
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:72 评论:0
首先需要声明的是,下文的内容不构成任何投资建议, 所有内容仅是AToken A叔的主观意见。二级市场是一个风险与机遇并存的地方,请慎重待之。First of all, it is important to stat...



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首先需要声明的是,下文的内容不构成任何投资建议, 所有内容仅是AToken A叔的主观意见。二级市场是一个风险与机遇并存的地方,请慎重待之。

First of all, it is important to state that what follows does not constitute any investment proposal, all of which is a subjective opinion of Atoken A. The secondary market is a place where risks and opportunities coexist.


All right, let's start with the third day of sharing. The first day we talked to you about some of Polkadot's basic knowledge, including visions, solutions to pain points and consensus mechanisms; yesterday we focused on the detailed dismantling of the different nodes in the consensus mechanism, and also on the way to spread the benefits of the various nodes within the ecology. Today is the last article in the Boca series. We're here to talk about the external secondary market.

波卡原生代币DOT. 本文发稿时价格为$4.14。在Polkadot主网上线后,波卡的价格一度冲到6.78美刀,最近一段时间稳定在4-4.5刀之间。

The price was $4.14 when Boca’s original ingenuity DOT. After Polkadot’s main web line, Poca’s price hit $6.78 and has remained stable between $4 and 4.5 for some time.

自从7月份主网上线以来,短短的3个月时间,Polkadot一路火箭蹿升, 市值最高排名达到世界第五,压过EOS, CHAINLINK, 气势直逼他的竞争对手以太坊

Since July, three months since the main web line, Polkadot has risen from rocket to rocket, with the highest market ranking in the world, above EOS, ChaINLINK, pushing his competitor

这样的市场行情,不排除有市场过热的非理性因素存在,过去1个月的回调也是市场对前期资本过热的自然干预。预期在今年的行情下,排除主流火币的涨跌影响因素, 波卡不太会有太多的上升或下探空间。

Such market dynamics do not preclude the existence of an irrational element of overheating in the market, which in the past month has also been a natural intervention in the market’s overheating of prior-period capital. It is expected that, in this year’s scenario, without the influence of the rise and fall of mainstream fire, Poca will have little room for upswing or downswings.


However, if you look at the future within one to three years, Uncle A looks very well at the room for Dot’s growth. By 2023, it can be said that DOT’s rise to 200 United States dollars is not an elusive goal.

波卡上线3个月, 其生态上的Dapp数量已经超过了260个。依稀记得波卡上线两周左右时间的时候, 其生态上的DApp数量就超过了200个。这是非常惊人的数据。自从以太坊之后, 很久没有看到一个项目能在那么短的时间内吸引那么多的DApp来到自己的平台上。

Boca has been on the line for three months, and the number of Dapps in the ecology has been more than 260. When I remember Boca on the line for about two weeks, the number of Dapps in the ecology is more than 200. That's amazing data. Since Ether, it's been a long time since we've seen a project that attracts so many Dapps to our platform in so short a time.


In contrast to the ecological application on Chainlink, which is also cross-chained, Poca is a major leader in this regard. The EOS compares Polkadot at two weeks and three months of time nodes on the upper line.

纵观CMC/Coingecko上排名前十的公链项目方, 也就ETH可以和他拼一拼深度了。但以太可是堂堂区块链2.0, 是经历了多年洗礼的成熟项目了。能和ETH相提并论,这也从侧面证明了波卡对DApp生态带来的巨大影响。

Looking at the top 10 public-chain projects on CMC/Coingecko, it is possible to spell out the depths of ETH. But it is a condo chain of 2.0, a mature project that has undergone many years of baptism. To compare it with ETH, this is a side-by-side proof of the enormous impact that the cards have on Dapp ecology.

MakerDao带起了DeFi的热度, Sushi带起了流动性挖矿的热度。这个DeFi生态的崛起带动了整个以太网络在过去2个季度内无比的繁荣,同时也是无比的拥堵。拥堵的显著副作用之一就是链上行为成本的扩增。今年9月初最疯狂的时候,一笔简单的100U的以太坊转账,手续费要20刀。

MakerDao brought the heat of DeFi, and Sushi brought the heat of liquid mining. The rise of the DeFi ecology led to the incomparable prosperity of the entire Ether network over the past two quarters, as well as a convulsion. One of the notable side effects of congestion was the increase in the cost of behavior on the chain.


That's who's holding up.


Although the cost of transfers on the ETH chain has recently returned to a relatively rational level, who can ensure that the next wave of decentralisation will not happen again and that the surge in fees will not happen again?


So the future deFi ecology (and all other potential Decentrized ecology) is not likely to hang itself on a tree. So the question arises, who is the right replacement? Who is at the top?

所谓供求决定商品价值, 用的人多了,波卡生态能不增值,DOT能不涨吗?

There's a lot of people in supply and demand that determine the value of goods, and Poca's ecological value doesn't add, and DOT doesn't increase?


The parallel chain we talked to you about on the first day of his life. In a brief review, he's a different terminal at an airport and a different port of embarkation, with the effect of cataloguing and increasing efficiency.


Parallel chains can greatly enrich the diversity of block chains. Each chain can have its own attributes, such as privacy, transactions, etc.

从开发者的角度出发, 在以太上开发只能使用solidity语言。在波卡生态中,因为平行链的存在, 你可以使用Rust,C++等在内的众多主流开发语言。如此好处,开发者自然愿意首选或者迸选波卡平行链来进行DApp开发。

From the developer's point of view, development can only use the language of solidity in the Ether. In the Boca ecology, because of the existence of parallel chains, you can use a number of mainstream development languages, including Rust, C++, etc.


Officially, at the outset, it was clear that security and efficiency considerations were in place, that the number of parallel chain slots was limited, that the number would be smaller at the time of creation and that the number of slots would increase over time.


It's precious. In order to get a trough, you need to auction it with a DOT. This is bound to lead to an increase in the DOT price.


Investors invest in projects, and the team can't ignore them. Pooka's team doesn't go into detail. Let's give you a little bit of pratitude:

1. 以太坊的联合创始人,CTO

1. Co-founder, CTOC

2. 以太坊程序语言Solidity的发明者

2. Inventor of Solidity

3. 共识协议Proof of Authority的提出人

3. Author of the Consensus Agreement

4. web3基金会的创始人, CEO

Founder of the 4. Web3 Foundation, CEO

就这几点也就足够了,4个2, 也就中本聪+V神的王炸能镇得住他了吧。

That's all we need, four two, and the king of the Mid-Sight Plus V can keep him safe.

最后一点, Garvin Wood 从某种意义上说也算是一个形象很好的创始人了。这块在投资人这边也加了不少分。

And finally, Garvin Wood is, in a sense, a very good-looking founder. And that's a lot of credit on the investor side.

好了,一个技术牛逼,创业经验丰富, 深知痛点(以太坊的可扩展性),有远见, 长得帅的英国人创建的技术牛逼,平行链系统,可跨链沟通的公链项目。

Well, a technocrat, a lot of entrepreneurial experience, a deep knowledge of pain, a vision, a handsome British-created technocrat, a parallel chain system, a public chain project that can communicate across chains.


Why not?


It's been a long time in the circle, and it's a mistake to think that the block chain has so much running and trading every day, that it's a big business. Of course, he did grow a lot more than he did 10 years ago. But putting the block chain in the overall market environment is small.

现在整个区块链产业的总市值也就3000亿美金的规模. 现在全球股票市场的总市值超过88万亿美金。两者之间差了294倍。

The total market value of the entire block chain is now $300 billion. The total market value of the global stock market is more than $88 trillion.

区块链尚处于行业生命周期的早期, 待到成熟期时,和股市的市值差距缩小到10倍之内并不是难事。如果按这样算的话,区块链整体市场规模还有将近30倍的成长空间放在那里。在这样的大环境下, DOT和其他所有主流数字货币都有极大的发展空间。

The block chain is still in the early stages of the industry’s life cycle, and it is not difficult to narrow the market value gap to 10 times when it matures. If this is the case, the block chain as a whole has nearly 30 times the size of the market.

再做一个横向的对比,截止今天(10/15/2020), 波卡的市值是34.8亿美元。我们来看看作为波卡的老朋友,老对手的y以太坊。

A lateral comparison, as of today (10/15/2020), Boca had a market value of $3.48 billion. Let's look at Y-E-Tae, an old friend of Boca's.


When Ether was close to $3.48 billion in market value, it was the first half of 2017. What happened after that?


That's all you have to say about it. How do you do it?




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