创新还是噱头?元宇宙戏剧怎么看 怎么玩?

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:86 评论:0



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“Good evening, guests, viewers, media friends, and global theatrers! I am the AI Human Watch, MERRO, from China.” On April 15, the first Strong Festival of Sphinx Cosmos was officially opened in Beijing at 798 CUBE, with the virtual human image shaped by AIGC and TTS technologies, and will last until May 7 .


It's the opening of the Won-Coscene Theatre Festival!


At the opening ceremony, the 798 CUBE boxhouse was pre-configured as a immersion scene, and the creators tried to create improvising ways of fully collapsing the most primitive thinking and perception and, in the convergence of imagination and technology, pushing the future door of the “Mencosmos+Drama” with pioneering visual expression.


The Festival also invited Liu Xiaowei's CAA architectural firm to design a theatre city floating in the world of Won cosmos — the “Agnostic Theatre” — which is currently located in the first-ever national Yuan cosmopolitan space platform developed by 100 degrees.

由清华大学美术学院教授、知名新媒体艺术家王之纲设计的多媒体影像作品《域·阈The maze》将现场观众引入想象的世界。该作品以数字化形态和先锋艺术表达,传递出对人、科技与艺术的不断思考。

A multimedia video, The Maze, designed by the University of Qinghua School of Fine Arts and a renowned new media artist, has introduced viewers to the world of imagination. It is digitalized and spearheaded by art, which transmits constant thinking about people, technology, and art.


The multiplicity of patterns in the drama stage, the unknown and possible nature of the meta-cosmos, fills the undefined possibilities of the Sphinx-Cosmos Festival.


What's Faust like?



At the turn of the century, Menginghui boldly adapted Goethe's classic name to Faust, known as The Pirate Faust, and moved to China's small theatre for 33 concerts; and on the evening of 31 December 1999, a special inter-century event was held to allow all viewers to accompany Faust's journey to Mars to welcome the new century.


After more than 20 years, Menginghui raised the most fashionable flag of the time, and chose the classic Faust to open the scene of the first Sphinx cosmopolitan drama. Indeed, for many people, it is not clear what is really the meta-cosmos, let alone the drama, but it really inspires public curiosity: do you know what new things Ming and his responders are going to play; , the drama of the meta-cosm, is a new drama revolution, or is it just a head or label?


Seeing only a multi-media screen with the huge Faust name on the stage of the Beehive Theatre, several of the VR's employees are in the process of testing the device. The two men in a red black coat, very punk-style, give a brief description of Faust's original intent, and use six sets of figures related to his work, invite the six viewers who sit in the seats associated with these numbers and put them on VR devices to enter the so-called “cosmos Faust” world. But, for most viewers, it is only possible to watch “digitized” actors on large screens in virtual illusions like electronic game scenes.


Ten minutes later, the VR section ended, and the viewers returned to their seats, the big screens rose, the stage, designed by Zhang Wu and characterized by a consistent “Men's beauty”, and the performance was restored to the same performance style as the Meng stage. On the stage, the giant gothic figure, the eyes of the mysterious owls, bottles of wine, clocks, books, television sets, washing machines, etc., was created by actors who exaggerate and interpret dramas and characters in a crazy, absurd, playful Mongw way. One black and two punk actors were originally divided devils; and Faust was no longer a proficient scholar, but turned into depressed young whites.


In the midst of laughter, anger, madness and subversion, Menginghui has once again completed the deconstructing of Faust, but does not seem to really meet the audience's expectations of the “Men-Cosmos Theatre”.


In fact, Menjinghui has been keenly aware of the changes and new things of our times. The Fusted of Goethe has been trying to confront the illusions of life through knowledge and exploration throughout his life, while the devil has opened the door to his desires by “concording with the soul” and allowing him, in his destiny to indulge in his own desires, to be envied by all the people of the world and to lose what he once had.


If, with the power of classic works, “theatrical drama” can provide people with a calm and sober view of current technological developments, rather than simply a blind pursuit of current technological trends; or if “theatrical” is an art vehicle that is as realistic as “the meta-cosm” mapping and interactive virtualism in its own right, and that can also reflect on the potential of science and technology to change and even alienate people, the work will have a stronger sense of power, both in form and content, and will inspire deeper thinking.


But for the time being, Goethe's great, Faust's classic, and the "Main Cosmic Theatre" is still being explored.


What are you looking at at at


The a group of 100 domestic and foreign theatre artists who will bring together 65 pan-dramatic works covering many cities around the world, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Anaya, New York, Paris and Berlin.


In addition to Monking Faust as the premiere of the world’s first medieval cosmic drama festival, there is Liu Liang’s drama, the Oracle of Mankind, which the audience will walk in the real spaces of the city and the sea, mix the reality of the virtual world with the reality of the real world through MR, and combine mobile performances with the real crowds. Both Li’s founding director, The World’s Day of the World’s Day and the Deformation Book, will be playing at the Mesquiscodramatic Theatre Festival, and will be tangled in absurd stories.


On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Huang Xiaoqiao's performance, "A Letter from a Strange Woman" will be the twin drama "A Embrace of a Strange Woman" in the gallery space, using VR-specific immersion and interaction features and combining maze devices, glass dances, etc., to allow viewers to “fall into the arms of a strange woman.” At Sybo theatre, Sun Xiaoxing will bring the second meta-drama "America North of the Showglass Zoo". In addition to this, there will be such seminal works as "Odipus and Mechanical Orths" by Chen, who has long been working on theatre and artificial intelligence research, the "Othero-Colleuvre for Pigs" by Wang Quim, and the "Despite of Death in the Brain" by Han.


In addition to regular theatre performances, the Festival explores its various forms and possibilities, including art galleries, malls, communities, etc., as well as online displays on Internet platforms to create and distribute communities for the production and distribution of content in the continuous meta-coastal “pane” content. Seventeen leading technology companies, both domestic and foreign, are putting their imaginary wings into the Festival, and virtuals, AI, flora and fauna will also be the leading actors in the drama.


How's that going?


How else can we play besides watching? The answer to the first annual space drama festival in the world is: brings out your creativity to create a co-consensus universe.

在元宇宙戏剧节这个大舞台上,人人都可以化身为元宇宙的原住民、戏剧节的创造者,共享流量共襄盛举。真正的元宇宙戏剧节不仅仅是在线观看,更是要进场参与 。因此这将是一场用戏剧性、想象力和情感链接现实与虚拟世界,打破疆域界限、时间限制,线上线下联动的大派对。

On the great stage of the Meso-Cosmos Festival, everyone can be a co-founder of the metro-cosmos, a co-founder of the drama. The real metro-cosm Festival is not just an online viewing, but also an on-the-ground participation. So it will be a big party with dramatic, imaginative and emotional links to reality and virtual worlds, breaking boundaries, time limits, and wire-to-line connections.


Starting with the idea of the “Main Cosmic Theatre Festival”, several sponsors shared a vision: to create a two-dimensional, virtual, and realistic experience of the meta-cosm for global art fans. To that end, a number of visionary pioneers in national science and technology were assembled to achieve depth and creative cooperation in technology, hardware, fields, and content.


Why do you want to be a metropolis drama festival?


The first Sphinx Won Cosmos Theatre Festival was hosted by the Beijing Theatreists Association and the Beijing Youth Theatre Workers Association and the Beijing Xiaomei Culture and Media Ltd., and was made by the Director of Theatre Festival Arts of Menjinghui, the Director-General of Liu Liang, the Director-General of Planning of Nie Jingma, and Chen Yin, the Chief Technical Adviser for the Won Cosmos, with Sun Xiaoxing, Chen Xiaoqing, Wang Ying and Zhang Wu as independent policy promoters. 798 were invited as “Chief artistic eco-strategy partners” for the Festival.


Liu Qing said: "As a result of the changes and developments in time, technology, AI's artificial intelligence, the changes in modes of communication and new visual relationships, and the emergence of the dramatic arts, both in content and in expression, changes are bound to occur. Change is something that we all have to do." In Liu's view, there will be a new kind of visual relationship, and what is the future of the theatre? What is the role of the actor? How is it? There are many things to imagine and practice in common. "The first Sphinx Festival of the Cosmodrome allows imagination to clash with science and technology, breaks boundaries, and works to expand a new understanding of the nature of the drama and its future. Trying to break the limits of the original geography, space and time, to finish the drama, narratives and the creation of emotions in the meta-cosmos world. That's why we want to do it. It's just the beginning."

(原标题:创新还是噱头?元宇宙戏剧怎么看 怎么玩?)

来源:艺绽微信公众号 记者 王润





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