比特币价格目前受到 1 天至 1 周 UTXO 年龄带的支撑。
The price of bitcoin is currently supported by a UTXO age band of one day to one week.
链上数据显示,人群的 FOMO 正在平息,预示着 BTC 价格可能触底。
The data on the chain show that the crowd's FOMOs are quelling, a sign that BTC prices may reach the bottom.
过去 24 小时内,价值 7260 万美元的 BTC 已被清算,其中 4962 万美元来自多头仓位
In the last 24 hours, the BTC worth $72.6 million has been liquidated, of which $49.62 million comes from multiple warehouses /strang
周二,比特币 (BTC) 价格在 65,000 美元附近挣扎。不过,BTC 似乎受到 1 天至 1 周 UTXO 年龄区间的支撑,其他链上数据表明错失恐惧症 (FOMO) 显著缓解,卖方流动性近期大幅增加,暗示 BTC 价格可能触底。
Tuesday, Bitcoin (BTC) prices struggled around $65,000. However, BTC appears to be supported by a UTXO age range of 1 day to 1 week, other chain data showing fear loss (FOMO) have significantly eased, and seller mobility has recently increased significantly, suggesting that BTC prices may touch the bottom.
CryptoQuant 的 UTXO 实际价格年龄分布指标中的数据包括一组实际价格以及年龄范围。叠加一组不同的实际价格有助于我们概览每个群体的持有行为,并可作为支撑位和阻力位指标。
Data in the UTXO real price age distribution indicator for CryptoQuant includes a set of real prices and age ranges. Overlaying a set of different real prices helps us to provide an overview of the behaviour of each group and can be used as support and resistance position indicators.
目前,比特币价格受到 1 个月至 3 个月线的支撑,如下图所示。该区域多次充当支撑,被认为是进行新购买的地方。
Currently, Bitcoin prices are supported by a one-month to three-month line, as shown in the figure below. The region has repeatedly acted as a support and is considered a place for new purchases.
另一方面,1 天至 1 周线是高价的盈亏平衡点,并充当 67,000 美元左右的直接阻力位。
On the other hand, the one-day to one-week line is a high-priced profit/loss balance and serves as a direct resistance position around $67,000.
Santiment 的社交内容“altseason”社交量数据显示了加密社交媒体上提及 altseason 的次数。在反弹期间,该指标的飙升通常预示着局部顶部,因为交易者变得贪婪并且他们对山寨币的兴趣上升。
The social content of Santement's social content, "altseason" social volume data, shows the number of references to altseason in encrypted social media. During the rebound, the spike in the indicator usually heralds a local top, as traders become greedy and their interest in mountain coins rises.
与 BTC 的情况一样,社交量指标在 3 月份达到最新高点后开始下降。这一下降表明错失恐惧症 (FOMO) 已大大平息,群体恐惧已将 BTC 的价格推至局部底部。
As in the case of BTC, the socialization index began to decline after reaching its most recent high point in March. This decline suggests that fear of missing (FOMO) has subsided considerably, and group fear has pushed BTC prices to the local bottom.
Coinglass 的清算数据表明交易者清算的多头或空头头寸的信息。这些头寸被迫平仓,因为资产价格的变动不利于它们。
The liquidation data for show information on multiple or empty positions in the dealer's liquidation. These positions are forced to level out because the price of the assets changes against them.
在过去 24 小时内,价值 7260 万美元的 BTC 已被清算,其中 4962 万美元来自多头仓位。这表明卖方流动性清扫已经发生,消除了大部分过度杠杆的多头仓位,并激活了一批待定买单,使他们能够以最小的滑点进入巨额仓位。这一事件可能有助于 BTC 形成局部价格底部。
In the last 24 hours, the BTC, valued at $72.6 million, has been liquidated, of which $49.62 million comes from multiple warehouses. This indicates that the seller's liquidity cleaning has already taken place, eliminating most of the excess leveraged multiple warehouses and activating a collection of pending bills to enable them to enter large warehouses with a minimal slide point. This event may help the BTC to form a local price base.
如前所述,BTC UTXO 实现价格年龄分布、社交量和清算数据均表明比特币可能找到局部价格底部。然而,如果全球整体市场情绪转为负面,且比特币现货 ETF 像上周一样表现疲软,看涨论点将失效,导致BTC价格下跌。
, as mentioned earlier, BTC UTXO achieves price age distribution, socialization and liquidation data all suggest that Bitcoin may find a local price base. However, if overall global market sentiment turns negative and bitcoin spot ETFs are weak as they were last week, the argument for rising will lapse, causing BTC prices to fall.
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