
Digging is a very rich term, like a group of people digging for gold. In the impression of many people, mining machines are used to dig for mining. So how does a mine machine dig for bitcoin? Before digging for a mine, it is important to know a few things about a mine machine.

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What's a miner?


Miners, by definition, are machines used to excavate (manufacturing) encrypted money. Broadly speaking, a miner can be anything that can run a mining process, such as a specialized miner, a home computer, a smart phone, a server, a smart router, a smart watch, a smart TV, etc.


In the narrow sense, mining machines refer to specialized mining equipment, such as ASIC machines, card machines and some currency exclusive mining machines (PFS machines).

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How did the miner dig up bitcoin?


To answer that question, it would have to start with the consensus mechanism of Bitcoin — PoW.


In the Bitcoin system, recording trading production blocks is the most important task, and in order to encourage everyone to participate in the records of the transaction books, Central Hsing designed an incentive mechanism, using Bitcoin as an incentive.


But the task of bookkeeping is not so simple, because, based on the idea of centralizing bitcoin, every miner is involved in bookkeeping at every node and must ensure that the books recorded by everyone are the same.

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Miners do not record exactly the same content when collecting transactional information and recording it, especially the first one, where miners must give themselves an incentive to dig. But for every block chain they produce, who does it? This requires a rule, and one that everyone agrees with, that is, a workload proof of the PoW mechanism.


The bitcoin system will allow you to solve a mathematical question (calculating the hash), and whoever first tries to solve it, then the blocks he records will be recognized and the reward will be his. And the speed of the solution will depend on whose computer performance is higher.


That is why everyone is now increasing their computer, miner's computing performance, increasing the speed of problem resolution, who has the highest speed, the more likely they are to dig into a mine, and the more money they earn.

用个形象的比喻,工作量证明机制与拔河比赛很类似,哪一方的力量大(算力高)哪一方就能拉赢对方。而且拔河的绳子两边,并不在意你是胖子还是瘦子,人数有多少,于是为了得到奖励,可以很多人聚集为一伙,最后得奖了根据每个人出力多少来瓜分奖励。 而这在比特币挖矿里,召集好多人一起挖矿,就是“矿池”的概念。

By way of illustration, the workload proves that the mechanism is very similar to the tug of war, and which side is powerful enough to win. And, on both sides of the tug of war, it doesn’t matter whether you are fat or skinny, how many.


To sum up, a bitcoin miner actually uses a machine to participate in a math competition, and whoever calculates the answer first gets a bitcoin reward.


What's a pond?


In order to solve this problem, many miners pool their value together, form a large arithmetic organization, and the proceeds of mining are distributed in proportion to the value of each miner's contribution, and form a community of interests, that is, a pool of interests.


What miner's fee?


Answer: Transaction fees (miners’ fees) refer to the charges to be paid in the case of encrypted currency transactions. Encrypted money transfers are packed by miners, and transaction fees are paid for their labour. The amount of transaction fees is usually dynamic, as mining unions give priority to dealing with high-cost users.


What's a cloud machine and a miner hosting?

云挖矿(Cloud miner ),或者称之为云矿机,是近几年新兴的挖矿方式,是一种远程挖矿方法。

Cloud mine, or cloud miner, is an emerging method of mining in recent years and a long-range method of mining.


Buying mine machines, setting up plants and paying huge electricity bills are not only huge investments but also high risks. There are companies that provide cloud mining services because of demand.


Cloud mining is a relationship between local mining, which can be compared to local storage. The simple answer is to move the local to a remote line, which can be considered a shared economic model.


Similar to cloud mining, there is also a mine-hosting service in which miners buy mine machines themselves, install them, test them, dig them, and maintain them all to service providers, but at a certain cost. It differs from the cloud-mining services described earlier, mainly because they belong to the miners themselves or to the service providers.


The more money you can dig, the more money you can dig?


Like mobile phones, computers, the miner's arithmetic is increasing. So, now that it's getting more and more, is there an increase in the amount of money that is being dug up?


The question depends on what the point of view is. If, for a given period of time, the higher the value, the higher the value, for example, the higher the probability that the Hashi will get the right to record the blocks. So, by increasing the number and performance of the machines, it is clear that more bitcoins can be dug up.


In the long run, however, the amount of money dug down has been decreasing over time, even with increasing computing power. On the one hand, most of the encrypted currencies have incentives that halve the amount of bitcoins every four years, with 50 bitcoins per block in 2010, and 12.5 bitcoins per block in 2017.


There is also the problem that, if the difficulty of calculating encryption is to remain constant, for example, 1+1 = 2, then one day, with the increase in computing power, the impact of high-calculation and low-calculus machines will be easy to calculate, and the impact will be minimal. In order to solve this problem, virtually all encrypted currencies have difficulty adjustment mechanisms, such as bitcoins adjust every two weeks, bitcoins raise cash to DAA difficulty adjustment mechanisms.


Of course, while the amount of money dug up has become less and less over time, knowing that the value of the currency is rising, so the overall gain has been higher. So, Bitcoin, you're willing to dig 50 bitcoins worth less than a dollar in 2010, or you're willing to dig a $70,000 bitcoin now?


What's a full web count?


In some news about the state of encrypt currency development and mining machines, we often see the term “net-wide computing”, which can be understood literally, even if all of the mining machines involved in mining in the network are combined. The full-net computing power of a certain encrypt currency can reflect the activity of the encrypt currency, the higher the value and the faster the rate of growth, which suggests that miners view the encrypting currency, and the prospects are generally good. Moreover, we can judge the authenticity of some of the information based on web-based computing.