5 年前 all in 比特币的他,现在怎么样了?

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:62 评论:0
7 年前,有个大三的学生在知乎提问,手头上有 6000 元,有什么好的投资建议?Seven years ago, a sophomore student was asking questions.有...



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7 年前,有个大三的学生在知乎提问,手头上有 6000 元,有什么好的投资建议?

Seven years ago, a sophomore student was asking questions.

有个叫“长铗”的人回答说:“买比特币,保存好钱包文件,然后忘掉你有过 6000 元这件事,五年后再看看。”

And one of them, "Bought the bitcoin, saved the wallet file, and then forgot you had 6000 dollars, and look at it in five years."


The student looked at the answer and studied it, but eventually decided to drop the offer and responded to it under this answer: "Save it safe, go to the bank's financial supermarket and make a financial investment."

两年后,比特币涨了 130 多倍。

Two years later, Bitcoin rose more than 130 times.

如果当时这个学生听从了这条建议,在 5 年中比特币价值最高的时刻,他的 6000 元将会变成 2 个亿。

If this student had listened to this suggestion, at the time of the highest bitcoin value in five years, his $600 million would have been 200 million.


The answer is like a specimen that records myths about the volatility of the value of digital money. Now, the commentary on the answer is about the sadness of young people who have lost a great deal of wealth.


Our host King,

从他第一次接触比特币至今,经历过满盘皆输的行情:比特币的价格从高点 8000 美金/个暴跌至 800,他“刚一进场就被收割得很惨”;也经历过 2018 年春节前后的那场巅峰:在 2018 年 1 月 13 号,随着行情暴涨,他的数字货币资产最高达到了 900 万元人民币。

From his first contact with Bitcoin to the present, he has experienced a lot of loss: the price of Bitcoin has fallen from a high of $800 to 800, and he “has been badly harvested as soon as he entered”; he has also experienced the peak of the spring of 2018: on January 13, 2018, with the surge, his digital monetary assets amounted to RMB 9 million.


“Many people see wealth and opportunity, and I see humanity.” The leader said, “Put your pockets away before you think about how to make money.

▲ 据王团长解释,在股票、P2P、币圈资产狂跌的行情下,他目前没有收入

. . > > /strong.


list: What is the opportunity for you to start writing a personal public name when you're known in the currency ring because of the "Diary of Captain Wang's Block Chain"?

王团长:我是从 2017 年 11 月 11 号开始写王团长区块链日记的,在双 11 这个全民购物的狂欢节发了第一篇日记,但纯属巧合,并不是一个特意选择的时间点。

: I started writing the Prince's block chain diary on November 11, 2017. The first diary was published at the Mardi Gras of the People's Shopping Festival, but it was a coincidence, not a deliberately chosen point of time.

写日记纯粹是为了记录和分享炒币的过程,我在第一篇日记里说,“希望 3 年 5 年后回头看,能惊讶于自己的明智选择”。

In my first diary, which was written solely to record and share the process of coins, I said, “I hope to look back three years and five years later and be surprised by my wise choice”.


The diary is in two parts, the first part is my real holdings and the second part is my psychological changes of the day.

我投了 100 万进去,买了 12 种数字货币,最多的是 EOS、CDT、TMC、ETP,每天更新日记就是把它们价值波动的情况记录下来。

I put 1 million in, bought 12 digital currencies, most of which were EOS, CDT, TMC, ETP, and the daily update of the journal was to record their value fluctuations.

▲ 王团长区块链日记的第一篇中,公布的数字货币持仓情况

In the first article of the Prince's block chain diary, the published digital currency was kept at .

清单:100 万对于普通人来说并不是一笔小的数目,你对这笔钱能够带来的收益有怎样的预期、或者有最坏的打算吗?

List : 1 million is not a small amount for ordinary people. What are your expectations of the benefits of this money, or the worst intentions?


Captain : The number looks a little scary, but every one of my holdings is not blind, and I create a security margin for every currency, so I know it.

在投资之前我想得比较清楚:这 100 万投进来就是准备博大收益的。比如我就没有买比特币,因为比特币暴涨的概率低于山寨币,山寨币可以一夜几倍,当然风险也非常高;但我对这个风险做好了充分的准备:即使这 100 万全部归零,我也无怨无悔。

Before I invest, I think it's better to think: this one million is going to be a big profit. I don't buy bitcoin, for example, because bitcoin is less likely to surge than a mountain coin, which can be several times a night, and of course it's very risky; but I'm well prepared for this risk: even if it's 100 million, I don't feel sorry for it.


The currency circle floats well beyond other investment targets such as equities, funds, gold, etc.

拿我自己来说,今年 1 月份我的持仓价值达到了 900 多万,最近行情走低,前几天又回到了 120 万,800 万没了。

For my part, in January of this year, my holdings were worth more than 9 million, and I've been walking low lately, and I've been back to 1.2 million, 8 million in the last few days.


It's all a lie to say no, but many questions should be thought out before coming in:

很多人可能觉得 100 万很多,其实 100 万在币圈就是一个普通的小散户。虽然现在看来 100 万对我来说是一笔可以被损失的高风险投资资产,但 10 年前、8 年前还远远不是,我是一个屌丝逆袭的人,实现阶层跃升又是另一番故事了(笑)。

A lot of people may think that a million is a lot, but a million is an ordinary little slob in the ring. Although it seems to me that 1 million is a high-risk investment asset that can be lost, 10, 8 years ago is still far from it. I'm a dick-infested person, and it's another story to make a class leap.


List: Is your main job an investment?


: When I began writing the Prince's section chain diary, it was expected that the investment would be my business.

2017 年年初,我离开了原来的行业和城市,从广州带着自己赚到的钱回了江苏老家,未来就打算用投资利得来养活自己。

At the beginning of 2017, I left the industry and the city, went back to Jiangsu from Guangzhou with the money I earned, and I intend to support myself with the profits of investment in the future.


It was easy to think that I didn't have to do anything, to pick up investment projects, to allow time and compound to grow my assets.


But when I returned to my home town, I was bored. Most of my age was in the field, no one talked to me, and sometimes I was bored to see people playing chess on the streets.


In such a boring situation, I'd like to write something that people can see, even if it's good to share ideas about investment. And I'd like to share my practical experience with you, and I'd like to open up a public name and start writing a journal about investment in the currency circles.

后来的事情多少有点超出我的预期:公号开通了 3 个月,微信文章阅读量就达到了 2 万,被一个清博指数统计排在区块链公众号第二名。

What happened was somewhat more than I expected: three months after the opening of the "strang" public, we got 20,000 readings of our micro-texts, ranked second in the public number of the block chain by a clear index.

我就顺势做了社群,用王团长这个 IP 做社群运营,通过写区块链日记、语音课程、视频直播,输出一些接地气的、免费的内容,做区块链投资方面的教育。

So I became a community, and I used this IP of the head of the Wang to run the community, by writing block-link journals, voice classes, live video, and producing earth-fed, free content for education in block-chain investment.


To the level of dreams, I now want to be the first educational brand in the chain to foster mature investors in this field.

再往后又认识了一些币圈里真正的大佬,在大家的支持下竞选 EOS 节点,今年 5 月份在全国 8 座城市开了巡回讲座……这些其实都不在我一开始写王团长日记时的预期范围内,是写到第 100 多天,积累了足够多的信任和关注之后,在市场推动下去做的尝试。

And then we got to know the real big guys in the currency circle, campaigned for the EOS node with your support, and in May of this year we had a lecture tour in eight cities across the country... None of this actually fell within the scope of what I expected when I started writing the King's diary, was about the 100th day, and after building up enough trust and attention to push it into the market.


Now I've started a company and set up my own team, but it's still a start-up and a tweaking phase.

清单:8 月 23 日“金色财经”“火币资讯”“币世界快讯”等币圈自媒体大号相继被封停,对你有什么影响吗?

List of


Leader: Scared. I've never been so scared of starting a business until now.


I had to get my little partner to sign up for a backup number that day, and the company also discussed whether to suspend the diary and stay out of sight for a few days.


But in the end, I decided to continue writing — starting with my first diary, which lasted one day, and sometimes I'm kind of on the edge, kind of dead-blooded.


I have envisaged a number of possibilities: all the money invested in digital currency becomes air currency, a risk that I was prepared and expected to take; now it is possible to write my own name, open my own company, break his name, break his team; and in case of a backlash, make his name known.


The only thing I haven't thought about is that it's really the saddest thing.

我是从去年 9·4 过来的人(此处 9·4 指的是:2017年 9 月 4 日央行紧急叫停 ICO,并定性 ICO 为非法融资行为。受此影响,众多交易所关闭、主流数字货币价格腰斩),那时候就封了一大批币圈公众号,当时我还没写日记,只是个看客。

I came from last year, 9.4 (here, 9.4 refers to the Central Bank's emergency call to stop the ICO on September 2017, and to qualify the ICO as an illegal financing act. As a result of this, many exchanges were closed and mainstream digital money prices cut off), a large number of currency circles were sealed, and I was not writing a diary at the time, just a visitor.

但今年我的日记不再是我一个人的了,这些日记背后是几十个同事的梦想、还有 10 万粉丝的寄托。

But this year my diary is no longer my own, and behind it are dozens of colleagues' dreams and 100,000 fans.


But there are good things, and the only difference between this year and last year is in market sentiment: there is no panic now. The /strang is largely reflected in the fact that the prices of mainstream currencies are not very volatile.


This is because there are two people left in the market: those who firmly believe in the value of digital money, who still have confidence and do not panic, and those who fall into this, and sell how much money? Keeping it is hope and hope.


Either way, hope is good.


List of

王团长:我在西安念的大学,大学毕业在成都做电子商务,赚了十几万。那时候不知天高地厚,拿着钱就跑去广州开了个女包工厂为什么要去广州?因为广州白云区是全国最大的箱包产业链聚集地,你在市面上见到的 80% 的高端箱包都是那里生产的。

Chief of Staff: I went to the University of Xian, where I graduated to do electronic commerce in Chengdu, making a hundred thousand dollars. When I didn't know how much money, I ran to Guangzhou to open a women's bun factory ? Why did you go to Guangzhou? > / strong > because the White Cloud Zone in Guangzhou was the largest industrial chain in the country, where 80% of the high-end bags you saw on the market were produced.


My factory, with hundreds of workers at its peak, is still on the same scale.


But I did not do any detailed research prior to doing the factory, nor did I realize that this labour-intensive industry has gradually disappeared.


There was a time when the price of a package delivered to me by the factory was lower than the cost of a package made by my own factory.


That's over.


Together with my own lack of managerial capacity at the time, it was true that, in less than a year, the factory would be bankrupt.


The plant went bankrupt, the money chain broke, and a million debts were owed. In the worst cases, the suppliers and workers blocked the door to debt.


Millions of yuan may be just a day's fluctuations in the investment market for me now, but for me at that time, it was really astronomical, and I was afraid to sleep every night.


In order to pay off my debt, there are others that I can't afford to pay at a very low price, with my friends and with the people of Guangzhou and all over the country.


A little closer to us, we'll go on a tricycle; a little further away, we'll go by the subway with a bag full of weaves.


The leather bag is particularly heavy, and we often have to stop and rest and then carry it on our shoulders.


At that time, I ran out of food, and I went to other companies to look for work, but no one asked me to.


I remember one time I went to the interview, and the interviewer looked at me with a very contemptuous look, and I knew it wasn't going to work.


On the way back, I sat at a subway entrance and called my college classmates. Speaking, suddenly I couldn't help myself, and I cried to the phone. Crying out and out of the blue and out of the blue and out of the blue.


My classmates were terrified at the end of the phone. I was a very self-respecting man, who, in his words, said, "Stand up straight on the waist," and then, for some reason, said something and suddenly cried like that.


Later on, it came to mind that it was not because the interviewee insulted and felt aggrieved; rather, it was a form of expression and release under heavy pressure.


After a lot of crying, the tears dried, and then the subway took its way back.


As long as they are alive, they have to pay their debts and live their lives.


Also that year, I found a sales job in a large cosmetics factory in White Clouds, and I was talented in this area, raised to a very high level of income, quickly got my position as marketing director and worked for more than two years in the post of marketing director.

那两年的工资收入、销售提成很高,加上我比较注重理财,每年做到 5~10% 的年化回报率还是很容易的,两年下来大概有了一千万的资产。

It's easy to get an annualized return of 5-10 percent in those two years, with about 10 million assets in the last two years.


I also cleared my debt and left home without a special desire for money.


List: Why is the marketing director in the cosmetics industry so well paid?


: >. >. >. >. >. . . >. . . >. ...................strong..................................strong............


We were buying raw materials from the raw materials factory: emulsions, lipstick or something. The price of the raw materials was a few dozen dollars a ton, better a few hundred dollars a ton.


Procured raw materials are emulsified at the emulsion workshop, filled with a can of up to a dozen to a hundred milligrams, some of which are branded as micro-businesses, can buy a thousand dollars a bottle, and small brands on the general market can sell hundreds of dollars.


And the entire cost of a bottle of milk is only a few dollars, including a bottle for the product, a wrapping package, and an outside color box.


It was from the cosmetics industry that micro-business broke out in previous years.


List: When did you get into the currency circle?

王团长:我从 2013 年开始关注比特币,那个时候就尝试买了一些,当时我拿着手头上仅有的一点钱,all in 了。

Commander: I've been following Bitcoin since 2013, and then I tried to buy something, and I took a little bit of money from the head, all in.

在比特币 8000 美元的高点进场,最后跌到了 800,基本上把我所有钱都搭进去了。还投了狗狗币和莱特币,一直到 2016 年的时候才换仓。

At the high point of eight hundred dollars in Bitcoin, it fell to 800 and basically put all my money in it. Dogcoin and Lightcoin were thrown until 2016.


It was really on the verge of collapse, and I know that a lot of people have been through it -- putting all the eggs in one basket and taking it.


List: You talk about the importance of asset allocation, how do you distribute your investment assets in addition to investments in currency circles?

王团长:我的投资标的整体分布是比较分散的。A 股、美股都有,整个股票投资大概占到 60%,根据市场的变动也会做一些调整。

: My portfolio is distributed in a relatively dispersed manner. A shares, US shares, have about 60% of total equity investment, and some adjustments are made to the market.


There are also some properties, but not on the front line of the city, and I bought some houses in other cities.

在整个数字货币市场上的投资占我投资资产的 1/5 左右,这两天市场情绪低迷,我的持仓跌到 120 多万,对我来说都是账面上的浮盈,不足以引起焦虑,因为数字货币资产是我众多投资资产中的一项而已。

Investments in the entire digital money market account for about one fifth of my investment assets, and these two days of low market moods, with my holdings falling to more than 1.2 million, are not enough for me to worry, because digital money assets are just one of many of my investment assets.


To be clear, a good or bad attitude depends on the irrationality of the asset allocation.


It's like there's a couple of cars in the house, one of which blew up, and it doesn't have much to do with you either.


If I came in with tens of millions, it wouldn't be like this.


List: What would you say if you were to give advice to people who are watching or ready to enter the city?


Leader of the : What matters most is the rationality of the asset allocation, as has been said many times before.


It would be better to prepare more than one tool for risk hedges in order to maintain a level mind in markets where values fluctuate sharply.


2017 年比特币市值涨了 13 倍,还有一些加密货币的市值涨了 150 多倍。这种情况下,很多人刚进场就杀红了眼,恨不得把所有的钱都放进去,甚至借钱炒币。

In 2017, the market value of Bitcoins rose 13 times, while the market value of some encrypted currencies rose more than 150 times. In this case, many people just came in and killed their eyes, so they had to put all the money in it and even borrow money to buy money.

但我还是想劝大家,不管有多少大佬背书,都不要轻信他们的话去 all in、梭哈,要用理性的思维框架对抗人性里的贪婪。

But I'm still trying to convince you, no matter how many big men have endorsed it, not to believe in their words, all in, soho-ho, to use the framework of rational thinking against greed in human nature.


The rational thinking framework of

追涨杀跌(看到上涨的就加仓,看到下跌就抛售)是大忌,但是 99% 的人都在这么做。这就是人性,人性是无法抵挡的,只能去尽力控制它。

It's a big taboo to go up and down (he's going up, he's going down, he's going down), but 99% of the people are doing it. It's human nature, human nature, it's irresistible, and we have to do everything we can to control it.

投资市场,尤其是波动这么剧烈的数字货币市场,会把人性放大无数倍。太多人在想着一夜暴富,我以前也吃过这样的亏:刚才说的,2013 年的时候就 all in 过。

The investment market of , especially digital money markets that are so volatile, can magnify humanity by countless times. Too many people think of the one-night boom, and I've had it before: as I was saying, all in 2013.


It's actually more than once.

我大四的时候,在成都高新区被人忽悠买白银黄金,当时我拿着从信用卡里套现的 5000 块钱,二话不说就投了进去。

When I was in my fourth year in Chengdu High School, I was tricked into buying silver gold, and I took $5,000 from my credit card, and I threw it in without saying anything.


When deluded, there was only one thought: once the opportunity was missed, there was no more.


Those who have been misled by this pattern know that it is a setup, that the investment companies have a clear division of labour, that they draw people in and that you have teachers to teach you when to buy them and when to sell them.


I was young, and I didn't know anything, and I dreamt of being rich all night. After listening to the teachers, I sat on the bus when I went back to school, feeling that the whole bus was stupid. Why didn't you invest in gold and silver?


It's not a week before you get hit back in the real world. I'm the idiot.


So there must be no gambling in this investment, but it is also necessary for us in general to invest in it.


Now that the class has become entrenched, it is good to be able to win inflation by working alone; there is money in hand to invest in capital gains.


I think it's the best way to pitch, and it's not too late to come in at any time.

当然,没有人能拿得住。比如 13 年持有比特币的人,如果拿得住,现在早就是亿万富翁了。

Of course, no one can hold it. For example, 13 years with bitcoin, if you could hold it, it's already a billionaire.


Why aren't there people like that? It's human nature to stop damage in time when the market is low.


If you have to invest in a digital currency, then choose some of the mainstream currencies and put some of what you see, which is reasonable and much less risky.


Now, there's a mess in the whole industry. I've got a few people who sent me a letter the other day saying that they're doing a quantitative, that's, the management of the money chain, and that's what's at the heart of money management.


Our team is also quantifying, and I know a little bit of the currency circle strategy and methodology, and I look closely at the information he has sent.

结果越翻资料越不对,什么年化收益 300%、拉人头返佣金 30%,拉的越多返佣金越高,最多返 110% 等等……

The more the information turns out to be wrong, the more the annual gain is 300 per cent, the more the head is returned to the commission 30 per cent, the more the head is returned to the commission 110 per cent at the most, etc.

然后我就彻底明白了,原来是打着币圈量化的名义圈钱传销啊,这种情况现在并不少见,一个一个牛叉得很,资料准备得惊世骇俗,跟 TM 真的一样。

And then I realized that it's not uncommon for money to be sold in currency circles in nominal circles, that one cow is a fork, and that the information is so horrifying that it's really the same as the TM.


Underneath the chain of blocks, packaged with quantitative finance, the theory sounds like a super-frontier, push-and-sale in two or three-line cities, and many people are likely to be deluded.


Cover your pockets before you figure out how to make money.

- 后记 -

- Remark -


The floating value of digital currencies is particularly dramatic in all areas of investment, and such buoyancy stimulates human desires to the extreme, and then crushes reason to the other extreme.


As the negative news of the currency ring continues to burst, and the collapse of the break-up project, the price of the currency has declined. In a low market mood, many people have chosen to cut off their meat.


These people have a common name: pickle.

他们在高涨的行情中野蛮生长,在监管的风向改变时作鸟兽散。2018 年春节前后全民讨论的热潮像一场旧梦,繁华过后,一地鸡毛。

They grow barbarously in the midst of an uplifting movement, dispersing the beasts when the winds of supervision change. The popular debate around the spring of 2018 was like an old dream.


Those who did not leave were still waiting for the next cattle market.

截至发稿前,金色财经网、币世界快讯服务、深链财经等币圈自媒体大号被封停,再次引发热议。而微信官方给出的封号原因是:涉嫌发布 ICO 和虚拟货币交易炒作信息。

As of the time of publication, the golden financial network, the currency world news service, and the deep chain of finance have been shut down from the media, triggering renewed debate. The reason for the seals given by the micro-letters is that it is suspected of publishing information about ICO and virtual currency transactions.

就这一问题对王团长做补充采访时,在近 5 个月的接触和采访过程中,他第一次表露出毫不掩饰的忧虑。

During his additional interview with Head Wang on this issue, during almost five months of contacts and interviews, he showed for the first time undisguised anxiety.


But at the end of the day, it's good to have hope.


It was said to be a precursor to the bursting of the currency bubble, and it was also said that the tumultuous currency ring might be put to death.


In either case, humanity has never changed in the case of financial speculation.

· The End ·


Leader of the Oral Divinity



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    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...
  • 0.00015693个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

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  • 2018-5-31币圈简报

    一、要闻资讯类I. KEY INFORMATION CATEGORY1、央视:数字货币在京揭牌成立!中国或为此突变!1. View: Digital currency is established in Kyoto! China or mutated for it!中国数字货币来了˂a href="https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/69fxKCf8GKSCscS4lT8WCA" Target="_blank"rel="noformlow"" Chinese...