
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:72 评论:0
币界网报道: XpansionChain(XPC)是一个新一代的以太坊(Ethereum)Layer2智能扩展链。它旨在提高区块链的可扩展性和性能,同时保持高度的安全性和去中心化特性。Xpansio...



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Xpansion Chain (XPC) is a new generation of Etheeum Layer2 intelligent extension chains. It aims to increase the scalability and performance of block chains, while maintaining a high level of security and decentralisation. Xpansion Chain uses the zk-Rollup agreement, a technology based on zero-knowledge proof, for high-volume and low-cost transactions.


Xpansion Chain is part of the Web3.0 ecosystem and aims to provide infrastructure and solutions for Web3.0 development. The Xpansion Chain features of decentralisation, openness, user-oriented data security and privacy protection, smart contracts and connectivity are consistent with the principles and objectives of Web3.0 and contribute to the development and evolution of the next generation of the Internet.


而在今年,XpansionChain参加了新加坡Token2049“Web3 Aisa Power”论坛,也将于2023年9月16日在香港与各单位联合主办第三届湾区元宇宙大会暨AIGC、RWA发展论坛。在亚洲,香港与新加坡均是Web3的重要城市,也各有其优势和挑战,本文也将从Web3政策、Web3人才两方面来比较这两个城市在Web3领域的表现和发展前景。

And this year, Xpansion Chain participated in the Token 2049 “Web3 Aisa Power” forum in Singapore, and will co-host the Third Gulf dollar Cosmos Congress and the AIGC, RWA Development Forum in Hong Kong on September 16, 2023. In Asia, Hong Kong and Singapore are important cities in Web3 and have strengths and challenges, and this paper will also compare the performance and development prospects of the two cities in the Web3 area from the Web3 policy and Web3.



1.? Web3 policy


A friendly and stable policy environment can provide clear guidance and guarantees for Web3 projects and promote innovation and compliance.

香港政府在 2022 年 10 月 31 日发布了《有关香港虚拟货币发展的政策宣言》,标志着香港开始在 Web3.0 的舞台上崭露头角,展示了对虚拟资产创新有开放态度和坚定決心。

On October 31, 2022, the Hong Kong Government issued the Policy Declaration on the Development of the Virtual Currency in Hong Kong, which marked the beginning of Hong Kong's appearance on the web3.0 stage, demonstrating openness and determination to virtual asset innovation.


Singapore, for its part, introduced the Payment Services Act in 2019, which clearly identifies the number Token license plate. To date, its National Financial Authority (MAS) has provided more inclusive forms of green light regulation for areas such as DeFi.


In conclusion, while Singapore is freer in policy than Hong Kong, Hong Kong is more focused on providing a more flexible and inclusive environment for the Web3 project, while also safeguarding the soundness of the market and the interests of consumers.



2.? Web3 talent?


Talent is the core resource for Web3 development, including technology developers, entrepreneurs, managers, consultants, etc. The ability of a city to attract more people is also inextricably linked to the local cost of living, which includes expenditures on food, housing, transport, education, etc.


According to the latest published data from the Global Database website, Numbio, the cost-of-living index is higher in Singapore than in Hong Kong, where consumer prices are 17.7 per cent higher than in Hong Kong and rent is 38.4 per cent higher than in Hong Kong.


图 1?来源:Numbeo网站,新加坡与香港生活成本指数比较图


At the same time, Singapore's Quality of Life Index is about 45.79 higher than Hong Kong's, as Singapore's high-quality public services, such as health, education, transport and easy multi-type visas, provide a better and better living environment for skilled people, and enjoy a better quality of food at low prices in Singapore, while Hong Kong's prices are relatively higher.


图 2?来源:Numbeo网站,新加坡与香港生活质量指数比较图


Singapore has world-class universities, such as the Nanyang University of Technology (NTU) and the National University (NUS), which have developed a large number of scientific and technical talent.

香港也拥有在世界名列前茅的大学,在近年来也推出了一些人才政策支持,如优秀人才入境计划(Quality Migrant Admission Scheme)。然而,该计划也存在一些限制和不确定性,如配额有限、申请过程复杂、甄选结果难以预测等。

Hong Kong also has one of the highest universities in the world, and in recent years has introduced some talent policy support, such as the Qualitance Migrant Mission Scheme. However, there are some limitations and uncertainties in the scheme, such as limited quotas, complicated application processes, and unpredictable selection outcomes.


In conclusion, Singapore has a higher cost of living than Hong Kong, but a better quality of life than Hong Kong, depending on the individual's income level, lifestyle and consumption habits, with different advantages and priorities in terms of human education.



This paper presents a comparative analysis of Singapore and Hong Kong in the area of Web3 and examines the development of the cities in the area of Web3 from both the Web3 policy and the Web3 talent, both of which face different opportunities and challenges, depending on how they respond to changes in the external environment and how they use their strengths to create more value, while at the same time addressing their shortcomings.


TOKEN2049 是首屈一指的加密货币盛会,每年在新加坡举办,领先的 Web3 公司和项目的创始人和高管在会上分享他们对该行业的看法。关注全球发展,同时以独特且广阔的视角看待生态系统及其巨大机遇。TOKEN2049 汇聚了全球 Web3 行业,例如币安、KuCoin、Circle等,将企业家、投资者、开发者、业内人士和全球媒体联合起来创造了无与伦比的交流机会。Token2049交流会的参与者十分多元化,有币安的创建者与CEO——赵长鹏,Circle的合伙人与CEO——Jeremy Allaire,也有F1赛车手Daniel Ricciardo等等,人员跨度大、行业辐射广,能够将各行业融会贯通,找到Web3的共通之处,将区块链与Web3深入行业发展,从而推动世界发展。XpansionChain CMO Althaf Husain先生在此次交流会上也做了主题演讲,XpansionChain更为人所熟知,此次交流会上的观点对XpansionChain的未来发展也受益颇丰。

Token2049, which brings together entrepreneurs, investors, developers, insiders and the global media to share their views on the industry with the founders and executives of the leading Web3 Exchange, focuses on global development with a unique and broad view of the ecosystem and its great opportunities. Token2049, which brings together the global web3 industry, such as Cheonan, Kucoin, Circle, and others, brings together entrepreneurs, investors, developers, insiders and the global media to create an opportunity for non-comprehension. The Token2049 Exchange, whose participants are very diverse and whose creators and CEO-Chao-Ju, his partner, and CEO-Jeremy Allaire, as well as the F1 rider Daniel Riciando, who are able to bring industries together, find the intersections of Web3 and deepen the development of the industry in order to contribute to the development of the world.


XpansionChain参与的新加坡Token2049“Web3 Aisa Power”论坛和将于2023年9月16日在香港与各单位联合主办第三届湾区元宇宙大会暨AIGC、RWA发展论坛,都是旨在汇聚Web3领域的顶尖专家学者共同探讨区块链、Web3时代的发展未来,是一个供大家交流探索的绝佳机会。而XpansionChain参加两地会议也将更深刻感受到两地在Web3领域发展的不同优势,从而弥合各方优势,汇聚两地Web3技术新思想,将带领Web3开创一个全新时代!

The Token 2049 “Web3 Aisa Power” forum in Singapore, in which Xpansion Chain participated, and the third Gulf dollar cosmos conference and the AIGC, RWA Development Forum, to be co-hosted in Hong Kong on 16 September 2023, both of which were aimed at bringing together leading scholars in the area of Web3 to explore the chain of blocks, the future of the Web3 era, represent an excellent opportunity for all to share and explore. The participation of Xpansion Chain in both meetings will also give a deeper sense of the different advantages that have developed in the area of Web3, thus bridging the strengths and bringing together new ideas on Web3 technologies that will lead Web3 to a new era!




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