Terms of Service | Riot Games

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:64 评论:0
上次修改時間:2024年6月26日 Last modified: 26 June 2024 各位玩家們好!Hello, players! 本《服務條款》(以下稱「條款」)載明台灣大哥大股份有限公司代理Riot Games之遊戲、應用程...



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Last modified: 26 June 2024


Hello, players!

本《服務條款》(以下稱「條款」)載明台灣大哥大股份有限公司代理Riot Games之遊戲、應用程式、網站及其他服務(以下稱「Riot服務」)之條款及條件。Riot Games是一家全球性遊戲公司,其總部位於洛杉磯,在世界各地設有辦事處及營運處。當我們提及「台灣大哥大」時,是指在台灣負責提供Riot服務的台灣大哥大股份有限公司,而本條款是您與該企業之間之協議。

The terms and conditions of this Service Regulations (hereinafter referred to as > > > ) carry the games, applications, websites and other services (hereinafter referred to as Riot Services > ) of Riot Gomes, a global game company with headquarters in Los Angeles, which operates and operates in various parts of the world.


Please read this article in detail and pay particular attention to the following:

  • 虛擬內容。 當您選擇購買、賺取或獲贈虛擬內容時,您只會取得存取虛擬內容之授權。您並無解鎖任何虛擬內容的所有權,亦無法轉讓予其他人。虛擬內容並無貨幣價值,僅為一般性用於特定遊戲,且您無法將虛擬內容兌換為任何「現實世界」之貨幣。
  • 退款政策。 消費者得於開始遊戲後七日內,以書面告知台灣大哥大解除本契約,消費者無需說明理由及負擔任何費用。本規則有一些例外情況,但我們有嚴格的退款政策。請詳閱此處之說明。
  • 使用者規則。 您同意遵循我們的《使用者規則》(第7節)。這些規則規範使用Riot服務時遊戲內之行為和某些遊戲外行為。


We also encourage you to monitor online activities of your children, see what the children are accessing, and monitor their social interactions as appropriate.

  1. 您的帳號
  2. 終止帳號
  3. 授權限制
  4. 虛擬商品、遊戲幣及購物
  5. 費用及稅款
  6. 不請自來的創意提交政策
  7. 使用者規則
  8. 使用者原創內容
  9. 監視及反作弊
  10. 更新及修改
  11. 連結
  12. 侵害著作權之主張的通知及程序
  13. 免責聲明
  14. 賠償
  15. 責任限制
  16. 準據法
  17. 爭議解決
  18. 適用於Riot服務的額外條款
  19. 附則

1.1. 我有資格建立一個帳號並使用Riot服務嗎?

我有資格建立一個帳號並使用Riot服務嗎? 您將需要一組帳號使用我們眾多之服務。要建立帳戶並使用Riot服務,您必須是:(i) 成年人;或(ii)經父母或法定代理人有效同意受本條款約束之限制行為能力人。如果您並非成年人,或者不瞭解本節内容時,請與您的父母或法定代理人討論並尋求協助。如果您是在本網站建立帳號的限制行為能力人之父母或法定代理人,且因該限制行為能力人未經您同意支付遊戲費用而欲主張退費時,您須備妥證明文件並提出申請,經我們確認後,退還尚未使用之遊戲費用。如果您是在本網站建立帳號的限制行為能力人之父母或法定代理人,且同意該限制行為能力人建立帳戶並使用Riot服務,則您與該限制行為能力人均接受並同意受本條款約束,您亦應為該限制行為能力人使用帳號及遵循本條款負責,包括所有以該帳號進行之購物。您不得代表任何其他人或其他法人建立或使用帳號、使用任何Riot服務,或作商業用途。

If you are not an adult, or if you do not understand the content of this section, please discuss and seek assistance from your parents or legal representatives. If you are a parent or legal representative of a competent person who establishes an account on your website and you are using the Riot service, you must have: (i) an adult person; or (ii) a competent person who has validly agreed to be bound by this article by his or her parents or legal representative; if you are able to do so without your consent to pay for the games; if you are able to do so, you must have a valid document and make an application, and we have confirmed that you have not yet used the games.


We shall mark the front page of the official web page, the game on the page or the purchase of the page clearly in Chinese, if you limit it? A person who is capable or incapable of acting, unless he or she meets the above-mentioned requirements, should read it by your legal representative?

1.2 我要如何建立一組帳號?


you can use a special login to verify information on our website to create a set of accounts, or to log in to the Riot service as an existing social media account (if applicable).



You must always provide us with accurate and complete data, including your real name.

1.3. 我有很多個不同的電子郵件帳號。以哪個電子郵件帳號註冊帳號有關係嗎?

我們會將與帳號、法律和服務相關的通知傳送到您註冊帳號所用的電子郵件地址。這些通知可能至關重要(例如,關於我們計畫停用您的帳號的通知),因此您必須讓與您的帳號連動之電子郵件地址維持現狀,(如果我們要求)進行驗證。如您是以社群媒體帳號登入Riot 服務之方式建立帳號 ,您Riot Games帳號之電子郵件將會是該社群媒體帳號所連結之電子郵件地址。

We will send notifications related to accounts, laws and services to the email address used for your registration account. These notifications may be important (e.g., notification that we plan to deactivate your account), so you must keep the email address associated with your account valid, if we so request. If you create an account by entering the Riot service with a social media account, email from your Riot Gomes account will be the email address linked to the social media account.

1.4. 我可以分享或出售我的帳戶或登入憑證嗎?


When you set up an account on this site, we ask you to select the only username and password (hereinafter referred to as the "Certificate of Login"). You agree:


You cannot share your account login certificate with anyone.


You cannot sell, transfer or allow any other person to access your account or log into your certificate, or you cannot initiate a pre-promotion.


you must keep your login certificate confidential.


If you find any violation of security, including any unauthorized access to an account, or any loss, theft, or unauthorized use or disclosure of your entry certificate or payment information, immediately inform us that we will take appropriate measures (including, but not limited to, the temporary suspension of the use of the group's account or password, the change of account or password to you, or the restriction of the right to use a third person's game without the authorization to access the account). We will limit the right to use the game for the time being by means of an official notice or a pre-admittance notice to a third person. If the third person does not receive the notification, we will not charge you or a third person for the time of the restriction.


When a third person disagrees with us, you must follow the procedure and follow the judicial course.


You should use a second-stage authentication scheme to protect your account. If the second-stage authentication system is not used to protect your account, or if you have other grounds to blame, you should be responsible for all the losses (including the loss or use of virtual content) that you have caused by sharing a certificate or failing to actually protect your account or certificate.


2.1. 我的帳號如何被暫停或終止?

2.1.1. 由您終止。 您可以隨時透過support@riotgames.com與我們聯繫終止或暫停您的帳號。

2.1.2. 由我們終止。 如果我們合理確定有以下事由,我們將在官網、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面公告,並依您登錄之通訊資料通知您將終止或暫停您的帳號:

2.1.2. >. > >. If we are reasonably certain of the following, we will post or buy a page announcement on the official network, game, and inform you that your account number will be terminated or suspended on the basis of your recorded messages: .


you have violated any part of this provision (including the User Rule, which is defined later), but you are the first user rule violators, and we shall inform you that if you have improved within a fixed period of time and have not improved by notification, we shall limit your right to play in light of the circumstances, and if you have violated the user rule again for the same reason, we shall limit your right to play immediately;


is in the best interests of our community or Riot services, or is necessary to safeguard the rights of third parties;


we have stopped providing Riot services in your area (if we plan to stop the core functions of the game or all the Riot services in your area, we will normally give you advance notice on our website, application or game 30 days ago, and by e-mail; if we fail to do so, we will return your unused purchase point or game fees and will not deduct the necessary cost);


You have failed to pay any of the fees that you owe us (except for our gross negligence or deliberate actions), or because we have not been authorized to use your account to pay them, which means that we have to refund them; or because you (or we reasonably suspect you) have not been authorized to use payment data from others.


We can help automating systems, machine learning tools, or use other methods that we think are appropriate to make advance decisions. If you think we are wrong, contact us and provide detailed information, we will examine your case, although we may suspend your account during the review period (not more than seven days at the most). You can also question our decision (see section 17).

2.2. 即使我停止使用,Riot也會永遠保留我的帳號嗎?


If you do not use your account for more than a year, we reserve the right to take measures against your account, including suspension or termination.

2.3. 如果Riot終止我的帳號會怎麼樣?


If your account is terminated, you will not have access to your account, including any relevant data or virtual content (including game coins) (although this does not limit or affect any of your rights under the Data Protection Act or the Consumer Protection Act). If we end up with a valid reason (e.g. if you violate this provision):

我們將扣除必要成本,並在三十日內以現金、信用卡、匯票或掛號寄發支票方式退還您未使用之付費購買之點數或遊戲費用,或依雙方同意之方式處理前述點數或費用,且我們對您不承擔任何責任;及我們也保留終止您可能已建立之任何其他帳號的權利,以及您對任何其他Riot服務的存取權。 您理解並同意使用Riot服務會帶來的風險,您的帳號可能會被終止或暫停,且您每次使用Riot服務時,應當牢記此風險,並始終表現得當。

We shall deduct the necessary costs and refund your unused purchase points or games fees by cash, credit cards, bills or stamped cheques within 30 days, or we shall take no responsibility for you if you agree to do so; and we shall retain the right to terminate any other account that you may have established and your access to any other Riot service. You understand and agree to the risks associated with using the Riot service, your account may be terminated or suspended, and every time you use the Riot service, you shall remember the risks and always perform .


If your account is closed because you cannot be blamed, you can use it and continue to use it within 30 days, along with the electromagnetic records attached to it. If you do not complete it by 30 days, we can delete the account and all the data attached to it, except as otherwise specified in the decree.

3.1. 我可以使用Riot服務做什麼?

Riot Games 授予您有限、非專有、不可轉讓、可撤回的授權,以僅供您個人、非商業、娛樂用途使用和享受Riot服務(及任何虛擬內容),並明確作為您遵循本條款之條件。如果我們終止您的帳號,我們在Riot服務及任何虛擬內容中授予您的任何授權將立即終止。除非我們於已簽署之書面合約中另有明確授權,否則您不得出售、複製、交換、出借、進行還原工程、解碼、獲取原始碼、翻譯、租賃、設定擔保物權、移轉、出版、轉讓或以其他方式散布任何Riot服務或任何Riot Games之智慧財產權,包括我們的任何電腦代碼或虛擬內容。

Riot Gomes grants you limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable and revocable authorization to use and enjoy the Riot service (and any virtual content) for personal, non-commercial, recreational purposes only, and specifically as a condition for compliance with this regulation. If we terminate your account, any authorization we grant you in the Riot service and any virtual content will cease immediately. Unless we expressly authorize it in the signed book contract, you will not sell, copy, deliver, lend, reverse, decode, obtain original code, translate, lease, install warranty, transfer, publish, transfer or otherwise distribute any Riot service or any Riot Gomes intellectual property, including any computer code or virtual content .

3.2. 我可以利用Riot的智慧財產權做些事情嗎? (Riot Games保留其智慧財產權的一切權利,但允許用於一些個人非商業之用途,例如粉絲繪圖。)

Riot Games 擁有並保留關於Riot服務的一切權利、所有權及權益,以及在Riot服務中或透過Riot服務張貼、產生、提供或以其他方式提供的所有資料和內容,包括使用者帳號、電腦代碼、標題、物件、物品、角色、角色名稱、聊天記錄、遊戲錄製及廣播、位置、位置名稱、故事、對話、口號、藝術品、圖形、結構或景觀設計、動畫、聲音、音樂編排與錄音、虛擬商品、遊戲內貨幣、聲光效果、角色相似度、操作方法及遊戲玩法(以下合稱為「遊戲內容」)。為求明確,遊戲內容包括虛擬內容。除非獲得Riot Games明確同意,否則您不能依據遊戲內容或Riot服務創作任何原創性作品。有關目前同意粉絲使用智慧財產權之更多資訊,請閱讀Riot Games的 Legal Jibber Jabber 政策(若有變更將於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面公告,並依您登錄之通訊資料通知您)。

Riot Games has and retains all rights, ownership and rights over the Riot service, as well as all data and content posted, generated, made available or otherwise made available in or through the Riot service, including user accounts, computer codes, titles, objects, objects, roles, role names, chat records, games recording and broadcasting, locations, location names, stories, conversations, slogans, artifacts, graphics, structures or scenery designs, animations, voices, music recording and recording, virtual goods, games in currency, audio effects, role similarities, and games (hereinafter referred to as games games > ). To be clear, games include virtual content.


agrees that you may not use any of our trade labels, service labels, trade numbers, labels, domain names, labels, or commercial appearances, except as authorized by our signed book contract. Any reprogramming, redissemination, modification of the Riot service, or failure to use the Riot service under the terms of this regulation, may also result in severe civil and/or criminal penalties.

4.1. 什麼是虛擬內容?


When using the Riot service, we may provide you with limited access to virtual goods such as heroes, skins, faces, etc. (hereinafter referred to as " < strong > > > ) and in-laws of the game associated with your account (hereinafter referred to as " < strong > > > ) (hereinafter referred to as "em > < strong > < < > < < /em > > > > ).


can only be used for specific games unless otherwise specified at the time of purchase.

4.2. 如何獲得存取虛擬內容的「授權」?


We may provide you with a variety of opportunities to obtain limited authorization to access game coins or virtual content, including: .

  1. 購買(如用信用卡);
  2. 賺取(如透過完成遊戲任務);或
  3. 獲得(如從其他玩家獲贈或使用如Hextech?之製作功能)。

4.3. 我是否「擁有」我解鎖的虛擬內容?


No matter how you get access, you have no ownership or interest in any of the virtual content you have unlocked. Virtual content has no currency value. You cannot give up (unless we allow you to do so in the function of the Riot service) or change virtual content in order to get any "real world" currency. You cannot buy any refund for the grant of access to virtual content unless we expressly agree to do so. You can find our current policy in .

4.4. 再問一次:我不擁有我的虛擬內容嗎?


When you get virtual content, we actually provide personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-grantable, revocable, revocable, restricted rights and authorizations only when you use the appropriate Riot service.

不論是否有與本條款相反的規定,您知悉並同意,您並不擁有帳號的所有權或財產利益,且所有於您的帳號之權利均為且永久為Riot Games所有,並符合Riot Games之利益。您進一步知悉及同意,無論以任何對價提出或支付以換取虛擬內容,您對任何虛擬內容並無產權、所有權或其他財產權益。此外,除非有故意行爲、重大過失,或本條款另有規定之情形下,否則Riot Games對任何形式的破壞、刪除、修改、損害、駭客入侵或任何其他對虛擬內容所造成之損害或損失,包括在您的帳號終止或到期時,或我們對Riot服務進行合理變更後對虛擬內容刪除之行為,概不負責。

You know and agree, regardless of whether there is a rule contrary to this provision, that you do not have all the rights or property interests in the account, and that all your rights in the account are and will remain with Riot Gomes, and are in the interest of Riot Gomes. You further know and agree that you have no rights, ownership or other property rights over any virtual content, regardless of whether it is offered or paid at any price in exchange for false content. Besides, it is not responsible for any damage, deletion, modification, damage, intrusion or any other damage or loss to virtual content, including at the end or expiration of your account, or for the deletion of any fictional content after we have made reasonable changes to Riot's service.

4.5. 我的虛擬內容會一直存在嗎?


If we decide to eliminate some of the virtual goods you have recently purchased, we will provide you with an alternative. Unless your account is justified or you are terminated by the rules of <2.1.1 >, we will not be informed (e.g., if you take the new game off, we will be able to take the new game off, or we will be able to take the new game off; we will be able to buy it; we will be able to buy it at the same time; we will be able to buy it; we will be able to buy it at the same time; we will be able to buy the new game at the same time; we will be able to buy the new game at the same time.


If you cannot access the Riot service because of our blame, we will correct or repair it immediately. If you cannot use the game fee or the goods in the game, we will return the game fee or the goods and provide other reasonable compensation if you cannot.

5.1. 關於Riot服務的一切都是免費的嗎?


Some aspects of the Riot service may require you to pay for it, and you agree to provide accurate and complete payment data to the service provider that we or the third party that we use. You may further agree to pay for all the fees and taxes generated by your account and the appropriate taxes. We may change the price of any part of the Riot service. We may only take steps as a matter of course, but this may affect the purchasing power of your game coins. All fees and fees should be paid in accordance with the terms of payment that are due or charged and effective when paid. We may change, amend or replenish our fees and fees from time to time, and these changes should take effect 30 days from now or elsewhere on our website, application or game.


Under the applicable law, any appropriate fees and other charges for a feed service (including game coins) shall be paid in advance and shall not be refunded in whole or in part except as specified in this article. You shall be responsible for all charges in your account except in cases of gross negligence by Riot, wilful conduct or otherwise stipulated in this regulation. <

5.2. 我對遊戲幣有什麼責任?


you are fully responsible for paying all appropriate taxes (if any) related to the acquisition, use or acquisition of the game currency. The game currency may be sold or issued by us and the price may vary according to the amount you purchase. In addition, the price and supply of the game currency and virtual goods may change.


You should check the number of games coins that have been added to or deducted from your account during any given transaction. If you think there are errors in the balance of the game currency, inform us immediately. We will investigate your application and may request additional information during this process to verify it.

6.1. 我可以向Riot提出一些改進遊戲的想法嗎?

我們注重您對Riot服務的意見,但請不要向我們提交任何創造性的構思、建議或材料(以下合稱為「不請自來的創意」)。台灣大哥大及Riot Games得自由使用您所提供的任何不請自來的創意。本政策旨在避免當Riot服務可能與玩家提出之不請自來的創意類似時所生之潛在誤解或爭議。

We focus on your opinion about the Riot service, but do not submit any creative ideas, suggestions or materials to us (hereinafter referred to as "uninvited creativity." Taiwan Big Brother and Riot Gomes are free to use whatever uninvited creativity you offer. This policy is designed to avoid the potential for misinterpretation or argument when the Riot service may appear like an uninvited creation offered by a player.

您對自己堅持要傳送給我們之不請自來的創意可能並無任何法律上之權利,但若您這樣做,台灣大哥大及Riot Games會基於我們認為之任何理由而視為被允許使用您全部或部分之不請自來的創意,且無需向您付款。

You may not have any legal right to your uninvited inventions, but if you do so, Taiwan Big Brother and Riot Gomes will regard them as being allowed to use all or part of your uninvited creativity without paying you.

從法律上,如果您向我們提交不請自來的創意,代表您授予台灣大哥大及Riot Games一項全球性、永久、不可撤回、可再授權、可移轉、可再轉讓、非專屬和免權利金的權利及授權,以使用、複製、散布、改作、修改、翻譯、基於不請自來的創意而創作衍生作品、公開表演、公開展示、數位表演、製作、製造、出售、要約出售和進口您的不請自來的創意,包括現在已知或將來開發於任何媒體中的所有著作權、商標、營業秘密、專利、設計、工業產權以及與之相關的所有其他智慧財產權和專有權,於任何目的(包括商業用途或其他目的),包括將不請自來的創意提供給他人,且無需向您提供任何補償。於必要時,您同意簽署及交付任何及所有文件,並執行任何或所有必要或適宜的行動,以確保使用上述授予我們不請自來的創意之使用權利是有效及可執行的,且您同意在適用法律允許的最大範圍內不主張前開權利。

From the legal point of view, if you submit to us uninvited creative works, public performances, public displays, digital performances, productions, manufactures, manufactures, sales, offers and imports, you have a global, permanent, irrevocable, re-licensable, transferable, retransferable, non-exclusive and free-of-rights rights and authorizations for use, reproduction, dissemination, conversion, modification, translation, creation of derivatives based on uninvited creativity, public performances, public displays, digital performances, production, production, manufacture, manufacture, sale, sale and entry, including all copyrights known or to be published in any media, trade, business secrets, franchise, design, industrial property rights and all other intellectual property rights and exclusive rights associated with them, and for any purpose (including commercial or other purposes), including non-initiating giving, uninvited, uninvited, uninvited and uninvited powers, you have no need to make any provision to you.

7.1. 使用Riot服務時,我可以激怒、煽動、威脅或騷擾他人嗎?


When using the Riot service, you must follow all the laws, rules, and regulations that apply to the jurisdiction of your municipality of residence. You must also follow the policy of acceptable use and behaviour that we publish on our website, application, and game (if any difference is made within 15 days and your account is terminated), as well as the rules of conduct listed below (hereinafter referred to as the " User Rule " ). Regardless of whether the user code lists certain irregularities, the user rules that are posted on our website, application, and game or are listed in this section are not exhaustive, we reserve the right to modify the user's rules in accordance with the procedure set out in section 10.1 and take appropriate disciplinary measures, including the temporary prohibition, suspension, termination, or deletion of accounts to protect the integrity and spirit of Riot services.


The following are examples of actions that require disciplinary measures:

  1. 冒充任何人、商業或公司,包括Riot Games員工,或以任何使通訊看起來源自Riot Games的方式進行交流;
  2. 公開發佈有關您自己、Riot Games員工或其他玩家的身分資料;
  3. 騷擾,跟蹤或威脅其他玩家或Riot Games員工;
  4. 刪除、變更或隱藏Riot服務中含有Riot Games任何著作權、商標、專利或其他所有權之通知。您也不得傳輸任何違反或侵害他人權利的內容,包括專利、商標、營業秘密、著作權、公開權、個人權利或其他權利;
  5. 傳輸或傳播我們合理認為對玩家冒犯的任何內容,包括非法、有害、威脅、辱罵、騷擾、誹謗、不雅、淫穢、露骨、色情、種族、道德或其他令人反感的語言;
  6. 傳輸或促使傳輸含有病毒、損毀的資料、特洛伊木馬、機器人按鍵記錄器、蠕蟲、定時炸彈、清除器或其他電腦程式編寫路徑,其意圖及/或實際上破壞、危害干擾、暗中截取或挖掘、抽取或剝奪任何系統、數據或個人資料;
  7. 避免、繞過、移除、停用、削弱、解密或以其他方式規避Riot Games或任何第三方為保護或控制存取Riot服務(或其任何部分)而實施的任何技術措施;
  8. 垃圾訊息,無論是出於個人用途或商業用途,透過重複發送干擾對話流程;
  9. 參與我們合理認為確實或可能欺騙任何其他玩家的任何行為,包括詐騙或社交工程手段;
  10. 使用任何未經授權的第三方程式,包括出於任何目的以任何方式與Riot服務進行互動的mods、駭客工具、作弊軟體、指令碼、機器人、培訓師及自動化程式,包括任何未經授權的第三方程式其會截取、模仿或重新導向與Riot服務有關之任何通訊,以及透過讀取Riot服務用於儲存資訊之記憶體以收集有關Riot服務之資訊;
  11. 使用任何未經授權或遭禁止使用的硬體設備;
  12. 存取或試圖存取未向公眾提供的Riot服務區域;
  13. 選擇錯誤地指示與Riot Games有關聯的帳戶或使用者名稱,含有個人識別訊息,或者含有侵犯、誹謗、不雅、淫穢、色情、種族、民族或其他令人反感的訊息。您不得使用錯別字或其他代換字來規避名稱選擇(如使用者名稱)的限制。Riot Games將要求您修改Riot Games合理認為違反本條款的任何名稱,並可能採取進一步的紀律措施,包括因屢次違反而終止帳號;
  14. 在遊戲進行中不參與、登出或退出遊戲。Riot Games可能會隨著時間追蹤此資料,並在確定玩家中途離開遊戲之次數過多時發布臨時禁令。如果該帳號繼續於遊戲進行中退出,則臨時禁令的期限會隨之增加;
  15. 以他人之帳號玩遊戲或進行其他意圖「提升」帳號狀態或等級的活動;
  16. 誘使或鼓勵他人違反使用者規則或本條款;或
  17. 未經我們的明確書面同意或在我們要求您停止使用Riot服務後,將Riot服務用於任何商業用途。

8.1. 我要對在Riot服務上/中發佈的內容負責嗎?


is responsible for any other communication, username, image, sound or other material and information that you have created, uploaded, used or transferred through the Riot service (hereinafter >. > > >. > > >


should upload or transmit your contents only if you agree to:

  1. 從上傳或傳輸您的內容時起,您授予Riot Games全球性、永久、不可撤回、可再授權、非專屬、免權利金的權利及授權,以使用、複製、散布、改作、修改、翻譯、基於您的內容而創作衍生作品、公開表演、公開展示、數位表演、製作、及導入您的內容,包括所有著作權、公開權、商標、營業秘密、專利、工業產權以及與之相關的所有其他智慧財產權和財產權,其目的是在不向您提供任何補償的情況下提供Riot服務;
  2. 在台灣法律允許的最大範圍內,您同意不就Riot Games使用您的內容行使著作人格權。如果台灣法律不允許放棄行使著作人格權,則您授予Riot Games有權使用您的內容以及您的內容之所有元素(無論是否有表示您的本名或別名),以及自由編輯您的內容之權利。
  3. 您聲明、保證並同意,Riot Games對您的內容均不負任何義務,無論是保密、權利歸屬或其他義務,且Riot Games不為任何使用或揭露您的內容負擔法律責任。
  4. 您進一步聲明、保證並同意,您的內容不得侵犯任何第三方權利。

9.1. 當使用Riot服務時,Riot Games或台灣大哥大會監視我嗎?


we may be monitoring the use of the Riot service (but it is not obligated to do so) on our own servers and on your computers or devices for various purposes, including fraud prevention and hacker invasion, removal or reduction of the actions of undesirable players causing confusion, and improvement of the Riot service. Please read our for important details about how we get and deal with information about your use of the Riot service.


We will deal with the protection of your personal data in accordance with the relevant laws.

9.2 Riot Games是否會於我未使用Riot服務時運作程式?

strong> 9.2 > > < strong > Riot Games >? > > > >

為預防作弊及駭客入侵,Riot Games可能會要求您安裝反作弊軟體。此軟體可能會運作於您的後端裝置。

To prevent cheating and hacking, Riot Gomes may request you to install anti-deception software. This software may operate on your backend device.

10.1. 本條款將來會變更嗎?


With the development of Riot services and appropriate laws, we may (will) establish an updated version of this article. When we change this provision, we will register the website on the official web page, the game or buy a page announcement, and inform you that the new agreement will replace and replace this provision in accordance with your recorded communications data. You will be given the opportunity to review any new agreement that we present to you, and you will decide in 15 days whether to agree to the amendment. If you accept the new agreement, you can continue to use the Riot service. If you refuse to accept the new agreement, you will not be able to use the Riot service again.

10.2. Riot服務會保持不變嗎?

為不斷改進Riot服務,並優化我們的遊戲並確保Riot服務安全、趣味和保障,您同意我們可能會變更、修改、更新、暫停、「削弱(nerf)」或限制您存取Riot服務任何或一部分之功能,包括虛擬商品(例如,我們可能會出於監管或法律理由,或為改善遊戲體驗而變更虛擬商品的某些功能),並可能會隨時要求您下載並安裝軟體及更新支援Riot服務所需的任何軟體。您亦瞭解並同意,此等對Riot服務之任何變更或更新可能會改變玩我們的遊戲所需之系統規格,在這種情況下,您(並非台灣大哥大或Riot Games)有責任購買任何額外所需的其他軟體或硬體,以存取和玩我們的遊戲,若有以上事項,我們將於七天前於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面公告。但因臨時性、急迫性或不可歸責於企業經營者之事由者,不在此限。此外,我們可能會在不通知您的情況下使用後台修補程式,自動更新我們的遊戲和軟體。

, in order to continuously adapt the Riot service and improve our games and to ensure that the Riot service is safe, interesting and secure, you agree that we may change, modify, update, suspend, "undercut (nerf)" or restrict your access to any or part of the Riot service, including virtual goods (e.g., we may be responsible for monitoring or legal reasons, or for making some of the additional hardware or hardware needed to improve the game experience, and that you may be asked to download and install the software and update any software needed to support the Riot service at any time. You also understand and agree that any changes or updates to the Riot service may change the system for playing our game, in which case you (not the big brother of Taiwan or the Root Games) have the responsibility to buy any additional hardware or hardware needed to save and play our games.

11.1. Riot服務中的連結呢?這些連結安全嗎?


The Riot service may contain links to websites run by other major agencies. Once again, it is stated that we do not own or operate these sites. We provide you with these links for your convenience, or other users may be posting them as content for your users. The risks of using these links and related websites are your own. We do not control the links, nor are we responsible for their content. These links do not mean that we recognize information or information on any other website, and we do not assume any responsibility for accessing and using them.

12.1. 如果有人在Riot服務中侵犯了我受著作權保護的作品,該怎麼辦?

What if someone violates my copyrighted works in Riot's service?

Riot Games尊重著作權法,並希望其使用者也同樣能尊重。我們的政策是在適當的情況下,當使用者侵權或被認為侵害著作權持有人之權利時終止帳號。Riot Games將針對回報給Riot Games指定之著作權代理人,就有關利用Riot Games網站或其他可透過行動裝置或其他類型的裝置(以下稱「網站」)存取的線上網路進行侵害著作權之主張盡快作出回應,以下為通知範例

Riot Gomes respects copyright laws and hopes that its users will respect them as well. Our policy is to close accounts when users abuse or are perceived to violate copyright rights of copyright holders in appropriate circumstances. Riot Gomes will return to the copyright agent designated by Riot Gomes about the use of the Riot Gomes website or other devices (hereinafter referred to as > /m> > > for notification > >.


If you are the owner of a copyright, a person authorized to represent a copyrighted person, or a person authorized to exercise certain rights under a copyright, please submit a notice containing the following information on alleged violations of copyright on or through the website: .

  1. 說明您遭侵權之著作權作品,或者- 如本通知涵蓋多個著作權作品時,您可以提供您主張遭侵權之著作權作品的代表清單。
  2. 說明您主張正在侵權(或將構成侵權行為)且將被移除或禁止存取之物件,以及能合理充分讓我們定位物件之資料,包括如果可以的話,至少可於顯示在網站上之URL連結中找到該物件。
  3. 提供您的郵寄地址、電話號碼,以及電子郵件地址(如有的話)。
  4. 在通知正文中應包括以下兩個聲明:
    1. 「本人謹此聲明,本人真誠地相信此爭議之著作權資料的使用並沒有獲得著作權人、其代理人,或法律的授權(例如合理使用)。」
    2. 「「本人謹此聲明,本通知中的資訊準確無誤,本人為著作權人或被授權行使著作權下特定權利之人、或被授權代表著作權人之人。」
  5. 提供您完整的合法全名,以及您的電子或實體簽名。

將本通知(以下稱「通知」)連同所有已備妥之物品送交台灣大哥大。傳送至負責在您所在地區提供Riot服務之Riot Games企業的地址(請參閱第18節)。請務必註明「收件者:著作權代理人」(並非「收件者:法律部門」),以便快速送交予正確之人員。您亦可以電子郵件將通知傳送至: copyright@riotgames.com。此電子郵件地址僅用於接收著作權取下通知,並非用於Riot Games一般諮詢或請求。基於安全理由,電子郵件地址無法接受附件。因此,任何夾帶附件之通知如以電子方式提交者將不會被接收或處理。

delivers this notification (hereinafter referred to as >) to Taiwan's Big Brother Taiwan, together with all ready items. Send it to the Riot Games Enterprise, which is responsible for providing Riot services in your district (see >em>18/a>.

13.1. Riot Games或台灣大哥大是否對Riot服務做出任何保證?


takes full responsibility for the installation and use of the Riot service and its results, within the maximum range permitted by the applicable law, and without reducing or relieving us of our responsibility under the Consumer Protection Act.

14.1. 如果有人基於我使用或濫用Riot服務而起訴,我是否需要支付Riot Games的法律費用?

在法律允許的範圍內,除因Riot Games或台灣大哥大重大過失或故意行爲的情形外,您同意賠償、辯護並使Riot Games及其子公司、關聯公司、管理人員、董事;台灣大哥大及其子公司、關聯公司、管理人員、董事免於承擔因您濫用Riot服務、違反本條款的任何規定(例如,如果您在Riot服務中使用任何駭客工具、作弊軟體或機器人,或者侵犯智慧財產權),或者您侵犯任何第三人的權利而產生或引致的任何及所有索賠、訴訟、損失、責任及費用,但不包括Riot Games或台灣大哥大所支出之律師費用。Riot Games或台灣大哥大有權決定是否自費負責排他性辯護及主導因您之賠償責任所生的任何事宜,在這種情況下,您將與Riot Games或台灣大哥大合作為任何可能的答辯。

Within the limits permitted by law, you agree to compensate, defend and make any and all claims, complaints, losses, responsibilities and expenses incurred by the Taiwan Big Brother and his subsidiaries, associated companies, administrators, directors, etc., except for any charges incurred by you for your abuse of the Riot Service, violation of this provision (e.g., if you have the right to use any hacking tool, cheater or robot in the Riot Service, or infringe on intellectual property rights) or any claim, complaint, loss, liability and expense incurred by you in violation of the rights of any third person, but not including Riot Gomes or the attorney of Taiwan's Big Brother.

例如,如果您將Riot服務用作業務運作的一部分(您不允許為之),且Riot Games或台灣大哥大因您違反本條款而被起訴時,您必須在法庭上為Riot Games或台灣大哥大辯護,並支付Riot Games蒙受的任何損害,但不包括Riot Games或台灣大哥大所支出的律師費用。

If, for example, you use the Riot service as part of your business operation (which you will not allow) and Riot Gomes or Taiwan Boss is prosecuted for violating this provision, you must defend Riot Gomes or Taiwan Boss in court and pay for any damage suffered by Riot Gomes, but do not include the lawyer fees spent by Riot Gomes or Taiwan Boss.

15.1. 本條款對Riot Games或台灣大哥大的潛在賠償責任有限制嗎?

在不減輕或免除我們依消費者保護法應負責任的前提下,對於您因下載、使用及/或存取Riot服務而遭受的任何損失、傷害或損害,Riot Games及台灣大哥大對您所負的全部責任(無論是因違反本合約、過失或因其他任何理由)僅限於您在訴訟一開始發生時之前六(6)個月內支付予台灣大哥大的總金額。

Without compromising or exonerating our responsibility under the Consumer Protection Act, the entire responsibility of Riot Gomes and Brother Taiwan for any loss, injury or damage caused to you as a result of downloading, using and/or accessing the Riot service is limited to six (6) months prior to the commencement of the complaint (whether due to breach of the contract, negligence or for any other reason).

在不減輕或免除我們依消費者保護法應負責任的前提下,我們僅同意將Riot服務提供給家庭和個人使用。我們對您超出該使用範圍所生的業務損失(例如任何利潤損失、業務損失、業務中斷、商譽損失或商機損失)則不負責。對於您未能安裝任何Riot Games提供的更新系統,或者未能維持所需的最低系統規格所導致的任何損害,我們亦不負任何責任。另外,我們不負責:(i) 您訂立本條款時無法預見的任何損失;或 (ii) 我們雙方都知道任何可能僅因您訂立本條款時存在的特殊情況(包括所有間接損害)所發生的損失。

We are not responsible for any loss of business (e.g. any loss of profit, loss of business, interruption of business, loss of reputation or loss of business). We are not responsible for any damage caused by your failure to install any of the upgrade systems provided by Riot Gomes, or the failure to maintain the minimum system regulations required. Furthermore, we are not responsible for: (i) any loss that could not have been foreseen when you made this provision; or (ii) we are aware of any damage that could have occurred only because of the special circumstances that existed at the time you made this provision, including all of them.

儘管我們在本條款中有其他規定,但若這樣做是違法,我們不排除或限制我們對您所負的任何責任,包括我們在以下情形下的責任:(i) 因我們的過失而導致的死亡或人身傷害;(ii) 我們的欺詐或虛偽不實;(iii) 故意或重大過失的行為;(iv) 在典型且可預見的範圍內,因過失違反Riot Games履行合約時必要之義務(以下稱「基本義務」)而造成的損害;(v) 我們給予您的任何保證;或(vi) 司法管轄區適用的產品責任法律下之任何責任。

Although we have other provisions in this section, if this is illegal, we do not exclude or limit any of our responsibilities towards you, including our responsibilities in the following cases: (i) death or personal injury as a result of our negligence; (ii) our fraud or hypocrisy; (iii) wilful or gross negligence; (iv) damages due to the breach of the duties necessary for the performance of the contract by Riot Gomes (hereinafter referred to as “fundamental duties”); (v) any assurances we give to you; or (vi) any liability under the law for the proper use of property in the jurisdiction of the judiciary.


In addition to the above, you may also enjoy certain rights under local law.


17.1. 我有Riot Games無法解決的問題。解決此爭議的途徑是什麼? 如果您居住於:


However, the agreement does not preclude the application of section 47 of the Consumer Protection Act or section 9 of article 436 of the Civil Procedure Act.

18.1. 一般條款


you can access our Riot service from certain licensed third-party shops or platforms (i.e. any licensed third-party provider, such as a store, a game system, a control platform or a platform, hereinafter referred to as a `third-party platform'), provided you agree:

本條款是我們與您之間的協議,並非您與第三方平台之間的協議。在Riot Games和第三方平台之間,Riot Games全權負責任何Riot服務。

This paragraph is an agreement between us and you, not between you and the third-party platform.


The third-party platform does not have the obligation to provide any maintenance and support services for Riot services.


The third-party platform is not responsible for any claims you may have for the Riot service or for the fact that you own and use the Riot service.

如果第三人主張任何於第三方平台與Riot Game間之Riot服務侵害他人之智慧財產權,則第三方平台將不負責任何該主張之調查、辯護、和解和解除。

The third party platform will not be responsible for any investigation, defence, conciliation or dissolution of the third party platform if the third party claims that any Riot service between the third party platform and Riot Game infringes on the intellectual property rights of others.

如果第三人主張任何於第三方平台與Riot Game間之Riot服務侵害他人之智慧財產權,則第三方平台將不負責任何該主張之調查、辯護、和解和解除。

The third party platform will not be responsible for any investigation, defence, conciliation or dissolution of the third party platform if the third party claims that any Riot service between the third party platform and Riot Game infringes on the intellectual property rights of others.


When accessing or using a third-party platform, you must also comply with all appropriate third-party services and authorizations, including any provisions applicable to downloading, streaming, accessing or using any Riot game, virtual content or other Riot service.

19.1. 如果我對Riot服務有疑問,我該怎麼做?

如果您對Riot服務有任何疑問,或者因其他任何原因想與我們聯絡,請透過 support@riotgames.com支援中心聯絡。

If you have any questions about the Riot service, or if you wish to contact us for any other reason, please contact the Support Centre through https://www.riotgames.com/zh-hant/mail:support@riotgames.com" target="_blank"support@riotgames.com.

19.2. 本條款是否代表我們是合作夥伴?

您同意,您與台灣大哥大或Riot Games之間不會因本條款或您使用Riot服務而建立任何合資、合夥、僱傭或代理關係。

agrees that there will be no association, partnership, employment or representation between you and Taiwan's Big Brother or Riot Games as a result of this regulation or your use of the Riot service.

19.3. 如果我違反本條款,且台灣大哥大或Riot Games長時間不採取任何措施,是否代表我解脫了?

台灣大哥大或Riot Games未能執行本條款任何規定,絕不能解釋為現在或將來對這些規定放棄之聲明,亦不影響任何一方此後執行每一項該等規定的權利。台灣大哥大或Riot Games放棄對本條款之任何規定、條件或要求,並不構成將來有義務遵循該等規定、條件或要求之放棄聲明。

The failure of Taiwan Big Brother or Riot Gomes to enforce any of the provisions of this regulation cannot be interpreted as a declaration that they will be waived now or in the future, nor will it affect the right of either side to enforce each of these rules thereafter. Taiwan Big Brother or Riot Gomes to renounce any of the rules, conditions or requirements of this regulation does not constitute a declaration that there will be an obligation to comply with them.

19.4. 如果我違反本條款,Riot Games可採取哪些補救措施?

您同意,如果未確實執行某些違反本條款之規定(例如第3.2條),Riot Games或台灣大哥大將會遭受無法彌補的損害,且賠償金額不足以作為對Riot Games或台灣大哥大之補救措施。我們可以依據本節向法院請求禁制令或強制履行。

You agree that if you fail to comply with certain provisions of this article (e.g. section 3.2), Riot Games or Taiwan Big Brother will suffer irreparable damage and the amount of compensation will not be sufficient as a remedy for Riot Gomes or Taiwan Big Brother.

19.5. 如果我需要向Riot Games傳送法律通知,該將通知傳送到哪裡? (我們希望您永遠不需要向我們傳送法律通知,但如果您這樣做……。)


Unless otherwise specified in this Article, all notifications made or required by this Article shall be in writing and sent to Big Brother Taiwan.

19.6. 如果美國政府認為我可能是恐怖分子或居住於禁運國家,我可以玩遊戲嗎?

大部分Riot服務都在美國開發,因此在以下情況下,您將無法使用Riot服務:(1) 美國財政部外國資產控制辦公室將您列入特別指定國民及/或制裁人員名單; (2) 美國商務部工業安全局將您列入拒絕人士或有關人員名單;或(3) 您在美國政府官方機構或部門發布之任何此類名單中。您聲明並保證您並非位在任何禁運國家、不受其控制,或者並非這些國家的國民或居民。

Most of the Riot services are developed in the United States, so you will not be able to use the Riot services if: (1) the U.S. Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control places you on the list of specially designated nationals and/or sanctioned persons; (2) the U.S. Department of Trade and Industry Security places you on the list of rejected persons or related persons; or (3) you are listed in any such list issued by an official U.S. government agency or department.

19.7. 如果本條款中的一部分無效,其餘條文將會如何?


Except as otherwise provided in this Article, if any of the provisions of this Article is deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the provision will be considered to be severable from this Article and the rest will remain in force.

19.8. 本協議有效期多長?

自您開始接受本條款之日時,並持續到您於Riot服務上使用或維護帳號之期間。然而,第2.3, 3.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.1, 6, 8,及13-18 條/節(含)在本條款終止後仍有效。

However, articles 2.3, 3.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.1, 6, 8 and 13-18 (including) remain in force after the end of this paragraph.

19.9. 當我們在本條款中提到「包含」時,該詞是否受限制?(不) 每當我們在本條款中使用「包含」時,我們的意思是「包括但不限於」。


You read and understand this provision, as you know and agree.




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