and play an important role in the construction of social credit systems. However, the credit collection system is currently incomplete, and the evaluation of integrated credit requires the participation of various sectors, such as commercial banks, tax authorities, public security departments, the judiciary, market regulators, environmental authorities, etc., and is inefficient and prone to duplication of information or misrecording.


Recommendations for responses to the application of block-chain technologies in the financial sector


3.1 Research inputs into techniques to enhance the block chain


First, there is a need to continue to give policy support to research on block chain technology, to speed up the development of research teams, and to provide adequate research funding and subsidies. There is a need to follow up closely on research developments and milestones, to seek technological breakthroughs and innovations in response to current problems, and to pay particular attention to cooperation between academia and industry, to apply technological achievements to practice as soon as possible and to industrialization of the block chain. Secondly, we should actively participate in the international exchange of block chain technology and focus on the latest international research results.


3.2 Strengthen legal regulation of block chain digital finance


As an emerging technology, the application of block chains in the financial sector requires the necessary legal regulation and adequate regulation. While the sector chains give new impetus to the financial sector, the regulatory sector must intervene and combat cybercrimes such as money-laundering and illegal financing, which requires that the existing legal system and block-chain finance are constantly coupled with each other, gradually closing the existing gap and, if necessary, putting in place comprehensive laws and regulations for block-chain finance. In addition, physical registration or auditing of operators can be regulated through licensing or licensing systems.


3.3 Increased promotion of block chain financial products


At present, the digital renminbi issued by the central bank has entered the third round of pilot projects, which has been widely welcomed by business and consumers, and has had unlimited prospects. Therefore, the gradual testing and refinement of the digital renminbi should be promoted, taking into account the need for capital to invest in the commercial aspects of block-chain technology. Enterprises should also look at the long term, see how block-chain technology can re-engineer traditional industries, and refine the financing model that combines the development and application of block-chain finance.


4 Concluding remarks


The digital economy opens a new chapter in the context of an era of global entry into the block chain. Block-chain technology is bound to become deeply integrated with industries, with the financial sector enjoying a high degree of convergence with the block chain, thanks to its unique advantages.




[1] Nathaniel Popper. Digital gold: little-known story of Bitcoin [M]. Beijing: Chinese People's University Press, 2017:240.


[2] Tom Do-seng. Industrial block chain [M]. Beijing: China-China Publishing Group, 2020:73.


[3] Applied research in the area of finance in the area of the Cheong Kayi block chain [D]. Beijing: University of Foreign Economics and Trade, 2017: 29-30.


[4] Theoretical and practical analysis of financial innovation driven by the Shenzhan Block Chain [J]. New Finance, 2017(1):45-50.


[5] Zhang Yong. Block chain finance: structural analysis and outlook [J]. Southern finance, 2017 (2): 57-63.


[6] Ho Hongqing. Block chains drive high-quality digital finance development: strengths, dilemmas and paths [J]. Ran State Journal, 2020 (11): 1-13.



[keywords] big data; block chains; shared economy




The shared economy is a model of economic development that emerges from current social development, with the shared economy initially developing on the basis of large data, making full use of idle resources in society, and recycling the economy, making full use of the residual value of idle resources in society. It is worth noting, however, that the shared economy model often presents problems in the development process, owing to the reliance on large data technology alone.


The need for the application of block chain technology in the shared economy


2.1 Reduce transaction costs for shared products


It is worth mentioning that, in the process of rapid development of the shared economy model, shared economic enterprises have developed more mature ideas about how they have to subsidize shared products in order to promote sound and sustainable development of the shared economy. This is a phenomenon of shared economic development, in which the subsidies of shared economic enterprises to shared products are likely to be higher than the benefits that shared products bring to the business and raise the transaction costs of shared products. In the case of shared power-filling, businesses have, through agreement with local traders, placed shared power-filling plants in more prominent positions, and users have to cut their own shares of shared products off of the list in order to promote good and sustainable development of the shared economy. At this point, businesses will provide free-of-charge power-filling services to first users of the shared power-filled products, so that companies’ subsidies to users are likely to be higher than the value of shared products to the enterprise itself.


2.2 Improved credit ratings of users of shared products


Credit has been an essential basis for development in the shared economy. Credit is also an important basis for fair and equitable trading relations between trading parties, and is of vital value in both traditional and shared economies. On the basis of this, the full use of block-chain technology in shared economic development not only allows the full realization of the advantages of block-chain technology, but also enhances the accuracy of user credit ratings and adequately addresses issues such as the falsification of credit records by users in the process of being used by them.


2.3 Global economic information-sharing


First, the technology of integration into block chains in shared economic development can fully represent its value and help the shared economy fully integrate large data technologies with block chain technologies to form a new model of shared economic development; second, it can fully reflect the decentralized advantage of block chain technologies that will minimize user constraints and allow for the full sharing of information between industries, the elimination of poor and asymmetric information, the complete breaking of the deadlock of industrial monopolies, the full integration of global resources and their full application to shared economic development models; and, lastly, the use of block chain technologies can also fully address the differences in transactions between countries through the full use of internationally recognized electronic currencies as a means of trading [1].


Key advantages of block chain technology


3.1 The advantages of block chain technology in the area of financial letters


In addition, the information data currently contained in the shared economy is extremely large, so that the corresponding problems often arise in processing such data. For example, because these data are stored in such a way that the risks of leakage occur are too concentrated to be socially significant. And because of the enormous amount of data, it often takes a longer time to use a certain part of the information data. Some of the traditional enterprises want to use the large data-sharing economy to develop the information-sharing economy in such a way as to safeguard the accuracy and legitimacy of the credit data, often without the corresponding hardware support and efficient updating and processing of the information.


3.2 The advantages of block chain technology in the area of medical services


In addition, the network of medical services used in different hospitals in different cities is very different, so that some patients who need to be transferred cannot communicate the information in real time by means of a network, so that they can only use the traditional telephone gap to determine the flow of information in hospitals. On the basis of this, the medical field can take full advantage of a hospital information-sharing platform in a limited number of medical facilities, thereby avoiding inefficient communication with hospitals, and can increase the efficiency of the use of medical resources.


3.3 The advantages of block chain technologies in the area of energy applications


For example, with regard to electricity resources, it is known that the main use of power stations is electricity generation and transmission of electricity resources, but they are generally located in suburban areas or in more remote locations, where there is a certain loss or depletion in the transmission of electricity resources for reasons of distance. In general, electricity stations, from electricity generation to electricity transmission, end up wasting about one tenth of the electricity resources at the consumer’s home. This loss is extremely detrimental to the use of electricity resources. As the country’s urbanization and socio-economic development are increasing, there is a higher demand for electricity, and in this case, there is a higher demand for electricity. In the event of an accident, there is a problem with the power supply terminal, which will have a very serious impact on the working life of the population. As a result, a number of industries and activities in cities that have a sufficient demand for electricity will cause a corresponding economic loss of electricity, which will result in the supply of electricity from the national electricity grid, which will not only reduce the supply of electricity from the remaining solar power supply points, which can be shared, which is also one of electricity.


4 Problems in the application of big data + block chains to the shared economy


4.1 Risk of disclosure of customer privacy information


At present, the development of large data technologies, as the volume of information data increases, makes important privacy information available to clients vulnerable to leakage, and as the shared economy develops, some shared products have access to multiple individuals, requiring users to access them by scanning codes and filling in corresponding personal information, but the lack of oversight controls in this process can easily lead to information disclosure problems [4].


4.2 Overdependence on big data technology


In the current process of shared economic development, the use of large data is high and, as a result, it is easy to rely on large data technologies in future development, but big data technologies do not cover all events, and the maturity of large data technologies is still to be raised.


4.3 Shared economic fundamentals are not yet complete


Block-chain technology has the advantage of open access to information, decentralisation, and security is superior to the Internet. But the sharing of basic economic data is not yet complete, so that the development of the shared economy can easily be hindered and development difficulties encountered.


5 Strategies for the application of Big Data Plus Block Chain technology in the shared economy


5.1 Development of a shared economy with full use of the integration of big data technology with block chain technology


Block-chain technology has so far developed, and is well-developed. Block-chain technology can form a node-connected data chain by encrypting nodes, each of which has some information data, and can find information sources through data from any one of the nodes. Therefore, block-chain technology is a promising development in the future and can be a major contribution to the country's economic development. Block-chain technology can encrypt the information data in its own nodes, only once it needs to be validated when searching for node information, and information in the course of sharing economic transactions can be read and preserved. In this way, block-chain technology can be fully integrated with large data technology, allowing the shared economy to develop fully, increasing the sharing of information data and avoiding information gaps or asymmetries.


5.2 Development of appropriate policies


In the development of the shared economic model, full use should be made of block-chain technology, which is of vital development value to the shared economy. The block-chain economy can be fully integrated with socio-economic development and enhance the efficiency of socio-economic development.


5.3 Raising the profile of enterprises


As block chain technology continues to evolve, enterprises need to increase their focus on the development of large data technology and block chain technology. Block chain technology can now take full advantage of Internet technology to integrate into the areas of financial credit, medical care, and energy applications. Internal development of the shared economy is fully promoted, allowing block chain technology to develop fully from the enterprise side.


6 Concluding remarks


In summary, in the current context of rapid social development, the shared economy needs to be developed on the basis of large data technology and block-chain technology, with full reliance on large data and block-chain technology to reduce the development costs of the shared economy and optimize resource allocation. Moreover, it can fully refine its information system, guarantee the security of users using the shared economy, fully integrate free resources in society, and use the shared economy for its residual value.




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[7] Liu Hai Ying. “Big Data + Block Chain” Shared Economic Development Study - Based on Industrial Integration Theory [J]. Research on Technology Economy and Management, 2018 (1): 91-95.



Compared to the Internet, the sector chain technology known as the second technological revolution of humankind is gradually permeating the various applications of human society.


The block chain is the primary concern of capital markets and financial institutions because of the bottom-of-the-line technology of digital currency bitcoin. Procurador analysts argue that the technologies of block chains, cognitive computing, and cloud computing in the digital age will reshape the future of the financial sector.


The so-called block chain technology has the following characteristics: distributed booking technology; assurance that data are not tampered with through the use of encryption and network security techniques; and access to historical data information through continuous addition and editing of data in whatever field.

在国内,我国的金融行业特别是银行领域早已跃跃欲试。中国邮储银行近日携手IBM,宣布推出基于区块链技术的资产托管系统。系统上线以来大幅缩短业务环节60%以上。 埃森哲索菲研究院院长维亚勒。

The Chinese Postal Bank, together with IBM, recently announced the launch of an asset-hosting system based on block-chain technology. Since the system was brought online, the business chain has been significantly reduced by more than 60%.


The Bank of Zimmers is also officially on-line with mobile digital billing products based on block chain technology.


Shenzhen has set up the first informch Digital Monetary Union, which is expected to pilot a digital currency. Its members include more than 40 well-known domestic and international financial institutions, such as the Peace Group, the Recruitment Bank, the Microbank, and the Dae-jung Fund.


What are the current real applications of the block chain? What are the prospects for the industry? In recent days, finance journalists have visited Emanuel Villar, the president of the Escendiosofia Antipolis Institute, who began exploring technology-related applications of the block chain three years ago.


According to Emmanuel Ville, a recent study by Essenger found that of the 10 largest investment banks in the world, eight benefited from block chain technology, reducing infrastructure costs by 30 per cent and saving between $8 billion and $12 billion annually.


“In the end, block chain technology is not intended to replace everything that is available.” Emmanuel Vialer said, “the block chain will simply be integrated with existing information technology and become an integral part of the entire IT framework.”


From previous discussions and speculations on the block chain to today's rational thinking, Emmanuel Ville said that the real-world block chain had entered the practical deployment phase of its application, with banks, health care, government... industries already exploring how to build the industry's block chain.

随着区块链应用的逐渐落地,艾曼纽?维亚勒认为,应当搭建一套规范的法律框架。但这种法律框架不是针对区块链技术立法,而是依照行业、场景应用而建立,防止利用区块链技术进行套利。 带给世界信任

As the block chain is being applied gradually, Emmanuel Ville argues that a normative legal framework should be put in place. But this legal framework is not for block chain technical legislation, but rather for industry and scenario applications to prevent the use of block chain technology for arbitrage.


Finance: Many refer to the block chain as the second technological revolution of humanity compared to the Internet. The Internet is now well known, and the block chain is still unknown to many. What do you think of this as the cutting edge researcher in this field?


Emanuel Vial: The block chain is a basic technology that lays the foundation for many potential new systems or new things. If you want to apply the block chain, you need other technologies, such as encryption, distributional technology, point-to-point technology. These technologies are more complex, but people don't need to know about it. Just as we use mail, we just need to know that the mail needs a network, whether it's wired or wireless, or 4G. But you don't need to know what the bottom protocol that supports the mail function is, if you just have access to the Internet.


In the same vein, we need to know what value block chain technology brings to us, and we need not know the complex underlying technologies that support the block chain.


Finance: What do you think, as a researcher, is the greatest significance of a block chain? What are the substantive changes in the future that will result from the development of block chain technology?


Emmanuel Vial: For me, in the digital world, block chain technology is the technology most likely to bring trust to a world without trust, and I think it is at the heart of trust. In some areas, if such technology is not adopted, a lot of rules and regulatory policies may be needed to build trust, and block chain technology itself can bring confidence.


Finance: When will this trust become universal? There are some applications in the financial and medical sectors, and how long do we have to wait in other areas?


Emanuel Vial: As a researcher, I am always very optimistic, and sometimes too optimistic.


Technology itself is progressing very quickly, and applications in different fields are likely to be slow, especially on a large scale. If the Internet is used as an example, it was used by a limited number of people between the 1970s and the 1990s, until the 1990s and around 2000. So we can also foresee large-scale applications of block chains in a particular industry over the next five years, then in 10-15 years or more, large-scale applications in areas such as material networking. The good news is that the current technological maturity of block chains is much better than it was when the Internet first appeared.


Finance: Can you give some examples of the changes brought about by the practical application of block chain technology?


Emanius Viale: For example, the smart meter introduced by Essenzel can measure electricity consumption and then transmit all the data through the block chain. Both parties can sign smart contracts, and when the value of household electricity reaches a certain threshold, they automatically buy electricity from a power provider at a specified price. So when electricity is used below the threshold, the system is triggered automatically and the money is transferred to the power provider.

这个产品是区块链技术在物联网的应用。物联网的数据不是通过人,而是通过传感器来采集的,而使用区块链技术可以安全地并且大批量地采集数据。这种通过传感器大规模地获取可信任的数据,可使市场概念更好地体现。也就是说,通过区块链所产生的信任,把个人和公司连接在一起。 推动数字货币

This product is the application of block chain technology to the network of objects. Data are collected not by humans, but by sensors, and data can be collected safely and in large quantities using block chain technology. This large-scale access to trusted data from sensors can better reflect the concept of the market. That is, the trust generated by block chains connects individuals with companies.


Finance: The bottom-of-the-line technology of block chain technology as a digital currency triggers discussion of digital currency, so what is the real meaning of the digital currency? What are the potential risks?


But this is not about replacing our daily banknotes and coins with digital currencies. Rather, it is about setting up a new system at the national level for use between companies, the public sector, and ensuring that transactions between companies, commercial banks, central banks, etc. can be digitally conducted, which is more efficient.


But, unlike what we call bitcoins, it does not affect individuals. When it comes to the potential risk that central banks can play the role of promoting the legalization of digital money or bitcoins, taking into account potential money-laundering and the illegal transfer of funds, I think that countries should have a legal framework to regulate the use of digital money.


In the development of the next decade, we should be careful to balance the relationship between digital currency and banknotes and coins.


Finance: Do other countries, from international experience, have a mature legal framework worthy of China?


Emanuel Vial: The suggestion of our legal experts and technical partners is not to develop a legal framework for specific technologies in the block chain, but rather to develop rules for specific technology industries and landscape applications. We understand that countries are also considering developing relevant legal frameworks.

具体到法国来说,区块链在金融领域的应用都没有特定法律框架的约束,而是沿用了现用的法律框架。政府可以通过法律框架来防止应用区块链技术进行套利。不同国家之间、不同国家内部也可以进行这样的法律框架约束。 矛盾

In France, in particular, the application of block chains in the financial sphere is not governed by a specific legal framework, but rather by the legal framework in force. Governments can use the legal framework to prevent the application of block chain technologies for arbitrage.


Finance: Does decentralizing block-chain technology in practical application conflict with current monetary and financial requirements? We know that one of the disputes that Bitcoin raises is its monetary challenge.


Emmanuel Viale: In essence, block chain technology is a distributed technology. But if we say that word, it has a centralized meaning in itself, so there is a contradiction between the two.


Finance: Do you have any suggestions for central banks to achieve this balance?


Emanuel Vial: I think that central banks should monitor the system as a guardian, take measures to combat money-laundering, fraud, etc. At the same time, central banks must also guarantee the operation of distributed systems.


Finance: Central banks are very cautious in studying the application of block-chain technology. Is this prudent in the area of finance due to the great maturity of the Emperor or because of the peculiarity of the financial sphere?



The block chain is a series of data blocks associated with cryptography, each containing all transactions over the past 10 minutes to verify their validity and generate the next block. The block chain technology is based on decentralised, collective maintenance, high transparency, trust, and anonymity. The sector chain concept was developed in 2008 as the basis for the development of Bitcoin, with a credit value of more than $10 billion established in 2013 through full web-based bookkeeping. The vast development prospects of the block chain technology are attracting great attention from innovative institutions and teams, with a large number of large companies accelerating their layouts, many innovative projects moving forward, and increasing the level and level of technology application.


The Bank of Barclays, the Bank of Bilbao Biscai, Spain, the Federal Bank of Australia, the Swiss Credit Group, the Morgan Chase, the Dolfon Bank, the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Bank of Switzerland have entered into a cooperative effort to develop industry standards and protocols for the use of block chain technology in the banking sector. Factom provides American banks with block-chain encryption currency technology, which is applied in the area of bank transfers, and works with the Government of Honduras to develop a land title record system. In addition, Citibank, Silver, the Bank of New York and others have set up successive research and development laboratories to test the application of block chains around payment, digital money, and settlement models.


In the area of stock trading, financial auditing and property networking, block chain technology has also been applied. In the case of stock trading, NASDAQ, the United States has tested block chain technology to achieve an entirely new stock trading system and to make the processing of informal spreadsheets more efficient. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has recently officially approved online retailers to issue stocks on the Internet through block chain technology. In the case of financial auditing, Deloitte and Touche is using block chain technology for automatic auditing, to facilitate audit and automated tax compliance reporting and to increase transparency in the purchase process. In the case of the digital currency and block chain business start-up, IBM is developing a block chain-based system, Adept, which will take into account low-cost, high reliability and efficiency features.


In the area of financial management, by virtue of its centralization and transparency, the sector chain has taken the lead in the area of finance, where it has been applied in such areas as payment settlements, smart bonds, financial auditing, etc., to optimize the efficiency of financial institutions with distributed accounting systems, making trade information more credible and more easily processed. In the area of social management, the sector chain technology promotes the transformation of data management and recording methods in a fair and transparent manner. It will be applied in depth to identity certification, health management, public accounting, judicial arbitration, etc. In the area of contract management, the sector chain technology will play a more prominent role in the area of information technology, which will transform the network infrastructure and create new forms of artificial intelligence.




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