以太坊是具备开源智能合约功能的公有链平台,通过专用加密货币以太币(Ether)实现去中心化虚拟机(EthereumVirtual Machine),提供积分?two ?处理积分合同。以太坊的概念是在2013 ~ 2014年受到比特币启发的程序员维塔里克?由buterin提出,2014年众筹开始开发,2015年7月30日网络正式成立。
Ether is a public-chain platform with open-source smart contracts, with decentralised virtual machines (Ether) in special encrypted currencies, providing points?two? handles points contracts. The Etherm idea is that Vitalik, a programmer inspired by Bitcoin in 2013-2014, was launched by Buterin in 2014, and the network was launched on 30 July 2015.
The following are the main uses of the Tatmadaw.
1 .智能合约:智能合约是以太坊的重要功能,它可以在没有第三方介入的情况下执行可编程合约。这意味着以太坊可以用于保险、房地产、股票交易、债券等各种场合。
1. Smart contracts: Smart contracts are important functions of the Taiku, which can be programmed without third-party intervention. This means that Etheria can be used for insurance, real estate, stock trading, bonds, etc.
2. Distributive applications (DApps): This offers the possibility of many new applications, such as social media, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, and non-equal currency (NFT) markets, where developers are allowed to create distributed applications that do not need to be run by a central agency.
3. Encrypted currency transactions: Etheria is the second largest encrypted currency after Bitcoin. It can be used as a means of payment to support the exchange of cross-border remittances and other encrypted currencies.
4. Zero proof: This is an encryption technology that can prove to one of the parties that a description is true without disclosing information other than the description. The Tails are exploring the use of zero proof of knowledge to improve safety and privacy.
5 .跨链技术:以太坊的重要目标之一是其他区块链?与网络的互操作性。通过跨链技术,以太坊可以与其他区块链网络进行交互,用户可以在不同区块链之间转移资产和信息。
5. Cross-chain technology: One of the key objectives of the Etherms is other block chains? Interoperability with the network. Through cross-chain technologies, the Etherm can interact with other block chain networks and users can transfer assets and information across the chain of blocks.
Ether is a multifunctional platform that can meet the various scenarios and uses of innovative applications.
Ether is an easy-to-use chain for anyone to write smart contracts, program, visualize and issue tokens.
As in Bitcoin, Ether's is centralized and can be recorded online, transparent and non-distorted.
Etheria is a programming language that allows developers to create and publish next-generation distributed applications.
It provides procedures for voting, domain names, financial transactions, public fund-raising, business management, contracts and most agreements, intellectual property rights, and intellectual assets that benefit from hardware integration.
The prices have changed a lot lately.
Etheria is the currency in the virtual currency of the current block chain and the currency that many diggers dig.
Excavation is the basis for the development of the block chain, which is very important to exist, and must begin with the excavation of the block chain.
The use of shells for mining allows for a faster understanding of the block chain and the Ether currency. Moreover, excavation also enhances returns.