
资讯 2024-06-18 阅读:79 评论:0
可能大家还不知道Web3.0究竟是什么,也都听过Web3.0这个词。而当我们还在讨论Web3.0时,圈内又掀起了Web2.5的热潮,那么,Web2.5是什么意思?Web2.0和Web3.0有什么不同?Maybe you don't kno...



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Maybe you don't know what Web3.0 is, and you've heard the word Web3.0. And when we're talking about Web3.0, there's a new wave of Web2.5 in the circle, so what does Web2.5 mean? What's the difference between Web 2.0 and Web3.0?


What's Web2.5?


Before referring to Web2.5, two concepts need to be understood, one Web 2.0 and the other Web 3.0.

Web2.0是相对Web1.0一类互联网应用的统称,Web2.0 更注重用户的交互作用,用户既是网站内容的浏览者,也是网站内容的制造者。每一个用户不再仅仅是互联网的读者,同时也成为互联网的作者;在模式上由单纯的“读”向“写”以及“共同建设”发展;由被动地接收互联网信息向主动创造互联网信息发展,从而更加人化!从工具上,是由互联网浏览器向各类浏览器、rss阅读器等内容发展;运行机制上,由“Client Server”向“Web Services”转变。

Web 2.0 is an umbrella for Internet applications of the Web 1.0 type, and Web 2.0 is more user-oriented interactive. Users are both browsers of web content and creators of web content. Each user is no longer a mere reader of the Internet, but also an author of the Internet; in mode it is &ldquao; reading &rdquao; &ldquao; writing &rdquao; and & & & ldquo; co-building ” development; passive receipt of Internet information towards active creation of Internet information, thus making it more . From tools, it is an Internet browser that develops content to a variety of browsers, rss readers, etc.; operational mechanisms, by & & & ldquao; Cliter & & rdquao; towards & & & & ; Web Services& rdquao; and transformation.


In short, Web 2.0 is represented by Google, Meta (Facebook), Amazon, Tetsu, Treasure, and Weiki, with the application of Blog, TAG, SNS, RSS, wiki, etc., a model of the Internet based on new theories and technologies such as six degrees of separation, xml, ajax, and we are now largely in an era surrounded by Web 2.0 applications.


What's the difference between Web 2.0 and Web3.0?


Web3.0 corresponds to the next generation of the Internet. It is the next stage of development of the World Wide Web, also known as semantic or literacy enforcement networks. The main concepts include decentralizing, opening up and increasing user utility, so Web3.0 will be “ readable + writeable + & & rdquao; and the Internet, a new digital ecosystem that integrates multiple scenes based on decentralizing the idea of applying digital technologies, such as block chains, will become an Internet infrastructure owned and trusted by users and builders.


The biggest difference between Web3.0 and Web2.0 is the global changes in the Web3.0 centralized digital ecology , allowing ownership of digital content and the corresponding distribution of value rights in digital networks to truly return to the creators of digital content and unify creators and value holders.

但拥抱 Web 3.0 并不意味着要全面摒弃 Web 2.0,Web 2.0 对于受众增长和留存来说非常强大,对于 Web 3.0没有要求品牌放弃他们的传统受众。同时,实现Web3.0道阻且长,在基础设施、内容、制度三方面均处于萌芽阶段,而当下宣传是Web3.0应用,像加密货交易所 Coinbase 这些,即具备Web 3.0的特,也含有 Web 2.0时代的影子,他就是典型的Web 2.5 的产品。

But hugging Web 3.0 does not mean that web 2.0, Web 2.0, is powerful for audience growth and retention, and Web 3.0 does not require brands to give up their traditional audiences. At the same time, achieving Web3.0 is a barrier and long, in terms of infrastructure, content, and systems, is in its infancy, while promoting Web3.0 applications, such as encryption coinbase > Coinbase, which has web 3.0 sex /span >, which also contains the shadow of the Web 2.0 era, which is typical of Web 2.5 products.


Web3.0 is a conceptual term proposed by people in the industry, and in order to understand Web3.0, we need to know about Web1.0 and Web 2.0.

Web1.0:其实是World Wide Web的简称,缩写为WWW,中文译为万维网。WWW通过超文本技术,将不同计算机中的文档以“页面”的方式呈现,并将相互存在信息关联的文档使用超链接连接在一起。1989年TimBerners-Lee首次提出了提供超文本服务的WWW系统标准,并因此被称为WWW之父,WWW开启的Web1.0时代,是一个基于开放标准的计算机相互连接分享信息的时代。这个时代诞生了大量基于WWW的免费共享信息,诞生了邮件、浏览器等让人们能够方便地获取和分享信息的技术和产品。

Web1.0: The WorldWide Web is actually a acronym for WorldWWW, which translates Chinese into the World Wide Web. WWW presents documents in different computers in “ page & ” and links information-related documents to hyperlinks. TimBerners-Lee first introduced the WWW standards for the provision of hyperlinks in 1989 and is thus called the father of WWWW, the age of Web1.0, which is an era of information-sharing between computers based on open standards. This era was born with a large amount of free-sharing information based on WWW, which produced technologies and products that allow easy access to and sharing of information, such as mail, browsers, etc.


Web2.0: From a technical structure, it transforms Web1.0's supertext-to-text computer/server network architecture into a central client-server structure and evolves into a browser & mdash; Web server to App-Cloud. Through competition for client users & ldquo; portal & rdquo; from browsers, input methods, search to App, voice recognition, smart terminals, etc., Web2.0 to create new ways of introducing users into different data conduits.


Web3.0: Humans are addressing the problem of misuse of personal data by businesses in the age of Web 2.0 through the development of new Internet technology, which is the new generation of Internet architectures & mdash; & mdash; Web3.0. We can interpret Web3.0 as a self-renovation of the Internet, which is a great evolution in breaking through chains to release digital productivity. Web3.0 today does not have a strict industrial definition, but industry has a high degree of consensus on Web3.0: the next generation of Internet, personal data validation, decentralization, data credibility, open standards, and security.

关键词: 网络时代 互联网应用 互联网交互 互联网交互发展理念




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