
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:66 评论:0
  甘肃会宁:办理一起跨两省四市特大电信网络诈骗案   南茂林 赵元桂   “下面开始宣判:被告人黄某犯诈骗罪,判处有期徒刑十二年,并处罚金10万元……”伴随着清脆的法槌声,这起跨陇粤两省四市的特大电信网络诈骗案落下帷幕,12名被告人得到...



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  南茂林 赵元桂


“The following sentence was handed down: the accused was sentenced to a term of 12 years' imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 yuan for fraud,” accompanied by the sound of a critique, which ended with a case of fraud by a mega-telecommunication network in four cities across the two provinces and resulted in the punishment of 12 defendants. In this case, more than 600 victims were found in Gansu alone, for a sum of more than 22.9 million yuan.


Pull the traps.


Use of virtual currency for windfall profit.


Since April 2020, Huang and Chu have served as baits for the production of false Apps, the creation of micro-message to promote the sale of the virtual digital currency they issue to the group members, and the management of the funds by means of settlement accounts purchased through non-conventional means for cash purposes.


“We set up a group of members, we bought from the family, we bought the gun, hens, etc., and we developed the downline through publicity and publicity, and then lured members of the group to buy and profited by deducting part of the principal of the downline personnel.” Liu Xiao, a member of the group, said.


A penny or two cents of five rows of coins, coins, hennies, each time on the virtual App trading platform, the handler sells a set amount of virtual currency to the head of the first class through “hunger marketing” and provides that the head of the first class sells to the head of the second class, the head of the household, and then receives 20 to 30 per cent of the sum of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars.


The Public Prosecutor's Office in Ning County, capital of Gansu province, Zhang Wei Jun, introduced the following: “In the back of the chain of distribution and promotion, there is no face-to-face between the members of the crime and the victims, but it is more of a direct transfer purchase, motivated by the temptation of profit. This practice of fraud is carried out by remote manipulation, non-contact, and captures the victim's desire for a high-yielding, high-yielding spirit in the short term, and induces the victim to make a payment or transfer for an illegal purpose.”


Early intervention


Directing public security organs to investigate and take evidence


“In view of the fact that the case was a crime of telecommunication fraud across regional networks, the number of persons involved was large, the amount involved was particularly large, and the fact that most of the contact between suspects, between suspects and victims, between fraudsters and payees was non-face-to-face, fixed evidence became the key to the resolution of the case.” Liu Hongmei, Deputy Attorney-General of the District Attorney's Office of Congning County, presented.


In view of the foregoing, the Chamber intervenes in the case as a matter of urgency and directs the public security organs to investigate and obtain evidence.


On 22 October 2020, 12 persons, including Huang and Chen, were referred by the public security organs to the Public Prosecution Service for examination and prosecution on suspicion of fraud.


Scratch cocoon.


Full chain analysis and precision of sentence.


In view of the complexity of the case, the number of persons involved, the different nature of the criminal acts committed by the various suspects in the case, their subjective intent and their position in the overall criminal system, the Silver City Prosecutor's Office and the Cong Ning County Prosecutor's Office jointly studied the evidentiary standards for purposes of accuracy and precision, and conducted a precise and analytical study on the collection of evidence in the case, the corroboration of confessions, the determination of common crimes and the qualification of the suspect's conduct, and the application of the law.


“We began with electronic evidence `scribing', full chain analysis, examination of evidentiary and carrier correlations between the persons involved, case analysis sessions, meetings of the Board of Inquiry to discuss issues such as the characterization of the crimes involved, a partial evaluation of the conduct of the suspects, a conviction in a staircase, and recommendations for precise sentencing.” Zhang Wing said.


At the end of the day, the County Public Prosecutor's Office of Cong Ning prosecuted three persons on fraud charges in order to assist in the prosecution of two persons in the case of information cybercrime activities in order to cover up and conceal the proceeds of crime in the case of three persons in the case of Cao Cao, in the case of three persons in the case of organizing and leading distribution activities in the case of Li Cao, and not in the case of suspicion in the case of Zhang.


On 3 July 2021, the court of first instance sentenced three of them to prison terms ranging from 11 to 12 years and a fine of 100,000 yuan for fraud; two of them to prison terms ranging from 1 to 2 years and a fine of 5,000 yuan for information cybercrime activities; three of Cao to prison terms ranging from 3 years to 4 to 10 months for covering up and concealing the proceeds of crime, and a fine ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, respectively; and three of Lee to prison terms ranging from 6 to 2 years for organizing and leading distribution activities, and three years for suspended sentences ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, respectively.


Recently, the court of second instance ruled against Chen's appeal and upheld the sentence.




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