
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:33 评论:0
若不是为了集成区块链技术,大连医科大学附属第一医院(下称大医一院)或许能提前半年上线互联网医院。If it is not for integrated block chain technology, the Univers...



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If it is not for integrated block chain technology, the University of Dalian Medicine Hospital I (hereinafter referred to as the Hospital I) may be able to access the Internet six months ahead of schedule.


“We started the construction of the Internet Hospital last year, and by the end of the year it will be almost complete and will be operational on a trial basis by the end of January this year.” In Dandan, the Deputy Director of the Information Department of the First College of Medicine told the health community that, on 17 September, the Internet Hospital of the First College of Medicine was officially launched.


In addition to the intermediate review process, the first attempt to apply block chain technology to the Internet hospital system in the north-east, “and thus to make some innovations”, is an important reason for the delay in the Internet hospital's access.


The block chain, which is a distributed and shared “book” (transaction) and database, has been in existence for more than a decade and has been primarily applied in the financial field and is currently under-used in the field of health care, with features such as tamper-proofing, backtracking, collective maintenance and transparency.


Why do they use block chain technology? How do they do it, and what difficulties do they encounter? Today, with these questions in mind, the health community has conducted interviews with relevant members of the hospital.



"The patient cannot feel the chain of blocks"


When a patient accesss the Internet hospital service via a micro-mail program, the "uplink" begins. The upper chain means that the user data is recorded on the block chain node. Once the "uplink" is confirmed, the unique properties of the information become unalterable.


However, at the user level, this is no different from the use of other Internet services, and users are not aware of the block chain technology behind them.


“Simply put, the block chain is part of the backstage, a data security technology for hospitals, and patients do not feel any inconvenience in accessing Internet hospitals.” The Chief of the Information Department of the Grand Hospital explained.


But precisely because it was “not felt by the users”, there were many discussions within the hospital about the “use-of-block chain” and there were a number of questions.


The challenge is two-fold. First, as a new technology in the field of health care, most people do not know what can be of help to hospital care; and second, when patients are unconscious in their use, their application is difficult to evaluate.


“Therefore, our information department is under considerable pressure.” The Director said that at that time, the Institute attached great importance to the use of Internet hospitals, and that, as regional flagship hospitals, any decision-making was very cautious and, of course, very demanding of the application of new technologies.


In order to solicit comments, hospital departments have met several times to discuss the application of block chain technology, during which there have been some controversy and directional questions. The Vice-President of the hospital’s informative nature has long been concerned with the dynamics of science, technology and innovation, as well as with policy orientation, and to identify future trends in the health sector, with a view to laying the groundwork for the future development of intelligent hospitals by exploring the application of technologies such as artificial intelligence, block chains, etc.


“So, with the support of the head of the court, the Ministry of Information decided to explore the application of the block chain from the point of view of data security, and also pointed out the direction of development for the technical staff.” The chief cow said that the primary idea of applying block chain technology was to guarantee the authentication of key data, as well as secure data storage transmission and access.



After many studies, hospitals have chosen a block chain service platform for an Internet giant. The platform provides an open, relatively secure, flexible infrastructure service at the bottom of the block chain.


“We will not listen to the unilateral propaganda of platform producers alone, and the Ministry of Information has organized a number of online and offline meetings of the multi-participating units of Internet hospitals to discuss where to start and how to move forward.”


According to Zhang Bin, Deputy Technical Director of the Ministry of Information of Hospitals, the Internet Hospital Information System has been integrated into a block-chain platform, using block-chain technology to de-escalate key data, share a block-chain service platform, and use multi-point decentralized models to maximize data security against tampering.


While a critical part of the data is stored using the manufacturer's cloud chain platform, which is encrypted through the block chain platform, the complete data remains stored in the hospital system, and the ownership of the data remains with the hospital, maximizing the patient's right to privacy.


Internet hospital “uplink” closed


In accordance with the deployment and planning of hospitals, the first phase of the development of the Internet hospital + block chain application, i.e. the “user's personal information chain”, has now been completed.

牛主任表示,在大医一院互联网医院完成用户信息的“上链”之后,接下来的还有很多工作要做,作为 “第一个吃螃蟹的”,如果应用效果很好,就会继续做下去。

The head of the cow said that, after the completion of the “uplink” of user information at the Internet Hospital of the Medical College, much remained to be done as & nbsp; the “first crab eater” would continue to do so if the application worked well.


According to Jordan, at the end of January, when the Internet Hospital was tested, there were approximately 100 doctors online and more than 100 free consultations per day. To date, the Internet Hospital has served nearly 8,000 times, with plans to increase the number of online doctors to around 300. “Our Internet Hospital is being built in three phases, with the first phase of prescription and distribution of medicines, the second phase of appointment testing, and the third stage of appointment screening.”


As the use of Internet hospitals progresses, the number of patients increases and data accumulates, the importance of information network security is increasingly felt in hospitals.


When user information, drug information, prescription flow, inspection and inspection information are all chained up, patients'information can be received by pharmacies, pharmacies and inspection and inspection agencies, and institutional management and supervision authorities can obtain the corresponding management information based on a credible block chain platform, which allows for the creation of an eco-closing zone of an Internet hospital based on a block chain to provide reliable data assurance.



If there is only one hospital with a block chain, it does not really function as a block chain technology. The most important feature of the block chain is the “multiple nodes” and the more the nodes are the better. Without more nodes, distributed storage and tampering will not be possible.


Thus, since the medical + block chain is required, it is necessary to promote the location of the block chain in a number of hospitals and institutions.


It is understood that the extension of block chain technology to several medical institutions within IMSH, as envisaged by Xia Yunlong, has resulted in a multi-node model in the entire network of medical + block chains in the region following the application of numerous block chains, and that operational data such as user information, prescription flow, inspection and inspection among medical institutions will be safer and more efficient, leading to “interlinkage, mutual supervision and data sharing” when suppliers, service providers, and regulators have also set up corresponding nodes.


This is clearly a bigger game of chess. The future will also involve more links, preparatory work, and challenges.




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