Supermicro 推出配備 NVIDIA HGX 及 PCIe 型 H100 8-GPU 系統,是適用於 AI 訓練、深度學習、HPC 和生成式 AI 的頂級伺服器,加速 AI 和元宇宙時代的到來

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:51 评论:0
2023 年 3 月 24 日,加州聖荷西訊——Super Micro Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ:SMCI)為 AI/ML、雲端、儲存和 5G/智慧邊緣應用的全方位 IT 解決方案供應商,今天宣佈開始出貨配備最新 NVI...



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2023 年 3 月 24 日,加州聖荷西訊——Super Micro Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ:SMCI)為 AI/ML、雲端、儲存和 5G/智慧邊緣應用的全方位 IT 解決方案供應商,今天宣佈開始出貨配備最新 NVIDIA HGX H100 8-GPU 系統最頂級的全新 GPU 伺服器。Supermicro 伺服器將最新的 NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU 整合到從邊緣到資料中心的各種應用程式最佳化伺服器中。

On March 24, 2023, , San José, California - Super Micro Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a full-scale IT solution provider for AI/ML, cloud, storage and 5G/intellectual edge applications. Today, San José, California, announces the launch of the state-of-the-art GPU server for the latest NVIDIA HgX H1008-GPU system. The Supermicro server integrates the latest NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU into the best possible server for various applications from the edge to the data centre.

Supermicro 總裁暨執行長 Charles Liang 表示:「Supermicro 提供業界最全面的 GPU 系統產品組合,包含 8U、6U、5U、4U、2U 和 1U 外形尺寸的伺服器,以及支援全系列最新 NVIDIA H100 GPU 的工作站和 SuperBlade 系統。選擇這款最新的 NVIDIA HGX H100 Delta-Next 伺服器,客戶將獲得比上一代 AI 訓練應用程式提升 9 倍的效能。我們的 GPU 伺服器採用創新的氣流設計,能全面降低風扇轉速、噪音和功耗,進而降低總擁有成本 (TCO)。此外,對於正在尋找能符合未來需求的資料中心的客戶,我們也為這類客戶提供完整的機櫃級(rack-scale)液冷選項。」

Supermicro's CEO, Charles Liang, says: "Supermicro provides the most comprehensive GPU system mix of products in the industry, with a 9-fold increase in efficiency compared to the previous generation of AI training applications. Our GPU servers use new air flow designs to reduce fan speed, noise and power overall and overall costs (TCO) for customers who are looking for data centres that match future needs.

Supermicro 效能最高的新型 8U GPU 伺服器現已大量出貨。這款全新 Supermicro 8U 伺服器特別針對 AI、DL、ML 和 HPC 工作負載最佳化,搭載能達到最高 GPU 到 GPU 通訊的 NVIDIA HGX H100 8-GPU,使用速度最快的 NVIDIA NVLink? 4.0 技術、NVSwitch 互連,以及 NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand 和 Spectrum-4 乙太網路,大幅突破 AI 的障礙。

Supermicro's most effective new 8U GPU server is now in bulk. This is new Supermicro 8U server is specially designed to optimize the load of AI, DL, ML and HPC jobs, carrying NVIDIA HGX H100 8-GPU, using the fastest speed NVIDIA NVLink? 4.0 technology, NVSwitch interlinkage, and NVIDIA Quantum-2InfiniBand and Spectrum-4 Ethernet, which has dramatically broken through AI's barriers.

此外,Supermicro 亦提供多種效能最佳化的 GPU 伺服器配置,包括直連/單根(single-root)/ 雙根(dual-root) CPU 到 GPU,另外還有前置或後置 I/O 機型,在標準和 OCP DC 機櫃配置中使用 AC 與 DC 電源。機殼可在一個 8U 機殼內放入 20 個 NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core PCIe GPU 或 40 個 NVIDIA L40 GPU。 6U 機殼則最多可使用 10 個 NVIDIA H100 PCIe GPU 或 20 個 NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU。這些新系統提供最佳的加速功能,適合用於執行 NVIDIA AI 平台軟體層 NVIDIA AI Enterprise。

In addition, Supermicro provides multiple optimized GPU server configurations, including direct link/single-root/dual-root/double-root CPU to GPU, as well as pre- or later I/O models, using AC and DC power sources in standard and OCP DC hangar configurations.

這些伺服器內建的液冷系統也用於其他許多 GPU 伺服器。此外,Supermicro 發表了一款液冷式 AI 開發系統 (塔式或機架式配置皆可),內含兩個 CPU 和四個 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU,非常適合辦公室和家庭辦公環境,能部署在部門和企業叢集內。

The liquid cold systems built in these servers are also used for many other GPU servers. In addition, Supermicro has published a liquid cold AI development system (both tower and rack configuration) containing two CPUs and four NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs, which are well suited to office and family environments and can be deployed in ministries and businesses.

Supermicro 系統支援新的 NVIDIA L4 GPU,與前幾代產品相比,加速和能效均提升數倍。此系統同樣適用於企業、雲端和邊緣的 AI 推理、視訊串流、虛擬工作站和圖形應用程式。L4 採用 NVIDIA 的 AI 平台和全堆疊方法,經過最佳化調整,適合進行各種 AI 應用程式的大規模推理,包括推薦、語音型的 AI 虛擬人物助理、聊天機器人、視覺搜尋和客服中心自動化等,能提供最好的個人化體驗。L4 是適用於主流伺服器最高效的 NVIDIA 加速器,擁有高達 4 倍的 AI 效能、更高的能源使用效率,還有超過 3 倍的視訊串流容量與效率,因此能支援 AV1 編碼/解碼。L4 GPU 擁有多樣化的推理和視覺化功能,加上輕巧、節能、單插槽、薄型、72W的低功耗規格,是包括邊緣位置在內全域部署的最佳選擇。

The Supermicro system supports the new NVIDIA L4 GPU, which is several times faster and more energy-efficient than previous generations. The same system applies to the AI reasoning, visual streams, virtual workstations and graphic applications of businesses, clouds and edges. L4 uses NVIDIA platforms and full stacking methods that are optimized and adapted to perform a wide range of AI applications, including promotions, voice-like AI virtual person assistants, chat machines, visual search and self-motivation centres, which provide the best personalization experience. L4 is the most efficient NVIDIA accelerators for mainstream servers, with 4 times higher AI efficiency, more efficient energy use, and more than 3 times the capacity and efficiency of visual string capacity, and thus supports AV1. L4 is the most efficient NVIDIA accelerator for mainstream servers, with an all-embracing 4-fold advantage, low-intensity, low-intensity, low-intensity, low-intensity, low-intitude, low-straction, low-straction, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-string, low-end, low-end, low-endivity, low-end, low-end, low-end-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end-end, low-end-end, low-use, low-use, low-use, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-use, low-end, low-end-end, low-use, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-impact, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-end, low-and-end-end-end, low-end, low-end-end, low-end, low-end-end, and efficient, low-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-end, low-

NVIDIA 加速運算產品主管 Dave Salvator 表示:「Supermicro 伺服器配備最新的 NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU,擁有無與倫比的強大效能,讓客戶能高效率且永續地加快工作負載的速度。NVIDIA L4 經過最佳化,適合用於主流部署,加上外型輕薄,可在 72W 的低功耗範圍內作業,將邊緣的 AI 效能和效率提升至新的境界。」

"Supermicro servers are equipped with the latest NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU, with incomparable efficiency that allows clients to increase their loads efficiently and continuously. NVIDIA L4 is optimized and suitable for mainstream deployments, coupled with a thin external profile that allows them to operate within 72W's low-capacity range, raising the marginal AI's effectiveness and efficiency to a new frontier."

Supermicro 最新的 PCIe 加速解決方案支援打造 3D 世界、數位雙生、3D 模擬模型和工業元宇宙。除了支援前幾代 NVIDIA OVX? 系統,Supermicro 也推出 OVX 3.0 配置,配備四個 NVIDIA L40 GPU、兩個 NVIDIA ConnectX?-7 SmartNIC、一個 NVIDIA BlueField?-3 DPU 及最新的 NVIDIA Omniverse Enterprise? 軟體。

Supermicro's latest PCIE solution supports the creation of a 3D world, digital binary, 3D simulation model and industrial-zone universe. In addition to supporting former generations of NVIDIA OVX? System, Supermicro also launched OVX 3.0 configuration with four NVIDIA L40 GPU, two NVIDIA ConnectX?-7 SmartNIC, one NVIDIA Bluefield?-3 DPI and the latest NVIDIA Omniverse Enterprise?

若要深入瞭解所有 Supermicro 先進的全新 GPU 系統,請造訪:

To gain insight into all Supermicro advanced GPU systems, visit:

歡迎由 2023 年 NVIDIA GTC 深入瞭解 Supermicro

Welcome to the Year 2023 by NVIDIA GTC




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