
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:56 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 深链财经,(https://xueqiu.com/9248323729/128204477)2017年12月中旬,来自于华尔街的芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)和芝加哥商品交易所(CME)相继推出了比特币期货,许多人认...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 深链财经,(https://xueqiu.com/9248323729/128204477)


In mid-December 2017,


However, contrary to expectations, the week in which the CBOE formally opened the Bitcoin futures transaction became the highest in the history of the Bitcoin price.


One year later, CME and CBOE, which launched Bitcoin futures in the same period, had a very different fate, accompanied by a recovery in bitcoin prices, with CME futures trading at an all-time high, while CBOE would cease trading in Bitcoin futures on 19 June, having been born in the cattle market and died in the cattle market.


[Deep chain original]/b>


It's not bright


Different life at the same age


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On 11 December 2017, CBOE launched its first global Bitcoin futures contract, which ended bleakly 18 months later.


Although the XBT contract of the CBOE is about to withdraw from the stage, another BTC exchange

根据芝加哥商品交易所(CME)的最新数据,CME的比特币期货交易量5月突破历史新高,总共交易了约 30万份合约,价值超过120亿美元,平均每日交易量超过13,600份合约,约为 68,000 个比特币。

According to the latest data from

其中,在5月13日那天,更是以 33,677 份合约创下了单日最高交易量的新记录,共计16.8万个比特币,约等于13 亿美元的名义值。

Of these, on 13 May, 33,677 contracts created a new record of the highest volume of transactions on a single day, totalling 168,000 bitcoins, or about $1.3 billion in nominal terms.


By contrast, the volume of CBOE transactions appears to be particularly chilly.


At the beginning of the line, the two major exchanges split equally, and then CBOE’s Bitcoin futures volume shrunk in step, with a growing gap with the CME in the same market environment.


According to chart data from tradeblock.com, COBE now traded less than one tenth of CME's bitcoin futures.


The Bitcoin futures player in CME can be divided into five categories: brokers, asset management firms/agencies, leverage funds, reporting users (medium traders in hedge transactions), non-reporting warehouse positions (small traders).


Leverage funds are the absolute backbone of transactions, accounting for 60.38 per cent of the total warehouse seats, indicating that CME has become the home for deals by traders in Wall Street professional institutions.


CME's Bitcoin futures contracts with COBE are cash settlements, which are a more friendly settlement for the traditional Wall Street hedge fund, while also burying the pitfalls.


Cash settlements mean that in-the-ground players are not required to purchase BTC physical assets and that both purchases and sales are made in United States dollars.


This settlement facilitates the rapid participation of large investment companies (including institutions, hedge funds and qualified investors) in bitcoin futures without the risk of actually holding bitcoin.


but there are also significant weaknesses in this manner of settlement.


All transactions, settlement processes do not involve the BTC's sale, and there is no real contribution to the BTC's physical flow.

CME和CBOE比特币期货不同之处在于,COBE XBT合约每个只包含一个比特币,而CME BTC合约每个包含5个比特币;XBT价格最小变动为10美元/比特币,BTC价格最小变动为5美元/比特币。

The difference between CME and CBOE bitcoin futures is that the COBE XBT contract contains only one bitcoins each, while the CME BTC contract contains five bitcoins each; the minimum change in the XBT price is USD 10/bitcoin and the minimum change in the BTC price is USD 5/bitcoin.


In terms of price indicators, CME uses price indices from major exchanges for pricing and settlement, and CBOE uses the transaction price at 4 p.m. Gemini Exchange to settle the settlement price as a settlement price, which brings some uncertainty to futures pricing.

在杠杆倍数上,CBOE XBT要求44%初始保证金,最大杠杆倍数仅为2.27倍;CME BTC要求35%初始保证金,即2.86倍杠杆。

In terms of leverage multiples, CBOE XBT requires an initial bond of 44 per cent, with a maximum leverage multiple of only 2.27 times; CME BTC requires an initial bond of 35 per cent, or 2.86 times leverage.


These facts, in the view of the experts, made CME's bitcoin contracts more attractive to investors, as they provided the significant volume of transactions and leverage required to maintain dominance.

其次,CBOE并未将重心全部放在比特币期货上,CBOE联合资产管理公司VanEck曾多次向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交比特币 ETF 的申请,次次受挫,迟迟未获批准。

Second, CBOE did not focus exclusively on the Bitcoin futures, and Van Eckk, a joint CBOE asset management firm, submitted several times to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) its application for Bitcoin ETF, which was repeatedly frustrated and delayed.


With regard to the CBOE cessation of Bitcoin futures, in the relevant discussions in Reddit and Twitter, most people believe that this does not have a significant impact on the market.


Compared to CME and Bitmex, CBOE's Bitcoin futures trading volume is too small, and the downlink of futures will have little impact on the overall market turnover and on Bitcoin prices.


At the same time, some investors were excited about CBOE's suspension of Bitcoin futures.


CryptoMento, an encrypted currency analyst, said that this was good news because they had often disturbed the entire market in the past.

BitPay的联合创始人Tony Gallippi也在推特中表示,CBOE的比特币期货在6月份结束后可能会迎来下一轮牛市。

Tony Gallippi, a co-founder of Bitpay, also tweets that the CBOE’s Bitcoin futures may be in the next round of cattle by the end of June.


At the end of 2017, three months after the opening of the CBOE bitcoin futures, Bitcoin fell by more than 50 per cent.


Bitcoin futures, Bear City Maker?


When the Bitcoin futures were launched, CME Honorary Chairman Leo Melamed said to Reuters that the Bitcoin futures market would “ tame” Bitcoin. He said:


"We will regulate that Bitcoin will not be wilder or more wilder. We will tame it as a regular, rule-based transactional tool."


In the view of many investors, it was the introduction of CBOE and CME bitcoin futures that led to the 2018 Bitcoin Bear Market.

不仅Tony Gallippi这样认为,华尔街证券研究公司Fundstrat的研究主管汤姆-李(Tom Lee)在研究简报中,也表达了同样的观点。

Not only does Tony Gallippi believe that Tom Lee, research director of the Wall Street Securities Research Company Fundstrat, expressed the same view in the research brief.


In his research brief, he wrote: “In December of last year (2017), the CBOE bitcoin futures were launched, and the price of the bitcoins had been falling until the end of the Bitcoin futures contract”.

“在Cboe比特币期货合约到期前,比特币的价格下跌幅度很大。Raptor Group咨询公司的贾斯汀 萨斯劳也指出了这一点。我们整理了一些数据,发现事实确实如此。”汤姆-李写道,“一般来说,在CBOE比特币期货合约到期前的10天里,比特币的价格会下跌18%。”

“The price of Bitcoin fell considerably before the Cboe bitcoin futures contract expired. As Justin Saslow of Raptor Group Consulting also pointed out. We collated some data and found it to be so.” Tom-Li wrote, “In general, in the 10 days before the CBOE futures contract expired, the price of Bitcoins fell by 18 percent.”


In response to Tom-Lee’s accusation, CBOE’s Global Market President Chris Concannon said, “Some people say that bitcoin futures seriously affect bitcoin prices. This exaggerates the impact of bitcoin futures and ignores other important impact factors. We find that bitcoin price declines are justified by other factors, such as the review of global regulatory bodies, measures taken by tax agencies, the rise of other encrypted currencies and the decreasing interest of the media in contrast to bitcoins.”

加密货币分析师Darren Kleine认为,CBOE和CME的比特币期货最大的问题依然在于,它们是以现金结算的。

According to the encrypted currency analyst Darren Klein, the biggest problem with CBOE and CME's bitcoin futures remains that they are cash-based.


The reason is that traders may hold large amounts of bitcoins while at the same time paying BTC on cash settlement futures, where, in due course, traders may settle their bitcoins, resulting in a sharp fall in prices.


Cash-based futures are therefore not a good way to encourage asset growth, but they have done well in curbing asset prices.


By contrast, Bakkt, an exchange launched by the New York Stock Exchange’s parent company, the Intercontinental Exchange of America (ICE), does not have such a problem. It deals with Bitcoin’s physical delivery of futures.


However, according to the opinion leader of the professional investment community TradingView Boron, the futures market should not be a failure for the bear market, and the root cause of the change in the price-demand relationship between the investment target and the other reasons are just additional.


The magical hand-off effect


The introduction of Bitcoin futures by CME and CBOE at the end of 2017 has led to a gradual increase in the discussion of the “sealing day effect” in addition to being considered as an incentive for the bear market.


Bitcoin futures usually have delivery days and, as they approach the contract delivery date, the multi-empty parties involved in futures transactions have used various means to influence futures and even spot prices in order to obtain a contract price in their favour, which has become the day of delivery effect.


approaches, and bitcoin prices tend to fluctuate more sharply.


This is due to the fact that the market has had to spend more time in the final battle and that earlier losses can continue to hold positions in the form of a waiting or replenishment bond, which must be honoured upon delivery date.


So at the end of the day, the powerful side will be forced to make a profit by a variety of means, including releasing information that is in its favour, and by strong financial power.


Yu Boron told the deep chain of finances, close delivery, increased volatility and consensus among traders that, for the majority of futures traders who sought to be robust, they would try to avoid making bills in the vicinity of the cut-off day, but not to mention the fact that they were issued before the cut-off.


was created in a deep chain of Deepchain (ID: Deepchainvip).




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