什么是 去中心化自治组织(DAO)

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科普 | 一文告诉你什么是DAO(去中心化自治组织)?
参考URL: https://www.8btc.com/article/453634

Quote, a text telling you what DAO( decentralised Autonomous Organization & #xff09; & #xff1f;
reference URL: https://www.8btc.com/article/453634

DAO即“Decentralized Autonomous Organization”,指的是“去中心化自治组织”,其中每个词都可以用多种方式解释,从不同角度会产生DAO的不同定义。为了阐明这个概念,我们来分析每一项。

DAO, “Decentralized Autonomous Organization” & #xff0c; refers to “decentralized autonomous organizations” & #xff0c; each word can be interpreted in a variety of ways & #xff0c; different definitions of DAO are generated from different angles. To clarify this concept & #xff0c; let's analyse each.

它实际是一套智能合约,当它作为一个组织的 DAO 时会有一些预定义的规则和程序。

It's actually a smart contract #xff0c; when it's an organization's DAO, it's got predefined rules and procedures.


Our DAO’s main objective is to decide how to use our non-profit organization’s funds in a decentralised form. All community members will be able to submit proposals for funding.


There is a need for a voting system for this decentralised decision-making xff0c; this voting system needs to be reliable.

DAO有时候也称为分布式自治公司(DAC,decentralized autonomous corporation),它是一种由编码为计算机程序的规则所表示的组织,该程序是透明的、由股东或代币持有人控制,且不受中心机构影响。DAO利用区块链来验证交易。

DAO is sometimes also known as distributed autonomous companies & #xff08; DAC, decentralized autonomous corporation & #xff09; & #xff0c; it is an organization & #xff0c expressed by the coded rules for computer programs; the program is transparent, controlled by shareholders or currency holders & #xff0c; and is not influenced by central institutions. DAO uses block chains to validate transactions.


** Every person in DAO can make a proposal and vote for a decision. Encrypted money is used to represent key value xff0c; votes with the highest number of votes won at the end of the specified period.** This contrasts directly with other forms of voting xff0c; these votes usually have the same weight per person.

DAO通过决策过程的民主化和去中心化,特别是在财务管理方面,消除了单一的失败点。 具有等级结构的组织可以雇用个人来控制数百万美元的资金。但DAO则防止了个人拥有这种影响力,去中心化了资金的管理、治理和创新。

DAO eliminates a single failure point through the democratization and decentralisation of decision-making processes & #xff0c; especially in financial management. Organizations with hierarchical structures can employ individuals to control millions of dollars of money. but DAO prevents individuals from owning this influence & #xff0c; decentralizes the management, governance, and innovation of funds.

DAO的概念是Dan Larimer(EOS创始人)在2013年提出的,他创造了术语“DAC”——去中心化自治公司。Dan Larimer把比特币比作一个公司,它的股东是比特币持有者,雇员是矿工。

The concept of DAO is Dan Larimmer( founder of EOS & #xff09; presented in 2013 & #xff0c; he created the term “DAC” - decentralised Autonomous Corporation. Dan Larimmer compares Bitcoin to a company xff0c; its shareholder is Bitcoin holder xff0c; its employee is a miner.

同年, Vitalik Buterin(以太坊创始人)通过描述一家公司在没有经理的情况下如何运作而深入阐释了这一理念。商业自动化通常被视为用机器人或电脑取代低技能人员,让更多合格的员工来控制的过程。然而,Vitalik提出了相反的建议,即用一种软件技术取代管理,这种软件技术能够招募和支付人员来执行有助于公司使命的任务。

That same year xff0c; Vitalik Buterin( described this idea in depth by describing how a company operates without a manager. Business automation is often seen as replacing low-skilled people with robots or computers xff0c; allowing more qualified staff to control the process. However, xff0c; Vitalik makes the opposite proposal xff0c; i.e. replacing management xff0c with a software technology; this software technology can recruit and pay personnel to perform tasks that help the company's mission .

2016年4月,Christoph Jentzsch在GitHub上公开发布了 "The DAO "的代码,并在网站上进行了为期28天的众筹活动。该项目筹集了近1.5亿美元的 ETH ,吸引了当时所有已发行ETH的14%。

In April 2016, & #34; The DAO & #34; code & #xff0c; and a 28-day public campaign on the website. The project raised nearly $150 million ETH & #xff0c; and attracted 14% of all ETHs that had been released at the time.

该项目是完全透明的, 任何人都可以对其代码进行审计。 投资者不是将其资金存放在中央储备金中,而是持有他们的DAO代币,直到他们决定对一个项目进行投票。

The project is fully transparent xff0c; anyone can audit its code. Investors do not store their funds in a central reserve xff0c; they hold their DAO xff0c; until they decide to vote on a project.

由于没有传统的管理结构或董事会,The DAO被创建为一个开源的、由投资者指导的风险投资基金,而其代币则很快在流行的加密货币交易所上进行交易。TechCrunch甚至称The DAO是经济组织理念的范式转变。

In the absence of a traditional management structure or board xff0c; the DAO was created as an open-source, investor-led venture capital fund xff0c; and its tokens were quickly traded on popular crypto-currency exchanges. TechCrunch even called The DAO a paradigm shift in the concept of economic organization.

尽管The DAO呈现出前所未有的快速增长,但还是在同年9月被关闭了。由于The DAO的代码存在漏洞,导致了价值约5000万美元的ETH被攻击者所掠取。不过,由于The DAO账户处于28天的持有期,所以这些资金始终没有被实际转移,而以太坊则通过硬分叉将资金返还给了The DAO成员。

The DAO showed unprecedented rapid growth xff0c; it was shut down in September of the same year. There was a bug in the DAO's code xff0c; this led to an ETH valued at about $50 million being looted by the attackers. But xff0c; because the DAO account was in its 28-day holding period xff0c; the funds were never actually transferred xff0c; and Taipan returned the funds to members of the DAO through a hard split.

如何理解?去中心化自治组织 它的优缺点又有哪些?
参考URL: https://www.mytokencap.com/news/198351.html

How do you understand? Decentralised self-governing organizations and what their strengths and weaknesses are xff1f;
reference URL: https://www.mytokencap.com/news/198351.html

  • 扁平化结构 - 由于没有明确的权威人物或指挥链,分散的组织在决策需要更长时间后运行起来更慢
  • 分歧 - 当社区强烈反对时,通常可以将组织分成两部分。当比特币现金与比特币分开时,就是发生了这种情况

比特币现金支持者希望将比特币块大小提高到1 MB以上。这个问题是产生了分歧,导致了社区被分成两个派系。

Bitcoin cash supporters want to raise the size of the bitcoin block to more than 1 MB. The problem is that there is disagreement & #xff0c; the community is divided into two factions.




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