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——本文是Patrick Ejeke所著 “What is web3”第三章的上半部分的翻译。

— This is the translation of the first part of chapter III of Patrick Ejeke's “What is web3”.


The goal of Web3.0 is to make Internet searches clearly faster, simpler and more efficient, and even to allow complex terminology to operate at the fastest possible speed.


A web 2.0 user must use the front end of the web application (the browser web interface, or the app's appearance, interpreter's note), the front end is connected to the back end (server, interpreter's note), and the back end communicates with the database. All the codes are hosted on the central server and sent to the users via the browser.


Web3.0 does not have a centralized database to store program information, nor does it have a centralised network server to store backend code. On the contrary, there is a block chain system that allows developers to create applications on decentralised state machines maintained by anonymous nodes on the network.


The logic of your application is determined by a smart contract, which is developed by developers and deployed on decentralised state machines.


Photo's'rc' > < >


(Preliminary description of the above figure: One or two parties sign the contract, write the code, and then deploy to the block chain. The parties sign the contract anonymously, while the content of the contract is public. 2. The trigger event, e.g. maturity, price fulfilment, etc., automatically executes the contract. 3. Regulators can use the block chain to understand economic activity in the market while maintaining the privacy of the parties involved.


Anyone interested in developing a block chain application can run their code on a general state machine. The front end code is almost identical to Web 2.0.


The following is an illustration of how Web3.0 should be applied:


Photo's'src' <


Web3.0 architecture


The architecture of Web3.0 contains four elements:

  • 以太坊区块链——这是由对等网络节点组成的全球状态机群。世界上的任何人都有权限访问这些状态机,并且写入内容。这些状态机由网络中的每个人共同拥有,而不是由任何一家公司拥有。用户可以添加新的数据到以太坊区块链,但是不能改变旧的数据。

    takes the chain of -- a global network of peer nodes. Anyone in the world has the right to access these state machines and write their content. These state machines are owned by everyone in the network, not by any single company. Users can add new data to the Ether block chain, but they cannot change old data.

  • 智能合约——智能合约是运行在以太坊区块链之上的程序。App开发者用例如Solidity和Vyper这样的高级开发语言编写这些程序,以确定当状态变量变化时的程序逻辑。

    Smart contracts - Smart contracts are programs that run on the Etherm block chain. App developers prepare these programs in advanced development languages such as Solidity and Vyper to determine the logic of the process when a state variable changes.

  • 以太坊虚拟机——这些虚拟机负责执行智能合约表示的业务逻辑。他们负责处理状态机上发生的状态变化。

    These virtual machines are responsible for the business logic expressed in smart contracts.

  • 前端——前端,像其他程序一样,定义了UI界面逻辑。不同之处在于,它与表述业务逻辑的智能合约通信。

    Front-front, like any other program, defines the UI interface logic. The difference is that it communicates with the smart contract that expresses the business logic.


Dapps - Enter the Web 3.0 gate


We will continue to use the same browsers and the Internet. Within them, there will be major changes. The new technologies used will take time to develop, and once they are developed, there will be plenty of new opportunities to explore (at least technically). The learning curves for ordinary users will be shorter.


In order to prepare for the future, organizations should fundamentally change their technical composition by joining block chains and other relevant technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data, etc.


In this case, we will mainly use decentralised apps.


Before submission, each web transaction (Web3.0) will be signed and validated. This will make the Internet more secure. Users will feel safe when using the new Internet.


The Real World Case of Web3.0


Web3.0 has been used in different areas, such as virtual assistants, education, social networking, messaging, trade services, browsing, etc.


For example, if you're working and you want to know how many groceries you have at home, you can get your digital assistant to analyze what's in the fridge.


In addition, you can use ubiquitous networking tools at home to coordinate your vacation plans, business trips, weekends, domestic service and even to ensure the safety of your family.


The virtual assistant's tailor-made advice will guide you in planning for the desired weekend, from ordering discount tickets to discovering attractive new attractions to booking accommodations.


Examples of Web3.0 applications


The following are some of the famous web3.0 applications to illustrate their broad application:


Siri, Apple's personal assistant


Siri is an excellent example of voice recognition software as a key Web3.0 component. Siri and other personal assistants use this technology to interact, exchange information (by connecting blocks) and provide users with more useful search results for each relevant query, including how, why, and what.

Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha是一个现在使用Web3.0的智能计算平台。这个软件可以在类似数学、营养和科学等领域计算用户的响应。它可以即时与其他应用从他们的数据库中交互数据,再为终端用户将结果进行简化。结果,和Web2.0相比,现在它运行地更快,计算的结果更为准确。Siri经常从Wolfram Alpha那里得到帮助。

Wolfram Alpha is a smart computing platform that now uses Web3.0. This software can calculate user responses in fields similar to mathematics, nutrition and science. It can immediately interact with other applications from their databases and simplify results for end-users. As a result, it now functions faster and calculates more accurately than Web 2.0. Siri often receives help from Wolfram Alpha.



Steemit is an excellent example of a Web 3.0 social networking platform. It is a network of social media models based entirely on the Steem block chain. It rewards content writers and bloggers as their contributions to the platform with encrypted currency. This is where Web3.0 works, as it allows the platform to reward contributors with encrypted currency in a secure environment.



Sola is another example of a Web 3.0 social networking site. This is a distributed node, an IPFS (distributed storage network, interpreter's note) and a go-to-centre social network supported by the Taiwan block chain.


Sola, unlike Steemmit, uses block chain AI to create a mix of social networks and media. It rewards and motivates all participants, including users, third-party developers, and core teams of virally transmitted content.

网站用AI算法,只选择优秀的算法来进行激励,而不是仅仅依靠人的反应来传播帖子。此外,Sola用自己的虚拟货币(称为Action Point)奖励用户,用户可以将其用于自己的内容和支持其他用户的内容。

The website uses AI algorithms, which provide incentives by choosing only excellent algorithms, rather than simply relying on human reactions to disseminate posts. In addition, Sola uses its own virtual currency, called Action Point, to reward users, who can use it for their own content and to support the content of other users.



IDEX is a decentralized exchange compatible with Web3.0 that trades ERC-20 tokens. Because IDEX is an Ether-based exchange, users must have an Ethermin wallet to trade on its website. They also need to make full use of IDEX using METAMSK, an encrypted currency wallet that interacts with Ether.


e-Chat是一个去中心的区块链驱动的Web3.0应用。它主要是一个安全的消息发送器,但也是一个迅速成长的社交网络。用户能够从分享数据中获利,而不用担心数据被盗窃。结果,它经常被用来发送加密货币。用户可以在App商店或者谷歌Play Market下载e-Chat。

e-Chat is a Web3.0 application driven by a block chain going to the center. It is primarily a secure sender of messages, but it is also a rapidly growing social network. Users can profit from sharing data without fear of theft. As a result, it is often used to send encrypted money. Users can download e-Chat at App store or Google Play Market.



Going to the center storage is a core feature of Web3, which Stotj takes advantage of. It is the oldest and most widely applied go centre storage system, driven by block chain technology, allowing users to rent their idle hard disk space.


Storj uses its own money as a means of payment for the network. Users use the size of the free hard disk space on the home page to obtain funds paid by the lessor.



Everledger is a case of Web3.0 insurance and banking. This distributed digital global register is designed to enable users to store data digitally and access data whenever and wherever they want, while ensuring data security. Everledger can protect data and reduce the risk of fraud on the part of users, banks, open markets, and insurance companies, as Web3.0 contains data encryption functions.



LBRY is a web 3.0 video and music site with many types of content, including e-books, music, and video. This digital library goes to the centre to publish content and monetizes it through its embedded payment system, which is supported by block chain technology.



Ethlance is a remote recruitment platform that runs on Web3.0. This decentralised program operates on the Tetsu block chain, allowing anyone to recruit and pay for their work in talisman, which was not feasible before.


More Dapp details will follow.


Web3 how to authenticate


The web3 authentication function will differ considerably from what it is now. Most of the time, the Web3 application is authenticated by linking it to the wallet address of the person using the application.

和Web2 例如身份验证或者邮箱+密码(这几乎要求用户提供敏感个人信息)的验证技术不同,钱包地址是匿名的,除非用户选择将自己的身份信息附加其上而公开身份。

Unlike Web2, for example, identification or mailbox + password (which almost requires users to provide sensitive personal information), wallet addresses are anonymous unless users choose to attach their identity information to their top and public identity.


If users use several dapps with the same wallet (address), their identities will be transmitted between apps at no cost and their reputations can be built over time.

类似Ceramic(一个通过web3和区块链技术构建的去中心化的、可跨链的、能管理动态内容的数据库服务)和IDX(Index chain,专为隐私而设计的区块链)这样的协议和技术现在能够使开发者将身份自主权纳入他们的应用,以替换标准的验证和身份层。以太坊基金会也有一个活跃的用“以太坊登录”的标准的身份验证(RFP),这将有助于在未来提供一种更为简化的和文件记载的方法来实现。这也是一个很棒的关于如何改进典型的身份验证过程的思路。

Agreements and technologies such as Ceramic (a decentralised, multi-chainable database service built through web3 and block chain technology that manages dynamic content) and IDX (Index chain, customized for privacy) can now enable developers to incorporate identity autonomy into their applications to replace standard authentication and identification layers. The Taiku Foundation also has an active identification (RFP) standard using “Team login”, which will help to achieve a more streamlined and documented approach in the future. This is also a good idea for improving the typical identification process.





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