
资讯 2024-07-08 阅读:51 评论:0
原標題:2022年度中國十大學術熱點   編者按The editor of press ˂/strang'    歸納、總結和梳理年度學術熱點,既是對一年來我國哲學社會科學研究的...



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The editor of press


The focus and focus on the social science research of our national philosophy over the past year have helped to build China's autonomous knowledge system and provide intellectual support for the social sciences of Chinese identity, Chinese style, China's weather philosophy. In 2022, China's ten university science hotspots, which have been recommended by the academic community, researched literature, and reviewed by experts, have been selected.

  熱點1 “兩個結合”與馬克思主義中國化時代化

hotspot 1: "The Two Together" and "Marxist China Times"


The Chinese Communist Party’s 100th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) was marked by a clear “two convergences” that became the focus of the academic community. In 2022, the “two convergences” and the “Chineseization era” took place, and the academic theory began an in-depth study from the following sources. 1. The Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year struggle to study the “two convergences” at the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the innovative outcome of the “two convergences” became the focus of the academic community. In 2022, around the “two convergences” and the “Chinese era”, the “two convergence” and the “Chinese era of China’s China’s Chinaization” took place.


For the future, continue to deepen research on the important topic of the “two convergences” and the transformation of Marxism in China, the academic community should do the following things on the basis of what has already been achieved.


(Essayer: Qin Chen, Professor, Chinese Institute of Socialist Ideas, Chinese People's University in the near future)

  熱點2 中國式現代化研究

hotspot 2 Chinese-style contemporary research


In 2022, the scientific dimension of China’s modern-day transformation was studied in depth. The Chinese Communist Party’s alliance led the Chinese people to explore the historical progress, basic experience and great achievements of China’s modern-day path.


: In mid-western contrasts, the characteristics and advantages of modern Chinese modernity are clarified. For example, the modern-day “multiplier effects” of population patterns profoundly influence China’s modern-day evolution and profoundly alter the world’s “temporalization” landscape; the people’s value orientation, the richness of the people, the demand for China’s modernisation, the success of China’s modernization, the trap of “the capitality” of the Chinese nation’s great recovery. New civilization and spirituality, for example, demand that China’s modern-day “mortality” of research and research co-generation of nature, the world’s modern-day growth of modernity and research, and the growth of the world’s “temporaneity of modernity”; and China’s technological expansion and expansion of international goods and technologies, and China’s technological expansion of technology.


(Essayer: Professor Oh Chung-min, Department of Social and Biological Civilization, Central Party School)

  熱點3 全過程人民民主的科學內涵與制度體現

hotspot 3 The scientific content and system of people's democracy all through


In 2022, the academic theory surrounded this major theory and reality, and conducted an in-depth study in several areas. 1. The rationale for people's democracy throughout the process. The democratic process is the inheritance and development of Marxist democratic doctrines, the institutions and procedures of the new era of democratic theory and reality in China, the science of the broadest, most real, and most effective. 2. The democracy of the people has acquired the qualitative meaning of “people nature” and the procedural content of “all-roundness” of people's democracy.


In 2022, the academic theory was built around the essence of people’s democracy throughout the process, its special advantages, and the relationship between people’s democracy and the democratic development of our country’s socialism. There are many good ideas that have emerged. It is also important to see that much more research on this subject needs to be done.


(Essayer: Professor Sang-kyung, University of Rehabilitation)

  熱點4 多學科視域中的共同富裕研究

Hotspot 4 Common Richness Study in Multi-Scientific View


In 2022, the academic theory surrounding the important topic of shared wealth was studied from a multidisciplinary and multidimensional perspective. 1. In-depth research and reconciliation of the internal logic of shared wealth, the core imperatives, and the proper use of policies. 2. Research and analysis of approaches to reform and implementation of common wealth, social justice, income distribution, transformation of development structures, equalization of public services, fiscal policies, etc., involve fiscal and fiscal policies, digital economy, agricultural administration, social security reform, demonstration, business innovation, and innovation.


: In 2022, the academic community undertook extensive research on the theory and practical aspects of shared wealth from different academic points of view, creating the following common understanding on issues such as the content, direction and other aspects of shared wealth. 1. Shared wealth has two indistinguishable meanings: wealth and sharing, which is a high level of wealth and a high level of shared wealth. 2. Shared wealth is a shared wealth of the entire population, but not an equal wealth. 3. Shared wealth includes both material wealth and spiritual enrichment. 4. Shared wealth is a long-term journey that requires a collective effort by the entire population to overcome the difficulties of shared wealth.


(Comment: Professor Li Shih, School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University)

  熱點5 百年變局下的國際經濟體系重構

The 500-year-old transformation of the international economic system


1. From the perspective of international trade and the global division of labour, the international economy has re-orientated its influence on global economic cooperation, value chains, division of labour, new chains and global activities such as cross-national corporations. 2. From the perspective of geopolitical and global public health crises, an analysis of how major events such as the Russian conflict, the New Crown Pneumonia epidemic are deeply entrenched, the systemic remodelling of international trade patterns and the international economic system. 3. From the perspective of global cooperation and competition, an analysis of the implications of global globalization for global economic cooperation, technological innovation, and cross-national corporate global activities has been conducted.


1. The new coronary pneumonia epidemic has had a severe impact on the growth of the world economy in recent years, and the analysis of conventional shocks or demand has been inadequate, requiring a full-scale analysis of the impact of the epidemic on the growth of the world economy in terms of both supply and demand, as well as its interaction with one another. 2. The high-level, high-value investment and the new rules of international trade cooperation, direct investment and growth in the world’s economy have had a profound impact on the growth of the world’s economy, requiring the adoption of new approaches, new-cost thinking and analysis of the world’s economic growth and growth methods.


(Essayer: Researcher, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

  熱點6 秦漢基層社會研究

Hotspot 6 Qin Hancian Social Research


In 2022, the history of Qin Han in China re-examined and studied Qin Hanxian society from the angle of state governance, focusing on the following aspects. 1. Explore the relationship between fundamental social change and the way the country is governed.


On the one hand, a large number of Qin Qin Qin Qian Qian Qian Qian Qian Qian Quanqian data have been continuously collated and published on social issues and social governance, and new data have led to the emergence of new problems; on the other hand, the real need for the bottom of China's governance and historical typologies have inspired the exploration by scholars of Qin Qin Qin's tian tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic tectonic t tectonic tectonic tectonic t tectonic tectonic tact t tact t tact tact t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t st t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t


(Essayer: , Researcher, Institute of Ancient History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

  熱點7 中國現當代文學史料的整理與運用

hotspot 7 > >. .


In recent years, China's contemporary literature research has seen a “historical shift” in a series of academic meetings focusing on contemporary literature history research, with different levels of funds such as the National Social Science Fund and the Publications Fund tilted towards the theme of history, and important literature and research publications have increasingly published articles related to history. In 2022, the academic community advanced the research and documentation of contemporary literature history, mainly from the following dimensions. 1. From the classical and historical landscapes, there has been an exploration of the current state and problems of historical research.


The following events deserve our attention. 1. The book of contemporary literature journals (44 types) is a collection of several different types of “historical research seminars”. 2. The writings and publications of leading writers such as Chen loyalties, Luang, and high-awareness writings. 3. The discovery and analysis of the “World literature” in the current literature and the “Records of Literature” are being promoted. 4. The successive publications of the “Books of Writers” in all provinces and cities. 5. China’s People’s University, Zhejiang University, Nakayama University, Hangzhou University of Masters University have developed several different types of “historical studies”.


(Essayer: , Professor of Arts and Arts, People's University of China)

  熱點8 區域國別學的跨學科建構

Expeditional Structure for Regional National Studies


In 2022, the academic world surrounded what our country needed in regional studies, how to build regional typologies, research methods, understanding and science systems in China, taking on increasingly important responsibilities in international and regional affairs, and reinforcing the need for strategic recognition of the whole landscape of extraterritorial countries and regions as part of China’s development today. In 2022, regional typologies and practical studies on how to build regional tectonic frameworks, research methods, literacy departments and science faculties in China, explored in depth such important topics as the achievements and problems of local tectonic studies, the interaction between tectonics and talent development in our local tectonic systems, and revealed the regional tectonic typologies and realities of tectonic typologies as one level of science, clearly identifying the path of regional tectonic development, and sharpening the fundamental role of tectonics in the development of regional typologies.


: Understanding that the world is a complex system project, explaining to the world that China cannot leave its own voice, depends on the extent to which we have built and delivered our own faculties of science, literature, history, and speech. With China’s rapid development, regional studies have become a hotspot. The highlights of the Ph.D., Master’s Degrees and Talent Development Programs published in December 2021 are foreign, foreign studies, foreign literature, foreign literature and foreign history. New world politics, economics and science are required as a level of science in cross-sections. New regional schools of science are required to give high attention and in-depth thought to this issue.


(Essayer: Professor Chen Chang, Shanghai Shifu University)

  熱點9 新發展階段的社會治理創新

9 hotspots for social governance in new stages of development


In 2022, the academic community’s research on the theory and reality of social governance in China’s distinctive society has focused on the following aspects. 1. Explore the social governance paradigm and its response in the new development phase, and explore new paths to risky governance and radical governance. 2. In the context of exploring the intellectual transformation of social governance and the positive effects of digital platform enterprises’ involvement in governance, starting with internal governance, external governance, corporate governance, etc., the analytical framework of the digital platform’s governance field, and the viable path to good governance in the platform.


At the same time, research in this domain is still weak in terms of core conceptual advances, meso-level innovations. Research should continue in the following areas. 1. Based on China’s autonomous social awareness system, which continues to develop in terms of sound co-management and shared social governance systems, an in-depth study has been carried out on systems around the ground floor, basic public services systems, social governance systems, social conflict resolution systems, social security governance systems, and so on.


(Essayer: Professor Zhang Man-hong, School of Government Administration, Nanjing University)

  熱點10 元宇宙與數字化生存新敘事

Hotspot 10 dollar cosmos and digital survival update


The study of the meta-cosmos, which continues to reflect on questions of man and technology, fiction and reality, body and spirit, freedom and order, and concentrates its research on angles and directions. 1. Technology-social media exploration of the meta-cosmos as a technology broker has an impact on the physical existence and social ethos. 2. Philosophies based on this theory and the existence of the theory on the relationship between the meta-cosmos and the real world. 3. Cultural critical reflections and concerns about the illusions of the meta-cosmos have led to a discussion of the possible existence of the virtual survival model of the meta-cosmos.


In 2022, the academic world was surrounded by innovations in economic dynamics, forms of social interaction, spatial construction, patterns of information interaction, etc., as well as extensive discussions about cross-cultural science and technology, technology applications, human concerns, and social governance. 1. Using technology as an enabler, the meta-cosm study focused on artificial intelligence, networks, digital life, regional chains, brain interfaces, and new technologies such as AR/VR/MR, and exploring how technology can be used in business activities, industrial industries, cultural education, and urban communities. 2. With human development as a nuclear power, carbon-based civilization and silicon-based civilization as a counter to cooperation, and the organization of the future human civilization as an organizing model for digital survival.


(Essayer: Zhaoxing, Professor, University of Rehabilitation Institute of Data Studies)




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