GameFi是什麼?GameFi遊戲推薦4大必玩!GameFi排名及飛船 GameFi 3分鐘話你知!

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:49 评论:0
GameFi 是什麼?近年市場趨向以虛擬貨幣賺錢 (這裡稱GameFi 幣),虛擬世界有極大商業潛力,近年已伸延至GameFi 遊戲,因為 GameFi 遊戲有「打機賺錢」的元素,令GameFi 區塊鏈遊戲 (Blockchain Gam...



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GameFi 是什麼?近年市場趨向以虛擬貨幣賺錢 (這裡稱GameFi 幣),虛擬世界有極大商業潛力,近年已伸延至GameFi 遊戲,因為 GameFi 遊戲有「打機賺錢」的元素,令GameFi 區塊鏈遊戲 (Blockchain Game) 愈來愈多人追捧,其中亦引領不少未認識Crypto Currency 虛擬貨幣的年青人玩GameFi 賺錢。本文將介紹GameFi 意思、 GameFi 是什麼、 GameFi 排名、GameFi 介紹、GameFi 遊戲排行榜,以及近年被人熱捧的邊玩邊賺遊戲什麼意思一一介紹話你知!

What is this? The market has become increasingly popular in recent years, leading young people who don't know Crypto Currence to make money in GameFi's virtual currency. You will know what the GameFi means, what GameFi is, GameFi's ranking, GameFi's introduction, GameFi's list, and what it means to play side games in recent years!

GameFi Game與 NFT息息相通,編輯推介你先睇:NFT遊戲推薦:7個你不能不玩的NFT遊戲,如何買賣NFT版Pokemon可月賺近5萬?

GameFi Game is connected to NFT. Edited to promote: NFT game recommended: 7 NFT games you can't quit, how can you buy and sell the NFT version Pokemon close to 50,000 a month?

此外,NFT股票也是近年投資的好工具,即睇 NFT 股票 這3隻要留意!NFT 概念股投資前景2022你要立即看!

In addition, NFT stocks are a good tool for recent years' investments: NFT stocks.

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Please contact: GameFi 是什麼

  • GameFi 遊戲
  • GameFi 遊戲排行榜
  • GameFi 遊戲
  • GameFi,意思是Game finance,由 MixMarvel CSO Mary Ma 在 2019年首次提出,遊戲中加入了金融屬性的元素。2020年時,DeFi 發展趨向TraDeFi,即是交易類型的DeFi,而未來DeFi將變得更遊戲化。Gamefi強調邊玩邊賺(Play to Earn),一邊享受遊戲樂趣、一邊賺取金錢,以前阿媽最怕子女打機成隱無前途,反之現在「打機賺錢」的GameFi 年代已經來臨了!

    GameFi, meaning Game finance, was first proposed by Mexico CSO Mary Ma in 2019, with financial attributes added to the game. In 2020, developed to TradeFi, a trading-type DeFi, and in the future DeFi will become more games.

    GameFi 遊戲那麼熱門及好似好容易賺錢,有媒體指有網民玩 飛船 GameFi遊戲 Cryptomines時,投入成本 $35,000,10天內已可回本 $35,000 ,之後並且可以每天收入$3500 !

    The game of GameFi is so popular and so easy to make money, and there's a media that says there's a flyer game of GameFi Cryptomines that costs $35,000 and returns $35,000 in 10 days, and then $3,500 a day!

    飛船 GameFi

    飛船 GameFi 是什麼? 飛船 GameFi 就是 GameFi 遊戲 Cryptomine ,亦即是 Pay to Earn 的新Crypto Game 模式。

    The ship GameFi is the GameFi game Cryptomine, the new Crypto Game mode of Pay to Earn.

    飛船 GameFi
    GameFi 遊戲中- 飛船 GameFi Cryptomines 是近期比較熱門的 GameFi Game

    飛船 GameFi教學

    其實該網民玩的就是知名 飛船GameFi 遊戲 Cryptomines,玩家要先用 Crypto 買飛船及工入,飛到不同星球挖礦 (Mining) ,因為不同等級的GameFi 飛船有不同的戰鬥力 (其實是計算能力),所以愈高等級算力的GameFi 飛船成本就更高,當然,當 飛船飛到其他星球掘礦時就更快!

    In fact, it's known as the GameFi game Cryptomines, where the first player buys a ship and an inbound ship and flies to different planets to dig for mining (Mining), because the different levels of GameFi have different combat capabilities (which are calculated), the higher the cost of the higher-rated GameFi ship is, of course, faster when the ship flies to other planets to dig for mining!

    GameFi 遊戲Cryptomines 由玩家詳細講解遊戲攻略如何玩 GameFi 賺錢

    當然跟Bitcoin 及 Ether 一樣,愈早入場挖礦,挖到的機會就愈高,這亦解釋很少人會再入場玩太知名的 NTF 遊戲,因為機會率愈來愈低,整個GameFi 遊戲亦被早入場的Gamefi 遊戲玩家以某程度的巨資操控,令到新入場的人成本偏高而卻步。

    Like Bitcoin and Ether, of course, the sooner the mine is dug, the higher the chances are, which explains that very few people come back to the well-known NTF games because the chances are getting lower and the whole GameFi game is being manipulated by early-entry Gamefi players to some extent to make new arrivals costly.

    DeFi 意思有2種:

    • DeFi全名是Decentralized FinanceNFT技術在Fintech 中的應用之一。DeFi是一個在以太坊區塊鏈上開發出來的金融應用程式,DeFi+NFT,意思是在DeFi 裡引入NFT作抵押
    • 遊戲DeFi 化,在遊戲中加入金融商業屬性,令玩家在玩遊戲同時可以賺錢,收益比遊戲好玩度重要

    編輯推介: DeFi 是什麼? DeFi 教學 3分鐘教你學識 DeFi

    Edit communication: DeFi?


    GameFi official URL:

    GameFi 遊戲排行榜如下,排名根據2021年10月28日GameFi官網”Top Favorite-Game list”的最受歡迎走勢而定。

    The GameFi game has the following rankings, which are based on the most popular trends of GameFi & #8221; Top Favorite-Game List” of October 28, 2021.


    GameFi 排名GameFi
    1Mech Master
    5Kaby Arena
    7World of Cryptia
    8Planet Sandbox
    GameFi 排行榜 (截至2021年10月28日 依照 GameFi官網”Top Favorite-Game list”而排序)

    GameFi 遊戲第一位: Mech Master

    GameFi Ranking 第二位是誰?Mech Master是首款3D機甲NFT遊戲,是一種具有戰略RPG元素的策略GameFi遊戲,玩家可通過遊戲和智能交易賺取代幣(或稱 GameFi 幣),然後在交易平台轉換成真實貨幣。

    GameFi Ranking, who is the second? Mech Master is the first 3D ANAFT game, a tactical GameFi game with tactical RPG elements, where players can make money (or GameFi coins) in lieu of games and smart transactions, and then convert it to real currency on a trading platform.

    Mech Master擁有最龐大的資產庫之一,玩家可以通過交易來建立最強大的機甲陣容。遊戲中幾乎所有物品都是由玩家根據玩家找到的材料創建的。它們將成為玩家自己的獨特資產,在交易市場上非常有價值。其中Moonland 是Mech Master中第一個交互式 3D 虛擬月球世界,分為多個地區,每個地區都由一個獨特的NFT代表。玩家可以個性化月地、採礦、建造月球基地和特殊設施。建造設施後,您可以為所有玩家開放租賃服務,以提升你的NFT的價值。

    Mech Master owns one of the largest assets, and the players can make the most powerful aircrews by trading. Almost all the items in the game are created by the players on the basis of the material found by the players. They will be unique to the players themselves and very valuable in the trading market. Moonland is the first interactive 3D moon world in Mech Master, divided into several regions, each of which is represented by a unique NFT. Players can create their own moon, mine, build moon bases and special facilities. After construction, you can open rental services for all players to enhance the value of your NFT.


    Official URL:

    GameFi Mech Master

    GameFi 遊戲第二位:Faraland

    Faraland 是一個結合 NFT 技術和劇情冒險遊戲體驗的創新項目,玩家可以擁有使用區塊鏈技術 (NFT) 創建的複雜數字收藏。Faraland 中的所有 NFT 都可以在以後集中到 Faraland 遊戲中,令其更有價值。每個 Faraland Hero NFT都是獨一無二的,並且每個都有不同的稀有度。此外,遊戲中的職業系統多樣化,令每個NFT英雄都成為Faraland的真正公民。

    Faraland is a new project that combines the experience of NFT technology and drama adventure games, where players can have a complex collection of numbers created using block-link technology (NFT). All NFTs in Faraland can be added to value by concentrating later on in the Faraland game. Each Faraland Hero NFT is unique and rare. Moreover, the professional systems in the game are so diverse that every NFT hero becomes a true citizen of Faraland.

    Faraland的邊玩邊賺錢機制是,玩家獲得獎勵作為材料、GameFi 幣、遊戲內物品,而物品可以在市場上進行p2p交易。

    Faraland's money-making scheme is that players are rewarded as materials, GameFi coins, and items in the game, which can be traded at p2p on the market.


    Official URL:

    GameFi 介紹
    GameFi遊戲 Faraland

    GameFi 排行第三位:MyMasterWar

    MyMasterWar 是一個遊戲生態系統,區別在於將NFT技術應用於遊戲以及 Free Play to Earn 模式。遊戲將遊戲中的將軍角色和裝備等遊戲物品放在NFT上,幫助玩家體驗遊戲並永久透明地擁有這些。與許多其他 NFT 遊戲不同,My Master War NFT在開始遊戲時不需要玩家花任何錢就可以開始。當玩家需要購買物品和升級VIP等級時,他們需要支付少量的錢來做這些事情。這也是一種以後產生利潤的投資。遊戲玩家可以通過邀請他人玩遊戲、在市場上交易 NFT 代幣等方法賺錢.邊玩邊賺遊戲什麼意思?MyMasterWar這個遊戲模式就是邊玩邊賺!

    MyMasterWar is a game life system that differentiates the use of NFT technology in games and Free Play to Earn models. The game places games such as general roles and equipment in the game on NFT, helping to play a player's game and permanently and transparently owns them. Unlike many other NFT games, My Master War NFT does not start at any cost to a player. When players need to buy goods and upgrade VIPs, they have to pay a small amount of money to do these things. This is also an investment that will generate profits.


    Official URL:

    GameFi 意思是什麼
    GameFi遊戲 MyMasterWar

    GameFi Ranking第四位:HeroVerse

    GameFi 是什麼
    GameFi遊戲 HeroVerse

    HeroVerse 受 Empire & Puzzles 和 Candy Crush 概念的啟發,將收入最高的手機遊戲類型如消消樂及RPG 策略帶入NFT領域。 HeroVerse 有4種方式讓用戶賺錢,如在遊戲市場上出售英雄和相關物品出租、借扭蛋機會得到珍貴、稀有的英雄即可獲利等,切合了邊玩邊賺包含玩家遊戲體驗和開放經濟概念的商業模式。

    HeroVerse, inspired by the Empire & Puzzles and Candy Crush concepts, brings into the NFT domain the highest-income types of mobile games, such as dissipation and the RPG strategy. HeroVerse has four ways in which users can make money, such as selling heroes and related items in the game market, renting precious and rare heroes with the opportunity to twist their eggs, etc., in line with the business model of playing while making profits that include player games experience and open-economy concepts.

    以上介紹了4個熱門GameFi 遊戲,不知道你又有沒有興趣寓遊戲於娛樂,邊玩邊賺?其實除了GameFi 遊戲和NFT遊戲,PS5遊戲雖然不能邊玩邊賺,但仍有其樂趣,即睇 PS5 遊戲 大作名單33隻必玩要即看!33大 PS5遊戲推薦 PS5遊戲名單 常更新!

    Four popular GameFi games have been introduced, and I don't know if you're interested in playing games for entertainment while playing for profit. In fact, except for the GameFi and NFT games, the PS5 games, although they can't be made while playing, have fun, which is to see PS5 games, 33 of which must be played! 33 big PS5 games recommended PS5 games are frequently updated!

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    NFT? A jpg sold to HK$500 million! 3 minutes to understand NFT non-assimilated currency!


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