在争议与期许之中,以太坊还是有条不紊的完成了近年来最大的升级,以太坊原本使用PoW(proof-of-work)工作量证明机制,矿老板们根据计算能力来竞争ETH,谁的算力高谁就能获得更多的收益。如今,以太坊依托PoS(proof-of-stake)权益证明机制,告别大规模矿机“挖矿”时代,矿老板们需要通过质押ETH才可以“挖矿”,质押门槛为32个ETH,不过很大程度上会入不敷出。 Among the disputes and expectations, Ether has also accomplished the greatest escalation in recent years in an orderly manner, using the PoW (proof-of-work) workload proof mechanism, where mine owners compete for ETH on the basis of their ability to calculate, and who has a higher value than others. Now, Ether is relying on the Proof-of-stake (prof-stake) equity certification mechanism to say goodbye to the large-scale miner & ldquao; mine mining & rdquao; times, mine owners need to pledge ETH & ldquao; mine mining & & rdquao; and the pledge threshold is 32 ETHs, although to a large extent they will be out of reach. 而随着以太坊合并的顺利完成,“挖矿”方式改变后,很多矿老板没办法像之前那样堆显卡提升算力,显卡需求似出现缩水,未来很长一段时间内,挖矿市场将不再关注显卡,显卡市场预计会恢复正常,游戏玩家终于能够买到正常价格的显卡了。 And with the successful completion of the merger in Taiku, “ mining & rdquo; and the change in approach, many mine owners were unable to build up , the need for the card appears to shrink and the mine market will cease to focus on the card for a long time to come, the card market is expected to return to normal, and game players will finally be able to buy the card for the normal price. 目前部分显卡价格也出现快速下跌,eBay平台上RTX 3080 10GB Founder’s Edition 型号在6月中旬的售价约为750美元以上,但现在已跌至500-600美元区间,价格下跌达到39%。 There has also been a rapid decline in the prices of some of the cards on eBay platforms: RTX 3080 10GB Founder’ s Edition the model sold in mid-June at about US$ 750 or more, but it has now fallen to US$ 500-600, with prices falling to 39 per cent. 国内平台京东,华硕TUF GeForce RTX 3080-O10G-V2-GAMING在今年3月份的时候一度卖到8999,现在价格也回落到5799,直接相当于打6折。 The domestic platform, TUF GeForce RTX 3080-O10G-V2-GAMING, once sold to 8999 in March this year, has now fallen to 5799, directly equivalent to a six-fold discount. 不过还有一点需要注意的是,目前仍有大量焦头烂额的矿老板发愁手里囤积的显卡要如何处理,很大可能会翻新流入显卡市场。经过统计,市面上用于挖矿的显卡大概有2600万张,预计将有超过千万张矿卡会被甩卖,其中不乏高端的RTX 3080等显卡,而目前AMD和NVIDIA为了给新显卡让路,对30系和6000系显卡都进行了降价促销清库存,这样一来,厂家跟矿老板都为了尽快出手显卡,那价格只能不断下探,势必会对显卡市场造成不小的冲击,届时可能会出现各种令人不可思议的低价。 It should be noted, however, that there are still a large number of critical mine owners who are concerned about how to deal with the accumulation of cards, which are likely to be refurbished into the card market. Statistics show that there are approximately 26 million cards on the market for mining purposes, and that more than 10 million of them are expected to be sold, including high-end RTX 3080, and now and NVIDIA have reduced prices for stock sales in order to give way to new cards, so that the prices of producers and mine owners can only continue to be explored as quickly as possible. 对于游戏玩家来说,现阶段购买矿卡有些得不偿失,尽管售价低,但是这些都是经过“锻炼”的显卡,且不说能不能正常运行,矿卡长期处于高负荷运行,寿命会大打折扣,3个月的使用损耗比一般人的3年损耗都大。除此之外,各大显卡厂商都表示矿卡是没有保修的,如果购买矿卡,到时坏了也只能当电子垃圾出售。保险起见建议还是等等即将上市的RTX 40系和RX 7000系新显卡。 For game players, the purchase of a mine card at this stage has been somewhat unscathed, although the price is low, but these are through “ exercise & & rdquo; visible cards, not to mention whether they are running properly, long-term high-loading of the card, with a reduced life span, and three months of wear and tear compared to the average person's three years. In addition, the major card manufacturers say that the mine card is unfurnished, and if the mine card is purchased, it will only be sold as electronic waste. 编辑点评:即使以太坊未来不能用显卡挖矿,但还是有一些其他加密货币是靠PoW模式来维持,如果矿老板们找到一个适合的加密货币,那依然可以用显卡继续挖矿。不过相比以太坊,目前其他依靠显卡获得的加密货币,影响力和规模太小,难以对整个加密货币的市场产生作用,游戏玩家等了好久迎来了“过年”的时候,终于不用再忍受高昂的显卡售价和买不到的“空气卡”了。 Edition: Even though the future of Tai Pa will not be able to dig with a card, there are other encrypted currencies that are maintained in the PoW mode, and if the miners find a suitable encrypted currency, they can still continue to dig with a card. However, other encryptable currencies that are now obtained by a card are too small and too small to make a difference in the market for the entire encrypt currency, and game players have been waiting for a long time to & ldquo; & & rdquao; at a time when there is finally no need to endure high card prices and unattainable & & ldquao; air cards & & rdquao; |
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