wiki是什么意思 ? Worktile社区

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wiki? In Hawaiian? ? means “??Quick?

wiki这个词在夏威夷语中??的意思是“??快速??”??,wiki的灵感来自檀香山机场巴士,称为Wiki Wiki Shuttle??。 ??Ward Cunningham是1995年Wiki Web的名列前茅位wiki软件开发人员和发明者,他选择这个术语是因为他称他的wiki为??“最简单的可能工作的在线数据库”。?

The word wiki is in Hawaiian? ? Meaning “? ????????? wiki's inspiration came from the Honolulu airport bus called Wiki Wiki Shuttle?????/em? Ward Cunningham was a 1995 Wiki developer and inventor of Wiki Web, who chose the term because he called his wiki?

?自Ward Cunningham以来,??wiki??这个词已经有了许多其他含义。在您的Web浏览器中快速搜索会告诉您,有些人将??wiki??识别为首字母缩略词,代表??我所知道的??或??世界互联网知识索引。?

♪ Since Ward Cunningham, the word ♪ wiki? ??? there are many other meanings. Quick searches in your Web browser will tell you that some people use the acronym? ? wiki?? ♪ ♪ ♪ m'em? ♪ or index?


? In short, wiki is a web site, database or online community managed by its users. Therefore, any user can add, edit or delete content. Wiki usually has different pages dedicated to different themes or themes. They are supported by technology called wiki engine or wiki software. In summary, Wiki has three uses:

wiki是一种多人协作的写作工具。Wiki站点可以有多人(甚至任何访问者)维护,每个人都可以发表自己的意见,或者对共同的主题进行扩展或者探讨。?公司 wiki 用于在团队中共享学习和知识。?

Wiki is a multi-person collaborative writing tool . Wiki sites can be maintained by many (and even by any visitor) and everyone can express their views, or expand or discuss common themes.


Some of the most common uses of the Wiki knowledge base are:

  • ?新员工入职 : ??Wiki 为新员工查找信息和培训材料提供了很好的资源。它们还将节省入职过程中的时间。?
  • ?共享公司资源: ??Wiki 是记录公司许多流程的绝佳工具。一旦填满了文档,wiki就会成为您的员工在需要回答紧迫问题时转向的资源。?
  • ?回答技术问题: ??为了避免员工一遍又一遍地向IT部门提出同样的问题,您可以在Wiki中包含技术常见问题解答部分。?
  • ?存储历史文档,政策和程序: ??大多数wiki的存档功能可以帮助您保持干净的界面,同时仍然挂在较旧的文档上,并记录公司历史记录。??
  • ?管理特定项目: ??如果您想集思广益,上传内容或以小组形式编写,Wiki页面也是很好的协作工具。?


Wikipedia is the world's largest Wiki system, and Wikipedia is a free content, publicly edited and multilingual web encyclopedia collaboration programme that allows everyone, including you, to simply use web browsers to modify its content. Wikipedia is taken from the web-based core technology, “Wiki” and the encyclopedia, which is now run by the Wikipedia Media Foundation.

维基百科主要是由网络上志愿者共同合作编写而成,任何使用互联网进入维基百科者都可以编写和修改里面的文章,但是在一些情况下为了避免扰乱或者破坏可能会限制编辑功能。我们可以自由选择使用匿名、化名或者直接用真实身份来编辑维基百科。与传统的百科全书相比,在互联网上运作的维基百科其文字和绝大部分图片使用GNU自由文件许可协议和知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0协议来提供每个人自由且免费的信息,任何人都可以成为条目的作者,以及在遵守协议并标示来源后直接复制、使用以及发布这些内容。

Wikipedia is written by volunteers working together on the Internet, and anyone who uses the Internet to access it can write and modify it, but in some cases it may restrict editing functions in order to avoid disruption or disruption. We can freely choose to use anonymity, aliases, or direct real identities to edit Wikipedia. Compared to the traditional encyclopaedia, Wikipedia's text and the vast majority of pictures on the Internet use the GNU Free File Licensing Agreement and Knowledge Sharing - a 3.0 protocol is shared in the same way to provide free and free information for everyone, and anyone can be the author of the entry and directly copy, use and publish the content after complying with the protocol and identifying the source.


Wiki search is also called a search engine. Wiki search refers to a system that automatically collects information from the Internet and, after some sorting, provides users with access to information. The information on the Internet is vast and unordered, and all information is like a small island on the ocean, with web links being a seamless bridge between these islands, while the search engine provides users with a visible map of information that they can access at any time.


The main difference between wiki and Wikipedia is that the former is actually a website or a website format. By contrast, Wikipedia is just a website that adheres to the Wikipedia format?

维基百科可能是当今世界上较受欢迎的wiki网站,因为许多人用它来研究各种主题。它的名字是Wiki和百科全书的混合体,它提供了你能想到的任何主题的信息。它的内容远远超过了你在典型的百科全书书籍中找到的内容。但是,互联网上还有其他wiki可用。这些其他wiki具有更集中的内容。例如,关于某些游戏和主题的 wiki 网站。他们可能没有大量的用户,但更集中的主题意味着你通常有更多关于你想要的主题的细节。?

Wikipedia may be the most popular wiki site in the world today, because many people use it to study a variety of topics. Its name is Wiki and the encyclopedia, which provides information on any subject you can think of. Its content goes far beyond what you find in typical encyclopedia books. But there are other wikis available on the Internet. These other wikis have more focused content. For example, the wiki sites on certain games and themes. They may not have a large number of users, but more focused subjects mean that you usually have more details about the topics you want.


维护快捷:快速删除、存取、更改超文本页面(这也是为什么叫作“wiki wiki”的原因)。

Maintains speed: deletes, accesss, changes the hypertext page (this is why it is called wiki wiki).

格式简单:用简单的格式标记来取代 HTML 的复杂格式标记。(类似所见即所得的风格) 。

Format Simple: Replace the complex HTML format tag with a simple format tag. (Similar to what you see and see)


Link convenience: Links (pages, external connections, images, etc.) are created by simple tags and directly by keywords.


The name is easy: the keyword is the name of the page and is placed in a single, flat name space.




Self-organized: As with the content of the page, the entire hypertext structure can be modified and evolved.


Convergence: Multiple duplicate pages of the system can be grouped together in one of them, and the corresponding link structure changes accordingly.



Growth: Linking targets for pages can not exist, and by clicking on links we can create these pages, thereby enabling the system to grow.


Revision history: to record the revised history of the page, all versions of which are available.




Open: Members of the community can create, modify and delete pages at will.


Visible: Changes in pages in the system can be observed by visitors.

Wiki 使跨地点和部门协作成为可能。如果您的团队是远程团队,则尤其如此,但Wiki可以使任何团队的工作流程更加高效。使用wiki的一些主要好处包括:?

Wiki makes it possible to work across locations and sectors. This is particularly true if your team is a remote team, but Wiki can make the workflow of any team more efficient. Some of the main benefits of using wiki are:


. According to McKinsey’s study, employees spend 20% of their time searching for information at work. If you are trying to do your job, the last thing you want to do is sort out the desktop files, browser tabs, emails, and chat lines randomly to find what you want to find.


♪ A good wiki not only concentrates information, but also contains powerful search features to help you find it faster. ♪


♪ Did you find yourself starting a new day by opening a few different applications or tools, ♪ ? Just to get the information? ♪


%Wiki does not start a new day in a fragmented manner, but provides you with a bird view of the project, strategy and workflow, and also contains integration, so that you can easily connect to a special tool containing more sophisticated data.

?我们都去过那里。 ??你有一个来自重要客户的紧迫问题,你无法找到公司中任何知道答案的人。幸运的是,wiki可以帮助你回避这个问题。?

We've all been there. ♪ /em ♪ ♪ You have an urgent question from an important client that you can't find anyone in the company who knows the answer to. Fortunately, wiki can help you avoid it.


{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} As a home for team knowledge, Wiki contains answers to frequently asked questions from companies. It can also host information about the planning and execution of specific projects. In each case, senior employees can add their expertise to wiki so that members of the junior team can develop their own solutions. New employees can still ask questions, but when they find their own answers, they feel a sense of ownership and achievement.


One of the benefits of making more information immediately accessible and empowering staff to work independently is that the demand for meetings becomes less pressing. Wiki does not eliminate face-to-face or Zoom meetings, but they can allow time for brainstorms or strategies, rather than looking back at basic knowledge over and over again.


{\wiki is very cost-effective. {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} There are many ways to start a business wiki, but you need to know that there are a variety of software tools that can help you. Most of the software is new, carefully designed, free of charge or at a reasonable price.


The Wiki engine not only helps you to create and quote information, but also allows you to create links between content.


? Last but not least, good wiki will store different versions of documents because they are edited, modified and developed in their life cycle?


? Anyone with permissions and editing permission can access and edit the documents they need. Their editing does not show cumbersome alarms, red lines, or comment boxes, but you can still view the previous version if necessary.


{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} Better yet, Wiki is easy to access. Your team members do not need to download any special software like the Word program.





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