央行反洗钱调查“风暴”过后 三大比特币交易平台恢复提现

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:63 评论:0
中国网财经6月2日讯(记者 毕晓娟)今年1月,央行对“比特币中国”、“火币网”、“币行”等比特币、莱特币交易平台展开反洗钱方面的现场检查。时隔四个多月,中国网财经记者今日采访了解到,日前三大平台已经陆续恢复提现功能,并表示反洗钱机制不...



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央行反洗钱调查“风暴”过后 三大比特币交易平台恢复提现

中国网财经6月2日讯(记者 毕晓娟)今年1月,央行对“比特币中国”、“火币网”、“币行”等比特币、莱特币交易平台展开反洗钱方面的现场检查。时隔四个多月,中国网财经记者今日采访了解到,日前三大平台已经陆续恢复提现功能,并表示反洗钱机制不断健全。

In January of this year, the Central Bank launched an on-site inspection of anti-money-laundering platforms such as Bitcoin China, the Currency Network, the Currency Bank, and the Bitcoin and Lightcoin trading platforms. More than four months later, Chinese online finance journalists interviewed today to learn that the three platforms had been restored to their current functions and that the anti-money-laundering regime was still in place.

具体的提现状况来看,OKCoin币行方面透露,5月31日起,OKCoin币行逐步恢复提币业务,目前提币是试运行阶段。提现额度上,客户每日比特币最高 20个,莱特币每日最高200个。火币网方面也证实,6月1日下午起,平台逐步恢复提币业务。限额方面,比特币单笔 50个,单日 50个;莱特币单笔5000个,单日5000个;以太坊单笔1000个,单日5000个。比特币中国方面也向中国网财经记者表示,平台已恢复提现,但前提是通过新风控系统(包含视频验证)。目前日均体现额度为最高比特币10个,莱特币400个。

On the basis of the specific situation, the OKCoin line revealed that, as of 31 May, the OKCoin line had gradually resumed its operations, which was currently in a trial phase. At the value of the withdrawal, the clients had 20 bitcoins a day, and the Leitco coin 200 bills a day. The money network also confirmed that the platform had gradually resumed its operations in the afternoon of 1 June. With regard to the limits, there were 50 bitcoins per day, 50 per day, 5,000 per day, 5,000 per day, and 5,000 per day, in the same room, and 5,000 per day. Bitco’s China also indicated to China’s online finance correspondent that the platform had resumed its presence, provided that it was through the new wind control system (including video verification).


It is noteworthy that this was the first time that the three main platforms had been opened since the Central Bank launched an investigation in January this year.


On 11 January 2017, the Central Bank took up the Bitcoin and Lightcoin trading platforms such as the “Mart Currency Network” and the “Money Line” and conducted on-site inspections on the implementation of foreign exchange regulations, anti-money-laundering and related financial laws and regulations, as well as on the management of trading sites. On 25 January, the Central Bank issued a further circular, in the light of the preliminary examination of the previous period and the problems identified, the Unit decided to continue to conduct further checks on payment settlements, anti-money-laundering, foreign exchange management, information and financial security.


On the afternoon of 8 February, the inspection team of the Department of Business Management of the Central Bank conducted additional interviews with the other leading officials of the nine Bitcoin trading platforms in Kyoto, informing them of the current problems with the Bitcoin trading platforms and setting out four clear requirements: that financial operations such as the financing of coins should not be carried out in violation of the law; that money-laundering should not be involved; that financial laws and regulations relating to money-laundering, foreign exchange management and payment settlements should not be violated; and that legal provisions such as the regulation of State taxation and commercial advertising should not be violated.


In the evening of the same day, the three main platforms, Bitcoin China, the Signal Network and OKCoin, issued an announcement calling for the upgrading of the anti-money-laundering system to completely suspend the operations of Bitcoin and Lightcoin.


Currently, with regard to the review of operations such as anti-money-laundering, the three main trading platforms state that the anti-money-laundering working mechanisms are constantly in place.


According to the OKCOin Bank, the anti-money-laundering working mechanisms are constantly well developed and the workflow optimized, taking into account years of operational experience and a range of effective anti-money-laundering activities and initiatives carried out and implemented jointly with industry counterparts.


“An anti-money-laundering effort, as a long and difficult task, will continue to be pursued as a long-term priority in the future, with a strict anti-money-laundering regime, a continuous and robust working mechanism and effective prevention of the risk of money-laundering.” The online financial journalists of China will be informed about the development of the OKCOin currency.


The new AML system will allow users to monitor their behaviour more closely and reduce the risk of money-laundering more effectively, while also safeguarding their rights and interests. As a result, the AML network has gradually resumed its operations.

比特币中国方面,据路透社报道,平台恢复提现是基于“了解你的客户”(KYC)及反洗钱系统(AML) 升级后的结果。

For its part, Bitcoin China, according to Reuters, the resumption of the platform is based on the results of the upgrade of the “Know Your Customer” (KYC) and the Anti-Money Laundering System (AML).


Recently, Bitcoin prices have risen all the way, with media reports claiming that they have risen 3 million times in eight years. As of today, data from the OkCoin Bank show that Bitcoin was recently paid close to $17,000.




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