7月13日,由区块链实践家Chain VC与知名区块链项目IMC共同发起的理性·应用·未来—2018区块链传统行业创新峰会在河南郑州成功召开。活动现场,区块链业界大佬、技术达人、项目代表和传统企业等多方行业精英参与。
On 13 July, the Traditional Industry Innovation Summit for the Block Chain, sponsored by block chain practitioners Chain VC, and the well-known block chain project IMC, was successfully held in Henanzheng County. The event was attended by industry leaders, technocrats, project representatives, and traditional business elites.
The event focused on “chain” friends, deepening intra-industry communication through the event, better exploring the local application of block chain technology, and building a more industry-oriented and rational platform.
Henan is China’s most important economic province, with China’s fifth largest gross domestic product (GDP) ranking in 2016 in the central and western regions. The Chengzhou Commodity Exchange is China’s first inland futures exchange.
He's a friend of the chain.
Chain VC创始人兼YEX发起人黄建
Chein VC Founder and YEX Launcher Wong Jian Jian
会议伊始,主办方Chain VC创始人兼YEX发起人黄建发表致辞。他表示此次峰会的举办目的是以“链”会友,通过多方行业精英演讲沟通,讨论与发掘区块链技术与实际应用的结合,展现区块链应用最落地最实际的一面。
At the beginning of the meeting, the founder of Chain VC and founder of YEX, Huang Jian, delivered a message. He stated that the purpose of the Summit was to present the most practical aspects of the use of the block chain as a “chain” for friends, to communicate through multi-industry elite presentations, to discuss the integration of the technology and practical application of the block chain.
The beautiful chain angel investor and capital-black hole founder, Sun Ming-goon.
美丽链天使投资人兼资本黑洞原创研发人孙铭君孙铭君在会上表示,区块链真正的商业意义和价值将会是通证经济(token system),区块链带来了通证方案的新玩法,数字化、匿名、可追溯甚至可以无中心驱动,极大地扩展了通证系统的可用性,下沉了通证系统的应用场景门槛。尤其中国区块链的道路,必须充分发挥区块链的革命性、创新性,同时又充分服务于实体经济、实体产业,既能与中国现实制度对接,又能牵引经济和社会的进步。IMC全球美丽链为了实现区块链应用场景的落地,真正让虚拟和实体完美结合起来。华燕集团、新加坡谷通国际、美国斯坦福大学技术研发团队、国内顶级运营团队、VC等,经过近5年的筹划和准备,共同联合打造了此项目,它是第一个区块链与实体项目相结合的应用落地项目。真正实现了产品+区块链+物联网+金融+交易市场的商业模式闭环,“运动+挖矿”的模式由此应运而生,人们在运动中获得健康的同时还可以挖矿获得算力。
At the conference, the beautiful chain angel investor and capital of the Black Hole began by saying that the true commercial significance and value of the block chain would be the transcribed economy (token system), which would bring with it a new mode of passivity, digitalization, anonymity, traceability, and even non-centre driven, which would greatly expand the availability of the translator system and lower the threshold for its application. In particular, China’s sector chains must be developed in full revolutionary and innovative ways, while fully serving the real economy, the real industry, which would be able to interface with China’s real system and draw economic and social progress. The IMC’s global beauty chain would truly combine virtual and physical applications.
Forum for dialogue
Dr. Liu Chang, Professor of North Great Economics, the founder of Billie Capital, the co-sponsor of Mars Finance and Economy, Wang Feng, the founder of the capital black hole, and the founder of the IMF's global beautiful chain, Sun Ki-jung, held a dialogue forum entitled “How to better and more efficiently promote industrial landings and industrial development within a policy framework”.
Among them, Da Hung Fei suggests that, while promising, there are bubbles in the block chain industry, with many firms working on the block chain remaining at the conceptual stage, and even speculators working on fraud with the concept of the block chain. But he analyses that, after 2018, the block chain industry will enter a phase of forgery, the bubble will gradually be squeezed out, and the industry will gradually be on the path of virtuous development.
In the view of Liu Chang, the true value of block chains lies in their application. At present, many countries are actively embracing block chain technologies to open up a new race for international industry and to take up the top of a new round of technological innovation.
“Each project is ultimately about building its own ecology, that is, its own system of economic circulation. In particular, the platform’s projects are about to be shaped not only by technological and product capabilities, but also, and more importantly, by ecological outreach, to create a win-win system in a more open community-based partnership.”
Future and opportunities
峰会进行到尾声,爱思社区创始人虫哥讲述PC共识机制现状与展望,并和Chain VC创始人黄建、美丽链天使投资人孙铭君、点付大头等行业专家进行交流,讨论区块链技术的过去、现状以及未来的发展方向。
At the end of the Summit, the founder of the Athe community, Worm, described the status and vision of the PC Consensus Mechanism and exchanged views with the founder of Chain VC, Huang Jian, the beautiful chain angel investor, the Sun Ki-jung, and the leading industry experts to discuss the past, current state and future directions of block chain technology.
Through the summit, we can see that the application of block chain technology will change our lives. Education, finance, catering, transportation, etc., are all of the most relevant aspects of our lives. More and more areas have started to use block chain technology, and a new era has come.
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