
资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:62 评论:0
联发科首次成为全球最大智能手机芯片供应商 占比31%For the first time, UNDG became the world's largest smartphone chip provider at 31%.据第三方市场调研机构...



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联发科首次成为全球最大智能手机芯片供应商 占比31%

For the first time, UNDG became the world's largest smartphone chip provider at 31%.


According to the third-party market research agency, Counterpoint, in the third quarter of 2020, with smartphone sales rebounding in three quarters, UNDG became the largest supplier of smartphone chips at 31% of the market. At the same time, Hightower became the largest supplier of 5G chips in the third quarter of 2020.


Tessra Shanghai Supercharged Gear Plant is about to become operational


According to a recent source, Tesla plans to invest $42 million in Shanghai to build a supercharged plant that will be developed and produced in a single system. The initial plan is to produce 10,000 supercharged posts per year, mainly V3 supercharged posts, and the project is scheduled to go into production in the first quarter of 2021. The journalist confirmed this to Tesla's sources.

全球首款量产5G车下线 面临“缺芯”压力

今日,全球首款量产5G车广汽埃安AION V下线,该车搭载了华为最新一代芯片。但在各家车企加快布局智能电动车背景下,缺芯压力仍存,目前华为最新芯片已全给了广汽。

Today, the world’s first five G-car fleet, EianAion V, is offline, carrying the newest-generation chip in China. But, in the context of accelerated deployment of smart electric cars by individual car companies, a lack of core pressure still exists, and the latest chip in China is now fully steamed.


The first departmental regulation in the field of recruitment services of the


The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the Regulations for the Management of Network Recruitment Services yesterday (24 March), which will be in effect as of 1 March 2021. The regulations expressly require the Human Resources Services to review the authenticity and legality of the material supplied by the employer, without disclosing, selling or illegally providing personal information collected by another person.


BubbleMart responding to second-sale blind box: confirmed that the employee has resigned and will never be recruited


In the afternoon of December 24, in response to the exposure of the second sale of the “blind box”, Bubble Matt confirmed that the employee had been dismissed and never recruited, that the situation had been communicated to the consumer for the first time and that the consumer’s understanding had been obtained that the shop’s service process would be improved, and that fans and consumers would be welcome to continue to monitor it.

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It's no longer difficult for


The Zhejiang Provincial Market Regulatory Authority has been informed that recently the PAP, based on block chain technology, has been published in Hangzhou. It is known that it is the country’s first evidence-gathering tool based on block chain technology for various mobile ends, and that the PAP will play an important role in regulatory enforcement for mobile end-use applications such as social networking and live electricity providers.



In November of this year, CSSA and China’s Construction Bank launched cooperation on the application of the digital renminbi on the insurance line. In recent days, with the successful release of the first digital renminbi policy, CSSA has successfully extended the application of the digital renminbi to the insurance sector, and has helped with the pilot eco-building of the digital renminbi’s wallet through the promotion of the advantages of the insurance on the CSA line.


Behind : Low-threshold home support city

今年以来,上海临港、无锡、福州、广州等一二线城市已先后降低落户门槛,“抢人大战”不断升温。 有业内人士指出,降低入户门槛,某种程度是部分库存较高城市的灵活应对措施。以苏州为例,2019年,苏州先后三次以优惠、补贴的方式鼓励人才购房;2020年,苏州两次推出落户门槛降低的政策。 据易居11月份发布的百城库存报告也显示,全国百城库存面积增速前十中,苏州以39%%排在第十位,另外包头、漳州、哈尔滨等城市也在积极优化去库存环境。同策研究院分析师丁垚认为,人才政策对于房地产市场重要的支撑,对于房地产市场的影响不仅短期有效,长期也是利好。

In the case of Suzhou, three times in 2019, Sioux encouraged the purchase of housing on a preferential and subsidized basis; in the case of Suzhou, two times in 2020, Sioux introduced a policy of lowering the residence threshold. According to the 100-city inventory report released in November, Sioux State ranked 39% of the country’s stock at 10% of the country’s 10th place, while the other cities – Sioux, Liang, Harbin, etc. – were also active in optimizing the storage environment.



China will open the industry conference on December 25. The conference will focus on policy reading, global trends, data analysis, platform interpretation, and case sharing. It will invite government departments, leading economic scholars, data experts, high-quality platforms, brands, etc., to come together to give an advance opinion on the industry, to upgrade industrial planning, and to promote a healthy and orderly development of the industry.


Dr. Rubini of the Last Day: Bitcoin prices are being manipulated and its super-foam is about to burst


Nuriel Rubini, a leading economist, said that Bitcoin and other encrypted currencies should not have a place in the portfolio of bulk or institutional investors. Rubini, a professor at the Stern School of Business at the University of New York, called it “Dr. Apocalypse” when Bitcoin had recently come up with a new height, strongly criticized it. He said, “Firstly, it's wrong to call it a currency, and it's not a currency. Bitcoin is not a unit of account, it's not a means of payment, nor can it be safely preserved. Second, it can't even be said to be an asset.”


Sony is planning to film 10 game-recorded videos .

据IGN报道,索尼影业首席执行官Tony Vinciquerra近日在接受采访时透露,索尼影业目前正计划拍摄10部基于PlayStation IP的影视作品。据悉,其中包括3部电影和7部电视剧,除了已经公开的真人电影《神秘海域》和真人电视剧《最后生还者》之外,还有8款游戏作品将被改编成影视作品,不过Vinciquerra并没有透露这些游戏具体有哪些。

According to IGN, during a recent interview with the Chief Executive Officer of Sony Film Industry, Tony Vinciquerra, the Sony Film Industry is currently planning to film 10 films based on PlayStation IP. Three films and seven television dramas are known to be in addition to the already public reality film The Mysterious Sea and the reality television show The Last Survivors, eight games will be adapted into video productions, although Vinciquerra does not reveal what these games are.


saves 160 million yen in angels. >


China Reserves can concentrate on compressed air storage technologies, derived from the Institute of Engineering Heat Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. China Reserves can build the first international 100 MW compressed air storage energy demonstration project.



China's first-generation online education company, the Apes Mentor, has raised $300 million in a new round of financing. This year, total funding has reached $3.5 billion.


Biopharmaceutical developer “Know Easy Bios” completes 110 million B-round finance


Biopharmaceutical research and development has recently completed 110 million yuan B rounds of financing. This round of financing has been co-financed by state-owned enterprises, the new State of Purn, KIP capital, and Joo Hae-yung. The existing shareholders have continued to do so, raising funds mainly for clinical research on the spread of the company’s innovative drug SK08 and the development of new pipelines, further enhancing technical barriers.



The Guangdong Pulse Pulse Technology Limited, which focuses on the development and production of high-end medical instruments for structural heart disease, has completed nearly a billion-dollar B rounds of financing, financed by mountain-blue capital, for capital, commercial fare (a fully-funded subsidiary of securities) and continued to invest as an old shareholder. It is known that this round of financing has been used mainly for the construction of the LEFTEAR left ear blocker product system, the degradation of the PFO trap, the second-line petal repair device, the development of new products such as the left-heart condensation umbrella, and the improvement of the production base.


“Ayusi Technologies” completed millions of renminbi angel financing


The company management service provider, “Ayusi Technologies,” completes millions of renminbi angel wheel financing, and the investor is the Genuine Fund. “Ayusi Technologies,” it is known, is an enterprise management service provider that focuses on computer systems services, economic trade advice, and business management advice.


"TypeTech" got an angel wheel investment?

“态璞科技(TypeTech)”于近日获得来自初心资本的天使轮投资。态璞科技(TypeTech) 是专注于虚拟现实(VR)、增强现实(AR)、混合现实(MR)的专业解决方案公司。“态璞科技”具有行业领域从上下游整套技术流程,其创始人拥有丰富的虚拟现实研发经验。

TypeTech is a professional solution company that focuses on virtual reality (VR), enhanced reality (AR), and hybrid reality (MR). The technology has a whole range of technology upstream and downstream in the industry, and its founders have a wealth of virtual reality research and development experience.


New Sprouts complete tens of millions of Führer financing rounds?


Sioux State has completed its first round of financing of tens of millions of dollars, with the capital of Danjong invested exclusively in it. The “New Sprouts” is a research and development company dedicated to the treatment of genes using base-based editing techniques for all-round drug use.


Dr. Mystery completes Pre-A round of finance?


The skin-protector brand Dr. Mystery announced funding for tens of millions of Pre-A rounds, which will be invested mainly in product development, further building of the supply chain, and follow-up marketing. Dr. Mystery is a skin-protector brand whose main products were introduced in April of this year, representing yolk milk, third-generation yolk milk, vinyl yeast water, myelium concentrate, vinyl paranoia cream, aminocine cream, and so on.


"Strong" China has completed tens of millions of yuan A round of financing?


In recent years, China has completed the financing of tens of millions of yuan A rounds, with investors making investment funds for the integration of entrepreneurial ventures in Xi'an Quantities, the 1896 investment fund in Xi's Xi'an army, and the Xi's e-satellite fund. China Air is an emerging high-tech company specifically created by China's Air Industries Group, which focuses on artificial intelligence and service robotics. The company is committed to building a brand of smart robots with autonomous intellectual property rights in China's aviation industry, taking advantage of the Group's industrial chain resources.


Technology completed tens of millions of RMB Pre-A round of financing?


LanyangTech recently completed a multimillion yuan Pre-A round of financing, with investments to create a bright future for a flat future. LanyangTech is a provider of smart solutions on the edge of the Internet, focusing on the development and operation of dedicated networks for networking, research and development, design, production-networking gateways and base stations, autonomous creation of niche products such as smart environmental protection, agro-networking and smart cities, creation of an open platform for networking of goods, promotion of product networking solutions, and efforts to promote end-scale applications of the network in various industries.


RMB 200 million B round of financing


The electronics industry, in collaboration with the manufacturing platform, announced the completion of the RMB 200 million B round of finance, which was financed by capital-led investment from various institutions, such as pendulum capital, the Qing Song Pong Foundation, and light-source capital as sole financial advisers. This round of finance will be used mainly for research and development, team-building and business expansion of the smart system of the fast-tracked electronic manufacturing system (ECMS). Through an autonomously developed smart production system, it will bring together the production capacity of dozens of industrial plants, such as PCBs and PCBAs, to form a distributed and geographically distributed production platform, to consolidate small orders, and then to assign production to the right plant through a smart match system, effectively improving the efficiency of plant production and equipment utilization, as well as the efficiency of the delivery of the industry as a whole.



In 2016, Hangzhou World Electronic Commerce Ltd., a cross-border electric company that focuses on overseas brands entering the Chinese market to provide innovative full-chain solutions, has worked with brands from Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the United States. The so-called full-chain solution refers to helping overseas brands to solve fast-track selections, product compliance, product accuracy channels, and full-chain incubation systems such as product creative marketing, science and technology warehousing, and post-sale services.




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