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  【互链脉搏讯】 2019年9月17日,第五届区块链全球峰会“区块链新经济:新十年·新起点”在上海召开。峰会论坛上,万向创新聚能城首席创新官王允臻围绕万向创新聚能城发表主题演讲——《区块链创新:“从一个生态系统到一个伟大的城市”》。王允臻指出,万向创新城制定了一个非常宽泛的创新战略,包含几个方面:首先是对于城市发展、行业和商业应用,以及社会行为等逻辑关系保持协同效应的敏感性。互链脉搏授权发布演讲实录,未经本人审阅。

On September 17, 2019, the Fifth Global Summit on the Block Chain, “The Block Chain : a new decade: a new starting point”, was held in Shanghai. At the Summit Forum, the Chief Innovative Officer of the City of Manpower and Innovative Energy delivered a keynote address on the City of Man Quantities: From an Ecosystem to a Great City.


Moderator: I would like to present to you that the New Jump University of Singapore, one of the six national universities in Singapore, has been very successful in human and economic research, and thank you again, Professor Li Guoqiang.

  在2016年第二届区块链全球峰会上,万向集团宣布投资2000亿元,携手众多创新机构,在杭州萧山建一座智慧城镇,即万向创新聚能城。这是一座以区块链为技术驱动,以云计算,大数据,物联网,人工智能为依托,旨在实现九万人学习、研究、制造、生活的智慧城市。区块链会将怎样塑造智慧城市?接下来,掌声欢迎万向创新聚能城首席创新官  王允臻上台演讲。他将要分享的内容是《区块链创新:“从一个生态系统到一个伟大的城市”》。

At the second Global Summit on the Block Chain, in 2016, announced an investment of 200 million yuan in a number of innovative institutions to build an intelligent town in Shanshan, Hangzhou, the City of Innovating Energy. This is a technology-driven block chain, based on cloud computing, big data, network of things, artificial intelligence, aimed at achieving a city of wisdom for 90,000 people.


In 2014, when we first took part in the chain of blocks, I presented a non-a href=http://renswu.hexun.com/figure_619.shtml' target= _blank', a clear strategy for the city of Hangzhou, identifying key points in the ecosystem, and then investing in a whole ecosystem, not only in China and in the world, but also in China's dynamic communities and chains of ecosystems, and on the basis of which we began to develop our technical advantages, such as industrial traceability, and now in China's infrastructure, which we hope will contain a few pieces of innovation.


The first is sensitivity to maintaining synergy in such logical relationships as urban development, industry and business applications, and social behaviour.


Secondly, we have to balance the interrelationships between our core capacities and ecosystems. We need to know not only what core competencies should be built within, but also what can be achieved through cooperation among communities, and we need to strike a balance between the two.


Thirdly, to remain pragmatic and ready to adjust strategies.


These three points are very important, because you have been in the area of block chains three years ago, one year ago, and now the answer to the future of the block chain is quite different. So not to say that the logic of block chain technology is wrong, or that the block chain technology is developing so quickly, but because our ideas have changed, and perhaps the technology has come up against social or market constraints. First, we are building on a two-pronged transformation of the community of blocks, starting with a two-pronged transformation that is now in transition, starting with the core of business, with 65% of our income coming from the automobile industry, and actually from the Brownfield project, which is turning into a “greenfield” (Greenfield) project, which is a data-driven, innovative industry, which is still a problem. This is closely related to the logic of the block chain, through a distributed network, to industrial or manufacturing transformation.

  创新聚能城里面包含的智能制造、分布式的城市智能,以及数字经济,是基于代币、基于非常复杂的区块链赋能的代币平台。赋能的技术包括区块链和物联网的创新,之前我演讲过万向在物联网方面的进展,我们和美国工业互联网联盟(IIC)进行了合作,我们曾笑谈,“对我们来说IOT不是物联网,而是智能的操作技术。”如果大家来自于IT行业的话,会知道OT和IT之间的关系紧张不融洽,而我们提出的是使OT 和IT的创新能够无缝整合。

Innovative energy cities contain smart manufacturing, distributed urban intelligence, and digital economy platforms based on token money, based on the power of a very complex chain of blocks. Technology for empowerment includes innovation in block chains and object networking, which I have spoken about before, and we have worked with Industry


In-depth reflections have shown that our priorities have been reflected in the planning of the City for Innovation.


First, there is a need to identify emerging technologies with potential, such as block chains, object networking, and margin computing.


There is also the design thinking of new ecosystems, which is very important. In the old concept of smart cities, you don't see thinking about economic activity or about social behaviour, but it is the chain of blocks that can empower us to define business behaviour more clearly.


Thirdly, focusing on key behaviour in ecosystems, like block chains, requires standards, industry alliances, working with partners and a platform.


Fourth, strategic investments at key nodes. We made a fund, distributed capital, to invest in early seed projects or early applications.


Fifthly, to promote synergies between these nodes, such as accelerators and incubators, we have linked POC deployments to the real world to ensure that teams have the right talent and adequate technical support.


Sixthly, there are so many applications, like life labs, and so on. What we need to do now is set up business models to facilitate the transfer of values associated with data streams. So this is some of the lessons we've learned so far.


We have 2,700 acres of innovative energy, in the Great Bay area of Hangzhou, and ,


So, first of all, we have to link the existing vertical IT infrastructure. The sub-shareholder benefits are different, how residents and visitors combine their activities with those of the city, how the focus on the city is different, how the contributions are different, how the interests of the different stakeholders are agreed, so we need a full technological logic of absorption and differentiation. The block chain is an enabling technology. Integration of this technical logic into the economic logic is a monetic economy. So the chain not only facilitates the exchange of data, but also facilitates the transfer of value, so we have to run the monetic economy on a viable platform. We will build an innovative confluence city to test a micro monetic economy.


At the same time, operating logic and operational logic make it possible to build a new business model. When you walk into a city, understand the behaviour of individuals, understand their needs and economies, and the interests of business entities, and the interests of governments, we integrate these interests into a platform of blocks. This is the main element, and indeed does not have a clear border. We have three zones, one of which is smart manufacturing, one of which is smart and eco-cities, and three of which is an international research and innovation base that provides local innovation.


In a moment, there are two angles: from the top to the bottom, to the bottom, to the bottom, to the question of what the chain of blocks offers us. For example, big data, cloud rethinking, data sovereignty, is a topic of great interest to all. Cloud suppliers also have difficulty obtaining data from industry companies, so industrial networking is a very slow process. Now, by transferring data to others, you lose the sovereign right to data, because data are transferred to others, and ownership of data is transferred. How can we ensure data sovereignty while allowing data mining or data analysis to create value?


We are now working in two directions: we divide stacks and clouds into two layers: data collection, data storage, data applications, and data hosting. In such a multilayered data infrastructure, we can secure calculations to protect privacy. This does not decipher data into raw data, that is, you can handle encrypted data. Even these intermediaries have no way of controlling raw data.


So our solution, or our strategy, is to use 10,000-to-block chains to build life laboratories at the city level for smart transportation, smart buildings, and smart businesses. So that the entrepreneurial teams of the block chains can expand the solutions, interact with local data infrastructure, IOT infrastructure, provide feedback, and continuously adapt the solutions. Ultimately, we want to see a city that can connect cities and industries seamlessly, energy storage infrastructure, and locally built infrastructure that can provide renewable energy at even lower cost. Now we are building a vast testing field to test unmanned cars, and, after technical testing, we can move into different urban areas with different controls.


Three districts, the Kendall Square in Hangzhou, which I just referred to. To make full use of local research and innovation, we need to build a base for innovation and entrepreneurship. We use block chains and AI technology, so we can all benefit from the creation of a business park where people start their own businesses, as well as home start-ups.


I have just introduced some ideas and the work that we are doing, one example of which is related to batteries. Because in smart manufacturing, we are producing batteries, which cost more than half of the cost of electric cars. The efficiency will drop by 80% after two years, and the efficiency of charging will be very low. So we have to find a second life for these batteries. So we'll have to recover them and put them in underground storage facilities. So we can connect renewable energy and grids, and then we'll deal responsibly with them when they reach the life cycle.


There is another case of smart architecture. Smart architecture works with a well-known European organization, and the challenges they face are too many companies now doing smart construction. There is no way to track the energy of buildings after construction is completed, too many stakeholders are involved, and there is no way to follow it up.


The third case is intelligent traffic, where we use block chains to ensure data security, through block chains to ensure data security, credible and safe use of vehicles, with cross-cutting synergies guaranteed by block chains, while at the same time allowing for privacy protection. This is a community that includes architecture, operations, management, recycling, etc.. It is a full cycle of data connectivity.


The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑:王治强 HF013)



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