
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:31 评论:0
05月18日—05月24日的必读事件为您整理好了18-05-The Bread Book incident of 24-05 is ready for you.整理人:夏晓茜Cleaning up:...



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18-05-The Bread Book incident of 24-05 is ready for you.


Cleaning up: Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, Xiao, Xiaoxi, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xue, Xue, Xue, Xue, Xue, Xue, Xue, Xue, Xue,


It's gonna be a week.



Reader quotes reports that hundreds of people are considering withdrawing from NASDAQ to improve their valuation. Sources say that hundreds of consultants are being approached to find out what the best way to do if the deal continues, including research on financing-related issues and regulatory responses.


Recently, however, U.S. President Lee Yinghong also responded to the recent tightening of China's corporate supervisory review in the US, “We are indeed concerned that the U.S. is constantly tightening its control over China's companies at the government level, and we are constantly examining what can be done, including secondary listings in Hong Kong and elsewhere.” Li Ying Hong said that, as a Chinese company listed in NASDAQ in the United States, 100 degrees are not currently worried about US government pressure.


Nasdak asked Risheng to withdraw from the city, three days after he got back, and investors contested the right to “lead the plaintiff” .

5月19日晚,瑞幸咖啡公告称,公司5月15日收到纳斯达克交易所上市资格部(Listing Qualifications Staff,以下简称“上市资格部”)的书面通知,决定令其“下市”。

On the evening of 19 May, the company announced that on 15 May, it had received a written notification from the Public Qualifications Department of the NASDAQ Exchange (Listing Qualifyings Staff, hereinafter referred to as the Department of Public Qualifications), in which it had decided that it would be “sub-marketed”.


According to the notification, the hearings are usually scheduled to take place some 30 to 45 days after the date of the request for the hearing. Until the hearing, the stock exchange will continue.

投资者对瑞幸的诉讼正在推进中,AFN Law律师事务所创始人倪非表示,目前有18个不同的律所递交了领导原告的申请,近日已有12家因原告资金量不足而主动撤出,剩下6家代理原告申请,其中单一家律所的申请主体就因瑞幸损失了约2400万美元。

The investor's litigation against Rusin is proceeding, and AFN Law's founder has indicated that 18 different firms have submitted applications to lead the plaintiff, 12 have withdrawn themselves in recent days because of insufficient funds available to the plaintiff, and six of the six acting plaintiffs have filed applications, of which the subject of the single firm's application has lost approximately $24 million as a result of Rusty.


As a result of the restructuring of the company’s business strategy, individual departments were involved in the transfer and optimization of staff, some of whose departures were regular staff movements, mainly the phase-out mechanism at the end of the performance appraisal in 2019.

阅读原文:瑞幸咖啡遭做空大跌!浑水称其财务和运营数据造假 | 附报告翻译及全文

Read the original text: Rui-Sin's coffee suffered a huge crash!




Reuters reported on May 22 that the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, will deliver a key decision next Wednesday (27) in the case of the extradition of China for the high-ranking Mon Poon. If the verdict does not meet the conditions for extradition, Mon Poon will end his “house arrest” for more than 500 days and regain his freedom.


Earlier, on May 18, China issued a statement in which it strongly opposed changes in the direct product rules of the United States Department of Commerce that were directed only at China. China said that we were conducting a comprehensive assessment of the incident, which was expected to inevitably affect our operations. We would do our best to find a solution, and we hoped that customers and suppliers would work with China to eliminate the adverse effects of this discriminatory rule.


At the same time, there have been recent rumours in the Chinese language that the station has stopped accepting new orders from China as a technology company, but subsequent rumours about the station's power build are pure rumours.

在18日的第十七届全球分析师大会上,华为轮值董事长郭平分享了华为的业绩表现,2019 年华为销售收入 8588 亿,净利润 627 亿,非常规原因研发投入、存货大幅增加。其中,研发投入 1317 亿,增幅 29.8%;存货 1674 亿,增幅 73.4%。

At the 17th Global Analyst Conference on 18th, China shared its performance for rotating Chairman Guo Ping, with a net profit of $62.7 billion from sales earnings of $8,58.8 billion in 2019 and a significant increase in R & D inputs and inventories for non-conventional reasons. Of this amount, R & D investment was $13,1.7 billion, an increase of 29.8 per cent; and inventories 16,74.4 billion, an increase of 73.4 per cent.


726 million active users for the financial year Ali 2020; 42.9 million additional active buyers over the course of many years


On May 22, Beijing time, the Alibaba Group released its annual and fourth quarter performance for the financial year 2020 (April 2019 to the end of March 2020). For the current fiscal year, the Alibaba Group earned $50,971.1 billion, an increase of 35 per cent over the previous fiscal year; and revenue for the fourth fiscal season was $11,43.14 million, an increase of 22 per cent over the same period.


In March 2020, the mobile monthly active users of the Alibaba retail market reached 846 million people, an increase of 125 million from March 2019, and 726 million annual active consumers for the 12 months ending 31 March 2020, an increase of 72 million over the same period the previous year. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Alibaba Group, Zhang Yong, stated at the analyst’s telephone conference that, in the 2021 fiscal year, Alibaba would generate at least another RMB 1 trillion worth of new merchandise transactions (GMVs).


On the same day, more money was released for the first quarter of 2020. During the quarter, more income was collected, amounting to $6,541 million, an increase of 44 per cent over the same period in 2019; the annual number of active buyers had reached 628 million, an increase of 42.9 million in single quarters; an increase of 185 million over the same period in 2019. In the last quarter, the higher number of average monthly users amounted to 487 million, an increase of 198 million over the same period in 2019.


Read the original text: After 10, after 00 and after 90, who's stronger than the Power Trader Three?



After seven months of application, negotiation, voting, and confirmation by the court, the individual bankruptcy reorganization of Jiajun was finally confirmed and approved by the California Central Bankruptcy Reorganization Court at a hearing held on 21 May local time in Los Angeles, and despite the fact that very few creditors still expressed objections at the hearing, the overwhelming majority of creditors and judges expressed their support. This means that the individual bankruptcy reorganization of Jiajun is officially in the process of coming into effect, which is expected to take effect early in June, and that the biggest obstacle to FF’s financing has been removed.


Industry developments


Rowingho once again: refunded, plus one additional cash


On 20 May, Rowong Ho received a number of complaints on Twitter about the quality of the 520 rose box, which he had sold in the live room on 15 May, which had been wasted and had not been distributed at the scheduled time.


In addition, the live studio decided to pay an additional sum at the original price to all its customers (about $1 million).


The CEO responded by taking some time, saying, “Thanks old Lo for the alarm bell”.


Read the original text: Luo live on the full moon with a double roller coaster: five data counts, what can Lo sell?


Suning: 618 with two billion subsidies


According to Sunning, on the evening of 18 May, at an internal meeting of 618 Sunning, it was announced that 618 would focus on “Treats of two billion subsidies”. Two billion subsidies, consisting of new subsidies, energy-saving subsidies, and special subsidies for the sunk market, would cover the full range of items, and a detailed plan would be published in the near future.


618: Super 600 CEOs will be on live page


This year, more than 600 top executives will be on the street, including Chinese brands such as Hua, Glory, Suning, Association, Olya, and so on. Of these, China will be the first to show the “President's Same” as a mobile phone for global product executives, bringing China up to 10 times as much of its daily powder as a flagship shop.


Ali throws 10 billion pieces of Aiot, focusing on the creation of the Sky Cat Elf Ecology


Alibaba announced that 10 billion dollars will be invested in AioT and content ecology around the entire configuration of the Smurfs. The Smurfs will be able to access the Ali economy this year, including entertainment, health, education, shopping, etc.


President Ho Yi of the boxhorse announces the "zero" series of commodities online .


On May 20, in Beijing, Shanghai, in the form of a broadcast call by the Executive Director, H.E. H. Hu, in Beijing and Shanghai, announced the “zero” series of box horses. On the side of the boxhorse, a total of 80 items were launched in Beijing and Shanghai, covering fruit, vegetables, seafood, poultry eggs, dry goods, and groceries.


The Skycat Supermarket Enterprise has been upgraded to the Colony Retail Enterprise

《晚点》援引知情人士消息称,4月中旬天猫超市事业群升级为同城零售事业群,阿里内部人士表示,目前同城零售事业群已经上升为阿里巴巴 CEO 张勇重点关注的1号项目之一。

Late News quotes informed sources that in mid-April the Skycat Supermarket industry was upgraded to the same city retail business, and Ali insider sources say that the same city retail business has now risen to one of the projects that Ali Baba CEO has been focusing on.


After the cancellation of Ali's partnership, Ma Yun and Chiangfan joined the frame for the first time: photo taken with 18 pounds of fish


On May 18, Maun drove with Ali’s executives to the waters of Monkey Island, the lake centre of Hangzhou, to watch the “Congregation of China” fishing. At the scene, Maun also took a 18-pound organic fish and released the fish king of the net. From a photo of the netmates, the photos included the founder Maun, the president of Ali Yun, the head of the greenbird and the director of Gold, and Chiang Fan appeared in a photo taken by Ma Yun and Ali’s top executives.



According to the media, Tesla will accelerate the drive for higher density, more site-adapted, and more technologically advanced charging systems. In 2020, Tesla plans to build 4,000 supercharged posts in Chinese layouts, twice the total over the past five years; it is expected to open the Chinese section of the Shanghai-London charge line, making it possible for electric cars to travel across borders.


car: P7 will self-manufacturing in self-built plants


Ping's self-built plant was approved for production, and P7 will be produced on its own and delivered as scheduled. According to Ping, the Choking plant production workshops were capped in September 2019, and pre-production was carried out for equipment testing, and the entire production process is now being run and validated through a small batch of pilot vehicles under P7 project.



Ideally, the car would issue a final test for the spontaneous combustion of the vehicle on 8 May, stating that the fire was caused by the presence of a foreign object on the surface of the lower right exhaust tube in the front cabin, and confirming that the alien was a painting pad left behind when the vehicle was delivered on 28 April. Ideally, the car would have taken three steps to avoid such accidents: the uniform replacement of the paint protection pad with a visible colour, the strict management of the material and operating process and the enhancement of the final inspection process.


will conduct autopilot tests in Kyoto


In response to media reports of the establishment of a autopilot company in Kyoto, it was reported that the company had indeed been registered and that it would conduct further autopilot tests in Beijing. Eye-to-eye data show that in recent days, Beijing Words Technology Ltd. was established, with a statutory representative, CTO Wei Qing, which operates in such areas as technology development, car rentals, sale of daily goods, etc. The company is fully owned by the Shanghai Twilight Technology Co. Ltd., the largest shareholder being a 90% shareholder and the second largest shareholder being a 10% shareholder.


drop-and-drop shipments began the formal recruitment of drivers, with the first pilot cities being Hangzhou and Chengdu


On May 18, drop-and-drop shipments began the formal recruitment of drivers, the first of which were Hangzhou and Chengdu. Recruitment information indicates that drivers are required to pay a deposit of $800 and a material fee of $50 in advance, and that first-registered drivers are entitled to a 30-day fee for platform services.


will be monitored using AI technology in the Latin American region


The drop-off indicated that artificial intelligence technology would be used to verify whether its drivers in the Latin American region were wearing masks and whether cars were disinfected to ensure that passengers were safely travelling during the new crown period.


will be on line to “own property”


On May 22, a strategic agreement was signed in Kyoto between the Kingdong Real Estate and the China-China Group, which became the first owner-owned flagship shop developer in Kingdong, also marking the official start-up of the “own property” business in Kingdong. According to Kingdong, the first 1,000 units of the King-seong House, under the banner of the Beijing House, will be used as a source of exclusive accommodation through Kingdong Channel, and will be officially opened in Kingdong on June 1.


Fun Head Test Water Catering, which provides a service for packaging and distribution of dragons


According to the source, the headlines have been set up specifically at the head office in Shanghai, and are distributed daily vouchers to employees to encourage them to order their meals on this platform. The box is a catering service platform for the city’s white-collars, and the delivery address is in the area of the available paper. At the same time, the box is not a commercial outlet service platform, but a catering self-service platform with a complete supply chain, covering the catering, packaging and final distribution.


facilitates the bee's response to “advertisements of association”: all shops are open and do not believe in fraud


In recent days, when searching for convenience bees, some of the Internet users appear on the result page with a matchmaking link with convenience bee logo. Click on the link, they jump to a conglomerate page with a large number of convenience bee elements, and the copyright statement at the bottom is a restaurant called Hainan's Little Fatty.


Part of the full-time convenience store will be taken over by good neighbours


An insider from a good neighbour confirmed that part of the full-time shop would be operated by a good neighbour in the form of a door-to-door collaboration. The source revealed that the good neighbor has taken over the full-time and is now working with the full-time.


Nestlé will invest 100 million Swiss francs in Chinese factories and is planning to produce man-made meat at the Tianjin plant


Nestlé states that the overall size of the replenishment exceeds 100 million Swiss francs (about 730 million yuan yuan) and plans to set up its first plant-based food plant in Asia in the Tianjin economic and technological development area, and to launch artificial meat products by the end of this year. The investment will also include an expansion of the production capacity of the Puertona pet food plant in the Tianjin economic and technological development area.



According to anonymous sources, recent exchange prices have shown that their valuation is more than 33% higher than the estimated $75 billion in the financing round of two years ago. One of them claims that some of these transactions valued the Chinese company at $140 billion. These transactions are non-public in nature and may not fully reflect widespread investor expectations.


bytes responding to advance vehicle network rumours: yes, it does, and is exploring


On May 18, 36 kryptons reported that the byte beat was forming a car networking team, planning to launch its own vehicle information and entertainment system program, and that the hammer tech team would shatter at the car terminal. In response, the byte beat-to-face journalist said that it did, and the byte-to-go was doing some research to satisfy the user experience of the vehicle.



Public information indicates that the Encyclopedia Network, which was established in May 2010, is the country’s largest general knowledge platform for medical science and the only designated website for the National Health Council’s authoritative medical science programme.


News to launch a new generation of uSmart Cloud computer security office programs


In recent days, a conference was held on the central Smart cloud security office programme line on the theme “5G New Dynamics, Launching a New Age for Secure Offices”, and the uSmart cloud computer, designed to build a completely new operational-level cloud computing solution under the cloudnet ecology, allows for large-scale co-location, with the following features: long-range access to the whole scene, full-scale information security, efficient synergy, intelligent operation.


360 >. . >...............................................................................................................................


In recent days, 360 have signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Science and Technology Section to develop comprehensive strategic cooperation in the areas of Internet consumers, smart cities, and so on. Specifically, the two sides have worked together in the areas of Internet products, smart hardware, network security, the application of artificial intelligence technology and the safety of networking, urban safety, and advertising marketing.

被育碧起诉侵权《彩虹六号》,阿里巴巴旗下游戏《Area F2》停止运营

prosecuted for violation of Rainbow Six, and Aribaba played Area F2 deactivated

阿里巴巴旗下游戏公司简悦团队 Area F2 Team 在《Area F2》游戏中发布停止运营和停服处理的公告,目前该游戏已经在 Google Play Store 和 App Store 下架。公告称,停止运营是因为当前版本的游戏中存在上手门槛高的问题,会在新版本中进行重大调整,并没有提及涉嫌侵权的问题。

Area F2 Team, a team of games under Alibaba's flag, announced the suspension and suspension of the operation in the Area F2 game, which is now under way in Google Play Store and App Store. The announcement states that the suspension is due to the high threshold of the upper hand in the current version of the game, which is subject to major adjustments in the new version and does not mention the alleged infringement.


Web-friendly game: All upgrades to the obsessive system


The latest developments in the protection of minors have been published in online games: as of 20 May, all online-operated network games have been upgraded to a total of over 80. Single and weak network games are also being fast-tracked and are expected to cover all network games in June. The new online games will also be upgraded before they can get online. Upgraded products will effectively limit and manage the play behaviour of underage users, including curfews from 22:00 to 8 p.m., three hours per day for statutory holidays and 1.5 hours per day for other days.


Hong Kong Disneyland is preparing to reopen and will implement several quarantine measures


The Disneyland Resort in Hong Kong recently indicated that preparations for the resumption of work are being intensified, and that quarantine measures will be implemented after the reopening of the Garden to safeguard the health of tourists and workers. On May 11, Shanghai Disneyland was reopened as the world’s first reopened Disneyland since the emergence of the new crown pneumonia epidemic.


Personnel developments

迪士尼流媒体业务高管Kevin Mayer将出任Tiktok的新CEO

Kevin Mayer, Disney Media executive, will be serving as Tiktok's new CEO .

凯文·梅耶尔(Kevin Mayer)将担任字节跳动首席运营官兼TikTok全球首席执行官。他将于2020年6月1日正式入职字节跳动。凯文·梅耶尔将负责TikTok、Helo、音乐、游戏等业务,同时负责字节跳动全球职能部门(不含中国),包括企业发展、销售、市场、公共事务、安全、法务等。过去20多年间,凯文·梅耶尔在迪士尼多个重要岗位任职,曾成功推出迪士尼流媒体服务Disney+。

Kevin Mayer will be the by-by-tell Operations Officer and Global Chief Executive Officer of TikTok. He will be officially on board on June 1, 2020. Kevin Meyer will be in charge of TikTok, Helo, music, games, etc., while the by-tell will be in charge of global functions (other than China), including enterprise development, marketing, markets, public affairs, security, and justice. Over the past 20 years, Kevin Meyer has been in a number of key Disney posts and has successfully launched Disney+.


100-degree CIO, General Manager of Map Department, Lee Ying-seung, Vice-President of the Group


Pedo announced the promotion of Li Ying as Vice-President of Pedo Group, who will continue to serve as Chief Information Officer (CIO) and General Manager of the Map Department of Peeta Group and will continue to report to CTO Wang Haifeng.

郑婷之出任Twitter Next大中华区负责人

. >............................................................................................................

近期,Twitter Next(品牌策略部门)迎来了大中华区负责人郑婷之Felix。在加入Twitter之前,Felix在IDEO与4A公司工作,拥有超过十年的创意工作经验,最值得一提的战绩是为Nike设计的互动广告《征服全天候》,这一广告在戛纳国际创意节中获得铜奖。

Recently, Twitter Next (the branding and strategy department) has come to the attention of Cheng Jing Felix, the head of the Great China community. Before joining Twitter, Felix worked with Ideo and 4A with more than a decade of creative work experience, most notably the interactive ad for Nike, " Conquering the Sky ", which won a copper prize at Cannes International Creative Festival.

阅读原文:独家专访 | 创意老将郑婷之出任Twitter Next大中华区负责人:特殊时期更应重视品牌广告

I've always had the idea that Jung Ting will be the head of Twitter Next's Great Central China: special times should focus more on brand advertising.




On the afternoon of 15 May, the Consortium issued a communiqué in Hong Kong stating that the director of television programmes, media entrepreneur Yang Liang, was appointed as an independent non-executive director of the company, with an annual salary of $330,000, equivalent to approximately $2.35 million. The appointment took effect immediately. The announcement stated that Yang Liang had signed a letter of appointment with the company for a three-year term and that the annual salary of $330,000 included $100,000 in cash from the director's salary and $230,000 in equity interests.


Waymo Chief Security Officer is leaving.

谷歌旗下自动驾驶公司Waymo周四表示,该公司首席安全官黛比赫尔斯曼(Debbie Hersman)即将离职,但仍将担任该公司的顾问。Waymo表示,公司的安全和可持续性主管特雷西·穆雷尔(Tracy Murrell)将担任临时安全主管,公司正在搜寻下一任安全主管。

Google-flagged autopilot, Waymo, said on Thursday that the company’s chief security officer, Debbie Hersman, was about to resign but would still be the company’s consultant. Wymo stated that the company’s safety and sustainability manager, Tracy Murray, would be serving as interim security supervisor and that the company was looking for the next security supervisor.


Product dynamics


pays for further upgrades to the front page, and the "Go" module is now available for the first time at the top of the first page


There are three major upgrades to the new edition of the payment bond: the collection code and the payment code are combined, and the “go-and-go” will appear for the first time at the top of the front page of the payment bond; the “application centre” will provide exposure to more small programs, the first of which already have more than 1,000 small programs in place; and the “people's centre” will serve as a single entry point for all kinds of civic services, covering more than 1,000 government-related matters, including social security, health insurance, public funds, transport and travel.


4 new items and smart home brands

天猫精灵发布四款新品及智能家居品牌“妙物” ,据官方介绍,这四新品分别是10寸家庭智慧大屏CC10、智能音箱X5、方糖2、“丝绒蓝版”智能美妆镜,应用了阿里自研的AI语音及视觉交互技术,将接入170万支付宝小程序。另外,事业部总经理库伟表示,“妙物”将面向全行业开放合。

In addition, the Director-General of the Ministry of Industry, Kouwei, said that the "beautiful" would be open to the entire industry.


has a number of new live data service tools: support for commodity analysis and crowd insight


In terms of data monitoring, there are currently a number of data monitoring that supports mainstream live platforms, such as commercial live platforms, live viewing sites, and live webcast plugins, covering such multi-dimensional indicators as live streaming UVs, live stream PVs, number of plus cars, number of sub-units, number of sub-units, number of sub-units and number of passengers.


Roll-out of online questionnaire products, in Bureau area


During the epidemic, the Orange Research Questionnaire, which was launched in the second half of 2019 and is the first time that it has been introduced to the Bureau, is currently being used simultaneously at the end of the web page and in the micro-credit program. The Orange Research Questionnaire is divided into questionnaires, NPS ratings, online examinations, voting ratings, online registration of five applications, with user feedback, market research, outbreak, recruitment, drop-dropping, etc.

首批中国产长续航后驱版Model 3已交付给消费者

The first Chinese launcher has been delivered to the consumer .

5月20日,首批中国产长续航后驱版Model 3已交付给消费者。据介绍,中国产长续航后驱版Model 3车型续航里程长达668公里(国标工况法),是特斯拉史上续航最长的Model 3车型。Model 3长续航版和标准续航版在外观上几乎相同,唯一差距为雾灯。

On May 20, the first Chinese launcher, Model 3, was delivered to the consumer. The Chinese launcher, Model 3, was described as having a 668-km extension (the country's bid law) and was the longest extension in Tesla's history. Model 3, the 3rd, and the standard renewal, were almost identical in appearance, with the only difference being the fog light.


上海海思发布XR芯片平台,推出首款可以支持8K解码能力和高性能GPU、NPU为一体的XR芯片。同时,AR企业Rokid宣布加入这一平台,发布基于该平台的双目AR眼镜——Rokid Vision。未来,Rokid和上海海思将为行业提供从芯片、核心算法、软件系统以及Saas服务的完整的XR产品解决方案。

Shanghai Haeth released the XR chip platform, with a first paragraph that would support 8K decoding capabilities and high performance GPU, NPU, and an XR chip. Meanwhile, AR firm Rokid announced that it would join the platform and publish two-eyed AR glasses based on the platform, Rokid Vision. In the future, Rokid and Shanghai Haewe will provide industry with a complete XR product solution from the chip, core algorithms, software systems, and Saas services.


Three refrigerators will be pushed on May 25 by millet: two, three, to the door


On the afternoon of May 22, Mi's smart player announced, through official Twitter, that three refrigerators, including two, three and a door-to-door refrigerator products, would be launched on May 25 in the “New Year of Quality House Electricity.” With these products, Mi has launched seven refrigerators covering four types of refrigerators: two, three, open and four crosses, at a price of $899.


Reply to Perspective question: Suspend this function after software upgrade


In response to a recent discussion about the visibility of the “Autumn” filter cameras, one cell phone official tweeter responded that it was not true that there was a lot of description of the lens capability on Twitter. One comment was that, in order to prevent any possible extreme impact on user privacy, it was decided to temporarily disable the filter function through software upgrades and to complete it within a week.


to launch a new edition of P30: Support Google GMS service for $5745


On 17 May, according to foreign media reports, China published the P30 series for the overseas market, and the new machine is now in the forefront of selling on the German market at a price of $5745.

从华为官方公布的情况看,针对海外市场发布的P30系列新版,跟目前国内售卖的P30系列并没有什么不同,只是内置了谷歌GMS应用服务,而P30 Pro New Edition售价为8GB + 256GB(标准)版本的价格为749欧元(约合人民币5745元)。此前普通版本(8GB + 256GB)的华为P30 Pro的价格为799.99欧元(约合人民币6136元)。

According to China's official announcement, the new edition of the P30 series for overseas markets is no different from the current domestic sale of the P30 series, but it is based on the inclusion of Google GMS applications, while the price of the P30 Pro New Edition (standard) version is Euro749 (approximately RMB 5745). The price of the former Chinese version (8GB + 256 GB) was Euro799.99 (approximately RMB 6136).


China recently indicated that it achieved 55.4 per cent of its 5G smartphones in the Chinese market in the first quarter of this year, compared with 33.2 per cent in the global market, and that in the first quarter of 2019 and 2020, it reached 15 million smartphones.

首发联发科天玑 820 Redmi 10X 工程机首曝:5月26日登场

820 Redmi 10X engineering aircraft exposed at

5 月 18 日下午,Redmi 10X 宣布,它将首发联发科天玑 820 芯片。@新浪手机 晒出了Redmi 10X工程样机,它被厚厚的保护壳包裹。根据披露的渲染图,Redmi 10X 后置四摄方案,位于在机身中央偏上,支持屏幕指纹识别。5 月 18 日下午,Redmi 10X 宣布,它将首发联发科天玑 820 芯片。@ 新浪数码晒出了 Redmi 10X 工程样机,它被厚厚的保护壳包裹。根据披露的渲染图,Redmi 10X 后置四摄方案,位于在机身中央偏上,支持屏幕指纹识别。

In the afternoon of May 18, Redmi 10X announced that it would release 820 microchips. @New Wave cell phone tanned the Redmi 10X prototype, which was wrapped in thick protective shells. According to the exposed renderer, Redmi 10X has a four-photogram programme located in the center of the airframe, supporting screen fingerprint identification. In the afternoon of May 18, Redmi 10X announced that it would launch 820 microchips. @ The new wave number tanned the Redmi 10X prototype, which is covered by thick protective shells. According to the disclosed sketch, Redmi 10X has a four-photogram programme located in the center of the airframe, supporting screen fingerprint recognition.

ThinkPad X1系列新品正式发布,首发价9999元起

ThinkPad X1 series of new items officially launched with an initial offer of $9999 from

近日,ThinkPad召开了2020春季新品线上发布会,便携式CP ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2020及ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2020系列正式亮相,目前已开启预售。ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2020首发价9999元起,ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2020首发价10999元起。

Recently, ThinkPad held a launch on the new 2020 spring line, and the Portable CP ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2020 and the ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2020 series are now open for sale. ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2020 starts with 9999 and ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2020 starts with 10999.

华米科技发布Amazfit Ares户外智能手表

WamyTech release Amazfit Ares outdoor smart watch

华米科技发布户外智能手表Amazfit Ares,据华米介绍,Amazfit Ares支持50米防水标准、70种运动模式及FIRSTBEAT专业运动分析,售价499元,目前已开启预售,将于6月1日正式发售。

WamyTech published an outdoor smart watch, Amazfit Ares. According to Wamy, Amazfit Ares supports 50-metre water protection standards, 70 sports models and FIRSTBEAT professional campaign analysis at a price of $499, which has now been opened for sale and will be officially launched on 1 June.

苹果iOS 13.5 GM版本公布,能识别出戴了口罩的脸

Apple iOS 13.5 GM version published to identify masked face

5月19日,苹果向开发人员发布了iOS 13.5,iPadOS 13.5,tvOS 13.4.5和watchOS 6.2.5的GM版本以进行测试。这些系统的新版本此前已经历过多轮测试,目前是最接近正式发布的状态。iOS 13.5最大的亮点在于辅助疫情时期的特殊需求,比如简化带着口罩面部解锁的流程。新系统可以识别出用户戴了口罩,从而直接弹出密码输入界面。

On 19 May, Apple released versions of iOS 13.5, iPadOS 13.5, tvOS 13.4.5 and watchOS 6.2.5 to developers for testing. The new versions of these systems have undergone multiple rounds of testing and are now the closest to official release. The biggest highlight of iOS 13.5 is the need to support the special needs of the epidemic period, such as simplifying the process of unlocking the masked face. The new system allows users to be identified with masks and thus directly eject the password input interface.

苹果发布了两款新的 Pride 版 Apple Watch 表带

Apple has released two new Pride Edition Apple Watch tabs

为了支持和宣传社区建设,苹果发布了两款新的 Pride 版 Apple Watch 手环。从本周一开始,2020 年款的 Apple Watch Pride Edition Sport 表带以及 Nike Pride Edition Sport 表带将开始对外销售,除了新表带硬件外,苹果还同时提供两款新的 Pride 手表表盘设计,上述内容将被 watchOS 6.2.5 以上版本支持。

In order to support and promote community building, Apple has released two new Pride Apple Watch bracelets. From the beginning of this week, the 2020 Apple Watch Edition Sport and the Nike Pride Edition Sport are starting to sell out. In addition to the new hardware, Apple is also providing two new Pride Watchboard designs, which will be supported by the watchOS 6.2.5 version above.

报告显示:iPhone 12将使用三星、京东方和乐金显示的OLED面板

reports that iPhone 12 will use the OLD panel displayed by Samsung, Kyodong and Lein

一份报告显示,今年的iPhone 12将使用三星、京东方和乐金显示的OLED面板,其中三星将为四款新iPhone中的三款提供面板。报道显示,苹果考虑扩大iPhone的OLED供应商范围已有一段时间,京东方被认为是除三星和乐金显示之外的第三个选择。

A report shows that this year's iPhone 12 will use the OLD panel displayed by Samsung, Kyoto East, and Leafling, of which Samsung will provide panels for three of the four new iPhones. Reports show that Apple has been considering expanding the iPhone's OLD supplier range for some time, and Kyoto East is considered to be the third option in addition to the three stars and Leafling displays.

苹果和 Google 联手推出疫情追踪 API

Apple and Google are working together to roll out an outbreak tracking API

目前,已有 23 个国家和美国数个州计划使用这个 API 来构建手机应用程序。这个 API 目前接入了一系列公共医疗系统,可以自动通知人们是否暴露于新冠病毒之下。

Currently, 23 countries and several states in the United States are planning to use this API to build a mobile phone application. This API currently has access to a range of public health systems that can automatically inform people whether they are exposed to the new crown virus.

联想智能相框在 Indiegogo 发起众筹预购,半价即可买到

Association of Smart Frames in Indiegogo initiates pre-purchases, which can be bought at half a price

联想集团正在涉足众筹,即将推出的联想智能相框(Lenovo Smart Frame)将在8月发布之前,在 Indiegogo 上进行预购。Lenovo Smart Frame 早在 CES 2020 展会上宣布,比大多数智能显示器尺寸都要大,是一种 21.5 英寸的数字照片显示方式。

The conglomerates are engaged, and the forthcoming association smart frame (Lenovo Smart Frame) will be pre-purchased on Indiego before it is released in August. Lenovo Smart Frame announced back in CES 2020 that it is larger than most smart monitors and is a 21.5 inch digital photo display.

亚马逊云服务宣布Amazon Route 53在中国上线

Amazon Cloud Service announces Amazon Route 53 on line in China

亚马逊云服务(AWS)宣布,在中国正式上线由西云数据运营的Amazon Route 53。据亚马逊方面介绍,Amazon Route 53提供公共DNS、私有DNS和运行状况检查服务。客户可以使用Amazon Route 53为其应用程序管理外部访问的DNS,以及在其虚拟私有云(VPC)中配置私有DNS。

The Amazon Cloud Service (AWS) announces Amazon Route 53, which is officially online in China and is operated by data from Xihuun. According to the Amazon, Amazon Route 53 provides public DNS, privately owned DNS, and performance check services. Clients can use Amazon Route 53 to manage their applications for external access to DNS, as well as to place private DNSs in their virtual private cloud (VPC).

TikTok 被指控违反美国儿童隐私法规

TikTok is charged with violating the privacy of American children

20家美国倡导团体投诉称,TikTok 在家长未接到通知、未表示同意的情况下收集儿童个人信息,而且没有按照命令删除此前收集的同类信息。这 20 家倡导团体称,TikTok 此举侵犯美国的儿童隐私法规,并违反了一项与美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)达成的和解协议,该协议是去年这个热门视频应用因隐私投诉而与 FTC 签订的。

Twenty U.S. advocacy groups complained that TikTok collected personal information on children without their parents being informed, without consent, and failed to remove the same information previously collected as ordered. 20 advocacy groups claimed that TikTok violated United States child privacy laws and violated a settlement agreement with the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a popular video application that was signed with FTC last year because of privacy complaints.

COVID-19 大流行让《Minecraft》月活人数高达 1.26 亿

COVID-19 The Panorama made Minecraft live as high as 126 million

《Minecraft(我的世界)》的销量已正式突破 2 亿人次,而在这购买了游戏的人当中,每月有 1.26 亿人会启动这款游戏。就在 Mojang 工作室庆祝第一个《Minecraft》Alpha 构建版发布 11 年以来,微软详细介绍了其最新的销售数据。

The sales of Minecraft (My World) are officially out of 200 million, and 126 million of the people who buy the game start the game every month. In the 11 years that Mojang studio celebrates the release of the first version of Minecraft Alpha, Microsoft has detailed its latest sales data.


Capital market developments


United States attempts to obtain a final audit of the Central General Unit without providing a possible retirement

5月20日,美国参议院批准一项针对中国上市公司的法案。该法案要求,如果一家公司连续三年未遵守美国会计委员会(US accounting board)的审计规定,就应被禁止在美国交易所上市。法案还要求上市公司披露它们是否为外国政府所有或控制。法案在参议院获得了一致通过。它还需要在众议院获得通过并交由美国总统签字,才能生效成为一项法律。

On May 20, the United States Senate approved a bill against listed companies in China. The bill requires that a company that has failed to comply with the audit requirements of the United States Accounting Board for three consecutive years should be prohibited from listing on an American exchange. The bill also requires listed companies to disclose whether they are owned or controlled by a foreign government. The bill was unanimously adopted in the Senate. It also needs to be passed by the House of Representatives and signed by the President of the United States in order for it to enter into force as a law.

5月19日,纳斯达克提高了上市公司门槛,要求外国公司 IPO 募资下限达到 2500 万美元或上市后市值的四分之一。

On 19 May, NASDAQ raised the listing threshold by requiring a foreign company, IPO, to raise its fund to $25 million or one quarter of its market value after listing.




According to the Hong Kong Economic Daily News, the NTES programme launched Hong Kong's IPO in June as the fastest possible month, raising between US$ 1 billion and US$ 2 billion (about HK$ 7.8 billion and HK$ 156 billion). The Internet is expected to be one week to two weeks off from the second listing in Kyoto. The Internet is expected to grow by 3.62 per cent on Tuesday, reporting US$ 395.69, with a record high stock price and a total market value of US$ 51.1 billion.


Read the original text: Why does the Chinese Chief Executive want to go to Hong Kong for a second time? Where are the unicorns going to ring the bells?


Read the original text: CyberQ1 is over-expected: power or luck?


Media: 2nd listing in Hong Kong, Kyoto, listed on 18 June; Kyodong: no comment


According to the Hong Kong News, the Hong Kong newspaper has recently reported that it will seek to raise about US$ 3 billion (about HK$ 23.4 billion) in the next week. If the hearing goes well, Kyoto will launch a call in early June, and it is expected to sign up on June 18th, which will also be the time point for the year’s “double 11” edition.


In response to media reports that Kyoto would either seek to go through the Hong Kong listing hearing next week, and that the offer would be launched as soon as possible in early June, it was expected that on 18 June, Kyoto responded that there would be no comment, but stated that there would be a “big move” in 618 this year.

阅读原文:京东业绩超预期,“兄弟们”是大功臣 |财报详解

Read the original text: Kyouta's performance is overrated. "Brothers" are the best men in the world.



On 19 May, 100 degrees (NASDAQ:BIDU) released unaudited financial reports for the first quarter of 2020 after Monday’s shares. The financial statements showed that 22.5 billion yuan was collected in the first quarter and $3.1 billion in net profits (Non-GAAP), an increase of 219 per cent.


The first quarter of


On 18 May, the dog search company released its unaudited financial report for the first quarter of 2020. Under the non-United States General Accounting Standards, the first quarter of dog search generated $1.79 billion in operating income, an increase of 5 per cent over the same period, and $257.3 million in operating income in the first quarter, an increase of 2 per cent over the same period in United States dollars; the net loss attributable to dog search was $31.1 million, an increase of 10.5 times over the same period.



On May 21, the Gathering Group (Nasdak Stock Code: YY, “Pleasance Group” or “Commercial Company”, which was preceded by the “Emergency Age” Wednesday, published unaudited financial reports for the first quarter of 2020. Financial reporting data show that net income increased by 49.6% to RMB 7,149.4 million (US$ 1,009.7 million) over the same period in 2019, compared to RMB 4,786.


Read the original text: Open four-fold growth space.



Weibo released a financial report for the first quarter of 2020, with weibo earning $323.4 million in the first quarter of 2020, a 19 per cent decline over the same period, with the market forecast of $311.3 million, compared with $399.2 million in the same period in 2019; net profit of $52.1 million, compared with the market forecast of $51.57 million, compared with $150.4 million in the same period in 2019. Weibo projected a 7 to 12 per cent annual decrease in the net year in the second quarter of 2020, based on exchange rates for the same period last year.


B station: 69 per cent higher than expected in one quarter by the same year and 70 per cent higher in monthly users by the same year by 172 million


The first quarter of 2020, published by B-R-R-R, showed that, according to the United States General Accounting Standards (GAAP), revenues during the period amounted to $2.32 billion, an increase of 69 per cent over the same period, and were expected by supermarkets; net losses amounted to $539 million, an increase of 175 per cent over the same period. In the first quarter, B acted as a flashback for long-term inputs in community content ecology, branding, user growth, etc., driving user growth to a new high.


Read the original text: The harvest was exceeding expectations by a large 70 per cent increase in monthly life and 20Q1 in B station.


Achilles: 9 per cent higher than expected in the year-on-year total and 12 million more members per quarter

爱奇艺发布的2020年一季度财报显示,期内总营收达到76亿元,同比增长9% ,总营收和同比增速超公司此前预期;净亏损29亿元,同比扩大61%。截止第一季度末,爱奇艺的订阅会员规模达到1.19亿,同比增23% ,单季度订阅会员净增长1200万;一季度会员服务收入为46亿元,同比增长35%。

The first quarter of 2020 finance report released by Aki-Art showed a total revenue of $7.6 billion over the period, an increase of 9 per cent over the same period, and a net loss of $2.9 billion, an increase of 61 per cent over the previous expectations of the same-year surge. As of the end of the first quarter, Aki-Art’s subscriptions had reached 119 million members, an increase of 23 per cent over the same period, and a net increase of 12 million members in single-quarter subscriptions; and a member service income of $4.6 billion during the first quarter, an increase of 35 per cent over the same period.

小米第一季度财报,智能手机销量同比增长 4.7%

2020 年第一季度,小米集团收入达到 497 亿元人民币,同比增长 13.6%,经调整净利润 23 亿元,同比增长 10.6%。其中,小米历史上首次境外收入贡献占比达到一半,达 248 亿元,同比增长 47.8%。小米手机在这一季度卖出 2920 万部,同比增长 4.7%,创造 303 亿元收入。

In the first quarter of 2020, RMB 49.7 billion was earned by the Mi Group, an increase of 13.6 per cent over the same period, and the adjusted net profit of RMB 2.3 billion, an increase of 10.6 per cent over the same period. Of this, for the first time in the history of Mi, the share of offshore income contributed half, to RMB 24.8 billion, an increase of 47.8 per cent over the same period, with Mi Cell phones selling 29.2 million during the same quarter, an increase of 4.7 per cent over the same period, generating income of RMB 30.3 billion.

同程艺龙2020年一季度财报:收入因疫情下滑超40% 用户规模恢复


On 21 May, a performance announcement for the first quarter of 2020 was issued by the same artist. The announcement showed that the same artist achieved income of 1,005 million yuan in a quarter, a decrease of 43.6 per cent in the same year; the volume of transactions was reduced by 49.3 per cent to 18.2 billion yuan in the same period last year; the adjusted EBITDA was reduced by 74.2 per cent to 159 million yuan in the same year, the adjusted EBITDA profit rate was reduced from 34.5 per cent to 15.8 per cent in the same period in 2019, and the adjusted net profit rate was reduced by 82.6 per cent to 78.8 million yuan in the same year, and the adjusted net profit rate fell from 25.1 per cent to 7.8 per cent in the same period in 2019.


Read the original text: Is there a steady flow of information?


5月16日,受疫情中断生产以及全球智能手机需求受限,iPhone主要制造商富士康母公司鸿海精密今年第一季度利润暴跌9成,创有史以来最大跌幅。此前,由于持续的新冠疫情造成的供应链短缺和出行限制,外界猜测iPhone 12将被延迟。但富士康已经向投资者保证,他们将能够在传闻中的5G“ iPhone 12”的秋季截止日期前完成任务。

On May 16, the iPhone’s main manufacturer, Fusconma, experienced a 9% drop in profits in the first quarter of this year, the largest in history. Prior to that, it was assumed that iPhone 12 would be delayed because of supply-chain shortages and travel restrictions caused by the new and ongoing epidemic.


这家管理资产规模达 4980 亿美元的资产管理公司,已向中国证监会提交外商独资公募基金公司牌照申请,牌照获批后将可以向散户投资者和机构客户销售投资产品和服务。

The asset management company, which manages assets of $498 billion, has submitted to the CSRC an application for a licence plate for the Foreign Monopoly Public Fund Corporation, which will allow the sale of investment products and services to bulk investors and institutional clients.


Foreign medium: $1 billion in financing for business and technology


According to foreign media reports, informed sources have indicated that the AAIP company is looking for $1 billion in financing. A new round of financing will bring the value of business soup technology to at least $9.5 billion. In March of this year, the foreign media reported that business soup technology delayed the IPO program in Hong Kong this year, instead seeking up to $1 billion in private market financing.


brought in the Dutch OTA Group Travix

从携程方面确认,该公司与BCD Group于今年4月完成了关于Travix的交易,后者已归属携程集团旗下。据了解,Travix业务覆盖欧洲、美洲、亚洲市场,携程通过此次交易,获得了Vayama、Vliegwinkel和CheapTickets.nl等多个旅游品牌。

From the port side, it was confirmed that the company and the BCD Group had completed a deal on Travix in April of this year, which had been under the banner of a group of couriers. Travix was known to cover markets in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and through which several tourism brands, such as Vayama, Vliegwinkel, and CheapTickets.nl, were acquired.


Linning's Indirectly Controlled Lions

5月15日,堡狮龙国际集团发布联合公告宣布已与非凡中国签订股权收购协议。后者将通过控股的龙跃发展有限公司以 4662 万港元收购堡狮龙约 66.6%的股份,成为其最大股东。李宁则是堡狮龙的董事会主席。

On 15 May, the Group issued a joint communiqué announcing that it had entered into an equity acquisition agreement with an extraordinary China. The latter would be the largest shareholder through the controlling Dragon Rover Development Company Ltd., which would purchase approximately 66.6 per cent of the stock of the Lions Dragons at HK$46.62 million and would be the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Lions Dragons.


Latest data report


Association: 18 per cent increase in retail rings in the car market during the second week of May


36 kryptons were informed that, according to FMC, retail performance in the passenger car market improved during the second week of May (11-17), with an average of 39,000 vehicles retailed on the first week, a 3 per cent decline in the previous week. The ring in the second week of May grew by 18 per cent compared to the slower round in the second week of the previous period, and the regurgation of retail sales in May was marked.


Total platform transactions at Alibaba International Station in April increased by 86.3 per cent over the year


According to Ali Baba, between 11 and 17 May, during the Ali Baba International Station “Expo 511” there was a 459.52 per cent increase in the number of orders for pet commodities over the same period last year. In addition, the total volume of platform transactions at Ali Baba International in April increased by 86.3 per cent over the same period.


micro-mail: April small program shows a 220% increase in the number of unique user rings


On May 22, Weibo launched the “Small Program Progress Brief.” The briefing shows that since February 2020, the number of small program live broadcasts has grown rapidly, with up to 200,000 individual live broadcasts being shared. Of these, the April small program shows a 220% increase in the size of a single user ring. The data show an increase of 90% in the number of links to small program live vendors in April, with commercials twice the length of a daily broadcast, and nearly 5,000 hours the same day on 1 May.


Merchant securities: 10 billion subsidies are much more important than Ali and Kyundong


On May 22, before Alibaba and more than a quarter of a year’s financial disclosure, a industry depth report was published, comparing three major power platforms, Ali, Kyundong, and more. For the $10 billion subsidy campaign that each platform is carrying out, the offer holds that the value of the $10 billion subsidy is far greater than that of Ali and Kyundong in terms of effectiveness.


Good speech.


Chairman of 360: 5G construction and applications pose significant new security risks


In an interview, the chairman of the 360 Group and CEO Zhou Hung-jung said that the construction and application of 5G posed significant new security risks. 5G was an industrial Internet drive that would connect virtual and physical space, thus introducing a large number of new security risks. First, with the support of 5G, networked equipment would reach 10 billion levels, which would significantly increase the potential for attack. Second, as a result of full-scale, high-density access, traditional enterprises would have real big data and data security risks would become more pronounced; and, in addition, new applications such as unmanned, wireless, networked drones and new intelligent cities, which would face new security challenges and risks.


"Strong" is empty with who's going to learn Chen's response to the East: "I don't know who's going to learn how to learn the two-man class online"

北京时间5月18日晚间,浑水再度发布针对跟谁学的做空报告,称跟谁学至少有 80%的用户是机器人;怀疑跟谁学至少有 80%的收入是造假的,甚至可能是 90%以上。跟谁学在美股盘前下跌14%。跟谁学创始人陈向东发微博称,浑水的做空报告还是做了功课的,技术思维也值得点赞,只可惜他们没有弄明白跟谁学的在线直播双师大班课模式。

On the evening of May 18, Beijing time, he republished an empty report on who to learn, stating that at least 80 per cent of the users were robots; suspected who to learn at least 80 per cent of his income was fake, or perhaps more than 90 per cent. He dropped by 14 per cent in front of his fair share. He learned who to learn from his founder Chen's tweets to the east. Technical thinking was also commendable, but they didn't understand who to learn how to learn from the online live streaming of double-teacher classes.


In addition, data from SkyEngage show that on 20 May, Anhui was established with the Education Science and Technology Ltd., with a registered capital of 20 million, the statutory representative is Hwang Lulu, which operates in the areas of education science and technology, computer software and hardware technology development, technical advice, technical services, educational counselling, educational information counselling, etc., and is fully owned by the Beijing 100 Internet Science and Technology Ltd., a company associated with whom he studied.


Read the original text: What's wrong with the slurs and rich people who have been emptied five times in three months?



But China’s habit is to start school on September 1, so this summer will be shorter. But judging this year, you will have fewer trips, you will have more time at home, so the user’s needs will be stronger, but they will be shorter.


According to Gong Woo, which had set an actor's fee of $50 million in 2018, the series now aired meets this standard, with a maximum of 150 million. It is believed that a further reduction in actor's remuneration will take place in the near future, with a wide range of implications likely to occur next year or even later. Two years ago, the main cost of content was the purchase of copyright, etc. The main content of the head is now home-made, so the main cost of content is now derived from actor's payment rather than copyright.


Musk claims that digital currencies are more reliable but hold only 0.25 bitcoins

特斯拉CEO马斯克在社交网络上表示,相对于央行发行的货币,数字货币更可靠。近日,《哈利·波特》作者 J·K·罗琳在社交网络上表示,自己不相信比特币。马斯克表示了认同,但称相比之下,美国中央银行发行大量货币使得比特币这种网络货币看起来更稳定、可靠。

Tesla Ceomask said on social networks that digital money was more reliable than that issued by central banks. Recently, Harry Potter’s author, J.K. Lorraine, said on social networks that he did not believe in Bitcoin.

马斯克还透露,自己仍然只持有0.25个比特币。两年多以前,马斯克曾自曝,自己持有 0.25 个比特币,还是一个朋友很多年前送给他的。不过,马斯克表示,他不知道把比特币放哪里了。

Musk also revealed that he still held only 0.25 bits of bitcoins. Two years or so ago, Musk exposed himself, held 0.25 bitcoins, or a friend gave them to him many years ago. But, Mask said he didn't know where to put bitcoins.



腾讯继续跟投Keep 8000万美元E轮;每日优鲜又获融资;哔哩哔哩再入股二次元手游 | 创投周报

Quest continues to go after Keep 80 million E wheels; it's fresh and financed daily; it's a second hand trip to the stock market; it's a weekly paper.


Overseas markets

英特尔收购Rivet Networks团队,交易价格未披露

据媒体,英特尔日前宣布,收购Rivet Networks团队。Rivet Networks团队将加入英特尔的无线解决方案部门,开发更广泛的PC连网加强解决方案。Rivet Networks的Killer品牌产品,包括其软件都将被纳入英特尔的产品组合。英特尔表示,凭借Rivet Networks和英特尔的Wi-Fi产品,可以扩展公司的PC Wi-Fi产品组合。此次收购价格尚未披露。

According to the media, Intel announced the acquisition of the RivertNetworks team. The RivertNetworks team will join the Intel Wireless Solution Department and develop a broader PC network enhancement solution. RivertNetworks's Killer brand product, including its software, will be included in Intel’s product mix. Intel has indicated that with RivertNetworks and Wi-Fi in Intel, the company’s PC Wi-Fi portfolio can be expanded.


Or the biggest IPO ever in the United States next year.


The United States Federal Housing Finance Authority announced that government-supported plans to transform the United States of America and the United States of America into a private company, including the fastest to market next year, raising around $200 billion, are expected to be the largest new stock in the United States. The authorities are planning to require two companies to retain a minimum of $240 billion in capital to prevent a financial crisis, and to require corporate bailouts.



According to external sources, Hertz in the United States is one of the world’s largest car-leasing companies. Hertz’s business travelers and visitors have been severely reduced by the introduction of the new crown virus, making it impossible for the company to continue paying their loans.



According to the latest news from the foreign media, the founder of Dyson's company, James Dyson, had recently interviewed a British newspaper to reveal the details of this failed electric vehicle project, and he had shown the design of a prototype electric vehicle that had already been cancelled. In 2018, Dyson said that a factory to make electric cars would be set up in Singapore, while also developing solid-state batteries for cars. After spending £500 million (approximately $605 million) on the project, Dyson cancelled the electric car programme last October.


Sony will include the financial company under the banner as a fully-owned subsidiary

索尼5月19日发布消息称,将把从事金融业务的上市子公司索尼金融控股吸纳为全资子公司。索尼将投入 3955 亿日元实施公开要约收购,把金融作为核心业务。收购完成后,索尼将于 2021 年 4 月更名为索尼集团(SONY GROUP)。

Sony announced on May 19 that it would absorb the financial holdings of Sony, a listed subsidiary engaged in financial business, into a fully-owned subsidiary. Sony will invest 3,955 billion yen in an open offer acquisition, with finance as its core business. When the acquisition is completed, Sony will be renamed the Sony Group in April 2021.


Apple: nearly 100 retail stores globally have reopened


According to the foreign media, on May 17, the Senior Vice-President of Apple for retailing, Dylan O’Brien, sent through the official website an open letter detailing the company’s approach to reopening 510 retail stores around the world in a safe and prudent manner. Apple, in an open letter, said that, as of May 17, nearly 100 retail stores around the world had been able to open their doors once again to our customers.


Three Star Incubator C-Labs succeeded in incubating SunnyFive

三星公司内部孵化器 C-Labs 支持的最新一批初创企业已经孵化完成并分拆独立,其中包括 SunnyFive,它是一种人造窗户的制造商,据说可以提供完整的自然光线以及其效用。SunnyFive 的窗户在功能上看起来是为季节性情感障碍患者量身定制的光疗灯,它可以输出全光谱的自然光,并可以通过编程来模仿真正的窗户的照明效果。光线的角度会在一天中不断变化,并融入了各种 "阳光场景"--又名日出、黎明、黄昏和日落。配套的手机应用可以让用户调节色温和亮度,而且还可以搭配闹钟功能。

SunnyFive, a manufacturer of artificial windows, is said to provide complete natural light and its utility. SunnyFive's window appears functionally to be a customized light for seasonal emotional disorders that can produce full-spectral natural light and can be programmed to imitate the lighting effects of a real window. The light's perspective changes over the day and is integrated into various "sunshine scenes" -- famously, dawn, dusk, and sunsets. Accompanied mobile phone applications can allow users to regulate the temperature and brightness, and can also match alarm clocks.


5月18日,软银正式公布2019财年业绩,在截止今年 3 月 31 日的 12 个月内净亏 88 亿美元。绝大多数亏损来自软银的愿景基金。在分项披露的息税前利润科目中,软银公司盈利86亿美元、愿景基金亏损 125 亿美元。

On May 18, it officially announced its performance for fiscal year 2019, with a net loss of $8.8 billion over the 12-month period ending March 31, this year. The majority of the losses came from the Soft Silver Vision Fund. Of the sub-disclosed pre-tax profit items, the Soft Silver Company earned $8.6 billion and the Vision Fund lost $12.5 billion.

孙正义表示,自己对 WeWork 的巨额投资是“愚蠢的”。在他的主导下,软银一共向 WeWork注入超过 185 亿美元资金、最高估值 470 亿美元。如今,全球最大共享办公二房东的估值已经掉到了29亿美元。这是软银愿景基金诸多投资中的减记最高的一笔。

Sun Jing said that his huge investment in WeWork was “smuggling.” Under his leadership, the silver and silver had injected more than $18.5 billion into WeWork, with a high value of $47 billion. Today, the world’s largest shared office owner has lost $2.9 billion in valuations.

为了填补基金亏损,软银决定出售优质资产。他们计划出售价值 115 亿美元的阿里巴巴股票,还考虑将部分 T-Mobile 股份卖给德国电信。在软银经营动荡之际,马云宣布退出软银董事会。孙正义解释这是马云去年退休计划的一部分。

In order to cover the Fund’s losses, they decided to sell high-quality assets. They planned to sell US$ 11.5 billion worth of Alibaba shares, and they also considered selling part of T-Mobile’s shares to German telecommunications.


Peak Group recorded a 67 per cent drop in net profits in 2019

卡地亚(Cartier)母公司历峰集团发布的2019年全年业绩报告显示,在2019财年内,历峰集团年收入增长 2%至142.38亿欧元,全年净利润则大跌67%至9.31亿欧元。其中,第四季度销售额下降18%,这主要是受到下跌36%的亚太市影响,欧洲市场下跌 9%,但美国市场增长了9%。但财报也提到,中国市场的462家门店已经重新开业且需求强劲。

The year-round performance report for 2019, published by Cartier's parent company, shows that during the 2019 fiscal year, the peak group’s annual income grew by 2 to 14.238 billion euros, while net profits fell by 67 to 931 million euros a year. Of this, sales fell by 18 per cent in the fourth quarter, mainly as a result of a 36 per cent decline in Asia-Pacific cities and a 9 per cent decline in the European market, but the United States market grew by 9 per cent. But it is also mentioned that 462 stores in the Chinese market have reopened and demand is strong.


French warehouse in Amazonia resumed work, and about 30% of the staff returned to work


Three trade union officials reportedly revealed that the Amazon warehouse had been reactivated in France and that about 30 per cent of the employees would return to work. Last week, five French trade unions signed agreements with the Amazon for the resumption of work, under which 106,000 regular and temporary workers would return to work by 2 June.


Amazon announces five large-scale solar projects


The Amazon has announced five large-scale solar projects that provide electricity for global operations in China, Australia and the United States. These five renewable energy projects combined generate 615 megawatts of additional electricity annually, and are expected to generate 1.2 million megawatts of energy annually, further supporting the Amazon's commitment to achieving zero carbon emissions by 2040.

印度网约车公司Ola两月内营收下降 95%

India's Internet car company Ola dropped in two months 95%

由于新冠病毒导致的停工,印度网约车公司 Ola 的业务在过去两个月内下降了 95%,该公司今天宣布,将不得不解雇 1400 名员工。

As a result of the stoppage caused by the new coronary virus, Ola's business in India has declined by 95 per cent in the last two months, and the company announced today that it would have to fire 1,400 employees.


Uber: Retrenchment of 3,000 additional staff and closure of 45 offices

Uber CEO科斯罗萨西周一在内部邮件中宣布,继续裁员3000人,关闭全球45个办公室。在两周之前,Uber刚刚裁员3700人,以削减10亿美元固定支出。Uber在一个月内就裁员超过了四分之一,目前在全球还剩下2万名员工。

Uber CEOCos Rosa announced in his internal mail on Monday that it would continue to downsize 3,000 people and close 45 offices around the world. Two weeks ago, Uber had just downsized 3,700 to cut $1 billion in fixed spending. Uber had downsized more than a quarter of its staff within a month, leaving 20,000 staff worldwide.


Zoom suspends the registration of Chinese users and no longer accepts the purchase of their services by individual users


Zoom has reportedly suspended China’s personal user registration services. According to information on the company’s website in China, only enterprises that provide business registration certificates and business bank accounts can purchase their services in the future and “no longer accept purchases from individual users”. Since 1 May, individual free users have been unable to initiate meetings, but can join them.

Facebook 推出电商业务 Facebook Shop

Facebook Launching Electric Business FacebookShop

此项服务将对商家免费开放,Facebook希望借此提高消费者参与度和广告销售收入。企业可以在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上建立自己的商铺,企业还可以通过 Facebook messenger、WhatsApp 以及 Instagram direct 的聊天功能直接向用户出售商品。

This service will be open to businesses free of charge, with Facebook hoping to increase consumer participation and advertising sales revenue. Enterprises can build their own shops on Facebook and Instagram, and businesses can sell their goods directly to users through Facebook messenge, WhatsApp, and Instagram Direct.


Facebook buys mobile community Giphy

近日,Facebook宣布 4 亿美元收购Giphy。人与人直接的交流内容相对自由,特别是在一对一的时候。商业公司提供的往往只是交流的基础设施,并不能参与到内容当中。为了方便用户使用Giphy的动图,Facebook、WhatsApp、iMessage、TikTok、Skype、Twitter、Tinder 等应用都调用了Giphy的应用接口。

Recently, Facebook announced that $400 billion to buy Giphy. People are relatively free to communicate directly, especially at one-on-one times. Commercial companies often provide communication infrastructure and do not participate in content. To facilitate user access to Giphy maps, Facebook, WhatsApp, iMessage, TikTok, Skype, Twitter, Tinder, etc.


Twitter leader Dossy has contributed $87 million to the new crown epidemic


The Chief Executive Officer of Twitter, Jack Dossy, announced last month that he would donate $1 billion (from his own share in Square) to various relief funds for the new crown epidemic. According to the latest external sources, he has so far contributed more than $87 million.

航空发动机巨头 Rolls Royce 将裁员9000人

Rolls Royce will lay down 9,000 men

该公司是欧洲最大的航空发动机企业,在全球共有约 5.2 万名员工。此次裁员将主要影响其民用航空部门。

The company is the largest aviation engine company in Europe, with a global total of about 52,000 employees. This lay-off will mainly affect its civil aviation sector.


Next week's events are ahead of us.


25 May (Monday) United States Mission Review-W release of the financial statement; enlightening international publication of the financial statement;


26 May (Tuesday) gold mountain software release; cloudy technology release (front line); fish-fighting release (front line); 51talk release (front line);


27 May (on Wednesday) Ali's health report; Chandt's institution's financial statement (in front); Hewlett-Packard's financial statement (in follow-up); and Centenary Group's financial report (in follow-up);


28 May (Furs) The Ali film industry issued a financial report; strangers issued a financial statement (in advance); we came to issue a financial statement (in advance); and good marketers issued a financial statement (in advance);


On Friday, 29 May (Friday), Inyoyo Group Holdings issued a financial statement; Yundong Cars issued a financial statement.




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