交易平台被盗事件频发 比特币未来何去何从?

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:115 评论:0
  国际在线互联网金融频道报道(记者 许炀 实习生 徐蓝):近年来,比特币由于价格的剧烈波动在全球范围内吸引了大量的投资者,而区块链作为其核心技术也被众多央行和金融机构所研究,未来有希望广泛应用于人们的生活中。然而自比特币诞生之日起,安...



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  国际在线互联网金融频道报道(记者 许炀 实习生 徐蓝):近年来,比特币由于价格的剧烈波动在全球范围内吸引了大量的投资者,而区块链作为其核心技术也被众多央行和金融机构所研究,未来有希望广泛应用于人们的生活中。然而自比特币诞生之日起,安全问题就一直困扰着投资者。比特币在国内外大大小小十几个平台都遭遇过账户被盗的情况,黑客入侵、监守自盗等导致的交易平台破产和投资者利益受损令越来越多的投资者失去信心。今年8月,香港比特币交易平台Bitfinex的被盗事件使投资者的目光再一次聚焦到了安全问题上。

In recent years, Bitcoin has attracted a large number of investors worldwide because of price volatility, and its core technology has been studied by a number of central banks and financial institutions, and there is hope that it will be widely applied in people’s lives. But security concerns have plagued investors since Bitcoin’s birth.

  大平台被盗损失惨重 赔偿方式令市场哗然

The theft and loss of the main platform... the way in which the market is compensated...........................................................................................................

  2014年2月24日,当时世界上最大的比特币交易所运营商Mt.Gox 宣布其交易平台的85万个比特币被盗一空,随后火速下线并申请破产保护。该公司的用户至今仍在等待其返还尚未被盗的少量比特币。

On 24 February 2014, Mt. Gox, the then world's largest Bitcoin exchange operator, announced that 850,000 bitcoins of its trading platform had been stolen, and then went off at a speed and applied for bankruptcy protection. Users of the company are still awaiting their return of a small amount of bitcoins that have not been stolen.


In the early hours of 3 August 2016, the biggest United States dollar-based Bitfinex trading platform, the Bitfinex official network, posted an announcement that, because of a security gap on the site, users had stolen bitcoins, totalling 11756 bitcoins, with a total value of some $65 million. The company then decided to share the losses among all users in order to avoid their bankruptcy, and suggested that the users would be able to obtain some money in exchange for later shares in Bitfinex’s parent company’s future profits. For the platform’s solution, investors indicated that they would not pay the bills or even initiate legal proceedings against them.


After two large-scale thefts, investors have come to realize that Bitcoin is not as safe as it has always been, and that the risk of theft exists at all times and that, if it occurs, the damage will be severe.

  价格暴跌反映投资者信心缺失 区块链技术并非完美无缺

The sharp fall in prices reflects the lack of investor confidence and the fact that block chain technology is not perfect.


The theft of the Hong Kong platform resulted in a fall of more than 25% in bitcoin in two days, the opening price of 4003 points that day, at a low of 3005 points, triggering the frenzy of global investors to sell bitcoins. Historical data and recent bitcoin prices suggest that investors’ negative sentiment is difficult to change until security concerns are resolved.


For example, in 2015, Mt. Gox was exposed by the Japanese medium to so-called bitcoin theft, which was in fact self-inflicted. 650,000 “ stolen & & rdquo; and in bitcoin, only 7,000 were actually missing as a result of external theft. And the theft of platforms, including bitcoin canisters and ShapeShift, was also exposed to in-housers, and the monitoring of self-inflicted bitcoins revealed the gaps and loopholes in national regulatory policies.


The security of the Bitcoin network itself, the security of its users, and the security of the exchange platform will have an impact on the security of the currency. From the network itself, researchers have pointed out that, while the network of blocks has taken strong encryption measures for the transmission and storage of data, these encryption data can be decoded and declassified at will. With the development of volume communications, any index-level, strong encryption measures will not be able to permanently counter the superdeclassification of quantum computing technology, so that encrypted data in the network of blocks can also be decoded, leading to transaction fraud on the chain, theft of evidence, theft of keys, theft of assets, etc. The founder of the OkCoin network and the CEO star have pointed out that & & & ldquao; the Bitco network currently has no customer identification, the Bitconet address is anonymous, and Bitcot's security at the end of the user side is based on the private key (code), and that the platform will not be recovered; and, with regard to the safety of the exchange network, the company's-to-sto-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-

  银行看好区块链技术 各国积极开发数字化货币

banks take good care of block chain technology and countries are actively developing digital money .


Despite the security problems that Bitcoin has experienced frequently in recent years, its core technical block chain has been favoured by central banks and commercial banks. Multi-national government departments, including the US government, the People’s Bank of China, the Reserve Bank of India, the Netherlands Central Bank, etc., are closely following the technological development of the block chain or have conducted research and actively explored its full application.


Recently, four of the world’s largest banks (Swiss Bank, Deutsche Bank, Santander Bank, and Melon Bank, New York) have begun to cooperate in the development of a new digital currency that will become an industry standard for clearing and clearing financial transactions. Banks want to use the power of a decentralized computer network to help them simplify the process of clearing transactions and improve efficiency. In addition, Setl, set up in London in 2015, plans to settle all transactions in financial markets by means of electronic currency directly linked to central banks, with Citibank set up a similar quat; Citibank quat; Project, with Goldman Sachs as quat; SetLcoin&quat; Technology patenting, and Morgan Chase is also developing similar developments.


Bitcoin’s block-chain technology has created a new trend in the international financial market, and while not every country in the world recognizes Bitcoin’s monetary or commodity status, central banks and commercial banks are interested in its core technology, hoping to develop a unique digital currency, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. Bitcoin’s monetary position is no longer a matter of interest, and central banks are more inclined to develop a new, centralized, digital currency, applying the same block-chain technology but abandoning the centralization of bitcoin.

  纸币的衰亡 数字化货币的崛起


Digital currency in lieu of banknotes is no longer a new issue, and Denmark and Sweden are reducing the use of cash because studies show that reducing the use of cash will effectively reduce crime, while Sweden proposed a plan in 2014 to become the world’s first cash-free country. A growing number of Swedes are joining in the use of credit cards and mobile payments, and the new P2P payment system and mobile phone payment systems have radically changed the way people use money, including Bitcoins.


Bitcoin will in the future or will become a good model for central banks to develop their own digitized currencies, applying its core technology to finance and even to sovereign digital currency research and development. It can be expected that digital currency will come in place of banknotes one day, and this subversive revolution is already under way.




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