最新申请Openai,GPT4.0 API Key完整教程!
The latest application for Openai, GPT 4.0 API Key full course!
If you don't have magic, and it's too much trouble, you can use the one-system created by the author to support ChatGPT 4.0+ and Midjoourney+ and Mind mind-guided generation!
Goes to use: ai.idcyli.com
7月7日,OpenAI在官网宣布,GPT-4 API全面开放使用。
On 7 July, OpenAI announced on the Web that GPT-4 API was fully open for use .
GPT announced that it could use the GPS4 model as long as had a bill to pay , and no more queues!
所以你必须是绑卡用户,即120刀的账户,次月才会又GPT4.0 API KEY的资格!
That's why you have to qualify for API KEY for the following month
There are not yet 4.0 eligible to apply, and the card will automatically be upgraded to a GPT 3.5 account, and the following month the 4.0 account will be opened!
A little...
如果你没有国外的信用卡 ,可以用?depay,之前它们有一个多月不可用。现在又好了。虽然?7?月份上调了充值费率,但经过跟其他同类产品对比,depay目前收费还是最便宜的。
If you don't have a foreign credit card, you can use it? Depay, they weren't available for more than a month before. Now, it's okay. Although there's a full-time rate increase in July? But by comparison with other products of the same kind, the depay is currently the cheapest charge.
Before applying, let me say what I know about the risks and what most people have doubts about:
- 申请的信用卡 有月费,不用了会不会一直扣?没钱了就不会扣了,如果你不放心可以手动注销一下。
- 这个信用卡 会不会盗刷欠费?不会,这个卡是预支卡。充值才可用。所以不具备信用卡 欠费的属性。
- 现在绑卡?chatGPT?会预扣?5?美元,一周后会归还。所以要先充钱进去。才能绑卡。很多卖?key?的也是利用这个漏洞批量生成?120?美金的?key,然后低价卖出去。
- depay?公司会不会跑路?理论上不会,但之前出现过段时间不能对外支付的情况(可以提现,钱没丢,只是不能充?plus),所以建议用多少充多少。
- 购买?usdt?有没有风险?小额没啥风险,大额可能有,几万美金以上吧。建议用多少买多少,测试就买少点。c2c?购买目前是?t+1?到账,也就是你今天买了,明天才能提现到?depay,提现的手续费是最低?1?美元。
- 从?depay?的?USDT?转?USD?最小额度是?10?美金,如果你从其他渠道购买?USDT,最少买?12USDT,否则怕转不进去。如果你还准备购买?chatGPT?plus?那么最少要充?28USDT。
- 在进行?depay?实名认证的时候需要用到身份证,如果担心被滥用可以自己找个软件加个水印。
- 如果这个卡绑定到?chatGPT?失败怎么办?换个账号、IP、国家一致的重新申请下。如果一直不行,那就只能重新申请信用卡 了,卡里的钱可以提取出来。也可以绑定微信给消费掉。
(In-country direct access to register! )
Registered with a mobile phone number or a mailbox.
注册成功后,会让你下载 app,在 app 里选择你要申请的卡。目前有 master 和 visa 两类卡,选择注册 visa 卡。
After registration is successful, you can download the app and select the card you want to apply for in the app. There are currently two types of cards, Master and VISA, which you choose to register.
需要自己找渠道买USDT。这里使用欧易,因为欧易第一层实名只需要填写身份信息,不需要上传身份证。注意,在欧意购买的 USDT 是 t+1 才能提取的。一般可以选择通过微信/支付宝购买,操作还算简单,第一次买的,找个最低额度走一遍流程。简单说,就是选择交易对象,然后确认你要购买的额度,生成一个订单,然后在订单详情里加对方好友转钱给他,你这边在微信/支付宝转钱后,在订单这里点击已转账。对方确认后就结束了。第二天到账户里把 USDT 提取出来。
You need to find your own way to buy USDT. This is easy, because the first real name of EuI only needs to fill in the identity information and do not need to upload the identity card. Note that the USDT purchased in Oeki is t+1. The option is usually to buy it through a micromail/paying treasure, which is simple, the first purchase is simple, and to find a minimum amount to go through the process. Simply put, you select the target, then confirm the amount you want to buy, generate an order, then transfer it to him in the order details, and you click on the transfer in the place of the order after the transfer.
: cnouey.expert/join/141422...
(In-country direct access to register! )
在欧易上买币,一定要12刀以上,因为在depay转 USD 的最低额度 10 美金,所以最好最低买15刀或者20刀以上!
It's gotta be 12 bucks or more on the O-Y-O-E, because the depay switch to the USD floor is 10 dollars, so it's better to buy the strong strong > 15 or the strong > 2 strong strong > 0!
提币地址在 depay app 里获得
The coin address is available at
fetching address:
最少要转 2USDT,少于 2USDU 的直接就没了,到不了账!
At least two USDTs, less than two USDUs, are gone directly. We can't get to the account!
Once the Depay wallet is in the account, click on the wallet, click on the USD, click on the exchange, enter the amount of the exchange, please click 12 more than!
Finally, go back to the front page, click on the activation card and enter the amount of the charge. It takes more than 10! The card is activated.
It's self-magic. The stationmaster doesn't have magic!
选择个人 I‘m an individual
Select a person I'm an individual
The street address, the city, the post office, that's all I need. This is the address I'll use for every time I tie a card.
The postage is preceded by the CVV security code, which is viewed in the APP at Depay.
When the strapped card succeeds, it'll be withheld? $5? You'll return it to Kari in a week!
That's the amount you found free of charge to be 120!
现在就等下个月开放4.0就行了,按照官方公告,只要有过付费账单的api key账户都可以使用GPT4模型了!
Just wait for the next month to open 4.0. According to the official announcement, if you have a bill to pay, you can use the GPT4 model!
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