
资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:59 评论:0
比特币价格飙升超过8000美元 Bitcoin prices skyrocketed over $8,000 比特币的价格持续上涨,最近涨到8000美元以上。世界上最大的加密货币价格在Coinbase上涨到8195美元,并且在今天的交易中又...



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Bitcoin prices skyrocketed over $8,000

比特币的价格持续上涨,最近涨到8000美元以上。世界上最大的加密货币价格在Coinbase上涨到8195美元,并且在今天的交易中又上涨了17.4%。推动了包括 etherium、 litecoin、 Ripple 的 XRP、 EOS 和比特币在内的大多数主要加密货币的发展,自上周五上午以来,比特币市值总额增加了约250亿美元,今年首次超过2000亿美元。

Bitcoin prices have been rising steadily, and have recently risen to over $8,000. The world’s largest encrypted currency prices have risen to $8195 in Coinbase and have risen by 17.4 per cent in today’s transactions, driving the development of most major encrypted currencies, including XRP, EOS and Bitcoin, including etherium, litecoin, Ripple. Since last Friday morning, the total market value of Bitcoin has increased by some $25 billion, and for the first time this year it has exceeded $200 billion.


In the last 24 hours alone, data show that more than $27 billion in bitcoin is traded between exchanges, while $21 billion is traded between 10 head exchanges, which are considered to be those reporting honest trade volume data.


Twenty-one years old he


Although Bitcoin has been dynamic, today’s development is not unusual. Indeed, for most of 2019, bitcoin prices have been rising sharply, with prices rising by more than $1,000 just two days ago.

仅在过去90天内,比特币的价格就上涨了127% ,其中近60%是在过去30天内累积的。

In the last 90 days alone, the price of Bitcoin rose by 127 per cent, nearly 60 per cent of which was accumulated in the last 30 days.

有趣的是,2015年上一次熊市结束时,比特币的价格也出现了类似的抛物线形上涨。事实上,历史似乎正在重演,至少十分相似,因为比特币的市场再次进入了一个抛物线结构,从2018年12月15日创下的3128美元的最新低点上涨了近150% 。

Interestingly, by the end of the last bear city in 2015, the price of Bitcoin also rose in a similar parabolic form. Indeed, history seems to be repeating itself, at least very similar, because Bitcoin's market re-entered into a parabolic structure, rising by almost 150% from the latest low of $3128 created on 15 December 2018.


New York block chain week? Bitcoin futures? Who's driving the rise?


According to this morning’s news, Bucket has promised to test bitcoin futures in July of this year, traders are intoxicated by the surge in bitcoin prices, and new agencies are more interested in this number of asset classes. Bitcoin has broken through $8,000’s psychological threshold, and most of the technical analysis suggests that short-term upward pressure is likely to persist.

与此同时,比特币和加密货币行业正在加紧准备今天开始的加密货币日历上最大的活动之一——纽约区块链周和2019年共识活动 ,整个星期都在纽约中城的希尔顿酒店举行。

At the same time, the Bitcoin and crypto-currency industries are stepping up preparations for one of the largest activities on the encrypted currency calendar starting today — the New York block chain week and the 2019 consensus event — which took place all week at the Hilton Hotel in Midtown, New York.


He's 21 years old with $8,000 in bitcoin and the legendary father of Bitcoin is the leader of a criminal group

随着纽约区块链周的临近,比特币一直处于牛市。 在加密世界的中心地带呆上几天,巴克特作为世界最大的加密货币洲际交易所集团——在本土宣布推出比特币期货这一消息也许是再合适不过了。巴克特交易所是纽约证券交易所的所有者。

As New York’s block week approaches, Bitcoin remains in the cattle market. For a few days, in the heart of the encrypted world, Bucket is the world’s largest group of encrypted currency intercontinental exchanges – and perhaps the news of a local announcement of Bitcoin futures.


The boom may not push Bitcoin to the desired heights of some participants: after the recent surge, many market participants called for Bitcoin to return to the historic height of $20,000.


But the best news is that bitcoin is finally in institutional investors &quat; pricing &quat;. Investors in these institutions have been jumping out of the digital asset market until now they have finally decided to invest in this area.



Last weekend, some of the major Bitcoin holders transferred an alarming amount of digital tokens, which is likely to push the Bitcoin market up, with the largest holders transferring 47,000 bitcoins worth an incredible $343 million.


The mysterious dealer traded about 100,000 bits last weekend, with a total value of about $670 million. Like him, most bitcoins have moved their assets out of the main encrypted currency exchange, with only a few of the biggest transactions of the weekend involving the transfer of bitcoins from their encrypted currency wallets to the exchange.


He's 21 years old with $8,000 in bitcoin and the legendary father of Bitcoin is the leader of a criminal group?


Although the price of bitcoin has almost doubled since the beginning of this year, the asset continues to be staked by bitcoin holders, indicating that as Bitcoin's mood becomes more optimistic, they believe that bitcoin's price will continue to rise.

比特币价格攀升的同时,总部位于马耳他的币安交易所(Binance exchange)被盗4000万美元比特币(约合7000个数字代币)。币安交易所是全球最大的比特币和加密货币交易所。

At the same time that the price of bitcoin has risen, the Binance exchange, which is headquartered in Malta, has been stolen by $40 million bitcoins (approximately 7,000 digital tokens). The currency exchange is the world’s largest bitcoin and encrypted currency exchange.


He's 21-year-old with $8,000 in bitcoin, whose father is known to be the leader of a criminal group

He's 21 years old with $8,000 in bitcoin and the legendary father of Bitcoin is the leader of a criminal group >


The man's life is a legend, and his career includes logging, precious metal mining, gold smuggling, land trading, drug trafficking, arms trafficking and money laundering. In one of his many passports, he uses middle-class names. Lelu, a real boss behind a four-continent cocaine and gun empire, has now become a super spy, citing American agents as quat; a very bad man quat;

比特币是邪恶天才保罗勒鲁的一个项目。不幸的是,在他以中本聪的身份保持沉默后不久,他就被执法部门抓获,他将在监狱里度过余生。比特币更可能是他对密码学痴迷的延伸,这种痴迷可以追溯到90年代。在保罗·勒鲁破产之前,他被认为是一个杰出的程序员和隐私理论家。 1997年,他开始研究 E4M (大众加密) ,这个软件能够加密整个磁盘。

Bitcoin was a project of the evil genius Paul Lelu. Unfortunately, he was captured by law enforcement soon after he remained silent in his middle-brained capacity, and he will spend the rest of his life in prison. Bitcoin is more likely to be an extension of his obsession with cryptology, dating back to the 1990s.


The 21-year-old Bitcoin dealer received $76 million in compensation, and the logo Bitcoin was officially certified by the United States

美国加密货币投资者兼企业家迈克尔 · 特平(Michael Terpin)在一起与SIM-swap欺诈有关的案件中赢得了超过7500万美元的赔偿。这笔款项将以超过5000万美元的补偿和惩罚性损害赔偿支付。

Michael Terpin, a United States crypto-currency investor and entrepreneur, earned over $75 million in compensation in a case related to Sim-swap fraud. This sum will be paid for compensation and punitive damages in excess of $50 million.

今年年初,21岁的特平对尼古拉斯 · 特鲁格里亚(Nicholas Truglia)提起诉讼。特鲁格里亚涉嫌在控制了这名投资者的手机号码后,骗取了他当时价值2380万美元的300万个加密货币。

At the beginning of this year, 21-year-old Tepin filed a lawsuit against Nicholas Truglia, who was suspected of having stolen 3 million encrypted currency worth $23.8 million after controlling the investor's cell phone number.


He's 21 years old with $8,000 in bitcoin, and the legendary father of Bitcoin is the leader of a criminal group?


Te Ping sued the telecommunications company AT&T for failing to protect his cell phone data. Te Ping claimed that the cell service provider was negligent in protecting customer data, allowing hackers unauthorized access to his cell phone account. He sued for nearly $224 million.


There is an increasing number of cases of SIM-swap fraud involving the use of SMS messages for customer services. In such fraud, hackers act as owners of the victim’s cell phone number and persuade telecommunications operators to allow access to telephones and information by issuing the same number of SIM cards.


And Te Ping, America’s largest bitcoin dealer, won this case by declaring Bitcoin’s assets official position in the United States, followed by a speech at a consensus conference in New York. Just two hours after the speech, Bitcoin climbed to $8,000.


"Strong" is a 21-year-old Big Bitcoin, the father of a prison-sheltered bitcoin, whose lives are in two different directions, and it's a shame to see the bitcoin so high. Would you choose to hold it? Please tell me your reasons in the comment area.




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