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The articles to be recommended today come from the former fund leader, the current Vice-President and Executive Director of the HQC, and the founder of the HQLL & mdash; & mdash; Xiao Feng. He gave a lecture on the chain at a series of Internet financiers’ Sharon courses co-sponsored by students at Qinghua University’s five-lant Institute of Finance Advanced Studies on Internet Finance last November.


for full records:


Block chain technology is still in the process of being refined, roughly equivalent to Internet technology in 1995 or so, but it cannot be said that it has only just begun, since on 25 January 2009 the block chain in Bitcoin was officially online, so that, in any case, the block chain technology has been in operation for seven years and is not entirely new.



But the technology of block chains is still developing, and, in the end, it's actually a thing on the Internet, like an application protocol on the Internet. For example, when we're online, we often enter a web site HTTP, and the block chain is a protocol like HTTP. We have to build our own web sites on the basis of the HTTP protocol, otherwise you can use your protocol, and we can't find each other with my other technology.


There is also an SMTP agreement, which is a postbox agreement, and presumably the mail system is based on this agreement, so that mail can be sent to each other in each other's mailboxes, and if you rely on the SMTP agreement, he is based on another postbox agreement, which could cause problems between them.


What's the deal for? It's worth in exchange for value, value transfer. HTTP's message is information. We're going to transfer it online, and we're going to have to make a payment on point, end-to-end, P2P, and there's also an agreement. How else would you know that the money's gone?


So my title is new technologies, new architecture, new finance. And then I'll talk about it, not just a little bit more. It's a new technology that will change the infrastructure of the financial sector. The basics change, and the financial applications change, so it can be subversive in five years.


distributed Internet will have a very significant impact in the next 5 to 10 years .


We cannot simply look at the block chain from a digital monetary perspective similar to that of bitcoin, which has its great value and significance, starting with the Internet.


We need to look at the Internet at the technical level, the earliest PC times, we call it the desktop Internet, or the fixed Internet, in 06, 07, with the advent of the iphone, we have entered the mobile Internet age, which is a revolutionary age, and it is difficult for us to imagine how to live without the mobile Internet, and now that every person spends hours on smart phones every day, it is a huge technological change that has brought about a huge change in human-to-human relations, and in human-material relations.


Mobile Internet allows everyone to live digitally for hours, and I estimate that each person spends three hours a day on it. The book Digital Survival was written in 1996, but we were actually “ digital & rdquo; and by mobile Internet. As a result of the advent of mobile Internet, people become online 24 hours a day. In fact, in the next 5 to 10 years, distributed Internet will have a very significant impact on people, people, things, things and things, on society as a whole and on nature.


The distributed Internet is a necessary trend and is related to two factors:


Factor one: Material networking. It is expected that by 2050 there will be more than 100 billion smart devices in built-in sensors around the world, and there will be problems with how this hundreds of billions of smart devices can transmit and store data.


The author of Lost Control, KK (Kev Kelley), in a speech in China, said that 80% of future data communications could only be solved within a kilometre, because human society could not afford large amounts of data transfers. It was impossible to transmit 100 billion devices to central servers, because there was no such capacity and no such high cost to build a data centre & mdash; & mdash; the central cloud computing base was to transmit, receive, store, analyse data, and, finally, return the data to 100 billion devices, a cost that people could not afford, and we did not have so much bandwidth resources.


How do we solve this at this point? It's the distributed Internet — — if two smart devices communicate between them, let them handle it, no more upload to the central server and no more to the other place, and only the distributed Internet can do it. So the distributed Internet is going to be a very significant development in the age of object networking, or in the age of Mandarin, where the distributed Internet technology actually existed as early as 1999, but at that time it was used as a pirate and later blocked by the U.S. government.


There is also a case of China's PPTV, and you see it using distributed Internet technology, and you can't find anyone who's stealing. We know that to make a movie look smooth, we have to play 24 frames in a second, and 24 frames per second on a PPTV are in a different computer, so public security has no way of finding out who's stealing, you can't even find out who's stealing, and when you're on-demanding a video on a PPTV, based on this algorithm, we're going to put pictures in different computers, and we're going to show them in sequence within one second, which is the distributed Internet.


This is the simplest case of the distributed Internet, so the distributed Internet and the traffic situation in Beijing are the opposite. The traffic situation in Beijing is the more cars, the more traffic, the more the distributed Internet is connected to the Internet, the more the road is open. Because you think about what is in different computers, and if there are fewer endpoints to the Internet, it has to go further to extract pictures.


But the more there are on-line terminals, the more images can be extracted from closer, so this is the opposite: the distributed Internet block chain is built on the distributed Internet, it is a completely decentralised thing, and the development of this technology is very helpful to the block chain.


From the initial information Internet & mdash; & mdash; using the Internet to transmit information more efficiently and to address information asymmetries, we naturally generate new demands as industries + the Internet + or the Internet + grow longer online. In addition to transmitting information online, we can exchange value online, so value Internet technology is developed. If we want to define value Internet time, I think it was the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, and the birth of Bitcoin marks the official start of value Internet operations.


In 1999, the director of the MIT Media Laboratory wrote a book called Digital Survival, predicting the gradual migration of people from the real world to the digital world. So far, most of the people I have asked have said that it takes at least three hours a day to get online, and some more, so digital migration has led to the development of block chain technology, as well as to the fact that data are programmed, coded, everything turned to algorithms, which is its second feature.


Data Calculator Age


When it comes to the capacity to collect data, it can be divided into three stages:


Phase one, a phase where the data can be measured. When you have to understand social and natural data, you have to make manual measurements, because if you don't measure it, the data will never be known.


By the age of mobile Internet, a large amount of data had been left on the Internet, and there was no need for manual probative measurements, whether Alibaba, Tseng or 100 degrees, to enter the data-recording era naturally, but that was not the highest stage, starting slowly to enter into the data-calculation phase, where there was a latent but not yet real maturity. What was the computational phase? As the implanted chip developed, the sensors, the wearing devices, they could not only collect your data, they could actually be processed, they had already processed and analysed your data on the sensors, and many of the results were recorded directly.


I've seen a Taiwan manufacturer's cardiovascular surveillance device, which sells more than $20,000, and people who may have cardiovascular disease can carry it on their bodies, with a surveillance device on the bedside, which monitors your heartbeat while you are sleeping, and then feeds the results back into the processor. The presenter says that the device has saved several lives, and by night it is likely that the doctor will know it and catch it. In fact, it has been done locally, rather than recording the data, and will have to be used slowly. Instead, it must quickly enter the calculation when local data is collected, and when the results are told backstage, the backstage reacts immediately.


As the sensors that are implanted in the chips become more and more equipped, we do not just collect, store, but calculate directly locally, and of course this thing has to do with the distributed Internet, and the data itself has to be coded, and we call it the phase of code data, when the drivers of the entire economic activity become algorithm-driven. What is algorithm-driven? For example, very hot companies like Uber, drop-drivers, etc.


Uber is a big data technology company


You see the Uber management level, he's simpler than any taxi company in Beijing, and I've visited the Uber headquarters in more than 10 cities, 10 cities out of 10 a year ago, reporting directly to the San Francisco headquarters, each with its own rights, each with its own marketing strategy, no need to report to anyone, and a lot of right to strategy and use money.


In the past, we've seen hardly any taxi company that can handle taxis, they're pyramid-type structures, they've had a lot of meetings every day, they've written a thick rule that tells taxi drivers that they can do it, that they can't do it, that they can't do it, that they can't handle it. Why does a company like Uber take care of it?


Algorithm I, the dynamic adjustment of prices, ensures that the original five-minute hit time, and if the five-minute call is difficult, then start adjusting the price, adjusting it to the nearby Uber driver's feeling that it is a cut, so as to ease the difficulty of taxiing. Of course, the price is not random, but also to take account of the passenger's (user's) feelings, which is a very powerful calculation, according to which the movement is reasonable.


Algorithm two, and position matching algorithms. Uber is not a pick-up list, it is changing, and the droplets are now a monopolistic system. You call a special car on Uber, which is assigned to a driver, who comes to you, and to whom? Not to say that the nearest car from this hitter must be the first to arrive, but it could take more than 20 minutes to get in if it was blocked on Changan Street, even if it was only a kilometre. The Uber position matching algorithm in Beijing requires 24 hours of access to Beijing Street, spring and autumn, and you can only know, on the basis of historical data, which direction the car will reach its destination as quickly as possible.


I didn't understand one thing. When I went to Uber headquarters, I asked their management in the Asia region if they knew that a lot of people were billing and actually didn't carry customers, but he earned your subsidy, and he said he knew that I said how you were going to govern. They replied that they were not going to govern, and that it was normal that it was the price that had to be paid when they first entered China.


I find it strange, because it has the means, at least to some extent, to contain or reduce the damage, and why does Uber not take care of Uber’s 700 to 800 million dollars a year, when everyone says it does? In fact, I think it's paying to buy data, and you can leave customers alone, but if you run on the road, I collect at least street information and access data from Beijing, which will make the location matching algorithms more accurate and of great value, so you brush it, and I spend $800 million on more detailed data in 10 cities in China, which is still cheap.


Of course, there are engineers at home who do not have any value to Uber, but it doesn't matter to Uber, and I see that they don't care at all. There will be more and more businesses in the future, no longer need the pyramid structure, no more regulations. By software, no algorithms, you can run a globalized organization very efficiently.


A recent article has also said that companies will be redefined in the future on the Internet and that we will see a growing number of companies that operate by algorithms like Uber.


Value Internet must ensure the only value exchange


We just talked about value Internet. Value Internet has four characteristics:


Feature one, we're going to have a point-to-point, P2P value exchange on the Internet. There is one problem that must be addressed: — — information transfer, you send emails on the Internet, you can copy them at zero cost, one e-mail to one person, and 10,000 individuals, with little cost, but if you pay on the Internet, there must be a way to prevent a person from paying a dollar to 10 people, because only one person gets that dollar, so the information can be copied indefinitely, but the value exchange must ensure the only.


Feature two: Value Internet must have a set of rules on the Internet. Value exchanges on the Internet are de-intermediated, there is no bank endorsement, and how to ensure that people can be assured of payment depends on a set of algorithms to build trust relationships, which is also the result of block chains.


Characteristics three, zero marginal costs. With a set of algorithms to ensure confidence-building relationships, there are no intermediaries to charge fees, because there is no need to rely on intermediaries, and the transaction costs are, of course, zero.


Features IV. Values are exchanged. We pay digital money on the Internet, for example, in bitcoin, which is code currency, which is paid in bitcoin, or in other digital currency, which is a code-to-code exchange, so you can program this money, as if it were written on the back of a banknote, which is for soy sauce, which is unacceptable to all vinegar vendors.


In a case of image, if there are any children in this room who study abroad, he sends you a letter of $50,000 for tuition, and if you pay the money in a digital currency on the block chain, you can, at the same time, put together a small program to write in the school's collection account and send it to him together, and if your child does not pay the money in that account, the money will never be received, nor will it be transferred, which is programmed, which is not the money you pay, which is a code.


Two weeks ago, HSBC wrote a very serious study that the central bank should use block-chain technology to achieve its own monetary policy’s precise delivery. For example, the Bitcoin block chain, where any payment by bitcoin is traceable, any payment can be traceable, and if you compile a procedure, for example, that money is not allowed to invest in real estate, it will never enter into the real estate company’s accounts. So HSBC’s proposal is based on the technology of programmed block chains of digital currency.


understands the block chain from Bitcoin's deal

区块链大概就是这样的一个结构,我们简单的解释一下,以比特币的区块链作为案例(区块链不是只有比特币区块链)。比特币公有链是全世界的一本帐,全世界唯一的,比特币只有一个区块链那就是在全球拥有的,后来发展到了有一些金融机构,它要用区块链来做东西,它不能够搞一个没有国界控制的区块链上面来做事情,比特币区块链是全球的,没有任何主权国家去管理它,也没有任何中心 机构可以管理它,而且几乎没有哪个国家能够伤害它,不仅黑客无法伤害比特币区块链,政府也无法伤害比特币区块链。

The block chain is probably one of those structures, and we can simply explain that the bitcoin block chain is a case in point (the bitcoin chain is not just a bitcoin block chain). The bitcoin public chain is a book in the world, the only one in the world, the bitcoin chain is owned globally, and it has developed into financial institutions that have to do something with blocks chain, that can't do anything with a sector chain that has no borders, that is global, that has no sovereign State to manage it, that has no central agency to manage it, and that few countries can harm it, not only the hackers can't harm the Bitcoin sector chain, but the government can't harm the Bitcote sector chain.


The current confirmation time for Bitcoin transactions is approximately 10 minutes on average. This is a very different feature from that of the existing banking system and the way businesses are settled. Banks must close at 5 p.m. and cannot be open 24 hours a day, because the settlement is done every day, and most of the financial fraud is in the middle of the net collection, because you're writing it down, but the money's still on the way, and every bank has to fix the first day's accounts the next day.


Content I, last 10-minute summary of all bitcoin transactions.


Detailed records of all bitcoin transactions on the Bitcoin block chain in content two to ten minutes.


Component three, a time stamp on the web, is represented by all the accounts for this period.

那么这个区块就完成了,接着再进行下一个区块。简单地说,如果你在区块链上,把比特币从A帐户付到B帐户,每个帐户有一把公钥、私钥,采用非对称的加密方法,所以你公钥是可以解码的,但是私钥到现在为止,没有人有这个能力,不管是政府还是黑客,目前没有人看见过把私钥解开了的,你只需要向全网广 播,我要从这个帐户汇一笔钱到B帐户去,你把B帐户的公钥也公布了,这事情就结束了,跟你没有关系了,由在网络上其他的人去抢,抢到这个把你这笔交易记帐的权利。

So this block is finished, then the next block. Simply put, if you pay bitcoin from account A to account B on the block chain, each account has a public key, a private key, and an asymmetric encryption method, so your public key can be decoded, but until now, no one has the ability, whether government or hacker, to open the private key, and you just have to broadcast it to the whole network, and I'm going to transfer money from this account to account B, and you publish the key to account B, and that's over.


How? Start deciphering the two public keys that you have published, so you need to have a lot of computing power to decipher them, to decipher the keys, to confirm that there are 100 bitcoins in account A, and then to send the keys to account B. That's what we call mining. You do this, and each block produces 25 new bitcoins, and you get the reward, so mining is a very profitable business.


Basically, the cost should fluctuate between 1,000 and 1300, and with the ability to dig, the difficulty rises and falls is similar. Of course, when Bitcoin has only 1,200 yuan, the cost of digging falls to 800 yuan, so mining is a fun thing and profits are high, and as you increase your prices, it increases the difficulty, so the cost will rise, and it will always be profitable.


It's probably this structure, so as a bottom-up technology, it's going to change the entire registry settlement, the settlement of payments, the system, and the infrastructure as a whole.



At the end of the day, the block chain is an accounting system, a method of accurate accounting of the economic activities of end, point and P2P at the top of the Internet in the digital world.


As far as the Bitcoin block chain is concerned, there is only one account for all of the world’s bitcoin activities. Opening accounts, registrations, transactions, settlements, payments, all of them are done on a block chain, without any intermediary help, and no error has been noted for seven years.


So the block chain must be a very important infrastructure in the future financial system, like highways and automobiles, and it must make a big difference to the existing financial system, which is the ledger.


The block chain is a transparent and shared ledger, which is publicly available on the Internet, and you have the public key to it, and you know how much it has in it, so any time the value is converted, and the people interested in the world can look next to you, and the conversion is confirmed by the miners, so it is an Internet consensus mechanism. There is no way to tamper with it, because it is not for you to record what you are doing, whether you are doing it or not, and it is not for the rest of the network to decide that that is not the case.


There's an accounting firm that's done a lot of work around the world on block chain technology, and I asked them that in 2015 they already had $100 million in revenue to provide block chain services. If all businesses had their accounts on block chains, it would be much simpler for him to do a careful investigation, he didn't have to write a hard working draft, everything couldn't be changed, you just remember it, so Deloitte was the most active, because they thought it would save a lot of time.


The block chain is also the foundation of a decentralised organizational structure and a bottom-of-the-line protocol for Internet governance mechanisms. What's the Internet governance mechanism? This is a vocabulary that I invented.

如果你打专车不管是Uber还是滴滴,大部分司机会给你准备了水,给你准备了充电器,当你在车上接电话的时候,他会把音量调小,而且笑脸相迎, 但凡迟到了一小会儿,他一定下来帮你开门,会给你道歉,希望你不要给我评差分。出租车司机会不会这么做?不会的,为什么一个人一开上专车就变得这样了呢?

If you hit a car, Uber or drop, most of the drivers get you water and charge you, and when you answer the phone in the car, he turns it down and smiles at each other, but if you're a little late, he'll come down and help you open the door, and he'll apologize. I hope you don't give me a score. Will the taxi driver do that? No.

一切都是因为互联网治理机制,所以你不需要一个金字塔的组织结构来联系那些司机,你也不需要制订八大本、七大本的管理制度来约束那些司机,你也不需要开班会,也不需要开支部会,也不需要开党组会,这些司机个个都像活雷锋。很简单的道理,如果你是打出租车,在茫茫人海中,在长安街上,你随手一招招来一辆出租车,他心里头很清楚,你们这辈子再重逢的机会是零,我跟你笑有用吗?我给你准备了一瓶水有用吗?但是如果是专车司机,就不一样了,你的一个微 笑,你给他一个好评,如果收留了他的地址,他会获得更多的生意的机会,如果你收留了他的地址,你用同样的平台来打车,他就获得优先的推荐权,所以他的任何一次微笑,在第二天就能换钱,所以他值得为你微笑,这就是互联网治理机制。所以公司要被重新定义,如果你这个公司的业务,如果你觉得互联网的这些治理机制可以改进它,那你赶紧要用。

It's all because of the Internet governance mechanism, so you don't need a pyramid structure to contact the drivers, and you don't need eight and seven management systems to bind the drivers. You don't need a class meeting, you don't need a party, and you don't need a party, and these drivers are all like live thunder. It's easy to say, if you're a taxi, in the middle of nowhere, on the streets of Changan, you're looking for a taxi, and he's got the right of priority, so he's gonna smile at you for any smile, and that's the Internet governance mechanism. So the company needs to be re-defined, and if you take his address, he'll get more business, and if you take his address, he's gonna use the same platform, he's got the right of recommendation, so he's gonna smile at you for a second day, and that's the Internet governance mechanism.


Much on the block chain, much on the bitcoin block chain, such as the Internet Consensus mechanism, smart contracts, the Internet transparency mechanism, and shared accounts, including cryptographic mechanisms for cryptography of public keys, are very low-cost, marginal-cost management mechanisms.


The planned economy is the highest level of economic activity


Financial services under Internet autonomy are Internet finance, and at that time Internet finance, you are necessarily a code-to-code exchange, a process-to-procedure exchange, no longer a digital-to-digit exchange, a programmable currency.


Then we reached the highest level of economic activity in human society, the programmable economy, the programmed economy translated into a popular word, the ancient one. Indeed, we recorded the stage of the programmable economy, where everything could be planned. We did not have those tools before, so the planned economy was a very inefficient and proven impossible thing, but if we were complete enough to bring the economy into the programmable phase, the planned economy would really have its power. It was just a little too early for us to learn Marx, 70 or 80 years later, and where the programmed economy was based.


When it is completely digitized, we build relationships between people on the Internet, and it is clear to everyone that we no longer rely on these rules in real life to build relationships between us. In real life, we are alumni, you're from home, you're colleagues in the company, you're relatives, you're based on these rules, and you're setting up relationships between people, but on the Internet, when you're digitized, we have a digitized relationship, and the digitized relationship is no longer built on them. So on what basis?


Digital relationships are built on Internet protocols. Bitcoin, or digital monetary agreements, is one of them. I don't explain them all. As I said earlier, digital monetary agreements, block chain protocols, are one of the Internet protocols, like SMTPs, HTTPs, and web transport protocols. We built the mail communication relationship between us under mail transmission protocols. We built our web site on DNA, the domain name management protocol, and we found each other. We built the entire Internet based on TCip, and we established the basic rules for value exchange on our Internet, based on digital currency agreements.

机器设备都会拥有户口 物与物自主交易

/strang >


The rules for the construction of our digital relationship have changed considerably. In the context of the connectivity of everything, all our material equipment and assets, because they are digitally digitized, we know that numbers are highly liquid and data are liquid, so all material assets are called liquefied, or liquid, according to the IBM's " white paper ", and it has digital identity, it has a sensor, it has an IP address, it has ID identity, and the machine will be able to carry out a financial transaction between itself and another machine in the future with its own bank account.


The model is not missing, it's already developed a washing machine. If it doesn't have laundry powder, it automatically sends it to you through sensors, point-to-point encryption protocols.


The machine may have a digital wallet, and when the powder is delivered, the washing machine will automatically pay each other, so the machine and the machine can make financial transactions through digital wallets. The financial system as a whole was also challenged at that time.


Because the accounts are opened not only by people, but also by dogs, refrigerators, washing machines, and televisions, including electricity and water meters in your homes. A new problem arises with money-laundering. How do you know that the refrigerator is not hijacked by hackers, that the financial transactions in the fridge are in accordance with anti-money-laundering rules, and that the IP identity is real?


These assets, which are liquefied and digitized, we call smart assets, and we say that securitization of assets, without subsequent securitization of assets, is directly monetization of assets, which is monetized and has a higher level of securitization than securitization of assets.


It is a digital monetization that cannot be monetized into the renminbi or the United States dollar, because the renminbi dollar is not a code currency and you cannot make a procedure for the renminbi. I give you the renminbi with conditions and no way of doing it automatically.


When it is digitally monetized, in fact, these assets have acquired the attributes of being traded, in circulation, the rights of a transhipment, and that right, I tell you, his credit rating may be higher than that of a sovereign currency, because it is global. If it is in a public chain, monetized, bitcoinized, bitcoin traded globally, you can't say that bitcoin cannot flow out of China, that bitcoin cannot flow out of the United States, but you can monetize it on a private chain, that the People's Bank has its own block chain, that it is private, that it does not allow, but only those it recognizes, for example, that all banks in China can become miners, that it can's no point, that a private block chain cannot cross China, that it can do, but if you are in a public sector chain, it is basically a global commodity.

这个时候可编程货币,所有资产被货币化,这些货币就促成了人与人、人与物、物与物之间的自主交易,我们自然就进入到了可编程经济的这个阶段,这 个阶段也许十年以后,不可能是现在,因为它需要有一套法律确定那个被登记在区块链上的资产是合法的,否则的话就没有办法做到这一点。

This is a time when money can be programmed and all assets monetized, which leads to autonomous transactions between people, people, goods and things. Naturally, we have reached this stage of the programmable economy, which, perhaps 10 years later, cannot be the present, because it requires a law to make the assets registered in the chain of blocks legal, otherwise there is no way to do so.


Outlook for the application of the block chain


The application prospects of the block chain, which are described from different dimensions and different angles, are likely to be of value and significance. What are the applications of the block chain? Some people divide the block chains into 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.

1.0已经过去了,1.0就是09年的时候比特币在区块链上发行的货币,比特币没有别的,它就是一个数字货币,它不附着于任何东西,所以区块链1.0就是可编程货币的一个阶段,今年开始区块链2.0,就是我说过随着以太坊智能合约区块链被发明、设计出来, 我们就进入了区块2.0时代,叫智能合约时代,我们智能合约起来之后,我觉得我们就进入了可编程经济的这样一个阶段,这个阶段刚开始,往后还有很长的路。

1.0 is the currency that Bitcoin issued on the block chain in '09. Bitcoin is nothing else. It is a digital currency. It is not attached to anything. So the block chain 1.0 is a stage of programmable money. This year, the block chain 2.0 began, and I said that with the invention and design of the block chain of the Etherm Smart Contract, we entered the Zone 2.0 era, called the Smart Contract Age, and when we came up with the Smart Contract, I felt that we had entered such a stage in the programmable economy, which was just beginning and still a long way to go.

第三个阶段,社会治理,我觉得进入到一个可编程社会的阶段,很多东西你可以用区块链来做,不再需要政府,不再需要政府管理,不是我们完全不需要政府,现在政府做起来很多很高成本并且做不好的事情,用区块链就会很好地解决它,关于这个我不多讲。有一本书专门写区块链1.0、2.0、3.0,我们万向区块链实验室的丛书第一本《区块链新经济蓝图》,这本书翻译完了,现在在新兴出版社, 还有一个月时间的出版,大家看这本书1.0、2.0、3.0介绍的特别详细。

The third stage, social governance, I think, is the stage of a programmed society, where you can do a lot of things with a block chain, no more government, no more government, no more government, not a government. Now the government has a lot of expensive and bad things to do, and it's easy to solve them with a block chain. I don't care about that. There's a book dedicated to strip chains 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, the first of our series of serial labs, " New Economic Blueprints for Block Chains ", which has been translated and is now being published in the new publishers, and one month later, and you can see the special details of the books 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.


What the hell is a block chain? I don't technically, I do my own analysis from a social or economic point of view, and when you talk about digital money, when you talk about bitcoin, when you talk about a block chain, you often get a word called decentralizing.


Decentralization is also the worst thing the Governments of various countries have to do, as if you were going to overthrow the government. It is a big misunderstanding. It is simply decentralized, not counter-centralized, because there are many things that cannot be removed from the centre, even if you remove all the centres, remove the sovereign government, and finally, there is a God, and the Westerns end up being judged by morality. There are people who say that you are good or bad, that you are not going to the centre, that you are not going to the centre, that you are going to the centre, that you are going to be decentralized, that is actually the sub-centre.


It turns out that one of our central agencies has a monopoly on ownership, or a monopoly on one or another, and eventually turns it into a lot of centres to do this, and the most complete subcentre is that each of us has become its own. So the point to point, end, P2P is not without centre. At the end, the point to point, the two point to point, you are the center, but when you're through the subcentre and you're done, these intermediaries are gone, not the center.


The process of going to the Centre has always existed, not only now, but always with the development of technology, we have put in place centres that are not cost-effective because certain technologies have significantly reduced costs, improved efficiency and, ultimately, removed some of them.


In the financial sphere, what we call financial intermediation is a process that goes to the centre, from indirect finance to direct finance, and finally from finance to finance, as some say, finance for all. This is a centre in itself, a centre in which financial intermediation deepens.


Smart contracts, if there is a sentence to sum it up, are computer programs based on a block chain that automatically executes the terms of the contract, which is a computer program, but it can be stupid. On the basis of the browser of this smart contract, we knock our terms in, write your money, a key, and pay each other, of course, with the money. This smart contract is going to be executed, first it has to be digitized, turned into a smart asset, and then, when it becomes an intelligent asset, it can be monetized, so that when you exchange this asset, you exchange data, money, you can't move the machine to your home.


With a smart contract, we do not need to rely on intermediaries to help us build trust. We rely on a code, an algorithm to solve trust problems, a self-informed mechanism.


How to understand smart assets? Let's start with smart phones, when we move the Internet, we have smart phones, and then we have a lot of smart devices with sensors. What's smart assets? When smart devices are wired, if they can be monetized, it becomes an asset class, and it's not just equipment, it's a tool, it's a production tool.


issues three modes of digital currency

发行数字货币有三种方法。方法一、黄金模式。典型代表就是比特币,比特币是一个算法货币,事先建立一套算法,确定到2140年的时候,整个的比特币区块链一共可以产生 2100万个比特币,这是事先一套算法,所有人都可以去验证这是一个科学,每个人拿这个算法去验证,按照这个算法到2140年,总共能够2100万个比特币,只能这么多,不可能多,也不会少。但是这2100万个货币并没有被发行出来,不像央行,敲一串数字事先就出去了,它是像黄金一样藏在矿山里面,要通过挖矿的程序,才能每10分钟,每一个区块里面能够被挖出来25个比特币,不断地被挖出来,所以它是一个算法货币,但是又靠挖矿来发行,所以把它叫做黄金模式。

There are three ways of issuing a digital currency. Method one, the gold model. The typical representative is Bitcoin. Bitcoin. Bitcoin is an arithmetic currency.

方法二、石油模式。石油模式也是算法货币,也是事先依靠算法确定,它最终只能被挖出来多少,这个是固定的,所有人可以检验公开的,但是它的发行是众筹发行,就是不断地挖矿,这个系统一设立的时候,就通过众筹把货币一大部分发行出去了。发行出去之后,这个系统开始运转的时候,这些发出去的货币,类似于像燃料,这个系统运转的时候,会燃烧掉它的货币,所以最后你会发现在 100年或者200年之后,这个货币会被烧完,这个会越烧越少,那么这个货币肯定是越来越值钱的,因为你每运行一次这个系统,比如说以太坊、以太币就是一个典型的代表,以太币、智能合约,如果大家都用它的智能合约在网上签合同,每签一次合同就会燃烧,当然是忽略不计的一点点,对你使用合同的人来说,你的成本是忽略不计的,那你请律师不知道便宜多少倍。

Method II, oil model. The oil model is also an algorithmic currency. It can only be excavated by algorithms. It is fixed, and it can be tested publicly by everyone, but it is distributed publicly, and it is a continuous mining operation. Once it has been established, a large part of the money has been distributed by the public. When the system has been released, the money that has been sent, like fuel, is burned when the system is working, so you can finally find that 100 or 200 years later, the money will burn, and it will burn less and less, because you ask the lawyer not to know how much less expensive it is if you run the system, for example, it's a typical representative, it's too coins, smart contracts, and if you all sign contracts online with its smart contracts, it will burn every time it's signed online, and it's a little, of course, to ignore the cost to those who use it, and you ask the lawyer to know how much cheaper it is.


But it's going to burn a little bit, and in a hundred years, the currency will probably burn, and a new way of raising money will come out, which I call it.


The real free economic model of the Internet is this. All the free Internet economy we have now is a lie, just VC's money, and it's a free subsidy to users, not a free subsidy. But it's free, without ownership or access, or the whole business model is opened up, no longer closed, you don't need it, you don't need it, you don't need it, you don't need ownership, but you still get a good return.


Method III, I call it the moored asset model. That is, on the block chain, we keep all the property of the five-porter Institute of Finance, and if you register it on the block chain, whether you are registered on the block chain in Bitcoin, we say that it is registered on the block chain in Bitcoin, so what is the right of the five-point Institute of Finance? Having the same status as the dollar, you can distribute your currency to the world, and you can call it a dent, because all the money in the block chain is stateless, you own the property of the five-point Institute of Finance, and you have the nature of a global translator.


So, recently, the British Treasury and the British Central Bank are working hard to push digital money, and imagine that if the British government legislated to keep all British land and houses on the block chain, the users of the house and land would have the right to issue the global currency of the United Kingdom’s land and property as anchors, which means that every inch of the land in the United Kingdom would be able to regain its £ pound of that year, and that it could be global. In digital currency, I think that is why Britain has been lobbying globally for most of the last six months, and I know that several companies in the United States that do block-chain technology have been lobbied by the British Treasury to develop their assets in the United Kingdom.


If the British government does this, until people issue digital money, its assets are taken away from the world, and a lot of money goes to the UK. This is what I'm sure to buy in case something happens. This is the model of anchoring assets: redefining values creates models, opening up business ownership, moving to use rights, redefining money distribution, and any credible asset could become a global commodity, because it is not issued by a sovereign country.


In fact, if the People's Bank issues a digital renminbi, or panda coin, it actually breaks the TPP, breaks the IMF and goes to its SDR, there is no need to join the SDR. If you think your currency will be attractive, you issue a digital currency, in the chain of blocks, for use by people around the world, use it, and you don't have to say hello to the United States Government or abide by its agreement.


So I tell you, the block chain that I mentioned earlier is part of the Internet, and it's not out of the Internet, because when we talk about digitization, we actually talk about Internetization, so the block chain, bitcoin, is part of the Internet, it's just the data layer and the application layer of the Internet.

区块链本身有五个层:底层、共享数据层、网络层、协议层、应用层。现在,比特币确实处在早期,像互联网1994、1995年那个时候一样,但是不同的是时代变了,现在正处在摩尔定律指数级增长的这样一个阶段, 所以我们不需要再等25年,才能看到当年互联网被发明出来,或者被民用化之后,它带给世界翻天覆地的变化。区块链不再需要等20多年,10年足以,或者说15年就足以带来这种翻天覆地的变化,所以我们应该了解它,应该去研究它,应该做好这种心理准备,迎接这个时代。

The block chain itself has five layers: the bottom, the shared data layer, the network layer, the protocol layer, and the application layer. Now that Bitcoin is in the early stages, like the Internet in 1994 and 1995, but the difference is that the times have changed, and it is now at a stage of growth at the level of the Moore Law Index, so we don't have to wait another 25 years to see the Internet invented or, when it is civilized, to bring about a change in the world. The block chain is no longer needed for more than 20 years, 10 years, or 15 years to bring about such a change, so we should understand it, study it, prepare it, prepare for this era.




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