
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:62 评论:0
巴菲特午餐史上最高价竞拍人近日揭晓,竟是一位来自中国的90后,还是马云的“学生”。The highest bidder in the history of Buffett's luncheon ha...



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The highest bidder in the history of Buffett's luncheon has come to light recently, after 90 years from China, and a “student” of Ma Yun.


On June 4, Sun Woo, the founder of the block chain wave, announced on Weibo and Twitter that he had successfully filmed Buffet lunch with $45,67888 (approximately RMB 31.53 million). , a 90-year-old `coin coop', said that the lunch was taken to make Buffett aware of the value of digital money.


Photo by Sun Woo Weibo


But if you remember correctly, Buffett has repeatedly said that “the digital currency of is worthless and a tool of fraud .” In May 2018, Buffett publicly criticized “bitcoin is more toxic than rat medicine”.


Although Buffett said that he looked forward to the luncheon after the race for the hammer, he wondered what he would think if he knew the story of Sun Woo's morning and tried to convince himself to invest in virtual money. But, certainly, it was perhaps the most embarrassing luncheon in history.



Sun Woo morning:


Sun Woo-morning, born on 30 July 1990, with the head of the post-90 Business Leader , Beijing University Department of History, GPA First , the first student of Lake Mae Yung University < /strang >, etc.


A photo of Ma Yun at Lakeside University was shown online by the Xiaobo officer.

但更多的争议的是,他是所谓的“币圈大佬”,波场(TRON)创始人,TRON基金会创始人,Bittorrent CEO。围绕他“套现跑路”、“抄袭”、“空气币”的质疑声不绝,甚至有人给他冠上了“币圈贾跃亭”的称号。

But what's more controversial is that he's the so-called tran founder, the TRON foundation founder, Bittorrent CEO. The questions surrounding his `swipe running', `script', `air currency' are endless.


But Sun Woo-morning, who was proud as a first-time student at Lakeside University, quickly appeared in the 100-degree encyclopedia after being admitted to Lakeside University by , while Sun Woo-moo's photo of Maun at Lakeside University was placed in a very visible position on the Internet.


According to public information reported by the media, Sun Woo-moo was a renegade young man. Sun Woo-moo in high school lacked interest in learning himself, struggled to test the education system, and criticized the social situation.


As reported by the GQ wise family, he was at the end of the ranking list, “The ”.


However, because of his particularly good writing skills, Sun Woo-moo won the first prize in the ninth edition of the New Concepts essay competition, was given the opportunity to add 20 points to the Beijing University, and was successfully admitted to the North Literary Department and then transferred to the Department of History after his second year.


Seeing here, doesn't it feel a little familiar about these experiences?


Here, it should be noted that in December 2018, Sun Woo-mun was also ranked 29th in the post-China 90th post-2018 list of writers.


"This race, which changed my life >. Sun Woo said in a later interview, "In the eyes of a young literary lover like us, the new concept was the existence of God, and it was no different to a Nobel Prize for Literature, which should be called the Young Nobel Prize for Literature."


At the end of his first year, Sun Woo-moo moved from the Department of Literature to the Department of History, explaining his desire to enhance his academic outlook. In July 2011, he joined the Ark of Chiang Qinghua University for Journalism and Communication on the cover of the weekly Asia magazine.


During his studies in the United States, Sun Woo began a gradual transition from a scholar to a business, investing in bitcoin and starting a business.


Sun Woo-ming thinks he is in transition to the Internet. “The first five years of company transformation to the Internet, and now to the Internet, people are now also in transition, and their past vision of scholars is that of Rujn’s way of life; and business is chosen because entrepreneurs in contemporary societies are the same as literary commentators’ age, like the New York Times, which is a product of Facebook, Twitter, and so on.”


He tried to become a member of the Internet entrepreneur and, as the first post-90 student, was admitted to the Lakeside University founded by Maun, where he was recognized as a post-90 entrepreneur.



Sun Woo Weibo took a picture of himself and Ma Yun.

2013年底,孙宇晨加入位于硅谷的互联网金融公司 Ripple Labs,一个多月后回国,获得IDG投资成立了锐波,投身创业大潮。

At the end of 2013, Sun Woo joined the Internet Finance Corporation Ripple Labs, located in Silicon Valley, and returned home more than a month later to receive IDG investments, creating a surge in entrepreneurial activity.


In the second half of 2017, Sun Woo-moo created the second project, “Tron of the Wave” and Li Fong and Hanko Xue are also investors in the project. The project, entitled “Building a global decentralised free content entertainment system using block chain technology,” is based on a business model called “Strong”


Sun Woo’s style is similar to that of Jia Joo-Tin, and Sun Woo’s reaction to the title “Jiao-Tin” is felt in the morning.


He told the press that he was completely different from Jiajuntun:



copying, aerobills, cavities questioning


The Yard project was launched in August 2017.


In the original idea, Sun Woo-moo called it a decentralised content and entertainment platform. In this way, entertainers can make money in the form of personal ICOs, turning from fan economies to fan finance.


Then, on 4 September 2017, the Central Bank and seven other ministries issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of money in currencies, demanding that the financing of various forms of money issuance should cease immediately. Organizations and individuals that have completed the financing of the money issuance should make arrangements to clear them.


As bitcoin prices go up, the virtual currency project, in which servers are moved overseas, rises. The controversy of the past, attracted by the ability to make money, is now quelling.


A man who's been in contact with Sun Woo-jung once reported on the 21st century economy that did not even have a technical team before, because it had been questioned, so he pulled a technical team. replied that it must be social when asked whether technology is important or social.


After the birth of the waves, accusations of copying their codes persisted: “The White Paper of the `strong' has copied the framework of Ether and Kademlia, and rumours of the White Paper


On April 6, 2018, Sun Woo's Twitter post listed seven points of the pitch that were better than Etai's, and was irritated by V's message that it should be added to the 8th reason that “TRX is much more efficient to paste white papers than originals.” Sun Woo then responded to V's God by sending two tweets in the morning, saying, “If Vitalik knew better about the wave, we would find that we were more than just a white paper, and we have been online (on March 31) to test the network (online on May 31).” There was no direct response to the copying.


In the currency ring, through the well-known platform, the collection of funds is raised through a variety of good news, the dealer’s routing is not mysterious, and the endorsement of the well-known ones is crucial. Sun Woo’s own marketing skills are extremely good. In a number of promotional articles about companies, Qinghua University, regulators, entrepreneurs, etc., have been used to increase the number of endorsements for companies.


Sun Woo flew to the United States immediately after that withdrawal, where he continued his campaign on the market. At the same time, the market landed overseas to open the exchange and prices continued to rise at short notice. According to sources, Sun Woo's wallet records showed that 200 million of it was sent daily to the trading platform for over 19 days, i.e.,


Recent developments indicate that the current market value of TRX is still $16,655 million, ranking ninth in virtual currency. The current price is 0.2626 dollars, down 85 per cent from the historical high of $1.79.



"Strong" has a bad reputation, and Li laughs about it.


What do you think of Sun Woo-mun and the Bounty?


In the July 2018 leak of “bitcoin's richest” Li laughter, Li laughter said, “You don't have to say that if you go to Sun Woo-mun again, he'll be a fool.” With the market value of the waves as high as 14 billion, “Who looks? To what extent?


At that time, Sun Woo Weibo said, "I've heard that I've been shot again." And the popular commenter, Dr. Dr. Block Chain, replied, "It's all right, everyone knows you're a liar. Lee laughs because he can't give you a name. gets a lot of praise from the network.


Sun Woo never hides his desire for “success”.


The 2015 GQ magazine reported on Sun Woo in the morning that a young boy in a small town had made a series of leaps in life with a strong desire for fame.


The description of a “successful entrepreneur” by an investment agency was also widely cited.


"strong, for example, says he was 100 cents, carefully packaged into 1,000 cents, so as long as the 1,000 cents bubble does not burst, he can find 1,000 cents of the corresponding capital and industry position on the market. This is a game of capital that goes on until the bubble blows big enough to get enough money to buy a real firm on the market. ."


In the encyclopaedia of “Sun Woo Morning” there is an exhaustive list of his brilliant career, citing 60 references to his personal propaganda articles. It is difficult not to wonder whether Sun Woo himself has carefully packaged this phrase.


In this open letter, he wrote that , a man, a woman, a man, a woman, a young man and a young man, as an entrepreneur, should use all available and effective tools to succeed.


There is also a dichotomy of his evaluation on the Internet, and some of them say: "Will Buffett refuse to come to the dinner after he knows about Sun Woo’s arrival? As you know, Buffett hates virtual digital money like Bitcoin.


At around 4 a.m., Sun Woo reported that Buffett had expressed great interest in meeting with Sun Woo-goon and his friends.




Buffett's lunch at a price. It's Sun Woo's high light.


On the certification microblogging, Sun Woo wrote: I officially announced that I had a record of $4,567,888 for the 20th anniversary charity luncheon. I have always been a long-standing believer in the Buffett value investment concept, and I would like to invite prominent members of the block chain industry to interact with Buffett in order to enhance understanding and friendship between top traditional investors and digital money to the benefit of the entire industry!


Unlike most winners or anonymous or low-profile short messages, Sun Woo made a high-profile and detailed marketing arrangement for the Jed Barfit lunch: on 1 June, Sun Woo Weibo stated that “a big deal was done and announced three days later”.


On the same day, the Internet commented: “Don't forget three days later, you took Buffett's lunch.” On 2 June, it was called “Let the bullet fly for a while”.


The intention to create a hot topic was evident in the announcement on 3 June, when Sun Woo added to the tweet a placard entitled “


After the results were published, even the microblogging CEO's “in and out” came to tweet: why not 4567890... Sun Woo said that “two dollars would be saved”.


At the same time, he issued an open letter to the Bounty community (the investor exchange community with the Bounty coins) stating that believed that, through proper understanding and communication, Buffett would transform his general position on encrypted money and block chains and integrate this new investment strategy into his portfolio.


However, the aversion of virtual currencies such as Buffetbitcoin is well known and has been shelled on several occasions as “rat drug”.


As early as 2013, Buffett had indicated that, of its $49 billion in cash, none of its assets were in bitcoin and that there were no plans to go to bitcoin.


In 2014, Buffett reminded investors that far away from Bitcoin, it was essentially a mirage, a way to transfer money, and that bitcoin had a huge value view, which was a joke.


In 2017, Buffett added that there was no way to estimate the value of Bitcoin, because it was not a value-creating asset. Neither the Fed nor other central banks could regulate it, and it was a “frozen bubble”.


In May 2018, Bitcoin came to the bull market, but Buffett responded, “It may be the square of rat medicine.” He added that encrypted currency would certainly have a bad ending, though it was not clear when it would happen. How? And buying bitcoin was gambling, not investment.


In an interview with the CNBC in February this year, Buffett again stated that the encoded currency had no unique value at all, that it was essentially an illusion and that Bitcoin attracted frauds.


Buffett believes that, while the chain of technological blocks behind Bitcoin is important, the success of this technology does not depend on encrypted digital currencies,


Buffett and his partner Charlie Manger.


As Buffett's old partner, Birkhshiel-Hassaway's Vice-President, Charlie Manger, spoke less of the virtual currency, “I may not like encrypted currency more than Buffett, which, in my view, is dementia, which feels like someone's dealing with shit and not wanting to be left behind”.

孙宇晨到底能不能说服巴菲特投资虚拟货币尚未可知,但这并不妨碍其对这场午宴的美好想象,孙宇晨在微博上称,参加巴菲特慈善午宴,不仅是他个人生涯的亮点,波场TRON和bittorrent 公司重大的一天,更象征着整个区块链社区的胜利。

Whether or not Sun Woo can convince Buffett to invest in a virtual currency is not yet known, but this does not prevent him from fantasizing about the luncheon. Sun Woo said on Twitter that attending Buffett's charity luncheon was not just a highlight of his personal career, that it was a big day for Tron and Bittorrent, and that symbolized the victory of the entire chain community.


In any case, two people with very different concepts of investment will be sitting together for lunch, and this will be the most embarrassing lunch in the history of the Buffett charity luncheon.


One, rare! We're selling shares in the company under the flag. This A-share is on the line.


Two, the national chip giant, with a market value of nearly $40 billion, announces a retreat from the United States stock market.


March/June Vigilance! More than 40 listed companies have been investigated and more than 700 violations revealed in the course of the year.


Four, Zhejiang paid $550 million to buy his own money, but he didn't get paid for it! This is a big deal!




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