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In recent years, digital money has become a topic of great concern as science and technology progresses. As a new mode of payment, digital money has been decentralized and made secure using cryptography and block chain technology, prompting people to explore and think about future payment trends.


Digital money is an electronic currency based on cryptology and block chain technology, which is not issued and managed by the central bank, as is the case with traditional currencies, but is traded and validated through decentralized networks. Digital money is typically represented by bitcoin, which came into existence in 2009 and has since triggered a wave of digital money.

- 去中心化:

- Decentralized:


Digital currencies are not dependent on central banks or government agencies, and transactions and validations are carried out jointly by the participants in the network.

- 匿名性:

- Anonymous:


Participants in digital currency transactions can use key rather than real identity to conduct transactions, protecting the privacy of users.

- 安全性:

- Security:


Digital currency uses cryptography and block chain technology, and transaction records are stored encrypted and distributed, making it difficult to tamper with and falsify.

- 便捷性:

- Easy:


Digital currencies can be paid across borders without cumbersome bank procedures and exchange rates.


Despite its many advantages, the digital currency also faces a number of challenges:

- 法律监管:

- Legal regulation:


The decentralized nature of digital currencies makes it difficult for them to be restricted and regulated by traditional financial regulations, which is a challenge for legal and regulatory institutions.

- 安全风险:

- Security risk:


While block chain technology provides a degree of security, digital currency transactions still face the risk of cyberattacks and theft of personal accounts.

- 波动性:

- Volatility:


Digital currency markets are highly volatile, prices are highly volatile and investors are required to assume higher risks.


The field of digital currency applications is expanding, including but not limited to:

- 跨境支付:

- Cross-border payments:


Digital currency allows for cross-border payments that are easy and fast, avoiding cumbersome procedures in traditional banks and exchange rate conversions.

- 区块链技术应用:

-Technology Application of Block Chains:


The block chain technology behind the digital currency has a wide range of applications in areas such as finance, supply chains, and health.

- 去中心化金融(DeFi):

- DeFi:


Digital currency provides the infrastructure for decentralizing finance, allowing people to participate in financial activities such as lending and trading without the involvement of traditional financial institutions.


As digital currencies evolve, the following trends may emerge in the future:

- 政府数字货币(CBDC):

- Government Digital Currency (CBDC):


An increasing number of countries have begun to develop and roll out their own digital currencies to replace traditional banknotes and to improve the efficiency and accessibility of payments.

- 跨链技术发展:

- Trans-chain technology development:


Cross-linkages technology will be further developed and applied to address interoperability among different digital currencies.

- 更多应用场景:

- More application scenes:


Digital currencies will become more pervasive across industries, and the application landscape will be enriched and diversified.


The rise of digital money offers new possibilities for payment, and in the future it may play a more important role in the financial and social spheres. Learning and understanding the basic knowledge of digital money helps us to seize opportunities, adapt to the development of the times, and make informed choices about our own financial and investment decisions.


The block chain is essentially a decentralised database that does not depend on third parties, but rather stores, authenticates, transmits and communicates network data through its own distributed nodes. The block chain can, depending on its openness, be divided into public, private, and union chains. The public chain is the type of block chain that is the most open in practice.


Participation in the public chain is not strictly required, and any individual or organization is free to join and withdraw. All data records on the public chain are open, transparent, and anyone can participate in the consensus process. The public chain is considered to be completely unincorporated, completely decentralised, and the most typical is the Bitcoin system, which is open to all, so that everyone can be a node, a certifier, a user of the bitcoin system, and the information in the Bitcoin system is completely open and transparent.


Digital currencies are digital assets that use encryption techniques to ensure security and control the creation and transfer of money, which usually operate independently of, and are not controlled by, central institutions, such as banks, but rather record transactions through distributed booking techniques (e.g. block chains). Digital currencies are decentralized, meaning that no single entity controls or manages networks.


The relationship between the digital currency and the block chain can be addressed in two ways. First, the block chain technology is the bottom technology of the digital currency, and secondly, the digital currency is a application based on the block chain technology.

最具代表性的数字货币是比特币,它是由化名“中本聪”的未知个人或团体在2008年10月31日提出,并于 2009 年作为开源项目创建的。

The most representative digital currency is Bitcoin, which was created as an open-source project in 2009 by an alias & ldquo; Nakabun & rdquao; unknown individuals or groups on 31 October 2008.

比特币是一种点对点(Peer to Peer,P2P)形式的去中心化数字货币,点对点的传输意味着其是一个去中心化的支付系统,交易经过验证并记录在称为区块链的去中心化账本上。

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency in the form of a point-to-peer (P2P) transmission, which means that it is a decentralised payment system with transactions validated and recorded on a decentralized account book known as a block chain.


Bitcoin is not dependent on the issuance of any institution or individual, but is generated by a large number of calculations through the workload certification mechanism, known as &ldquao; mine mining & rdquao; it has a limited total of only 21 million pieces and has now been excavated over 18.6 million pieces, and it is expected that all bitcoins will be excavated by 2140.

除了比特币之外,还有许多其他数字货币,每种数字货币都有自己独特的功能和用例。 比如以太坊(ETH),它使用“智能合约”构建去中心化应用程序,成为除比特币外最知名的数字货币之一,其区块链生态具有诸多衍生应用。

In addition to Bitcoin, there are many other digital currencies, each of which has its own unique functions and usages. For example, in Taiku (ETH), it uses “ smart contracts & & rdquao; and the construction of decentralized applications, one of the most well-known digital currencies besides Bitcoin, whose chain ecology has many derivative applications.


We can also classify digital currencies according to their background, attributes, examples.


Stable currencies, moored in French currencies such as the United States dollar or other assets of stable value will not be subject to sharp price fluctuations and will become the basis currency for transactions on the digital currency market.


Mainstream currency means that there is generally a stronger consensus in the encryption market, or that there is a higher practical value for the application, that there is a better liquidity than general encryption assets, and that there is general public acceptance of encryption assets.

其他板块代币,如 Layer1、Layer2、MEME、DeFi 等,可以在【欧易】-发现-市场-币种板块,查看各板块代币。

Other plate tokens, such as Layer1, Layer2, MEME, DeFi, etc., can be found in [Oei] - Discover - Market - .


Digital currencies are often characterized by decentralization, anonymity, transparency and non-frozenness.


It is also worth noting that there is a risk in investment transactions in digital currencies. There may be a high degree of volatility in digital currencies, i.e. the value of digital currencies may fluctuate significantly in a short period of time.


For beginners and newcomers, therefore, there is a need to carefully identify and consider these risks before investing in any digital currency, with clear transaction targets and risk management strategies to mitigate transaction risks.


Transactions in digital currencies can take place on a centralized and decentralized exchange.


In addition to exchange between digital currencies (current/currency transactions), centralized exchanges can engage in leverage, contract, options, and so on. In addition to these basic trading products, Euro-Europe provides a range of derivative trading products, including strategic and documentary transactions, that can help users better participate in investment in digital currencies.

去中心化交易为区块链上的交易,这类交易包括其他链上活动都需要借助Web3钱包完成。OKX Web3 钱包内置 DEX 聚合器、NFT 交易市场、DeFi 赚币和 DApp 发现等工具,可以为用户提供去中心化交易和进行链上活动的多种服务,欢迎体验~

Decentralized transactions, including other chain activities, need to be done with Web3 wallets. Tools such as OKX Web3 wallets with DEX polymers, NFT trading markets, DeFi currency and DApp discovery can provide users with multiple services for decentralized transactions and chain activities. Welcome ~


This is a comprehensive picture of what a digital currency is. Its characteristics and details of future trends. More information about the small amount of digital money can be found in other relevant script homes!




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