
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:67 评论:0
导语:Introduction:2018年下半年,加密货币市场步入熊市。In the second half of 2018, the crypto-currency market entered Bear City.彼时,加密货币交易量逐...



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In the second half of 2018, the crypto-currency market entered Bear City.


At the same time, the volume of encrypt currency transactions was shrinking, exchanges began to explore the path of survival, and futures contracts became part of everyone's eyes.

非小号数据显示,在 2018 年 10 月之前,交易量排名前十的交易中只有两家开设了期货合约交易——BitMEX 以及 OKEx。

Non-nominal data show that, by October 2018, only two of the top 10 transactions had opened futures contract transactions — BitMEX and OKEx.

去年 10 月之后,包括火币在内的 11 家交易所陆续开通了期货合约;如今开通期货合约的交易数量已经达到上百家,币安今年更是高调宣布入局合约市场。

Last October, 11 exchanges, including the tender, opened futures contracts; now the number of futures contracts opened has reached hundreds, and this year the currency announced a high-profile entry into the company’s contract market.


A small contract market can't accommodate so many big Buddhas. Especially for an old futures exchange like OKEx, the side of the bed can't be snorted. So the giants started to snort, fight each other, and stage a big show.

在巨头混战期间,一家名叫抹茶MXC的交易平台趁势崛起,比肩“BHO”,形成了如今的 “BHOM”新格局。

During the war of giants, a trading platform called Tea MXC took advantage of the rise of a “BHO” to form the new “BHOM” today.



期货交易市场,仅仅比特币一项,年交易量就超过 10000 亿美金。这自然引得多家交易所垂涎,火币也不例外。

The futures market, in Bitcoin alone, is more than $100 billion a year. This naturally induces many exchanges to snort, with the exception of the coins.


Since the online futures contract last August, it's always been the right thing to do. In recent times, however, it's still pissing off a friend trader, OKEx.


The trigger for this play is a poster published by the gun.

8月13日,火币发布“火币合约交易+深度现稳居全球第一”业绩海报,引来OKEx CEO Jay Hao实力嘲讽。Jay Hao 质疑火币合约刷量,短短8个月,火币合约不可能就坐上了全球第一的宝座。

On August 13, it published a performance poster entitled “Market deal + depth is now the world’s number one,” which led to the mockery of OKEx CEO Jay Hao’s power. Jay Hao questioned the amount of tender contract brushes, and in just eight months, it was impossible for a gun contract to take its place in the world’s number one.

事情远未结束,第二天,Jay Hao 发文质疑火币“提前爆仓”。OKEx提出“他所提前爆仓,我所给予补偿”,决定拿出1000BTC,成立产业基金,用于补偿所有用户在友商比在OKEx提前爆仓的损失。

It was far from over, and the next day Jay Hao sent a letter questioning the “early explosion of the warehouse” of the gun. OKEx submitted that “he blew the warehouse early, and I paid for it”, and decided to pay 1,000 BTCs to set up an industrial fund to compensate all users for the loss of the warehouse earlier than at OKEx.


On the night of August 14th, the tender responded to the issue of the silo coefficient, and to sum it up, we're perfecting it. “The way that the tender contract chooses is to try to achieve a zero share and then to gradually reduce the adjustment factor.”


Now looking back at the whole thing, the reason why the OKEx reaction was so great is not because of the so-called false name, but because the fire coin moved the OKEx cheese.

此前,火币合约为了加紧运营冲业绩,推出“他所 VIP 即是我所 VIP”的策略,直接抢夺“友商”们的大客户,这才是令OKEx最为不满的。

Previously, in an effort to tighten operational performance, the tender contract introduced the strategy of “His VIP is my VIP” and directly seized large clients of “friend traders”, which was the most displeasure of OKEx.

就在火币、OKEx 口诛笔伐的同时,币安也不甘示弱,表示将于今年9月上线杠杆以及期货交易。

At the same time as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo.


More interestingly, the currency said that because futures contracts are more risky, they do not put users at risk. Today, the currency also follows the example of friends, and is on a no-go path.



Although giants compete for access to the contract market, the business is not as well conceived.

首当其中的就是技术难题。LinkVC 创始人、BBX 投资人林嘉鹏就曾表示,合约开发耗时耗力,他的团队用了足足半年时间、耗资 1000 万元才研发出合约系统。

The first of these is the technical dilemma. The founder of LinkVC, BBX investor Lim Kaapang, once said that contract development was time-consuming, and his team spent half a year, $10 million, to develop the contract system.


In addition, when the system is online, it has to be able to cope with high-speed, stable challenges and control the wind.

此外,尽管合约价格会锚定多家交易所现货价格,但爆仓以及插针也是常有的,而这又会对交易所的声誉产生了严重的负面影响。去年连续四次“宕机”事件让 OKEx 掌门人徐明星成了过街老鼠。直至被爆仓的维权者在其公司举起“敌敌畏”,徐明星也未能现身。

In addition, while contract prices will anchor the spot prices of multiple exchanges, they are common, and this has had a serious negative impact on the reputation of the exchange. Four successive events last year, the OKEx star, Xu, became a street rat.


Focusing on the off-the-shelf market is also more conducive to brand value than short-term benefits from contracts. Coinbase does this, as does the emerging exchange, which uses tea MXC.


Just this year, when the giants were busy fighting in the contract market, the tea MXC "growed up" and successfully joined the trading platform. However, not all of the trading platforms were seized.


The success of the teaing MXC was mainly due to the following:


One is to focus on the spot market, with many high-flow tokens. The demand for these market transactions is strong, bringing the Forces nouvelles into the exchange.


The second is the neutrality of the MXC. As an exchange, you can't be in favour of which side of the deal.


Currently, the MXC platform is not involved in any secondary market transaction in any currency, and the exchange has no interest in the project party. Some parties have listed a white list of their transactions on the line, and the corresponding exchange will receive a token reward, but the MXC is not on the list.


The third is that tea MXC is really "user-top." Problems arise in the trade of tea MXC platforms, and the customer service will immediately help resolve them, whether you are a high net user or a common slob, and in some large trading platforms it will be differentiated.

毕竟,火币、OKEx 都有大客户经理,他们的交易80%都是由大户贡献的;抹茶MXC平台则基本是散户贡献交易收益。

After all, they have large customer managers, 80 per cent of their transactions are made by large households, while the MXC platform is basically a credit to the bulk.


Even if you charge a fee, the MXC platform works to make concessions to users. We find that the platform has a maximum spot charge of 0.1 per cent, and some active currencies are well below other trading platforms by 0.05 per cent.




For ordinary users, the growth of a trading platform does not actually yield direct benefits, but it affects the price of the platform’s currency. If investors buy it, they get a good return.


At present, of the four major exchanges, the platform currency MXC is the most visible. Over the past six months, it has increased more than 80 times; the other three have increased only about three times this year.


Many investors see an increase in MX, and most of them choose to back down. Because, as you know, it's going to come back, and the price of MX is now too high.


MX is expected to follow Bitcoin in the coming period. If future MXC operations expand and profits rise, MX is expected to increase significantly.


There seems to be plenty of room for all major platform coins to increase. But three others are already exhausted in their development, and some are unable to sustain the platform’s rising prices.


Only MXC is as young as new, full of infinite possibilities, and the potential of MX seems to be greater.




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