
资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:73 评论:0
编者按:本文来自微信公众号奇偶派(ID:jioupai),作者:李好,编辑:钊,创业邦经授权发布Editor by: This paper is from the microfiche public (ID:jioupai), author...



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Editor by: This paper is from the microfiche public (ID:jioupai), author: Yoo Li, editor:, State of Entrepreneurship is authorized to publish


Tim Burnas Lee, the father of the 2020 World Wide Web, expressed disappointment with the current Internet chart in an interview with the Triumph magazine, stating that “the spirit of the Internet should be decentralized, but some companies have already used the Internet as a monopoly union”.


Recently, when the Internet was known to be monopolistic, with domestic fines of $18.2 billion for Ali and antimonopoly penalties of $3.442 billion for the United States Regiment, Weibo continued to be called “the long-sought Internet factory”.


At the same time as domestic antimonopoly laws have been introduced, there has also been a close discussion on how to recover the power of large Internet plants so that they cannot monopolize the Internet as a whole.

1月7日,美国听证会上Bitfury Group首席执行官Brian Brook向在场的议员们科普了Web3.0的概念。

On 7 January, at the United States hearing, Brian Brook, Chief Executive Officer of Bitfury Group, presented the concept of Web3.0 to the parliamentarians present.

Brian Brook认为,互联网1.0时代用户只可获取信息,不能够编辑信息,因此Web1.0的特点为只读。

Brian Brooks argues that Internet 1.0 users have access only to information and cannot edit information, so Web1.0 is characterized as read-only.


In the Web 2.0 era, users are able to read and write about information on the Internet, such as micro-publics, micro-blogging and so on, and everyone can be a creator.


But there is also a problem that arises when the platform is too powerful and the user becomes a single data that is vague and can be squeezed at will.


Even the former President of the United States, Trump, was able to block directly the accounts of the former President of the United States in social media after twitter had made statements against Internet companies.


In the Web 2.0 era, the online identity of users of the Internet was more like a lease from a centralized company, making accounts vulnerable to the risks of hacking, operating, censoring, losing, blocking, etc.

在此基础上,Brian Brook给出了Web3.0的定义:可读写、同时可拥有。

On this basis, Brian Brooks gives the definition of Web3.0: read-write, and possessable at the same time.

在Brian Brook进行了一番Web3.0的普及后,出席听证会的议员中有人当众喊出,必须保证Web3.0发生在美国。

Following the popularization of Brian Brooke's Web3.0, it was announced in public that Web3.0 had to be guaranteed in the United States.


What is the age of Web3.0? Why is it so important? Is Web3.0 a "one-size-fits-all" drug?


We have tried to make these three issues understood in the form of cases.


Before understanding Web3.0, we need to understand a concept that has been burning in recent years, DAO.


Few people realize that the application in the block chain — Token (demons) — may be the greatest institutional innovation in recent years, transcending the stock system and possibly truly transforming the Internet from an information age to a value age.


Not long ago, there was a strange financing incident in the currency circle, in which an organization called ConstitutionDAO tweeted that it would be participating in the competition for one of the official editions of the 1787 United States Constitution displayed by Sufubi, which is extremely valuable and only 13 in the world, and which, because of our lack of funds, can only be raised in public.


After the news was released, a large number of netizens taunted on Twitter that “to compete for the United States Constitution would require Sufubi's entry ticket, which would be a minimum of $10 million for the auction”.


With no funds, ConstitutionDAO has a mind-brained idea, tweeting to its Twitter friends that it now wants to win a public contest for the United States Constitution, and that all donors will be able to vote on the route of the United States Constitution exhibition after the competition is over, as well as the specific red mark that will be given to the exhibition.

为了保持自己说话的真实性,Constitution DAO领导人在Juicebos上推出了一个众筹入口,并且利用区块链技术将自己的权利“去中心化”。

In order to preserve the veracity of their statements, the leadership of Constitution DAO has launched a crowd-sourcing portal on Juicebos and has “de-centralized” its rights using block chain technology.


On the basis of the amount of the contribution, the online users will also receive a different amount of money in the form of a “people's” token, which is unique and unalterable, represents the share and voting right of the public to raise the bonus, and is the only proof of their participation in the competition for the United States Constitution.


As a result of the information received, 17,000 people participated in 72 hours, raising funds totalling over $40 million, and since they wanted to buy the United States Constitution on their own, most investors played their own role in public relations, marketing, website development, etc., following the promotion and promotion of the donation project.


Two days later, with the transmission of a press release from Constitution DAO to Sufubi for the auction of a copy of the United States Constitution and the announcement of participation in the auction and fund-raising, a large number of users arrived, and members from nearly 100 DAOs spread the tweet virus by commenting on and transmitting it.

据奇偶派统计,除去前两天的爆炸式增长,ConstitutionDAO每天筹集捐款大约 200 万美元,截止苏富比拍卖《美国宪法》时,筹款金额到达4700万美元。

In addition to the explosive growth of the previous two days, according to the Piccupant, Constitution DAO raised approximately US$ 2 million per day, reaching US$ 47 million by the time Sufubi auctioned the United States Constitution.

不过,受到万众瞩目的ConstitutionDAO此次并未如愿,来自芝加哥的首富ken Griffin以微弱优势击败了ConstitutionDAO。

However, the popular Constitution DAO failed this time, and the richest Ken Griffin from Chicago defeated the Constitution DAO with a slight advantage.


Interestingly, the important reason for the failure of ConstitutionDAO was that it was open and transparent in the fund-raising process, and that the bottom line of the bid was spelled out by competitors, and the ConstitutionDAO subsequently applied to each contributor for a refund.


After that, the New York Times, BBC, gave a lot of coverage to the Constitution DAO organization, except that their story did not lie in the winner and the winner of the US Constitution auction in Sufuby's show, but in the focus of the spotlight on the Constitution DAO organization.

纽约时报评价,“不到一周时间, 区块链技术将17000位素未谋面的人聚集在一起,在共同努力下完成同一个目标,这太不可思议了”。

The New York Times evaluates that “in less than a week, block chain technology brings together 17,000 people who have never met before, working together to achieve the same goal is incredible”.


Sufubi also assessed that “it takes us six months to raise funds for works of art to reach $40 million, while ConstitutionDAO takes only one week”.


Even the founder of ConstitutionDAO on Twitter said, “We have failed in our project to raise money for the United States Constitution, but I think it's okay. We have made history. No self-governing organization has been able to raise $47 million in just one week. For the first time, using block chain technology, we have achieved substantial financing for the self-governing organization, all of which comes from an idea of auctioning the United States Constitution”.

无独有偶,在ConstitutionDAO自治组织发布众筹之前,一个名为“Krause House DAO”的“去中心化”组织在Opensea上发行NFT,目标是筹款1000个ETH(折合人民币2400万元),去购买一只NBA球队。

Uniquely, a “decentralized” organization called Krause House DAO released NFT on Opensea prior to the launch of the autonomous organization ConstitutionDAO, with the objective of raising 1,000 ETHs (equivalent to 24 million yuan) to buy an NBA team.


Although 24 million yuan is now less than the NBA spherical meal bill and daily expenditure for one year, the self-government organization raised 400 ETHs in just one day, equivalent to nearly 10 million yuan.


In 2008, with the advent of the first bitcoin, the concept of block chains was introduced into the eyes of people, the first transaction in human history to be made entirely by machine-owned arithmetic for the first time.


In 2011, ETH appeared in the eyes of people, like an improved version of Bitcoin, which operated entirely on its own by code, understood as an electronic contract in which treaty information was entirely code-based rather than human, and the founder of ETH gave it a loud name — a smart contract.


The DAO self-governing organization is a group of organizations that do not rely on human resources and that rely exclusively on intellectual contracts, and that rely on computer codes to “centralize” the organization's leader, leaving the organization's movement to be determined by voting.


In the case of Constitution DAO, which auctions the United States Constitution, Internet users were informed on Twitter, prior to the Constitution DAO auction, that they would place the donation address in an account similar to the block chain safe, and that if they wanted to move the money, at least nine leaders would have to sign their names at the same time.


Second, throughout the process of mobile account funds and signatures, all data can be viewed in the ETH browser, and Internet users around the world can view the movement of the money in real time, and people can trust the code network.


This money is equivalent to a bank account that can be seen throughout the world, and every record of his transactions is clearly recorded in the block chain.


Since ConstitutionDAO did not succeed in the auction, we cannot see the performance of People (demonstration) in the actual vote, as a result of the United States Constitution donation.


But we can give one example, for example, when the Puppets contributed $1 million to the United States Constitution, and we calculated the Puppets' voting rights in the United States Constitution at $47 million on the basis of a public fund-raising package of 47 per cent.


If the United States Constitution were to go to the “Washington” exhibition at the time of the voting exhibition, or to the “Siato” exhibition, the phantoms would have a voice of one in 47.


And if, after the exhibition, the United States Constitution recovers $10 million, the phantoms also receive one-seventh of the proceeds.


Using block chain technology, ConstitutionDAO has gained trust and funding for 17,000 people, and only one person is needed to complete 80% of the process on the way to the auction. Now, the new concept of DAO still has unimaginable potential.


After completing this campaign, the ConstitutionDAO entered a large number of exchanges to record the historic event with the United States Constitution auction documents and to make it the beginning of Web3.0 — a fully trusted form of self-government.


But is Web3.0 really here? The founder of Twitter, Dodjsi, has done an experiment to prove that Web3.0 is still a concept only at the transition stage between WEB 2.0 and Web3.0.


Earlier, the concept of NFT was rife in the entertainment business. Before Lim Junjie spent half a million dollars on NFT assets in Opensea to set up his own MANA landspace, followed by Jaylen INS station, “Cypted Bears”, which blew the digital collection of NFT.


Opensea is a digital collection of NFT trading platforms where users can create and trade NFTs, where the digital collections can be your own picture, your drawings, or even your QQ image.


One month last, in July, Opensea was trading at $350 million in the veins of the digital collection NFT. After Opensea released the news, the block chain investment team A16z received $100 million from Opensea, and after that, Opensea also reported news of a possible near-term listing of Nasdak.


Opensea, on the other hand, is also a primary application known by the market as Web3.0, as Opensea can directly log into Opensea's wallets during the registration process, in addition to using mailboxes, telephone numbers and login.


The use of block chain wallets to log in became Web3.0 because wallets can store all assets in wallets instead of storing digital assets on official servers. Remember that wallet account codes can recover their digital assets and NFTs even if the platform collapses.

不过Moxie 创始人并不相信Opensea是Web3.0的应用。

But the founder of Moxy does not believe that Opensea is a Web3.0 application.

Moxie 在Opensea上创建了一个NFT,并故意对NFT中的代码进行编程,使其在不同平台上看起来的图案不同。(取决于网站IP)

Moxie created an NFT on Opensea and deliberately programmed the code in the NFT to make it look different on different platforms. (Depending on website IP)


The image of the NFT was initially seen in Moxy's wallet and in Opensea after Moxy took up the NFT at Opensea.


However, a week later, Opensea's official claim that the next Moxy's NFT would be in violation of their terms of service.


Although Opensea claimed to have set up Moxy's NFT from the official network, Moxy could still see his NFT in his wallet, but was permanently set aside in Opensea, and the platform could no longer buy and sell Moxy's NFT.


It's like when we write, when we're on the client side of Twitter, we delete our words, but we still have our point of view in both the local records and the drafts.

Moxie 深入研究后发现,他使用的钱包应用程序并没有真正显示他在以太坊区块链上的账户内容。相反,他的钱包应用程序依赖于一个 API 来检查哪些 NFT 与哪个区块链账户有关,而这个 API 正是 OpenSea API。

Moxie's in-depth study found that the wallet application he was using did not really show his account content on the Ether block chain. Instead, his wallet application relied on an API to check which NFT related to which block chain account the API was OpenSea API.

Moxie方面表示,“这种感觉就像 Web 2.0 的重现。一个强大的平台在未经用户同意的情况下,成功地没收/删除了他账户中的数据和资产”。

The Moxie side said, “This feeling is like the re-emergence of Web 2.0. A powerful platform has succeeded in confiscating/depositing data and assets from his account without the user's consent”.

不过,发生在 Moxie 身上的事情与 Web 2.0 平台决定删除用户文件或列表时发生的事情之间有一个本质的区别。

However, there is a fundamental difference between what happens in Moxie and what happens when the Web 2.0 platform decides to delete a user file or list.

如果 Moxie 使用一个不同的应用程序,直接在区块链上检查他的 NFT 的状态,那么他可以看到 NFT 仍然存在。若Moxie换个平台,新平台一样会显示他的变幻NFT,只是在Opensea由于管理员的阻止,Moxie的NFT才不被显现。

If Moxie uses a different application to check his NFT status directly on the block chain, he can see that NFT still exists. If Moxy changes the platform will show his variant NFT, as will the new platform, only if it is prevented by the administrator in Opensea.


We can see from the Moxy experiment that Web3.0 is just not in the experiment, and the situation is more like the transition period of Web2.5.


At the end of the application, Web3.0, the block chain wallet, defi, decentralized exchange, smart contracts, etc., were used to flourish in the block chain.


In real societies, however, most people have chosen to compromise on Web 2.0 because of the ease with which they want to live and their dependence on access to large Internet plants.


Web2.5 may be the best description if we must say what the current era of the Internet is.


The Internet is perhaps the most important invention of the century. Over the past two decades, it has changed the fundamental nature of the flow of information in society: the media, politics, journalism, education, social interaction, and so on.


Block chains are a special computer that anyone can access, and no one can own. In our thinking, Web3.0 is a new generation of value Internets based on block chain technology.


The distance between linking the Internet and reality is Token, which is like the configuration of a user with a code and a computer — one of the programming options of a person to a computer and one of the incentives of a society to a person.


At the beginning of Bitcoin’s birth in 2008, no one thought that simply linking users through tokens would cause a massive worldwide shock. Later, the success of Bitcoin and Etheria proved that giving people incentives through tokens and vouchers was simple and feasible.


It is increasingly felt that the publication of a token for the same dream and the formation of an autonomous organization, taking advantage of such sentiments as the human weakness of “money incentives” of “the greed of desire” and “the fear of losing” of opportunity, affect the extent to which human beings contribute to the project as a whole.


As normal people, the genes of human beings themselves are set to look for more economic returns, such as open and transparent events.


In the first case, for example, ConstitutionDAO used block chain functions to bring together 17,000 people while at the same time completing a goal of raising $47 million in just one week.


Even when goals are reached, users automatically form autonomous personnel, such as public relations, marketing, marketing, etc., in order to accelerate the achievement of the goals.


In this event, we are all linked to the money people use for donations, which is an extremely important link in the chain of blocks.


The certificate of “people” sold in the contribution of ConstitutionDAO will decentralize the organization as a whole, without the “distributed community of interests” of the core leader.


Tens of millions of base-sized people have moved on to the same goal through the spontaneous movement of dividends, money and honours, ultimately driven by the success and value of the Token in their hands.


Besides, the creation of Web 2.0 does not provide people with an original identity, which is why we need to register an account on each website and store key information on the platform server.


If it were at an early stage, the account code might be in the right form, but there are currently billions of Internet users in the country, user names and passwords are no longer a secure mode in the Internet, and each person on the Internet needs at least 50 passwords to manage its own software, and there is an interlocking data silo, resulting in a marked decline in user experience.


Web3.0 is intended to solve the problem of identity origin, and in the second case, Moxy, while creating a digital collection of NFTs in Opensea was set aside, as long as Moxy went to other NFT platforms, it would be possible to locate lost NFTs and mount another platform.


And Moxy does not need to register as a user on other sites, and access to the site is only possible with a scanned block chain wallet.


In the traditional Amazon, the higher echelons can decide who can read and write from their databases, and who can see which parts of them, and they can change the database individually. This has proved to be a source of power for the Amazon worldwide.


Web3.0 is an independent reflection of community identity on the Internet, in which clusters, digital assets, de-centralized finance, smart contracts, de-centralized organizations and identity connections become new situations in which people work together.


However, the scope and content of Web3.0 goes far beyond this, encompassing these applications derived from the block chain and forming a new form of Internet collaboration.


The features of its Internet platform include reading, writing and owning information in the block chain, becoming a currency layer of value to the Internet without the need for Internet platform identification, countering the sale of identity data, developing new incentive models and making cooperation simple.


However, web3.0 is still in transition, and the third generation of the Internet has not yet come to fruition, under the umbrella of the giants of the Web 2.0 era.


In the film Black Swan, there is a saying, “History is a leap forward, and it always jumps on a fault that we can't imagine by accident”.


What exactly is Web3.0? It's hard to be clear from the current development of the block chain.


But whenever historical processes are blocked, there are a lot of concepts that emerge to push society forward, as is the emergence of the Internet and the emergence of block chains.


The emergence of ConstitutionDAO, which appears to be a farce in the Internet world, may have been slowly and tacitly imbued with the notion of the same ideal self-governing community.


The Moxie experiment shows that Web3.0 is still in its development stage and that personal identities and wallets can still be erased from Internet laboratories throughout the process.


Web3.0 is still in a state of immature, but Web3.0 may be an ax to break the era of Internet centralization.


It is time to build a better Internet, which is the end of the recent Web3.0 investment summary of the Encrypted Fund A16Z.


Perhaps it is also a lifetime of the Internet age that is about to enter a new generation of value networks.





Please contact the original author at editor@cyzone.cn>.




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