
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:57 评论:0
作者:Liang CHE author: Liang CHE/b˃ 来源:比推bitpush.news Source: Bitpush.news 在过去一周中,加密货币市场震荡幅度增大,除此之外,还发生了FCoin爆雷、bZx遭攻击...



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作者:Liang CHE

author: Liang CHE


Source: Bitpush.news


In addition to the increased volatility of the crypto-currency market in the past week, there have been incidents of Fcoin mines, bZx attacks, currency exchange malfunctions, which have made the week rather unsettled.



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Encryption Event


Several events in the encryption industry this week seem to be encroaching on investors' confidence.


Fcoin issued an announcement stating that the projected unpayable size ranged from 7,000 to 13,000 BTC, which triggered a chain reaction in the currency ring and affected a number of projects.


For the second time this week,


immediately followed by a failure of the main encrypted currency exchange currency trading platform, which was temporarily maintained for more than six hours. This Friday, the Malta Regulator's Financial Services Authority (MFSA) issued a statement denying that the currency was licensed to operate encrypted money in the country and stating that the currency was not regulated in the country.


Encrypted currency



Most of the other major encrypted currencies

资深加密市场分析Thomas Lee本周表示,比特币的价格“有可能”达到50万美元。而比特币倡导者Max Keizer则预测比特币的价格将达到40万美元。他表示,“我正式提高我对比特币的目标价格预测,在比特币还是1美元的时候我预测比特币可能达到10万美元。现在是我八年来首次正式提高比特币的目标价格预测,40万美元。”

Senior Encrypted Market Analysis Thomas Lee said this week that the price of Bitcoin was “possibly” $500,000. And the Bitcoin advocate, Max Keizer, predicted that the price of Bitcoin would be 400,000 dollars. He said, “I officially raised my target price forecast for bitcoin, and I predicted that bitcoin might reach $100,000 when it was $1.” Now, for the first time in eight years, I officially raised the target price forecast for bitcoin, $0.4 million.”

稳定币和数字货币方面,Bitcoin.com首席执行官Roger Ver表示,全球市值最高的稳定币Tether(USDT)即将加入比特币现金(BCH)区块链网络。

With regard to stabilizing currencies and digital currencies, Roger Ver, Chief Executive Officer of Bitcoin.com, indicated that Tether (USDT), the world's highest-market stabilizer, was about to join the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Block Chain Network.


The Swedish National Bank (Riksbank) indicated this week that it has started testing e-krona, which is going to take the country even further from the creation of the world's first central bank digital currency. The Bank's official statement states that if that number of currencies were finally entering the market, it would be used for daily banking operations, such as payments, deposits and withdrawals from digital wallets such as mobile phone applications.

国际清算银行创新中心负责人Benoit Coeure本周表示,即使数字货币问世,央行货币仍将是系统的核心。他表示,“(法定货币)将成为支持的一部分,因为这是系统稳定所必需的。”

Benoit Coeur, the head of the Innovation Centre of the Bank for International Settlements, said this week that central bank currencies would remain at the heart of the system even if digital currencies were to exist. He said, “(legal currency) will be part of the support, which is necessary for system stability.”



全球金融监管机构金融稳定委员会(FSB)主席Randal Quarles本周表示,全球的金融监管机构有可能因数字支付行业的快速创新而落伍,因此需要更加迅速地制定数字货币监管规则。Quarles还表示,一个专门的工作小组正在研究解决稳定币风险和利益方面的政策。

Randall Quarles, Chairman of the Global Financial Stability Board (FSB) of the Global Financial Supervisory Authority, said this week that global financial regulators might be left out of rapid innovation in the digital payment industry, and that there was a need for more rapid regulation of digital money. Quarles also indicated that a dedicated working group was working on policies to address currency stabilization risks and benefits.


revealed to the G-20 Presidency research and policy advisory network T20 that it would set up a working group to conduct a study on the regulation of encrypted currencies. The TF8 team would be responsible for studying “The regulation and regulation of encrypted money and financial technologies, their impact on the international monetary system, their potential applications in money laundering and terrorist financing and how to monitor these activities.”

在美国,总统候选人迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)在本周的竞选活动中发布了一项金融改革计划,提出针对加密货币建立“明确监管框架”。该提案要求金融机构监控风险,将所有金融交易记录在一个中心化的数据库中,为初创企业创建一个监管沙箱,并为加密货币提供明确的监管框架。

In the United States, the presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg released a financial reform plan for this week's campaign, proposing a “clear regulatory framework” for encrypted currencies. The proposal requires financial institutions to monitor risks, record all financial transactions in a centralized database, create a regulatory sandbox for start-ups and provide a clear regulatory framework for encrypted currencies.

美SEC委员Hester Peirce在本月初提出了为合法的加密项目提供3年宽限期的“安全港”提案的想法。本周她详述了自己的想法并寻求业内的反馈。她认为,安全港旨在平衡保护代币购买者的目标和提供使创新蓬勃发展的监管灵活性。

USSEC Commissioner Hester Peirce introduced the idea of a “safe harbour” to provide a three-year grace period for legitimate encryption projects at the beginning of the month. She elaborated on her ideas and sought feedback from the industry this week. She believed that the safe harbour was designed to balance the objective of protecting money purchasers and to provide regulatory flexibility for innovation to flourish.

美国SEC本周宣布与区块链初创公司Enigma MPC达成50万美元的和解。根据SEC发布的消息,Enima MPC通过ICO发行的ENG代币被认为是证券,但该公司并未根据联邦证券法将其注册为证券。除了50万美元的罚款外,Enigma 同意将ICO 筹集到的资金返还给投资者,并把ENG代币注册为证券并向SEC提交定期报告。

USSEC announces this week a settlement of $500,000 with Enigma MPC, the starter of the block chain. According to information released by SEC, Enima MPC issues ENG tokens through ICO as securities, but the company does not register them as securities under the Federal Securities Act. In addition to a $500,000 fine, Enigma agreed to return the funds raised by ICO to investors, register the ENG tokens as securities and submit periodic reports to SEC.

在欧洲,巴黎上诉法院周一驳回了BTC-e交易所运营者Alexander Vinnik的上诉请求。Vinnik于2017年度假期间在希腊北部被捕,他被指控使用加密货币洗钱数十亿美元。美国和俄罗斯都提出了引渡请求。

In Europe, the Paris Court of Appeal rejected Monday's appeal by Alexander Vinnik, the BTC-e exchange operator. Vinnik was arrested in northern Greece on vacation in 2017, accused of using encrypted currency to launder billions of dollars. Both the United States and Russia filed extradition requests.


The Russian Central Bank (CBR) has issued a series of new rules on suspicious transactions, in which all transactions related to encrypted currency are classified as potential money-laundering risks.

俄罗斯副总理Dmitry Chernyshenko本周在一封提交给普京总统的信中表示,俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB)已与俄罗斯中央银行达成协议,禁止在俄罗斯境内使用加密货币作为支付手段。FSB此前并未明确是否允许或禁止使用像比特币这样的加密货币作为支付手段。

In a letter this week to President Putin, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko of Russia stated that the Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) had reached an agreement with the Russian Central Bank to prohibit the use of encrypted currency as a means of payment in Russia. The FSB had not previously explicitly allowed or prohibited the use of encrypted currency like Bitcoin as a means of payment.


The Spanish government has approved a financial technology sandbox scheme that will allow companies connected with block chains and encrypted currency to use controlled testing platforms before placing their products on the market. This regulatory sandbox may be officially opened sometime this year and will be jointly regulated by the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Spain and the two financial regulators.



总部位于巴拿马的加密货币衍生品交易所Deribit本周推出了以太坊的每日期权产品。新的期权产品的执行价格间隔为5美元,每天在国际标准时间8时到期,每份期权合约的生命周期为两个交易日。Deribit交易所CMO Andras Caron表示,自2月19日起,该交易所还将把所有以太坊期权的波动幅度从目前的0.001 ETH减少到0.0005 ETH。

This week, Deribit, an encrypted currency derivatives exchange based in Panama, has launched a daily options product in Tai Tai. The new options are executed at a price interval of $5, which expires at 8 p.m. on an international standard time, with a life cycle of two trading days for each options contract. CMO Andras Caron, Deribit Exchange, states that, as of 19 February, the exchange will also reduce all fluctuations in the options in the Tails from the current range of 0.001 ETH to 0.0005 ETH.

德国第二大证券交易所Boerse Stuttgart的子公司Blocknox正在将其加密货币托管服务扩展到机构参与者。Blocknox已经开始提供加密资产的托管服务,并已将该服务提供给Boerse Stuttgart的BISON应用程序及其数字资产交易所BSDEX的用户。

Blocknox, a subsidiary of Boerse Stuttgart, the second largest stock exchange in Germany, is extending its encrypted currency hosting service to institutional participants. Blocknox has started to provide an encrypted asset hosting service and has made the service available to BISON applications of Boerse Stuttgart and users of its digital asset exchange BSDEX.

根据富达国际本周公开披露的信息,该公司已向香港加密货币交易所OSL运营商BC Group投资1400万美元。富达国际以每股6.50港元(约合0.83美元)的价格购买了OSL所有者BC Group 1700万股股票,持有该公司5.6%的股份。这笔投资是上个月在香港证券交易所上市的BC Group宣布的3600万美元配股的一部分。

, based on information publicly disclosed this week by Fuda International, has invested $14 million in the Hong Kong Encrypted Currency Exchange Oscorp operator BC Group. Fuda International purchased 17 million shares of the OsL owner BC Group, at a cost of HK$ 6.50 (approximately US$ 0.83) and held 5.6% of the company's shares. This investment is part of the $36 million portfolio announced last month by BC Group, which was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.




On Wednesday, Forbes published a list of 50 strong block chains, requiring income or valuation of over $1 billion for the top 50 organizations. The list covers a number of industry giants from the financial, technological and other sectors, such as Morgan Chase, Citibank, HSBC, ING Group, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, BMW, General Electric, Hornewell, IBM, Intercontinental Exchange, Nasdak, LV, MasterCard, Samsung, Wal-Mart, and other Chinese companies, including China's Build Bank and Fuscang.


The e-commerce platform Shopify announced on Fridays, through official blogs, that it was the newest member of Libra, a stable currency project, and that Shopify was the first new member that the association had formally joined for four months. Shopify indicated that it intended to “work with other companies” to set up a payment network that could be used anywhere.


Morgan Stanley bought an encrypted and friendly broker, E.T.T., for $13 billion. According to the Wall Street Journal, this was the largest acquisition by large banks in the United States since the 2008 crisis.

稳定币发行公司Paxos已正式涉足基于区块链的股权结算业务。该公司表示,瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)和野村证券(Nomura)旗下的Instinet是最早使用其结算服务的两家公司,Paxos提供的服务可以帮助其客户结算在美国上市的股票交易。

Paxos, the stable currency issuer, has been officially involved in block-based equity settlements. The firm states that Instinet, under the Swiss credit (Credit Suisse) and Nomura Securities (Nomura), was the first two companies to use its settlement services, and that the services of Paxos could help its customers settle stock transactions listed in the United States.

韩国科技巨头三星公司最近在旧金山举办的Unpacked 2020活动中推出了其最新的Galaxy S20系列智能手机。据三星公开的新系列手机信息,尽管新相机备受关注,但其还将改进一年前在Galaxy S10系列手机上推出的集成区块链安全功能。

Korea's tech giant Tristar recently launched its latest Galaxy S20 series of smartphones at Unpacked 2020 in San Francisco. According to Samsung's new series of cell phone messages, while the new camera is receiving attention, it will also improve the integrated block chain security function that was launched a year ago on the Galaxy S10 series.


The Emirates's Dubai Department of Economic Development (ED) has established a “know your customer” KYC block chain alliance with six major banks. This block-based regulatory platform aims to accelerate the process of digital customer data and document exchange while ensuring security. The project also intends to introduce a single KYC platform among licensed financial institutions.

来自美国药品供应链中的24家公司共同向美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)提交了MediLedger DSCSA试点项目最终报告,提出了用于美国处方药的可互操作追踪系统的区块链系统。

24 companies from the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain jointly submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Surveillance Authority (FDA) the final report of the MediLedger DSCSA pilot project, proposing a block chain system for an interoperable tracking system for United States prescription drugs.

维基百科联合创始人Jimmy Wales在伦敦CoinGeek会议上表示,尚未看到任何实际的案例能够说服他在平台上使用区块链技术或加密货币。Jimmy Wales认为加密货币对维基百科没有什么帮助,会对平台独特的运营方式产生不利影响,损害他们的企业愿景。

Jimmy Walles, founder of Wikipedia Associates, stated at the CoinGeek meeting in London that no practical case had yet been seen to convince him to use block chain technology or encrypted currency on the platform. Jimmy Walles argued that encryption currency was of little help to Wikipedia and would have a negative impact on the platform's unique way of operating, undermining their business vision.


The European Federation of Football Associations (UEFA) will distribute more than a million tickets to football games this year through a block chain mobile application. In an official statement, the organization states that this new ticketing system will enable fans to “happy, safe and secure access to the stadium”.


Nebulous, the developer of the Sia network, has launched the content distribution and document-sharing network Skynet. The CEO of Nebulous claims that Skynet provides lower storage costs and higher speeds, and has advantages over centralized solutions.




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