
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:45 评论:0
原標題:在框框外撒點野   一個常駐車庫咖啡創業團隊的成員在門外抽煙透口氣   在北京的中關村,有這麼一個地方。有人說,這裡是“創業者的烏托邦”,也有人用甜蜜的口吻贊美它是“創業者的初戀”。一位在中關村“混跡”20多年的IT人士...



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In Beijing's middle village, there's a place like this. Some say it's "Utopia the Founder" and others praise it with sweet words as "The Founder's First Love." An IT man who has been a "mixed" in China for more than 20 years prefers to refer to it as "the river of the Internet."


The Mi company's Lui army, Angel investor Seo Xiaoping, who are famous for the Chinese Internet and the world of investment, often come and sit here.


A day more than two years ago, a t-shirt, jeans and a thunderman with orange shoes and sails, in front of everyone, the little rice phone in his hand, “When” fell on the ground to prove that his product was “good in quality” — in this place.


At that time, the Lui army was afraid to bet on a billion dollars and on the power plant's Dong Ming Ju. It was a game that triggered the domestic business boom at the end of 2013, and it was bet that within five years the Mi company would be able to outperform the “traditional industry” in its operations.


Similarly, more than two years ago, an entrepreneur from Silicon Valley of America came to the place and, when he went back, published an article on the Washington Post, entitled "What Americans should really be afraid of in China." The article said, "The real advantage of China lies with the next generation -- students who choose to start a business after graduating from high school, who are smart, motivated and ambitious."


Many of those who spend their days here writing codes or revising business plans seem to be waiting for an angel with a bag of money to come to their side. Some of them imagine, on numerous occasions, that if their capital is perceived to be home-grown and creative, they might be the next “Rai Army” or the next “Maroon” — in short, the next business legend.


What the hell is this place?


"Strong" here, without paying the rent, just buy a cup of coffee and sit all day and work for yourself.


Actually, this place is a café.


It's sitting in a hotel with a special price of $130 per day, and it's not as visible as a beef noodle next door. One stands outside the hotel and looks in the air to see a gray brick wall, and a blue arrow turns around, pointing down: "The Hotel 2nd Floor."


Approaching this hotel, there is a smell of beef paste, not coffee, in her nose. In the late winter of Beijing, the waiter at the front of the hotel, in his military coat, was almost without face. The young people with their shoulders on their backs, swayed through her eyes like a wind, then jumped on the stairs.


On the elevator door of the hotel, there was a piece of paper that said: "The second floor doesn't stop."


On the second floor of the elevator, it starts to smell coffee. It's hard for the café to reach the normal level of pass. The roofs are empty, and even the normal ceilings are lost. The ducts and air conditioning compressors are almost exposed to the roofs, with only a black layer of warm paper, and some of the places are torn apart, like the green roads that have been sunburned.


The red marble bricks of the café go through countless pairs of shoes, some black. The gray wallpapers, some of which are curled on the edges, are partially falling off.


Some say it's a “post-modern” style, but the staff at the café said it was designed to save money.


The man who opened this café, named Su-yun, is 34 years old. Nearly three years ago, he picked the site for the coffee shop, ran all over the western part of the central village, and finally picked the second floor of the hotel. The important reason is that “the rent here is not expensive”, which is $2 per square metre per month.


A lot of people who visit this café often say that it's more like an underground garage. In fact, Su-jung, when he first saw this area, which is more than 800 square metres, it was a big warehouse full of goods.


For Su-yun, opening a café in a large warehouse would be his appetite.


In 2011, Su-jung went to the United States. He drove a long road between Palo Alto and San José in California, where he ran for more than half a month. This long road is the famous Silicon Valley.


Sioux went to 367 Edison Street, Palo Alto. There was an old wooden garage with more than 30 square metres of land. In 1938, a single man named Bill Hewlett and a wife, David Packard, started a business in this narrow garage.


At the time, they had only one workstation, a diamond bed, a set of tigers and other crude tools, and the start-up capital was $538.

  他們在車庫研發了第一款產品,一個測試音頻的振蕩器。兩個合伙人以拋硬幣的方式,決定了誰的名字放在公司名稱的前面。就這樣,惠普(Hewlett Packard,即HP)誕生了。

They developed the first product in the garage, a vibrating device for sound testing. The two partners decided, by throwing coins, who their names were in front of the name of the company. So, Hewlett Packard, or HP, was born.


And then, Edison Street, the invisible suburban street, was recognized as the birthplace of Silicon Valley, the world's first high-tech area.


Today, nearly 40,000 people are visiting Edison Street every year, one of them, Suai. While most tourists are near the gates of the HP garage, this does not prevent people from looking at the garage.


In the history of Internet creation, the garage is a magical place. In addition to Hewlett-Packard, in the 1970s, 21-year-old Jobs and 26-year-old Wozniak developed their first apple computer in the garage of their foster father; in 1998, Sergei Bryn and Larry Page rented $1,700 a month to rent a garage at 232 m2 St. Margherita Street, Monroe Park, California, and started Google.


“There is Silicon Valley in the United States, there is a garage in Silicon Valley, and why can’t China have a garage like that that that allows creative young people to start a business at low cost?” After returning to the country, Su Jun, who is the investment director of a listed company, quit his job and start a business.


In April 2011, a coffee shop, which looks like an underground garage, opened in Beijing. Some of the founders chose to start here, looking luckier than Brim and Paige. Because, working in this café, without paying rent, buying a cup of coffee and even having a thick face of free lemonade, they could sit at a black wooden coffee table all day long and work for themselves.


However, there are many deficiencies in this café, which looks to the garage, such as inadequate heating. In the afternoon of January, the temperature in Beijing fell to minus 9 degrees centigrade. The heat of the coffee went up from the cup, but the people on the window were wearing thick feathers.


Some complain, "The window leaks, and the air conditioning seems to have one that's not working."


However, no later than 3 p.m., this café is full of people. Those who have been working here for a long time have a coffee table that belongs to them.


On top of their heads, there are dozens of chandeliers like bird nests, and the lights are a little dark, so that the photographers with flashlights are not satisfied with the light environment.


One thing many people like to mention here is that the 360 company's office started out in the same way. A partner went to him to talk and found out that his office was dark, and all the lights had to be turned on during the day.


They see creation as a way out of the "strange" without hesitation, out of the box, out of the way, out of the risk, out of the ambition.


During the day, a round-faced succulent, always sitting on the black soft couch of the café, carrying a cup of coffee, shaking his legs, staring at his little eyes and looking at the people who came and went in and out of the café.


Every day, “creaking”, those who push the black double-wood door of the café, have old faces that “set roots” in the business here, their favorite investors, and a lot of new faces that admire the name of the utopia.


After a long time, even Su-jung could not easily judge who came into the café.


A few days ago, a young man in his old leather jacket entered the café. His jacket didn't fit, his shoulder sewn under his shoulder, and his sweater was in his pants, and his hair was so oily, and he put it on his head.


He bought a cup of coffee, sat at the coffee table in the corner, and pulled out a box of cards from his shoulder bag with a stick. Throughout the afternoon, he almost did one thing: lay the cards on the table.


He's a strange way of doing things, drawing attention from others. Someone's whispering: "Look at this man, curious."


In this café, there's a lot of weird stories. For example, there's a young man who pulls his arms around each other, with his eyes in the light, like a speech, "Jobbs is amazing, he's changed the world."


And his final words were, "I'm in the Ally business. Are you interested?"


There was a 1990-born girl who had been in a café since the end of 2012 and who worked with the team. She talked about something that she saw as “surreal.” The previous time, a man in his 60s, dressed in a black cotton suit, wearing a hair hat, was always in a café. He used to walk in front of people and ask, “Are you an investor?”


“The old man says he invented a four-wheeled motorcycle, and he opens his mouth: I'm good at it, and I don't have much to invest in!” The girl says, "I can't help it."


All of a sudden, she said, "I'm curious to others, too." At least, she's already in the category of "surpassed" by her best friend.


Many of the people who started this café call themselves "disobedients" in the eyes of others. A 30-year-old man named Zhang Ditch, who quits his job as a public servant's mother, quits his job on TV and runs a "time auction" social networking site here. Another post-85 boy, Le Chiping, quits his post from a multi-million-dollar state company, following a four-person team, and has developed a cell phone chat software that looks like a micro-letter.


"It's a good day, but it's a good day," "the brain's in the water." A lot of people come in here laughing at someone else.


Finally, in this discussion of the topic, these creators think they're "not different." Sometimes they're not used to people who want to spend their entire lives in the community, "It's hard to imagine."


"Uneasy with the present," "rejection to a mediocre life" and "doesn't like to follow the rules" and so on -- in the face of all the labels that people put on them, many of the creators took it all, "Well, I accept."

  那位名叫衛維克·維德瓦(Vivek Wadhwa)的硅谷創業家,曾經光顧這家咖啡館。事實上,維德瓦還是一個經常在清華大學講課的學者。他從很多中國年輕人身上,發現這代人與上代人的區別,“他們毫不猶豫地跳出條條框框想問題,去冒險,有野心”。

Vivek Wadhwa, the founder of Silicon Valley, used to visit this café. Vidwa was, in fact, a student who often lectured at Qinghua University. From many young Chinese people, he discovered that the generation was different from the previous generation, “they did not hesitate to jump out of the box, take the risk, have the ambition.”


More importantly, Vidwa heard the answer to “Why do you want to be an entrepreneur” in the Chinese university class: “They see creation as a way out of the ‘body system’, a way to become their own boss and create their own success.”


Twenty-five-year-old Le Chiping said that the reason why he left the state business, which was well paid and paid for, was largely because "it was too easy every day to worry that he would not move forward." He complained that he had worked for almost a year and a half and had barely worked a day.


In a proud tone, the young man said that he had waved away from the state, a former company of Ma Yun. At the end of 1998, Ma Yun resigned from his post as CEO of the company, withdrew his team from Beijing and returned to Hangzhou to start his business. Six months later, Alibaba’s website was online.


Le Chiping also remembered that, when he went to the new staff training, an old employee mentioned the story of Ma Yun and said that he was "almost gone." However, it was hard for a newcomer to judge from the old worker's tone, "Has he regretted it?"


"Perhaps I'll be the next horse cloud." Under the dark lights, he kept silently writing the calf, raised his head, and put his chin on the top of his laptop, laughing.


That night, until dark, the café fell into thin air, and the young man in the leather jacket was still playing cards at the table and had not spoken to anyone. A middle-aged man with a cell phone in his shirt pocket sat next to him and set up with him.


Turns out, this young man, who was called the "twilight" by the surroundings, developed a game card like the three countries. He came to the café to test his game and to find investors at the same time.


In fact, this middle-aged man, who talks to him, comes to this café to look for "good things to make money." But, with money in his hand, "an angel" doesn't look good on this creator who's been playing cards alone.


The reason is, "He couldn't take this step, dared to come to someone else and sell his product. At least, he lacked the courage."


This place can be without enough heat, proper light, but it can't be without powerful networks and enough plugs


In the last year or two, this coffee shop, which brings together a large number of entrepreneurs, has become more and more famous, “almost everyone in the tech community knows the place.” At the same time, the price of the coffee sold here has risen. From the start of a 15-dollar cup, it has been sold to the current 28-dollar coffee shop, pushing the price close to that of many well-known international branded coffee shops.


However, the regulars of this café may not be able to compare the price of coffee, and may not even care too much about the taste of what is in their hands.


It has been said that, in addition to the smell of mocha and latte, there is a breath of ambition that can't be hidden from these creators every day.


One of the first visitors to this café came in and sat down and started sighing: "This place is like a river, it feels like a good place for people, it's full of "C" characters."


Some of the founders here already have the letters “C”, such as the CEO of a website, the COO, and the CTO.


On a wall close to the coffee shop, there is a green and flowered recruitment campaign. Some of the job openings save printing and handwritten writing. Most of the wrinkles on the A4 paper are calling for a cow's technical partner, or the most creative operator, often also declaring a “promising” online product, which is in the process of being born.


It's not surprising that someone pops out of a corner, hits strangers, and is excited to introduce their own "super-cow" projects to each other.


Many creators go without saying that they are seeking more wealth, “if they don't want to make money, it's hypocrisy”.


In this start-up river, the classic wealth story is a 20-month-old legend by the founder of YouTube, Chen Shigeon, where Li Yinghong saw 100% of the price pouring through the tears of Nastak.


Two years ago, when a mature Internet company took over as an agency manager, it quits and goes to a coffee shop to start a business. People around him don't understand, and they ask him, "Why do you want to start a business?"


"I don't have a car, I don't have a house, I don't have a wife. I make $120,000 a month in the company, and when can I buy a house in Beijing?" The army who was born in Hebei's rural village said.


Most of the creative projects that are driven by the desire to be rich, like weeds in a café, are connected to the Internet. Many ambitious creators believe that the Internet is a huge gold mine whose first barrel of life should be extracted from it.


People who stay in this café all the time can hardly imagine whether they still have the courage to stay here if they leave the network. In this place they see as utopia, there can be no adequate heating, proper light, and comfortable tables and chairs, but there must be no strong Internet and enough plugs.


So, the power lines of the plug board lacked scrutiny and were not stuck on the ground to prevent people from being tripped down by complicated circuits. In the corner of the bookcase, a large black box was blown up, with several routers in it, and the wires filled with the interface were stretched like branches.


In the eyes of some creators, the power of the Internet is much more so that it can create a legend of rapid enrichment. And the true rich story is born in this café. A few bitcoin players, in just a few months, rose to a "one millionaire."


A few days ago, Zhaodong, a millionaire, and a couple of his companions, were on a couch in a cabin in a café, with a cigarette in his mouth, and his fingers “? banged” on the keyboard, busy with what they saw as the “financial revolution” of Bitcoins. As an “old man” in this café, Zhaodong was initially obsessed with “opening hardware” and had a small reputation in the circle. Later, he sold some of his shares and houses and reinvested in bitcoins, which included a high price of bitcoins — an “electronic currency” made up of a double code.


Although, in some sense, the wealth of Bitcoins and Zhaodong is in a virtual web world, it may discourage many entrepreneurs from envying this small, young rich man. Sometimes people stick around Zhaodong and joke with him, "Indicate me a few bits of bitcoins?"


Not long ago, Friday night, a saloon about bitcoins was held in a café. People in all corners, after eating hundreds of boxes of pizzas and egg picks, were dragged into a hot atmosphere by the host. A fat man, on the stage, said to everyone, "Guys, what's the price of bitcoins?" Then, an Arab number jumped out of the screen, and there was a ovation on the scene.


Although most cafés are immersed in the troubled ocean, there are still people who look down and change the code of a software that is being developed in silence to their laptops.


Even in Utopia, it's not everyone's pleasure to start a business.


There are many high-end penthouses in the forest around a coffee shop in the famous central village. Some people have gone out of those penthouses unrebelliously, and have returned proudly for a short time. But they have become owners from those who work.


That's how they turned around. He left the café, took a team of six men and moved into a writing room with a crystal light in the lobby, and the elevator needed a card.


He has developed a cell phone game, and the number of users has soared in a short period of time that he announces his initial success. Now, he sits in a high-profile 10,000-dollar monthly writing building, sometimes looking in the direction of a café through a window.


A living success story like this inspires a lot of grass-roots entrepreneurs who yearn for “reflection.” But another theory is as high in the business world as the mirror: “The odds are 99 per cent, the odds are only 1 per cent” or “The chances of success are small”.


Asked the creators of the cafés, most of them agreed with this disappointing view. But most of them, however, strongly believed that they would be the one with the “1%” and the “minus probabilities”.


"Sometimes there's a gambler's mind when people start working." An early starter at a coffee shop, he says. He's called "The Old River" in the circle, and he's called "Hing".


He likes to wear tampons, often showing off his body in front of people, and he looks cynic. In fact, he has recently had a bit of anxiety, and a company he created to develop software for business has been hit with a bottle of development, “since September of last year, there has been no income”.


For starters, it is normal to have no income for a while, or even to put money back on it. Zhou Jie, who has returned from school in Korea, is developing a child education development evaluation software. Since starting a business, “one and a half years have been without income.”


For more than four months, he sleeps on a friend's living room couch, but Zhou Jie feels that he's “not sad at all.” Similarly, despite the difficulties of achieving the truth, Hing will say to others, “Recently, he's been talking about buying with Aliba.”


Sometimes, the creators hit the surroundings unwittingly, "You don't know what you're doing." More often, they encourage each other, "You sound good in this project." From the approval of the same people, it's like an acupuncture.


It says, "Not sad," but the sense of hopelessness on the way to the start of the business is still coming. Last year, for a while, Zhou Jie's creative project had a hard time, and he got all mad, "I can see only half the light at the coffee table, and it's dark everywhere."


Desperately, he grabbed his cell phone and said to his creative partner, "I want to die!" The phone said, "Shit! I'm busy." And then it broke.


Sometimes the reality of creation is difficult compared to the initial illusions. Not long ago, a Shanghai founder, in a pilgrimial mood, walked into this "Utopia."


When she talked to someone about her career, her tears started to turn in her eyes. The 30-year-old girl, who was a public servant in Shanghai, "goes out of the system" worked with her friends to open a children's park.


"It was a good idea to start with a room Nedisny and a market investigation." So she borrowed money from a bank, borrowed money from relatives and friends, sold cars and houses, and kept paying for her dreams.


However, she was encircled by a variety of “unfortunate” details in her business. “Before sitting in an office, she was high up against others”, and now she is busy running to fire, business, taxation, etc.


The customer's puncture, the tax department's fine, the cost of it rolling like a snowball, hit her twice and three times, making her sad, "three days and three nights without sleep."


Later, when she heard that there was a coffee shop in Beijing, known as the “founder's paradise”, she bought a plane ticket to a coffee shop for a week, “seeing for inspiration and opportunity”.


Women entrepreneurs who used to be big-minded find that even if they were in “Utopia,” not everyone was in the mood of starting a business. For example, an 80-year-old young man who resigned from a building design school, sighed, “Inventiveness is a wall,” lamented the fact that he had watched Ma Yung's TV interview at the airport and was on the Internet, but that he had not yet made much money.


The girl from Shanghai, who came from a distance, has recently been “settled” and started to “doubt” her life. The big guy in the business advised her to turn the shop around and “get out of it.” But she was not willing to go back. Perhaps she was more afraid to return to the “mechanical rigidity” of the “institutional system.


"Strong" has a struggle to connect 367 Edison Street, Palo Alto, California, and 36 Hai-Xi Street, Nakamura, Beijing.


Zhang Wei, who runs a bookstore nearby and has never visited a café in the past, has recently become a regular guest here. He also remembers that when the blue café sign came up on the wall, it was quickly hidden in the green of the flowers.


In just two or three years, this business-oriented café is becoming more and more hot, and its streets are becoming more and more shabby. This place, known as the Walking Street of Hae-tu City, has always been an important gathering place for the traditional Beijing book industry, with a large city of graphics.


In 2006, Zhang Wei rented a shop in Tuxhu City's “Shoi Tower” to start a book business. At that time, he was in the mood for the development of the city. In the city's blueprints, 2005 it will become the first creative business base in Beijing. To match this brand, which represents a transformation of the business, the government of the district has also made a few changes to the city, placing night-vision lights on the street, greening the garden and building the Beijing style of a grey brick wall.


In that year, it was built as a simple but modern walking street that attracted a lot of creators to open bookstores, musical shops and dress shops and to hang flower green signs on the walls.


In Jang’s great memories, the street used to be full of people, young people were dating here, and the bookstore was full of “book rolls” faces. The numbers showed that the daily flow of people on the street could reach hundreds of thousands when it was the most plentiful.


Zhang Wai, one of the creators, made money in this wave of creation, bought cars and houses, and took root in Beijing.


But the good news is not long. The big bookstores in the ancient building complex are “many dead” in a fight with Internet power providers.


The brands of green flowers disappear from the grey brick walls, and some of them are simply thrown at the corner of the street and pile up with some of the pieces of wood that have been abandoned as a result of the renovations. The brands of the ceremonial bookshops, the cultural goods store for solar sports, and so on, have become a part of the history of the street.


This is the scene of Jang’s sighing. Today’s favorite shopkeeper is a courier. “The coolest thing is that the shop does not have customers all day.” Some bookshop owners simply change the shop to a grid where they sit in front of computers every day, and post books, wholesale and retail.


In the afternoon, there were almost no noises in the entire building, but just “playing” the sharp “scoffs” of the courier tearing up the transparent tape, as was the case with the repeater.


After the nightfall, the place fell into a state of silence, with the shadow of a single star flashing into the café. The biggest source of light in the street came from this café, the light pouring through the window of the glass and slanting out of the air.


Zhang Wei, who once stood outside the building, could see the blue sign as soon as he looked up, but he was “not too concerned” and then he began to wonder why many bookstores could not be opened and a coffee shop was full of excitement.


Not long ago, Zhang Wei finally walked into this café. He seemed to have solved the mystery.


As a demonstration of the two extremes of a street, Zhang's greatness has come to understand that a wave of technology, “many traditional things, if they don't follow this trend, can be eliminated.” Today, he sits in a café and talks to people about how to use the Internet to transform and upgrade.


But Jang Wei said he didn't want to give up on the bookstore. "Can't the technologists not read? If it turns out to be a business path, there should be more readers!"


This highly qualified bookstore does not agree to invite all the traditional bookstores out of the street. He says, "The living bookstore has its own way of survival."


Or he's more interested in their generation's career on this street.


"Let my traditional bookstore be transformed and upgraded into my second-generation business." This is what the middle-aged man in Beijing said for almost 10 years.


Former creators would have left some struggle marks. Here — 36 Haixi Street, Beijing Central Village, 16 hours away — 367 Edison Street, Palo Alto, United States of America, is the memory symbol of a generation of American creators.


In 2007, Hewlett-Packard’s garage was born to select the “American Ancient History” book. “The importance of the garage is due to its creative spirit.” The historians at the National Parks Administration’s National Monument Register say so.

  事實上,北京的這家咖啡館,這個“創業烏托邦”,名字就叫做“車庫咖啡”。(記者 陳璇文 鄭萍萍攝)

In fact, this coffee shop in Beijing, this utopia, is called garage coffee.




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