
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:69 评论:0
很多朋友对于币圈行情最新消息和今天币圈大盘下跌原因不太懂,今天就由小编来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!A lot of friends don't understand the...



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A lot of friends don't understand the latest news about currency circles and why they're falling today. We'll share it with the editor today. I hope it will help us all. Let's take a look.



Inflation has come up, and this time it's really happening. Maybe we don't feel strong in the consumer market, but it's just the beginning. It's like an interview with an electronic factory by the financial network: “I've been a factory for 10 years, not so much up, not a product increase, but a majority of the goods increase; not three to five points, but 10 per cent, 20 per cent.” The first wave of inflation is now known to be a rise in raw materials and bulk goods, and, unwittingly, 38 per cent in copper, 50 per cent in paper, 35 per cent in plastic, 37 per cent in aluminium, 30 per cent in iron, 30 per cent in glass, 48 per cent in zinc alloy, 45 per cent in stainless steel, and more than 100 per cent in IC. Since the end of February, it has been reported that a lot of product increases can be described as “out of control”, and a crazy rise, such as a one-off of 3,000 tons in special paper.


The underlying causes of inflation, as we all know, are the effects of global French liquidity in the wake of the new crown epidemic, with a global excess of 19.5 trillion dollars in national French (about $5 trillion in the United States) and an increase of more than 10% in our national M2 currency in order to support the economy in one year, which is the usual three-year amount. So global economists are already worried about the onset of bad inflation, and inflation is beginning to happen.


Of course, the current inflation has a “flash” component, and many of the price increases are the result of a combination of materials and capital borrowing, which is likely to be regulated by the state. But it must also be clear that the basis now is “excessive currency pursuits of too few goods,” and that the proliferation of French currency liquidity is a fact. Whatever the exchange rate, French currency relative to material depreciation, inflation inevitably comes with economic recovery, governments can adopt policies to reduce the impact of inflation and to regulate inflation inflating, but it is absolutely impossible to eliminate it.


To be honest, we do not feel strong at the moment in the consumer market because there is a certain lag in the transmission of inflation, starting with basic raw materials (metals, chemicals, fertilizers, paper rises, etc.), followed by industrial manufactures (e.g. rice now sows in March until harvests in November, when the cost of such inflation will not be reflected). For us ordinary consumers, the power of inflation will probably begin in the second half, but will begin at the end of the year. The recent blue reading of America’s financial writings, often seen as “students” or “fiscal media” is saying that inflation in the United States is not very strong, every time they see it, they laugh at the fact that most of America’s “social necessities” have been “final consumers” in China and other countries.


So a slow major earthquake has begun, and it is now taking place on the ground floor (basic raw materials) and will soon be passed on to the industrial product layer, ultimately affecting agricultural products and all consumption. Although inflation is not growing as fast as the earthquake, its effects on the economy are the same. This is the cruel fact that the economy was better in 2021, and investment was better.


For Bitcoin, the earthquake was a double-storey effect that would lead to relative instability in bitcoin performance this year, and there would be a number of major drops, and the entire currency circle would be disturbed by bitcoin up and down. Why?


The first layer of effects is macroeconomic and policy instability. In the United States, for example, the government’s dilemma in the face of inflation is a paradox. If interest rate increases reduce capital flows to control inflation’s growth rate, the economy and consumption recovery will be stifled, and if dollar spending continues to expand in the interest of economic recovery, liquidity inflation will grow rapidly.


The second layer of effects is the anti-inflationary nature of Bitcoin. The effect is not significant now, with Bitcoin’s risk-asset attributes being “uplifting effects.” But, as inflation grows and deepens, Bitcoin’s anti-inflationaryness should be given increasing attention. One possibility, for example, is that, in the midst of economic and policy turmoil, the stock market and other global investment markets will experience a pultic collapse, and that Bitcoin, as a risk asset, will fall, but each time it falls, its anti-inflationaryness is valued for the existence and development of inflation, attracting capital.


Finally, the Blue Note knows that most people now do not attach much importance to inflation, because almost none of this generation has much experience in living and investing in inflation, and many in the United States have thought inflation would never happen again in the past few years. The Fed is still talking about controlling moderate inflation that benefits the economy by around 2%, but some United States agencies have estimated in their correspondence with important clients that the inflation level in the United States in 2021 is around 10%, which is a terrible figure for large countries, such as the life-threatening nature of staple foods, the possibility that governments can control it by regulation, but that many other necessities of life and society will rise by 30 or 40%, which will cause a very large shock.


These are some of the analyses of current global inflation developments in the blues, as well as some reflections about the impact of inflation on bitcoin and currency circles.


Stand in the future and now, the blues will feel the wind of the times with you!


There is a premise that the global epidemic has led to a massive release of capital.


In the United States, a combination of multiple data shows that the Fed released more than $30 trillion during the current round of the epidemic. If you look only at the Fed’s balance sheet, you will not be able to get it. Because the Fed’s balance sheet is more than $3 trillion, this release has an unprecedented impact on the dollar’s credit or the dollar’s foundation, but the dollar will be rescued, so it will be difficult to crash, so that in 2022 the interest increase will have to be sharp enough to slow the US dollar crisis.

1,加密资产市场:冰糖橙从 6.9万美元跌至 3万美元(当然现在涨到了 4万多美元)。

1. Encrypted asset markets: Iced oranges dropped from $69,000 to $30,000 (which, of course, has now risen to over $40,000).


Traditional capital markets: the social first-largest meta (the previous facebook) fell close to 50 per cent; the tether fell close to 50 per cent; the most powerful Google in the Woncosmos has been stagnating for six months; even the database's Oracle has fallen by more than 30 per cent.


These Internet giants have fallen for a number of reasons: first, traditional Internet development has reached its peak and performance is unlikely to grow further.


Second, these traditional Internet giants get a lot of rights (such as data rights) that they shouldn't have.


Third, the expectation of an increase in the dollar is clear. In the past, the increase was accompanied by controversy and confrontation, and the 2022 increase was largely agreed in the global capital markets, so that the pattern of interest increases will hardly change.


Both traditional capital markets and our virtual assets were the first to fall, and the weight of this downward spiral cannot be underestimated, and the world is now very vigilant about these traditional Internet data hegemonics and has put in place various data-restrictive provisions, such hegemonic hegemonic powers.


The reason why the currency has fallen today is:


With the spread of the epidemic, global transactions have declined, people have become conservative, and total social consumption has declined significantly. At this time, the volume of transactions settled in bitcoin has been significantly reduced, and demand has been reduced, and prices have fallen.


Historically, encrypted currencies such as Bitcoins have suddenly plunged dozens of times at peaks. Behind the recent surge and collapse of dog coins is a “cooking game” for ordinary investors, represented by the “Mask” capital crocodiles.


At present, the sharp rise in the price of encrypted currencies is largely due to market speculation. Once the value of these virtual currencies, which are not controlled by the state, is explicitly denied by the world, virtual currencies will suddenly become worthless, and virtual currencies held by a wide range of investors will be locked in.


Outreach materials:

1)币圈,数字货币玩家自然形成的圈子。数字货币简称DC,英文是“digital currency”(数字货币)的缩写,是一种电子货币形式的替代货币。数字金币和密码货币都属于数字货币。数字货币是一种不受监管的数字货币,通常由开发者发行和管理,并为特定虚拟社区的成员所接受和使用。欧洲银行业管理局将虚拟货币定义为:价值的数字表示形式,不由中央银行或当局发行,不与法定货币挂钩,但由于被公众接受,因此可以作为支付手段或转移,以电子形式存储或交易。

1) Currency circles, naturally formed by digital money players. The digital currency acronym DC, in English, is the acronym “digital currency” and is an alternative currency in the form of an electronic currency. Digital gold and crypto-currency are digital currencies. Digital currency is an unregulated digital currency that is usually issued and managed by developers and accepted and used by members of a particular virtual community. The European Banking Authority defines virtual currency as a digital expression of value that is not issued by a central bank or authority and is not linked to a legal currency, but can be stored or traded electronically as a means of payment or transfer because it is accepted by the public.


Second, the currency chain has been completely “cool” in China. The three heads of virtual currency trading platforms, such as the currency ring, the currency ring, and the OKex, have been “officially declared” by the mainland market. Moreover, according to the Beijing daily press, at least 10 virtual currency exchanges announced the recall of mainland Chinese stock users as of 14 October, with some small and medium-sized institutions directly declared closed, given that the exchange cut-off route has been finalized.




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