General Sign is an intellectual contract built up through encryption techniques, shared rules, , pooled currency properties, values, reputational properties, security attributes, and other attributes of one body, etc. The certificate can be administered for intellectual compliance, but can also be owned and used for people with financial keys. The certificate is one of the hard cores of the district chain.
Pass is a negotiable certificate , with rights of use, yield >. In general body of evidence, there are three kinds of characteristics:
(1) general purpose: To have three properties that are usable, convertable and repossessable
(ii) Testimony: Three attributes of awareness, anti-fouling, technical co-appreciation.
Value (3): Socially shared, value-bearing attributes
從通證的價值屬性來說,通證具有價格、收益、權利三個維度的屬性。這三種屬性既相對獨立相互影響,又相互依賴密不可分。一種通證可能具備一個或者多個價值的屬性,幾種屬性之間可能相關 如:收益和價格。不同屬性之間的通證兌換模型可能不確定,或者隨環境變化而變化而無法形成兌換關係。多維價值尺度實際上是通證發行方的一種表現和傳播,而非單純的經濟活動。[2]
, , , , 通證的發展歷史具有以下三個規律:
The development of the circular has three rules: 第一,在原始時代、農業時代和工業時代,通證的形式由相對分散向相對集中演進,在信息時代,通證的形式有從相對集中向分散髮展,有日益多元化的趨勢,但這個趨勢中間存在曲折反覆的過程﹔
First, in original times, agricultural times and industrial times, the mode of communication evolves from one to the other, and in information times, from one to the other, to the other, and there is a trend towards increasing diversity, but there is a reversal of this trend; 第二,在農業時代和工業時代,通證有脫離實體、逐步虛化的趨勢,在基於區塊鏈的信息時代,通證與實體經濟的結合度有提高的趨勢﹔
Second, in agricultural and industrial times, there is a tendency to move away from the reality and gradually to deconstruct, and in information times based on the chain, there is a trend towards greater convergence with the real economy; 第三,實物通證的成立邏輯在於其使用價值,而虛擬通證的成立邏輯在於使用者的共識等人類高層次的意識形態,實物通證和虛擬通證會長期共存。
Third, the establishment logic of the evidence is the value of its use, while the establishment logic of the virtual certificate is the congeniality of the human mind, such as the user's common sense, which coexists for a long time. 通證的本質是特定組織或個人通過去中心化的密碼共識平臺發行和流通的信用證券。具體來說:
The quality of the certificate is 信用憑證。
1, token is a private . 藉助於以太坊或比特幣的平臺,任何人都可以發行自己的token,給它起一個自己喜歡的名字,確定發行總量,調用平臺工具實現轉賬。除了採用的發行手段不同以外,它跟傳統意義上的基於信用的各類證券沒有本質區別。我發行一個token,只要別人付出某種代價而持有它,無論我給予何種形式的回報承諾,其本質都基於我的“信用”,應計入我的“負債”。token跟我寫給朋友的借據本質是相同的。
By contributing to the platform of 2, token based on a password-based system (. 密碼共識機制是比特幣賴以實現去中心化的那套技術和協議,也就是所謂“區塊鏈”,實際的區塊鏈僅僅是這個機制中的一項次要技術[1]。比特幣和以太坊是依據密碼共識機制設計的去中心化的密碼共識平臺。token是這些密碼共識平臺的產品,是通過比特幣或以太坊等公鏈提供的協議、腳本、節點、軟體等設計、創建、發行和流通的信用憑證。比特幣或以太坊平臺的密碼共識機制儘管沒有改變token的信用本質,但讓整個發行和流通過程變得公開透明,從而更加可信。離開了通過密碼共識機制建立的去中心化平臺,token就跟游戲金幣、Q幣、商城積分等沒什麼差別了。
The PAC system is a set of techniques and agreements whereby Bitcoins can be decentralised, the so-called AE%BE8%AE1 `tile=' mechanism design secondary technology. Token and the Ether are the products of the PCCs based on a code common understanding password sharing . Token is the product of the PCI, which is the product of the PCI, provided by a public chain such as the Bitcoins or the Pygmies, which has made it more transparent, a credit certificate for the creation, development, development and circulation of the PETs, and not all of the PETs, which have been able to operate, but have no more transparent, market-driven, market-driven, market-driven, and all-owned, market-owned, market-owned, and all-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-mo-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-mo-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to- 3、token的價值依賴於密碼貨幣。
3, token values are dependent on . 藉助於以太坊和比特幣發行的token為什麼就比傳統token有這麼大的影響力呢?關鍵在於,這些token一經發行就可以在完全開放的比特幣和以太坊平臺上,通過近乎完全自由的比特幣和以太幣進行交易,並且很容易進入中心化的交易平臺進行大規模撮合交易。也就是說,token藉助於它所依附的較成熟的密碼貨幣系統,獲得了傳統token難以獲得的巨大流動性。
Why does Token, which helped to be released in Taiyo and Bitcoin, have so much influence over the traditional Token? The point is that these Tokens can trade in fully open bitcoins and ephemeral platforms as soon as they are issued, and make a large scale deal with the tacos through the near-free bitcoins and 4、token運用密碼技術確認權屬。
4, token operates password-based authentication. 從技術細節上看,token跟傳統token的一個重要差別在於,新的token利用非對稱密碼技術的公私鑰確認權屬。公鑰在密碼共識系統中記錄token數量及其轉移方向,用戶持有的私鑰確定對應公鑰的token的歸屬,並對轉移進行簽名授權,而不需要依賴第三方來見證和確認,可以說是“去中介”。不過,離開了“共識”(即分散式共識),單純的“密碼”應用無法讓token獲得上述自由發行便利和強大的流動性。“密碼共識”才是token的基礎(比特幣或以太坊)的基礎。
In terms of technical detail, an important difference between Token and the traditional Token is that the new Token uses non-reciprocal public-private key to authenticate rights. Keys record the number of tokens and the direction in which they are transferred in a password-sharing system, and the private key held by the user determines the attribution of token to the key, as well as the authority to sign the transfer, without relying on a third party to prove and confirm it, which can be described as “intermediate”. But, after leaving the “consensus” (i.e., a decentralized consensus), the simple “password” should not allow Token to gain the above-mentioned free-direction facilities and powerful mobility. 1、從廣義角度,按照屬性維度,通證可以分為:價值型、收益型、權利型、標識性。
1. From a broad perspective and according to the properties dimension, the certificate may be divided into: value type, profit type, rights type, and symbolism. (1)價值型:作為價值載體,直接對應價值,如儲值卡、兌換券等。
(1) Value type: as a value carrier, direct matching values such as , coupons, etc. (2)收益型:持有人在應用場景中獲得權利,如優惠卡、貴賓卡等。
(2) Beneficiary: holder has acquired rights in the application scene, such as preferential cards, VIP cards, etc. (3)權利型:具有收益權可以持續產生收益的,如債券、股票等。
(3) Rights: Gains with can continue to generate gains such as , , etc. (4)標識型:本身並不具體價值特征,但是某種有價證券或者客觀事實的標識,如房產證、老年證。
(4) label: Not a personal value signature, but a type of or sign of objective facts such as , old-age certificate 2、狹義講,通證即數字貨幣,token 即代幣。按照資產屬性不同可以分為:幣、平臺、應用、實物資產代幣化。
2. In short, the certificate is , token or intergenerational currency. (1)幣
(bills/b>) 容量:超過 1000 個品種 功能:另類投資品種之一,區塊鏈資產領域的交換媒介”
Capacity: , 典型產品:比特幣、萊特幣
Typical product: Bitcoin, 主要指標:參與節點數、流動性
Main indicators: Participation Node, (2)平臺
(2) Platoon 容量:約有 20 個品種
Capacity: about 20 species 功能:建立技術平臺,為各種應用開發提供基礎技術支撐
Function: Establishment of a technology platform to provide base technology support for various applications development 市場:相當一部分平臺處於開發,機構投資占有一定的份額
Markets: A significant part of the platform is in development, and there's a certain amount of investment in the institution. Typical product: , Fabric, ant 主要指標:技術指標、開發進度
Main indicators: , development progress (3)應用
(3) application 容量:約 300 個品種
Capacity: approximately 300 species Function: , social, energy , property rights protection, etc. 市場:區塊鏈資產增長最快的品種
Markets: The fastest growing species in the chain of assets 典型產品:OMG
Typical product: OMG 主要指標:開發進度、參與節點數
Main indicator: development progress, number of participating nodes (4)實物資產代幣化
(4) Real property monetization 容量:不超過 10 個品種
Capacity: No more than 10 species Features: , 市場:由於各國法律界定尚未明確,市場容量較小,但與資產證券化相結合,想象空間大
Markets: is smaller, but is compatible with . 典型產品:DigixDAO
Typical product: DigixDAO 具體而言,區塊鏈的通證(token)可以用於:
Specifically, (1)代幣——ERC-20類型的通證基本屬於這種類型。可用於眾籌、債券發行、商品與服務的買賣,其總市值代表一個項目的總資產和總價值。
(1) Currency - ERC-20 generality essentially belongs to this type. Available at , . (3)所有權令牌——ERC-721代幣屬於這種類型
(3) All rights medals - ERC-721 is of this type. (5)投票權——如EOS
(7) Tickets or passes (party, concert, playground, etc.) (8)自治組織的治理工具
(8) Governance tools for self-government organizations (9)安全保障手段——如比特幣、ETH等
(9) Security instruments - e.g. Bitcoin, , etc.
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