
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:58 评论:0
  5月28日,一段“毛主席”现身2018博鳌亚洲区块链论坛的视频被热传,“毛主席”扮相的特型演员在演讲中称“我以毛泽东的名义感谢你们”。On 28 May, a &...



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On 28 May, a & & ldquo; Chairman Mao & & rdquo; a video showing the Asian Block Chain Forum at 2018, & & & & & rdquo; President Mao & & & & & & & & & & & & & & character performers called & & & & ldquao in their speeches; I thank you in the name of Mao Zedong.


After the incident, several institutions that were listed as members of the organizing committee and members of media cooperation announced that they had not participated or cooperated with the forum. Forum Asia also stated that there had been no prior contact with Forum Asia in the block chain, and Forum Asia was purely & & ldquo; a lying gun & & rdquao;


A block chain forum was known to the public in a video and a statement, while the content of the event, the significance of the event, was ignored, and it was embarrassing and inconspicuous.


Who is hosting this event? What is the chain of interest behind the forum?


& ldquao; Mao Zedong & rdquao; actor:


& ldquao; I don't know the block chain, just to help & rdquao;


According to the agenda of the event, Mao Zedong's speaker was Xu Guoxiang, a special actor.



In his opening remarks, he called & ldquao; I thank you in the name of Mao Zedong & & rdquao; and then the video of the speech went crazy on the Internet.


At noon, the Organizing Committee of the Asian Block Chain Forum issued an announcement stating that the Congress had been officially held after the normal observance of the laws and regulations had been completed by the public security organs. Mr. Xu's statements did not represent those of the Convening Committee.


Since then, journalists have searched the video and found that it had been processed in the frame.


The search for a Chinese pioneer (ID:xjbmaker) contacted Xu Guoxiang, a special actor who admitted that he had participated in the block chain and made an act.


He claimed that he did not know the chain of blocks, nor did he touch the chain of blocks before. The event was introduced by a friend, “ they said it was the Asian chain, and I wanted to unite the people of Asia, so I agreed. I didn't know what they were doing. ” he said that he was taking part in the chain of blocks for “ & & & rdquao; & & & & & ; listen to & rdquao.


In his speech, he said & ldquo; in the name of Mao Zedong, I thank you & & & rdquo; before that, Xu said & & & & & dquo; and in the name of Mao, I thank you for your outstanding contribution to the great revival of the Chinese nation in the struggle against the internal and external enemies for national independence and the free happiness of their people. & & rdquo; you & & rdquo; you are the people who contributed.


He stated that since the video was distributed online, many people had been verbally abused by text messages.


For this speech, one viewer on the scene said that the actor had indeed made such a statement, but that the intention expressed was not predictable.


The Circular on the Prohibition of the Use of Party and State Leaders'Images for Commercial Promotion, issued by the General Directorate of State Administration of Commerce and Industry, stipulates that enterprises are prohibited from using the name and image of party and State leaders for any form of commercial promotion, and from using the image, title or the image of party and State leaders, including those who have left or died, or from using special actors to promote products or services in the image of leaders.


brushed & ldquao; disclaimer & rdquao;


Information on the Asian Block Chain Forum dates back to 6 May this year. According to public information, the inaugural meeting of the Asian Block Chain Forum Committee and the signing of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement were held on that day.

  组委会宣称,论坛组委会由币块财经、中国区块链创投联盟、云链科技、蚂蚁区块链联盟、点点资本、嘻哈财经、B20区块链爱好者联盟、DAPPLABS、蜂鸟传媒、熊猫资本、TOKEN CLUB、光速资本、区块链创业学院、中天国际、量子比特币共同参与发起,工信部中国信息产业网为论坛“指导单位或特别支持单位”。

The Organizing Committee stated that the Forum Committee had been co-sponsored by the Monetary Economy, the China Block Chain Innovation Alliance, Cloud Chain Technology, the Ant Block Chain Alliance, Point Capital, hip-hop Finance, the B20 Band-Labs, the DAPPLABS, the Hummingbird Media, Panda Capital, Token CLUB, Light Speed Capital, the Block Chain Entrepreneurship Institute, China Sky International, Quantum Bitco, the China Information Industry Network of the Ministry of Technology and Communications, the Forum & ldquao; the Steering Unit or Special Support Unit & rdquao;


It can also be seen in the campaign's poster campaign that 36 kryptonium, Mars finance media are used as &ldquao; co-organizing media & & rdquao; or & & rdquao; supporting media & rdquao;


However, the Committee's assertions have been rejected by a number of parties.


The Panda Capital Statement states that Panda Capital did not participate in or cooperate with the 2018 Asian Block Chain Forum. The forum featured & ldquao; Panda Capital & rdquao; the non-Panda Capital (actual manager is & ldquao; Shanghai Abe Brothers Investment Management Ltd & & rdquao;).




But the name is similar to that of another well-known investment agency & & ldquao; & & rdquao; and when looking for Chinese creators to contact relevant Chinese staff, they claim that they are not light speed capital as mentioned by the organizers of the event.


The founder of the Martian Book, Wang Feng, also declared in his personal circle of friends that & ldquo; I strongly condemned the so-called &lsquao; the & rsquao conference on the Bodimental Block Chain; this unpoliticized low-class marketing, and called for a boycott of this mosaic conference, which is no longer necessary. & & rdquao;



In the afternoon, 36 kryptons also issued a statement stating that 36 kryptons had been added to the co-sponsorship media without permission by the Box Chain Forum, in violation of the name of 36 kryptons, and that the sponsors had been asked to correct it for the first time.

  寻找中国创客(ID:xjbmaker)还发现,TokenClub创始人、CEO高同也在个人朋友圈声明表示,“正在海南博鳌举行的‘博鳌区块链大会’海报所示的主办方TOKEN CLUB并非我们TokenClub。”

The search for China's founder (ID:xjbmaker) also found that TokenClub's founder, CEO High Representative, also stated in his personal circle of friends that & ldquao; &lsquao, which was being held in Hainan Bojang; & rsquao, which was a block chain conference; and Token CLUB, the host of the poster, was not TokenClub. & & rdquao;


In addition to this, there are suspicions of porcelain & ldquao; porcelain & rdquao; and porcelain & & rdquao.


In the afternoon of 28 May, the secretariat of the Bojong Forum for Asia responded to the search for a journalist from China who stated that they had taken note of the Bojong Asian Block Chain Forum held in Hainan, which had nothing to do with the Bojong Forum for Asia, which was purely `ldquo'; lying gun & rdquao;


According to the staff member, “ many of the activities now take place in the Bounty area, even at the Bounty main venue, are called ‘ the XXXX Forum & rsquo; and & & rdquao, who says that if there is a violation, there will be accountability.


In various statements and rumours, the two-day conference continued. However, several live videos and pictures show that various units on the site have covered up and even cut off their brand LOGO on the Forum board.


Who's the real host?


Who is behind the forum? The search for China's creator (ID:xjbmaker) found that money was ranked first in the host's presentation.


Subsequently, the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Finance, Zhang Guofang, told the search for China's founder that it was indeed one of the sponsors, but that it was meeting without answering other questions from journalists.


The identity shown in Zhang’s personal micro-letter includes not only monetary and financial information, but also quantum bitcoin, China’s block-linking alliance, and the Ministry of Trade and Communications’s block-chain entrepreneurship college. The China block-linking coalition is also one of the sponsors of this block-chain forum.


According to public sources, the currency accounts are a chain of blocks from the media, and their introduction is called “ they share all the knowledge and information related to all the encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin, Latcoin, Ethio, etc. & rdquao; their website news items were first released on 20 March this year.


The company was founded on 23 May 2013, with a registered capital of 1 million yuan, with Zhang founding and Kang's share of 50% each.




Planning meeting to uncover the chain of blocks:


Attractors, some hosts & ldquao; two-headed & rdquao;


The open presentation of the Asian Block Chain Forum revealed that the Forum & & ldquo; in the context of the current state of development and future trends of the global block chain industry, actively showcased the technological innovations of the block chain to all sectors of society as a meeting to take stock of the development of the global block chain industry & rdquao;


According to the programme of the meeting, 28 days were “ entry, opening of the Asian Block Chain Forum & & rdquo; & & & ldquo; keynote address & & & rdquo; keynote address, round-table forum & & rdquo; & & & & & rdquo; & & & ldquo; & & ldquo; theme lecture & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & &, & & & &, & & & & ; &, &, & & & & &, & & & &. &... & & & & &, & & & & & & & &. & & &. &. & & & & & & & & & @ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &


How can the Forum be profitable? According to the Forum’s link page at the registration and electronic ticket service platform & ldquo; & & rdquao; it shows that the general audience needs to buy a ticket to the meeting with a minimum of 398 votes per person, a VIP ticket of 1680 dollars per person, and a VIP ticket of 2980 dollars per person per person. But this link is not open in the afternoon and is suspected to be & ldquao; & rdquo; and a statement is issued to end cooperation with the Forum.


An inviteee from the industry told the search for the Chinese founder (ID:xjbmaker), the whole state of the meeting & & ldquao; the more exciting & rdquao; the entire course of the meeting was called & & & & & & & rdquao; the speeches or forums did not show results, whereas the purpose of his meeting was & & & ldquao; and a change of name & & rdquao with the big coins.


The head of the market for a meeting planning company told the Chinese founder that he had taken over three meetings in two months in connection with the block chain, & & & & & & quo; these meetings were mostly marketing meetings. Some big guys and guests were invited to stand up, sponsored by several companies, money-giving companies, and then attracted a group of money-spillers. He didn't have to do much, he could eat both.




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