
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:57 评论:0
币圈什么叫玩合约,币圈永续合约是啥意思? ˂a data-ail = "495362" target ="_self" href="https://www.btchangeqing.cn/bitwiki/biquan" what doe...



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what does a data-ail = "495362" target ="_self" href="https://www.btchangeqing.cn/bitwiki/biquan" currency /a> what does a dynasty contract mean?


First, before going back to this question, there is a need for some basic knowledge, and then looking at the following articles, so that it is easier to understand; in fact, what we are talking about is a contract with an exchange, paying a certain bond, which is divided into two types, one with a cut-off contract, one with a cut-off period, and one with a cut-off period, which, like futures, is automatically leveled by the time of the cut-off, and the other with no time limit, the contract is open-ended, the contract is free to buy more money, the price to buy more, the price to buy more, the price to make more money, the way to do it, and the way to do it with additional leverage, the number to be freely chosen and the number to be subject to different leverage multiple risks.

合约其实在是杠杆交易的基础下进行了优化,使用户能够更好的操作买卖,相比现货而言做合约多了一个买空(所谓买空就是买跌)的选择,所以相对现货更加灵活一点。当然我没要玩合约首先要有账户,可以点击这里注册欧易交易所账户,就可以买卖和开合约炒币:点击这里 或者复制右边注册入口网址:https://www.gokx.cn/1

The contract is actually optimized on the basis of a leveraged transaction to enable users to better operate and buy and sell, and is more flexible than the option of making a contract on the spot to buy and buy (so-called buy and drop). Of course, I don't want to play with an account first. I can click here to register Eu-Eu-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e: click here or copy the registered portal on the right: https://www.gokx.cn/1 /span>


A contractual transaction is an agreement between the seller and the buyer to deal with an asset at a specified price at a certain point in the future.


1. Users can earn the benefits of ups and downs in contractual transactions by judging up and down, opting to buy more or sell out for nothing, generally speaking, by trading in both directions, buying up or falling, depending on the trend.


2. Everyone knows that contracts are leveraged, and that leverage has the advantage of maximizing the use of money, for example, 100 times the leverage, which means that 10,000 U can be used as 1 million U. You can use leverage to make a small profit.


I, what is a permanent contract, a cut-off contract:

合约交易分为交割合约和永续合约,“交割合约”是有交割日期的, “永续合约”它没有到期时间,因而对于持仓时间没有任何限制,当行情达到投资者的预期时,可进行交割

The contract deal is divided into a contract of delivery and a permanent contract, the “contract of delivery” has a date of delivery, the “contract of eternity” has no expiry date, and there is no limit on the time to hold a warehouse, which can be handed over when the expectations of the investor have been met.


II, spot and future:


So what's the difference between a spot transaction and a futures transaction? Generally speaking, a spot transaction is a hand-in-hand delivery. We buy or sell , which is a spot transaction.


iii. How do we manage the risk: .


The issue of contract risks, with many misperceptions about contract and leverage, is not much of the risk of contract transactions, how can it be controlled? Risks exist in any investment market, and many people believe that contract transactions are leveraged and risky.


Here again, it is clear that risk is not leverage in itself, but in the hands of investors, and that money is aware of and controlled by risk. If you cannot buy so many coins, don't think about eating little fats. Don't move around, allocate your seating. (The combination of position + risk + rate + rate of return + compound thinking determines whether you can make much, much less.)


iv, surplus, loss, warehouse, silo:


For example, bitcoin increases by 8,000 points, can set up 8100 stops, 7950 stops, up to 8100 will sell automatically and down to 7950 will stop selling automatically.


It can be set to your desired profit price, it can be set to the price you can afford, and it can be reduced to a small loss.


When a warehouse is constructed, the profit or loss is determined by the circumstances, before it can be levelled in order to lock in the profit or loss.


V. Funding and warehouse matching:


It's based on the volatility of your money and your behavior to decide how much of your total money you're going to run, usually 20-30% of the time, that's two to three. Buy more when you're sure, less when you're not sure.


For example, the contract principal is 10,000 U, which is 3/10 of the principal, which is 3,000 U for operation, 3,000 U plus 100 times leverage, and 38 bit, which is 76,000 U when bits from 8,000 U to 10,000 U, and we earn 76,000 U in 38 bits.


This is why contract transactions can now be market-mainstreamed, and risk containment can be controlled!


vi, how to buy and sell , inter-account transfer:

首先选择一个简单快速的交易所,注册交易所账户并完成实名,“买入USDT ”在C2C或者OTC购买USDT,购买USDT后是在C2C账户的,这时候需要选择C2C账户划转到资金账户完成一次操作,然后在从资金账户划转到合约账户即可。“ 卖出USDT ” 兑换为人民币时进行反向操作,然后在C2C卖出USDT即可。学习合约熟悉最基本的操作步骤,可以跟着团队这边的分析来进行学习操作。

Select a simple and fast exchange, register the exchange account and complete the real name, buy the USDT in C2C or OTC, buy the USDT in C2C accounts, and then choose the C2C account to be transferred to the fund account for a single operation, and then transfer the funds account to the contract account. “Sell out the USDT” for reverse operations, and then sell the USDT in C2C.


What the hell is a currency contract?


100-fold leverage, 125-fold leverage...A growing number of currency-circle players are starting highly leveraged contractual transactions. In this case, if the currency rises by 1%, their assets can double; if the currency drops by 1%, they will have nothing to lose. This is a high-risk game, the currency rings become dangerous casinos, and the exchange is the driving force behind it.


The contract market is full of the myths of one night's richness, but “99.5 per cent of the scattered households will be out of the barn.” And, in the end, even the exchange itself, it is often hard to escape.


It's 01. It's a silo.


For the contractual players, the night of 12 March was a cold night of slaughter, during which, in 15 minutes, the currency of Bitcoin fell by more than 15 per cent.


It's all so precipitous. The currency-circle competitor Jang said that he received a message from the exchange and was told that he was about to blow up the warehouse. He quickly opened the software and was ready to level it manually.


Almost at the same time, he received a warning message from the warehouse — a hundred thousand dollars to the ground.


According to the AICoin data, on the night of 12 March, the currency city had $2 billion worth of money, with a maximum of $10 million, and an average of $51,000 worth of money.


There was also a section in the circle surrounding the explosion: a new contracter made an empty bitcoin on March 12, but did not know about the stoppage. That night, Bitcoin fell, turning thousands of dollars into hundreds of thousands.


After the big money, he felt that the currency was going to rise again and that the next morning, Bitcoins continued to fall, and the hundreds of thousands of ashes he had just earned had to be paid back, sooner or later.


In the currency ring, there are already contracts. In short, it is a futures deal, similar to the traditional futures market, where the parties play two main games: one is capable of doing more, one is empty, and the player can profit in both directions; and the other is leveraged, and the player can be big.


The first currency exchange to enter into the contract market was OKEx, BitMEX. In early years, they divided the domestic and international contract markets.


Subsequently, , , tea-painting, Biki, Gate, etc., also entered the contract market. “Now, the vast majority of the competitions are talking about the above-mentioned articles.

OKEx CEO Jay在微博上揶揄火币的合约业务

OKEx CEO Jay's contract on Twitter


How fast is the contract going? There's a set of data from non-small sizes that can tell intuitively:


In 2018, two of the top 10 global trading exchanges opened contractual transactions;


Today, eight of the top 10 global trading exchanges have opened contractual transactions.


The number of leverages that they offer is increasing and even rising to alarming levels.


Earlier, many exchanges had a five-fold, 10-fold, up to 20-fold leverage on their contractual transactions.


Today, some exchanges are already providing much more leverage than that. For example, the permanent contracts of OKEx can provide up to 100 times leverage, and currency security can provide 125 times leverage.


One example is the 100-fold leverage provided by OKEx: assets can double if the currency rises by 1 per cent, but if the currency drops by 1 per cent, the player will blow up the store, lose all the principal, and in the contract market, the rich and the disinherited, often in an instant.


02, Gambling.


What players are attracted to the contract market? They're typical gamblers, often mocking themselves: "Give me a lever, I can lose the whole planet."


"The contract market doesn't have a ‘false player’." Money-circle player only tells a chain of blocks .


"A real-time rate of return for each item is shown on the exchange APP, and the rate of return is a three-digit change every second after a 100-fold leverage. The first second may be 200%, and the second second may be 300%." He said.


In the face of such dramatic ups and downs, almost all players stare at each other. And the 7* 24-hour deal in the currency makes a lot of players feel like they're having a hard time.


“When you open a list of high-level contracts, you can't sleep, you have to use your cell phone.” Ding said.


What's worse is that people who have long contracts, like senior gamblers, get “heart addiction” and can't quit.


Two years ago, the OKEx Exchange was questioned about the impossibility of trading “extension” and was one of the victims of being a contractual player.


"I received a text that reminded me that I was about to explode. And I couldn't open an APP and I couldn't do anything but watch myself explode." Ding remembered, "That feeling of despair, I can't describe."


In order to pay off all his credit cards, he had to face hundreds of thousands of debts every month. "To the end of the day, every time I see a number, I don't think it's my money."


In 2019, Ding applied to the exchange for the cancellation of the account in order to discontinue the contractual transaction and was informed by the customer service that “there was no service”. He went to the mobile office to cancel his cell phone number for more than a decade.


He endured it for a while, but eventually he couldn't. Then he signed up a new exchange account with his new cell phone number and went into a contract deal again.


He said that now he's playing with the currency, he's a 125-fold leverage, pre-empts the loss of surplus, avoids the explosion, and "wins and losses are just a few minutes."


“The currency itself is highly volatile, coupled with a 100-fold leverage, and the contract deal is already in line with gambling.” Researcher Zhou Wai indicated.


“For some people, futures (contracts) = net bets.” As the CEO of the Lebitt mine has pointed out before.


The continuing boom in contract transactions reflects a major problem in the currency ring — a growing number of speculators buying and buying and falling, and a smaller number of “bitcoin believers” who are determined to hoard currency.


“I used to be a ‘bitcoin believer’, hoarding only money, not punctuating money. But these two years have not changed much, and half of the legendary business doesn't see a shadow. Occasionally, scuffling contracts is also meant to reduce the depreciation of the currency on hand.


In the view of some of the non-contractual currency players, it is the proliferation of contract transactions that has led to bitcoin prices — large amounts of money being invested in highly leveraged gambling games.


“The exchange should cancel the contract deal and ban the empty, so that the money goes to the spot, everyone hoards the money, and the price rises.” Some people say.


In the face of highly leveraged contractual transactions, the vast majority of the coins are scattered and turned into pickles.


“Many players wrongly believe that if they run 50% of the people, they can make money in the contract market.” Jovi says, “But the truth is that they won not 50% of the people, but 50% of the money. Behind 50% of the money, it could be 98%.”


In his view, under high leverage, the player’s assets may increase by 10 times overnight, or they may fall into zero in an instant. Gains and risks appear to be equal, but they are not.


"When it's good, many players end up spending 10 times the value of their assets. When it's bad, they hold the money in their hands and wait for it to come back to zero." He explains, "The investment mentality of the diaspora determines that they cannot make a long-term profit in the contract market."


“99.5%-99.9% of the homeless will be blown up in the contract market.” Jiangchallel concludes, “There is no difference between contract play and gambling, drug use, and many players will not repent unless they lose their assets.”


03, the pusher.


Why is the currency-circumstance deal so crazy? In the eyes of many currency-circumstancers, the exchange is the direct pusher of the market. For example, the three major bureaux of the currency and currency exchange have launched major contracts competitions to reward players with luxury cars, iPhones, etc.


"Play the contract, grab the iPhone and win the BMW."


So, why is the exchange so keen on the contract market? Read more about it!


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